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10239023 No.10239023 [Reply] [Original]

I've recently come across some claims that breathing through your nose has positive benefits on your facial structure as opposed to breathing through your mouth.

Have there been any trustworthy studies on this subject or is it just complete pseudoscience?

>> No.10239028

I'm not sure if there are trustworthy studies but I've been a mouth breather my entire life and have all the same characteristics as the bottom pic so take that for what it's worth.

>> No.10239033

It’s definitely 100% true that nose breathing and oral posture allows for the development of a good looking person. Many people are denied that opportunity by what is essentially neglect and abuse. Said people should sue and put that money toward cosmetic surgery so they can have good lives.

>> No.10239076


It sounds like complete bullshit. Yeah bad breathing habits and a fucked up face are correlated but the reasonable thing to think is that the bad face genetics are what causes the mouth breathing, not the other way around.

>> No.10239085

Look up tongue thrust. Ie. Theres somd truth to your photo. I have a strong ass sharp ass jawline from genetics but a bit of the mouthbreather shit due to lifetime of mouthbreathing and tongue thrjst. Teeth also fucked from tongue thruat even after braces

>> No.10239088

Genetics have nothing to do with it. It’s allergies, environmental stressors, and not chewing tough foods. Almost no one has a genetic blueprint for a bad airway. Abusive parents and doctors are the cause, not genes. Try thinking next time.

>> No.10239680

Go back to lookism, sperg.
Your kind ruined /fit/.

>> No.10240122

>Someone on 4chan just learned how to breathe through their nose
The stereotypes write themselves.

>> No.10240280


>> No.10240298

This was what I was about to reply with, I believe firmly that Mew is sort of correct, and that peoplee with the lower image's craniofacial features are going to have breathing problems, and that people with breathing problems tend to be ugly and dysmorphic but its almost certainly just a correlation with the underlying and shared cause being trash genetics. You can definitely mitigate this by breathing properly and having correct oral posture, especially at a very young age coupled with braces and a good diet, but that's not going to make you handsome. People who have correct facial and dental development just have superior genetics and aren't at all naturally cognizant of "good oral posture" or not being mouth breathers. The virgin chad looksmaxxing meme is correct, Chads don't notice nor need to notice their good habits because they're inborn and they had a strong structural foundation to begin with.

>> No.10240351

You are painfully stupid. Everything about this is fallacious and circular.

>> No.10240363

Says the 60 IQ that actually believes anyone has genes for a bad airway. You aren’t even a person.

>> No.10240367

Sperg harder, it still won't fix your chin

>> No.10240370

How is it circular and fallacious? The idea being that the cranio-facial morphology is primarily informed by genetics and that it has a feedback with the function of the organism. So, someone with narrow airways, poor breathing patterns, weak facial features is bound to continuously degrade and retard the function and structure of their face. They will over time develop crooked teeth, poor head posture, ugly facial structure and weak eye sight because of the underlying propensity to be dysfunctional. Alternatively someone with good genetics will naturally engage in behaviors that exploit pathways for strengthening function and structure. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer; stupid kids use stupid studying techniques, lazy study habits and become dumber during the highest period of neuroplasticity and openness to environmental influence and the opposite for smart children. Its not circular, you're just an idiot and coping because you think that you can fix being ugly by breathing properly, you can't. You can mitigate your ugliness and breathing problems, you will never perform as well as someone with good facial genetics in any situation without expensive, dangerous and painful surgeries.

The anon I was agreeing with is only giving an explanation in line with what we know about behavioral and developmental genetics, people with good genes engage in higher fitness behaviors that reinforce the good genetics and add on to their relative advantage in their environment, vice-versa for trash genetics. I even agreed, mew'ing makes the face more robust and alleviates most breathing problems, it does not put you on par with attractive athletic people with naturally good cranio-facial development, just like eating well, exercising and being well tutored at a young age will never allow you to compete with the genetic elite intellectually. Almost all behavior and morphology is determined by genes, and selection, which are out of your control permanently.

