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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10243117 No.10243117 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a social failure. I don't have anything worth living for or any reason to continue living. So I decided I'm going to study 18 hours a day and just master every single subject that exists.

Is there a scientific way to keep information retained forever without traumatizing myself?

Will I be able to become the best?

>> No.10243120

You won't make it a single day and then you'll just be even more of a self loathing self putting faggot shitting up the place

>> No.10243121


I already made it through day 1 jackass. Now fuck off or offer constructive and positive thoughts.

>> No.10243122

Here's my advice: off yourself clown

>> No.10243128

Instead of studying train your memory. There's no scientific way to keep information retained forever.
And you won't become the best. There is only so much you can learn on your own. Once you start getting into the bounders of known information thats when it takes worthwhile creative educated individuals to ask the right questions. And to construct the right experiments to answer those questions.
However, if you mean best in the sense that you can score 100% on exams, sure you can achieve that.

>> No.10243131


I dont care what you say. I'm going to be the best. Everybody will know my name and it will fill their hearts with envy and respect when they do.
Also thanks for no advice or positive criticism so far you cynical hateniggers.

>> No.10243142

Retard, he actually had a point
Advice:>train your memory

>> No.10243144

>master every single subject that exists.
that's impossible

you must specialize.

You cant be at same time a top surgeon, pilot, engineer, musician, painter, mathematician, chemist, lawyer, architect, linguist, economist etc.... at same time.

You have to pick few fields among the many fields that exists & specialize in them.

For example if you want to become a top electrical engineer, you have to master math, physics, programming, robotics, electrical circuits, electronics & related subjects...
Studying at same time Medieval History or Greek Philosophy in Depth for example would be just a distraction & make you lose focus.

>> No.10243148


I already am training my memory. But I have run out of memory places, so I can't use the Loci method anymore. I filled around 3000 points with different stuff from math and physics.

>> No.10243152

I don't care. I'm going to master as many as I can. Saying it's impossible is not going to stop me and it's also not helping.

>> No.10243155

Greek philosophy isn't a subject that extensive.
It's not impossible, but even if you do it, no one's going to give a shit. Pick a field and get great in it. If you reach unbelievable heights, like Einstein or Shakespeare, every normie will know about you.

>> No.10243160

Jack of many trades master of none...

>> No.10243162

Jack of *all trades master of none...

>> No.10243163

I can see why noone wants to be around you. You're a stubborn delusional faggot.

>> No.10243172
File: 181 KB, 1708x2560, 71Xl4odUUIL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm guessing you are an edgy teenager. Your parents probably scolded you for something that you did that was truthfully wrong. Now you think the world is against you. Think that your life is over even though ten years ago you were still wetting the bed.

What you need to do is read this. Trust me, that will be more valuable for you than reading about topics you don't have much background in to comprehend anyways.

>> No.10243177

OP here: I started training my speaking voice so people will remember me as the person that sounds like he is singing when he is speaking. I started to listen more and think positively strictly and get rid of negative thoughts so I have more brain space for my studies.
I don't believe in meditation or other occult/esoteric stuff but I figured that trying it can't hurt and if it works the gains may be substantial.
I also memorized a histology textbook but as I said, I'm running out of Loci points so I need to find something or a way to create more good points. As I never leave the house I can't possibly create new points, and video games consume too much time.
I'm going to achieve a level where people meet me and become so impressed that they will be moved to tears with my commitment and proficiency. I don't care if you think this is silly or stupid or impossible to achieve.
If you have positive feedback or constructive criticism I'll greatly appreciate it.

>> No.10243180 [DELETED] 

>>10243117 >>10243152
No one can master everything. And I can prove you...
Let's imagine that you wanna start your study from Humanities.

Foreign languages is a specialization of Humanities.
So to master Humanities you have to master all foreign languages.
There are hundreds of languages across the globe...
Russian, Greek, French, German, Japanese, Chinese, Polish, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Arabic ....

Now I know people that mastered a dozen of languages (for example all slavic languages since they look alike, knowing Russian make easier to master Polish for example)

But people mastering hundreds wildly different languages such as Japanese, Arabic, German & Greek are exceeding rare but suppose that they exists.

Now imagine that you wanna master not only their languages, but also their literature, history & geography.

See. I'm not even starting to include STEM yet. & the task is already so huge that's virtually impossible

>> No.10243184

>>10243117 (OP) >>10243152
No one can master everything. And I can prove you...
Let's imagine that you wanna start your study from Humanities.

Foreign languages is a specialization of Humanities.
So to master Humanities you have to master all foreign languages.
There are hundreds of languages across the globe...
Russian, Greek, French, German, Japanese, Chinese, Polish, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Arabic ....