>> No.10240376

If I needed a chin I could buy one for 2,000 dollars. There’s nothing in the solar system that can give you human level reasoning. Go back to pol you failed abortion chimp.

Imagine actually believing that significant numbers of people are genetically destined to not be able to breathe, lmao

>> No.10240384

You are the epitome of a brain let and I genuinely wish you horrible suffering in life. Kids develop poorly from chewing soft foods and being kept from exposure to allergens. This has nothing to do with genes. Men with strong jaws are almost invariably ape-like with ape level intelligence so there goes that theory.

>> No.10240395

this is such a weird line of reasoning, whole popuplations have gracile jaws while others have robust skull structure. This is partially from diet and partially from selection for more aggressive males. Do you deny the role that genetics and natural selection play in the development and maintenance of biological structures and phenotypes? I get what you're getting at it just seems like you're confusing cause and effect, and coping really hard with the fact that some people are born ugly and low fitness.

>> No.10240410


>> No.10240415

Small downward grown jaws and tooth crowding are a HUGE epidemic. If you think that can be explained with genetics then you are being illogical. Just think about it for four seconds: Does it make any sense that such a large number of people would have such a basic genetic deformity? I bet you would have argued the same about the increased aggression/criminality in the 70s and 80s that was caused by lead poisoning.

>> No.10240454

God damn dude I've never seen someone this mad over shit genetics before.

>> No.10240472

>always ends his posts with ad hominems conjectures
Into the trash it goes

>> No.10240481

You argue like a highschooler and your shit's all retarded. Genes play a role in all structural development. IE not your brain

>> No.10240539

Yes it makes perfect sense to me, polygenic phenos like cranio-facial and musculoskeletal structure would be extremely sensitive to mutational load and environmental toxins. You could easily gracilize a population with xenoestrogens and dysgenic breeding patterns. Look at inbred populations like Dravidians and Arabs, gracile, ugly, low iq.
>ie not your brain

>> No.10240632

Heh... exactly.

>> No.10240642

Sorry, it's far more likely that underdeveloped masseters, lack of breastfeeding, and allergies/sinusitis lead to blocked nasal passages which leads to the development of improper tongue posture and inability to breathe normally while sleeping. Poor facial growth is a disease of civilization, not genes. The hypothesis that huge populations of western people born to healthy parents without any history of genetic disease have a genetic predisposition to a narrow airway is simply absurd. In fact it's so absurd it seems you have some kind of agenda, but I can't imagine why anyone would be shilling for made-up genetic disease.

>> No.10240662

>citation required

>> No.10240666

You'll never get one.
/fit/ has been ruined for years because retards from lookism, various incel sites and broscientists from god knows where have destroyed it with constant threads about whatever pet cause they've worked themselves into a tizzy about. OP is clearly one of them.

>> No.10240667

Jesus Christ, you're such a fucking moron.

>> No.10240669

Your tears are an aphrodisiac to me

>> No.10240683

At least I know what board im on

>> No.10240687

Shit my bad, I didn't realize you're illiterate and couldn't figure out what I was saying.
/sci/ shares a site with a board that has been flooded with whiny pseuds like you, who have bizarre hangups over minor appearance things they work themselves into autistic crusades over.

>> No.10240715
File: 50 KB, 800x450, Screen_Shot_2018-01-08_at_2.43.56_PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10240717


>> No.10240743


>> No.10240757

Have you ever heard of the burden of proof? Your claim that millions of westerners have genetically diseased airways is absolutely fucking absurd and needs extraordinary proof to have any legitimacy.

>> No.10240764

>claims retarded notion about breathing through your mouth deforming your bone structure
>refuses to prove it in any way
pretty sure im defending the status quo kiddo

>> No.10240773

Oh I see. You're so retarded you don't even believe mouth breathing deforms the face. You realize mainstream functional orthodontists treat facial development by teaching kids to adopt correct tongue posture? Brain dead "skeptics" like you are a cancer on the face of civilization. I bet you're still denying the importance of the gut microbiome too. Halfwit.

>> No.10240779
File: 75 KB, 638x359, 2-adenoid-enlargement-16-638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to be talking about https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adenoid_hypertrophy..