Now I know people that mastered a dozen of languages (for example all slavic languages since they look alike, knowing Russian make easier to master Polish for example)
But people mastering hundreds wildly different languages such as Japanese, Arabic, German, Chinese & Greek are exceeding rare but suppose that they exist.

Now imagine that you wanna master not only their languages, but also their literature, history & geography.
See. I'm not even starting to include STEM yet. & the task is already so huge that's virtually impossible

>> No.10243186

I'm not asking how to do it. I am doing it. I don't care if you think it's impossible. I am asking whether or not you have any advice so I can improve my efficiency and or other general good avices.

>> No.10243187

OP Are you monolingual? If so, you are not going to impress anyone. If you are eager to impress others, learning a few language and speaking them fluently amazes everyone. Especially if they are from distinct language groups.

>> No.10243206

You can't retain all of it on that kind of schedule. However, one method that can help is take notes, and repeatedly rearrange the information in those notes in a way you can understand. Summarize, re-phrase in your own words, draw venn diagrams, write lists of useful equations, whatever works for you. The more you organize the information you have already learned, the more connections you will wire and strengthen in your brain.

Also, practice problems.

>> No.10243211

>>10243117 >>10243184 >>10243186 >>10243187

As an anecdotal example
I know a Jewish math professor
who learned besides English:
Russian & Ukrainian (learned as Child, where he came from)
Hebrew & Yidish (heritage languages)
German & French (to read technical literature)
Spanish & Portuguese (learned when He worked in Latin America)

He also specialized in Differential Geometry
(a branch of math used in Einstein's General Relativity & Astronomy)
which is an extremely difficult subject on its own

But even a master mind like him don't know jack shit about Japanese or Chinese languages
So how can OP even compete ?

>> No.10243251
File: 45 KB, 600x411, piero-della-francesca-flagelacion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lurk more, there is plenty of advice in this board

You can hava a more concrete objective: master all of khanacademy.org

Start with math. Maybe to set 100% in all the things you want can be a good way to find what you really want at the same time you get used to doing exercises and solving problems. Would you end tired of khan academy? If you really want to master everything you will do something more aftee that great achievement and will start with the good books. Don't forget to read the sticky and look for advice outside 4chan too. If you can talk with an actual scientific, philospher, writer, lawyer or with any phd student, try to do it. And keep doing what increase your motivation and determination, for example writing, joining clubs, reading pop-sci, pop-phi, history, fiction, watching related YouTube channels...

Wish you good experiences in your path.

>> No.10243258

Hard work only takes you so far. You need god given talent.

How smart are your parents? How easy was HS and/or college for you?

>> No.10243264

Don’t you have a job? Stop being delusional.

>> No.10243273

>I started training my speaking voice so people will remember me as the person that sounds like he is singing when he is speaking.

This is a hilarious mental .mp3

>> No.10243296

How dare you tell me I'm delusional? I'm doing it, whether you like it or not. You can help me and join me on my quest, or you can get in my way and I'll get rid of you (mentally).
I have nothing and I am nobody. I don't want to live my life and end up being a non factor in my own story.

>> No.10243297

why don't you accept yourself, and be fine with yourself whether or not you're the BEST or not?

>> No.10243303

I already accept myself. I'm healthy and grateful for that. I've made my choice and this is what I want to do, I'm not a stupid kid. I'm 24. I wasted a lot of time doing nothing, living day to day like a plant. I can't change the past, but being mediocre is not an option for me, I'd rather be dead. Normality disgusts me, and society disgusts me, too.
I want to overcome humanity by overcoming myself and transcending all subjects.
And that's what I'm doing. I'm not asking how, or whether or not I should keep trying to do it.
If you have good constructive criticism I'll greatly appreciate it. If you just want to troll me and hatecycle on me you can kindly fuck off.

>> No.10243304

>top electrical engineer mastering math & physics
not needed. The most one needs for engineering is undergraduate math and physics.
>master electronics, robotics & related subjects
while doing so will certainly put you in the status of a top electrical engineer, it is not feasible in itself either. It is just too broad and engineering disciplines on themselves require their own specialization. A power engineer won't be as familiar with microelectronics as a microelectronics engineer will.

>> No.10243308

Self-induce autism and become like Kim Peek
downsides is that you won't be able to reason, do basic human functions, be creative, etc. but you'll be a walking dictionary in every subject.

>> No.10243312

>who is Tesla
kys demoralization faggot

>> No.10243314
File: 17 KB, 234x353, 12_Rules_for_Life_An_Antidote_to_Chaos_book_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to overcome humanity by overcoming myself and transcending all subjects.

Then you should start with yourself. I really do mean it when I say you need to read this book (pic related). Shit anon, if you are willing to read it, I'll buy a copy for you. Post your amazon wishlist with the book on it.

>> No.10243315

I don't accept any authority. And I'm not going to follow any rules.

>> No.10243316

Just got this for Christmas

>> No.10243323

Jordan Peterson isn't an authority figure. Its not about following rules, its about getting your act together.

Shit anon, with that type of attitude nobody is going to listen to anything you have to say once "you've transcended all subjects."

>> No.10243326

Its a good read. I enjoyed it and may give it a second go in a week or two.

>> No.10243329

I don't want othres to listen to me. I want to lead by example. I copied this quote from another anon from another thread:
"I give you a good advice: do not, do never expect anything "good" of anybody else except you. Do never look at anybody. Just look into the mirror, and ask yourself what you want. And then do it!
And you will see others follow you"
This is what I'm doing. I'm not going to wait for somebody else to spoonfeed me or tell me what to do or save/help me.

>> No.10243335

Tesla didn't know jack shit about microelectronics since they didn't exist back then, neither did he know much about robotics. Yes he was a genius, but these fields are way too developed now. That's just technical knowledge. Then we have programming languages, PLC programming, PCB design, etc.
Also being familiar with them and using them to do a job != mastering them. As Science progresses, fields become bigger. That's why it's harder for even geniuses to master everything in a field now.

>> No.10243341

common sense: the book
I expected more from it. Secrets, or something that I haven't really thought about. I realize some people lack common sense, but that book is way overhyped.

>> No.10243345
File: 7 KB, 225x225, mitocw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If "mastering every single subject" means to you "learning everything at high school level" then yes it's possible since many already done that.
Just do every course & lessons at www.khanacademy.org or brilliant.org

But if "mastering every single subject" means to you "learning everything at PhD level" then it's impossible and stop being delusional about that.

But you insist can try to learn all the MIT online courses
There are more than 3000 free MIT online courses.

>> No.10243347
File: 156 KB, 1369x2046, 71s4U4i-s-L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the problem with your logic.

>I started training my speaking voice so people will remember me as the person that sounds like he is singing when he is speaking.

>I'm going to achieve a level where people meet me and become so impressed that they will be moved to tears with my commitment and proficiency.

Clearly you want people to listen to you. Brush up on your logic since its deficient as fuck.

>> No.10243353

Yeah the book is overhyped now due to his popularity. Don't go in thinking you'll come out completely changed. He does go into deep detail about some issues in ways you maybe haven't thought about before. I appreciated it.

>> No.10243361 [DELETED] 


Cont. >>10243345

There are more than 3346 free online courses at MIT OCW

A normal MIT student spend 1 semester for each course. But let's assume that you are a super genius that just skims over it and finish 1 course each day (that's impossible but let's just suppose) That's still 3346 days = more than 9 years. ... clearly impossible

>> No.10243364
File: 9 KB, 400x400, CZxYHc74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To >>10243117 Continuing >>10243345

There are more than 3300 free online courses at MIT OCW

A normal MIT student spend 1 semester for each course. But let's assume that you are a super genius that just skims over it and finish 1 course each day (that's impossible but let's just suppose) That's still above 3300 days = more than 9 years. ... clearly impossible

>> No.10243395
File: 7 KB, 250x180, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> started training my voice so people think im singing

please make a vocaroo anon, I beg you...

>> No.10243487
File: 66 KB, 1480x832, DD8F9145-78D7-4B26-A8E6-FAE9CA950669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump. Do it and I’ll fund your rent while you study 18 hours a day.

>> No.10243518

You probably won't retain information from subjects like (art) history, biology or organic chemistry if you study other things on the side.

>> No.10243523
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>> No.10243527
File: 100 KB, 736x887, 1543847970849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Dude, guess I'm the only one who really wants to help. Read this fucking book then act accordingly:


>> No.10243592

Not the guy you were replying to but this book looks great.

For wealth I sugest the millionaire fastlane and Unscripted. Im starting a start up after have read that.

>> No.10243596

you idiots, the only ones getting wealthy from these books are the ones who write them

>> No.10243615
File: 76 KB, 728x673, pepe-the-frog-pol-4chan-conversation-threading-frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> voice training

c-can one get a deeper voice with voice training? asking for a friend

>> No.10243616

You are delusional and you are hiding behind an impossible goal in order to avoid criticism and taking responsibility. Even if you fail you can think it was due to the immensity of your task while in reality you are afraid of playing the game everyone else is playing.

>> No.10243620

24 yo are stupid kids. You may think you can keep picking up new knowledge and skills but within a decade it will has become so hard you'll most likely end up offing yourself having focused your efforts so idiotically and unidimensionally without anything of merit to show off for it.