>> No.10240785

>still no citation
Bad debater

>> No.10240800
















>> No.10240807


Maybe try putting it into your own words, brainlet

>> No.10240817


>> No.10240824


>> No.10240967

Do your shit genetics keep you from knowing what a gish gallop is and why responding to requests for proof with a giant wall of articles isn't a great idea on /sci/?

>> No.10241019

A gish gallop necessarily involves lying you piece of fucking trash. You lose.

>> No.10241022

Prove you're not lying or misinterpreting what you posted then.
Speaking of Gish, the greatest argument against creationism is your genes because god couldn't possibly debase himself enough to create something so grotesque and broken.

>> No.10241597

>requests for proof
>more than 10 scientific articles with citations confirming my point

>Prove you're not lying or misinterpreting what you posted then.

Just learn to read articles, stupid indian brainlet.

>> No.10241697

We need a containment board for speudo shit like this.

>> No.10241704

>mounting mutational load
>dysgenic breeding patterns
>absurd amounts of heavy metals and plastics in food and water supply
>dampened immune systems and constant exposure to EMR
i wonder there are so many half formed neotenous goblins it must be because of mouth breathing, mouth breathing couldn’t possibly be an effect of trash genetics and a tiny shrunken jaw, fucked up maxillary development and small neotenous face.

>> No.10241794

>mouthbreathing morons need religious figures a.k.a. scientists to tell them to breathe through their noses
has scientism gone too far?

>> No.10241948




>> No.10242361

*autistic breathing*

>> No.10242773

This is just sad. Not that guy, but you've resorted to name-calling after being provided with the sources you craved. Come on dude.

>> No.10242778

did you read any of the sources you provided? a good number of them contradict environment as the cause for malocclusion and cranio-facial deformities and most have nothing to do with breathing.

>> No.10242794

>a good number of them contradict environment as the cause for malocclusion and cranio-facial deformities

Wrong. Examples of such contradictions?

>most have nothing to do with breathing.

No one claimed breathing is the ONLY environmental factor.

>> No.10243534

I don't know about facial structure, but I've heard that nose breathing has some benefit in terms of oxygen or air mixture that mouth breathing does not, and has some kind of detrimental cognitive implications for the latter style.

Additionally the nose is setup like a natural filtration system so you should always try to breath through your nose when possible.

>> No.10243654

Nose breathing promotes deep breathing, mouth breathing promotes shallow breathing. This affects posture and lung capacity. Deep breathes are more efficient. You use your lower stomach area which alsl helps digestion and keeping your lower belly slightly tucked in.

>> No.10245479
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>> No.10245695

Not him, but this one here supports the idea that genetics play a stronger role than suspected, rather than just environment. Why does it have to be only one or the other? Perhaps both environment and genetic factors work together to produce a compounded effect.


>> No.10245703

Bro don't bother
Let the mouthbreathing fragilistas stemcels keep their shitty chin droopy eyes etc
If you haven't heard of it, get something like the ALF system asap in addiction to mewing. It trasforms your face.
Also vitamin k2 nofap and weightlifting

>> No.10245719

read your sources faggot and you never said otherwise, i even argued above that it was mostly genetic and you then said it was environmental and made strong allusions to breathing problems with only passing mention of dental deformities as being the culprit. almost all the studies suggest that diet and genetics are the cause. I would believe that an initial change in environment and behavior selected for mutations that predisposed agricultural populations to dental deformities and cranio-facial anomalies eventually producing widespread dysfunctional cranio-facial morphology and breathing. But you are just a monkey so you won’t ever do the due diligence of actually reading anything you spammed. Nigger

>> No.10246024
File: 39 KB, 323x267, gtrssfsefddsdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10246073

>Heritability estimates (when appropriately calculated) were low in magnitude (0-40%) and erratic

great proofs there brah. Did you even bother reading abstracts, let alone the articles?

>> No.10246244

i breathe through my nose and look like the bottom

>> No.10246290


None of this articles address mouth-breathing or nose-breathing.

>> No.10246399

>my argument vs your argument