If you really want to overcome yourself, look to east or psychedelics.

>> No.10243622

This is sound advice.

>> No.10243631

To a limited extent, yes. Singers commonly extend their vocal range, both up and down, with voice training. However, the effect is not unlimited - Voice pitch is, to an extent, limited by the length of your voicebox. If you(r friend) wants a deeper voice, some voice training may be able to make a noticeable difference, but there will be a point of diminishing returns.

I didn't read the rest of the thread, just this post.

>> No.10243635

OP here: What game? The one where I wagecuck myself to death for nothing? Or the one where I chase pussy only to be disappointed? The one where I realize at 60+ that none of your "games" matter and become sad that I wasted 40 more years trying to fit in and play along?
Fuck off you retarded fulltime brainlet. The ones who criticize me are bad , but you are actually delusional on a whole other level. I have my goal and I found my purpose in life. Whether or not I'm gonna make it, doesn't matter.

Nah, I'm not going to escape reality by taking drugs. I'm at 3/18 hours for today now. 15 hours to go.

>> No.10243657

So, anon, what did you learn today

>> No.10243665

good luck OP, you won't succeed, but you will get progress done. Hopefully that realization strikes you after you have learned enough to be successful in at least one field.

>> No.10243690
File: 474 KB, 639x526, 1542332016642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. The one where you progress through a path instead of getting fixated on your self-defence mechanism thinking it's your purpose.

>> No.10244399

> don't go your own way! take a predefined path! otherwise you are just coping!

Epic advice buddy.

>> No.10244466

That's not what I wrote.

>> No.10244472

OP here, you are actually the most toxic individual in this thread, trying dissuade people from making and going their own path.
I don't believe in simple ad homs, so I'm not going to say what I think about you and your own life, but you should reconsider the way you are living if you think that deviating from the norm is a sign of "wishful failing".
I studied 12 hours today, mostly maths and physics and some medical books. 6 hours to go , and then I'm going to rinse and repeat. Also thinking about applying to med school, since having a paper will allow me to legally treat people with my vast amount of encycopledic knowledge.
What do you guys think about that idea?

>> No.10244523

Based. Remember you can use the skills from one Field on others. Dont let these retards discourage you

>> No.10244620

You are on your path no matter how self-aware you are. I only advice against ignorance as far as the drives behind your actions are concerned. Striving for better is noble, don't get me wrong. Good luck.

>> No.10244648

I'm not ignorant. I'm doing this. I've already studied almost all subjects required to enter med school in my country, so I'm going to join med school by taking the entry exam and then help people for free with my knowledge. I don't care about money. I don't have any right now either and I'm not dead.
I'm gonna master all the subjects and do something meaningful with it.
If I fail I'm not gonna be off worse than where I'm now. But if I succeed I'll live my life exactly how I want to on my own terms.
Thanks for wishing me luck.

>> No.10244685

With your attitude you'll come off as an autistic anti-social anon. You'll scare away patients. Think about that as well.

>> No.10244687

fucking based

>> No.10244689

That's why I need to be the best. I don't wanna fake friendliness or politeness. But if I can relieve some people from their pain and improve their lives that should not matter in the end.
I don't expect anybody to do me any favors just because I exist.

>> No.10244694

There are hundreds of other doctors capable of relieving pain or improving lives. It does matter anon. If you want to keep your attitude become a surgeon.

If you think you are the best, then do something worthwhile and find the cure to cancer or Alzheimers.

>> No.10244699


> do what the system expects from you or you are going to fail because you secretely wanted to!

how is this based you mongoloid?

>> No.10244701

based and /sci/pilled

>> No.10244712

Oh ... so try use Poetry skills skills to learn Quantum Physics

and tell me how learning Music Theory helps learning Organic Chemistry.

>> No.10244754
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> communications is only about the words that my mouth makes

>> No.10244784

It's not what you know, but what you do that defines you as the best.

You can be on your journey of mastering everything, but what if someone comes up and cures cancer while you're at it?
He will be the best, not you. Regardless of how much you know or have mastered.

>> No.10245070

The reason you are a failure in the first place is because you think like a naive fucking 10 year old. Hang yourself.

>> No.10245085

OP is a future tranny. Same histrionic , anti-reality hang ups that define decadent Westerners. It's only a matter of time.

>> No.10245095

>Didn't answer his question
Spoiled autistic trust fund faggot confirmed.

>> No.10245122

there’s nothing wrong with being a spoiled autistic trust fund kid. Its better than being an emotionally deadened crab spirited mediocrity clinging to the nobility of having a wageslaving gig at a software firm