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10235220 No.10235220 [Reply] [Original]

Since the 2020s are around the corner what should we expect to see and happen in this new decade ? What events and breakthroughs do you predict?

>> No.10235257

Mainstream adoption of electric cars
Improved battery tech
Mainstream adoption of semi autonomous cars
Significant progress towards manned Mars mission
Return of supersonic civilian aviation

>> No.10235262

>GMO improvements
>lab-grown meats
>caloric restriction pills
>big batteries
>wind, solar everywhere

>> No.10235279

more SJW bullshit
more thing cucked beyond recognition
more constant surveillance
gen X politicians push more dumb shit
by 2028 at least 10 times more people committing suicide, because everything is so cucked
third worlders still shitting on streets, and not giving a fuck about environment
maybe starlink
maybe first firings of iter
maybe supercritical water generators
+1,5 billion of shitskins

>> No.10235350

>by 2028 at least 10 times more people committing suicide, because everything is so cucked
implying people who kill themselves are victims and not losers. Im sorry, do you think your own failures are the fault of others? brotip: yes, working harder is "hard" thats why only us winners have good stuff.Its not easy little boy

>> No.10235354

The growth of Sino-Russo influence.

>> No.10235356

>equal pay no longer a talking point, equal "expenditure" is now the sexist issue of the day
>agitation for massive internet reform, the public begin to like the idea of real-name-only national intranets
>as automation creeps into low skill jobs, strong borders becomes a more PC opinion government actually listens
>this drives tension abroad but eases it slightly domestically
>jobs are still disappearing though, looming civil unrest across the western world
>not to mention whatever neurotic shitshow the EU puts on

I don't want it to happen, but I expect war around mid century. Something will snap, leading to full blown direct occupation somewhere in the developed west - shattering the illusion of untouchability and drawing all nations into a power struggle. Massive risk of nuclear exchange, from there god only knows.

I don't think that MAD is sufficient to stop it.

>> No.10235357

Cringe. You're going to hell with them, I know that much.

>> No.10235360

An advancement in blockchain/cryptocurrencies that currently does not exist.
It's only a matter of time before we have a true currency of the internet. As for the Fed, it is much easier to issue more tokens than to print paper money.

>> No.10235367

back to /pol/

>> No.10235396

>Cringe. You're going to hell with them, I know that much.
Does complaining make you feel better? if you actually work harder, maybe youll get a decent job and a decent girl. Not a really hot girl, that is reserved for the alphas like us, the ones that really work at it. Boy id try to explain you how good it feels to fuck a girl with hot tits that loves you but im sure you dont have the vocabulary to really understand the feeling.

but im feeling generous betacuck, ill give you a piece of advice: no matter what you do, no matter what you think or what you say you have only two possible paths:

1)keep being a whiny bitch and die humillated wihtout experiencing anything nice.

2)recognize you are a whine underachiever, start making ammends, and maybe if you work hard all your life, youll get to the level us alphas are at 15 yo by the time youre 50. minus the hot girls of course, that is only reserved for super alphas and that ship has sailed for you, tohhorororougly

>> No.10235405

>more SJW bullshit
I love how nazis both claim that they are """"strong"""" and """"genetically superior" but at the same time cry about how the jews are handing them their asses on a plate on all fronts...

heres a clue little silly uneducated boy: either win and proclaim youre superior or shut up. Dont claim youre superior while losing, it cringes me little hard, and i might just use my superior pwoer on you boy

>> No.10235413
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>> No.10235419

:-) feels nice to experience sex with loving girls. Would you like me to walk you trough it? touching their skin is very nice. But thats only the beggining, would you like me to explain how nice it feels to have a girl hug you?
i love how you dont deny anything i say. SEriously, im doing you a favour, im an superior youre an inferior. If you work really hard you may get barely to average. But you should start by litening to my adivecers

>> No.10235423

I'm not the guy you were talking to, or a virgin, I just found it pretty pathetic that your idea of the height of human achievement is banging thots

>> No.10235427

>I just found it pretty pathetic that your idea of the height of human achievement is banging thots
oh no my dear friend. you misunderestimate me.

banging thots does not mean i dont have a nice paying job, or play godly an instrument or aced my college education at a young age. no no no my dear moncherie inferiorite. I just merely describe to you one of the best aspects of alpha life.

you see, many of you beta inferiorites live in the fantasy that people who bang hot women somehow have to sacrifice intelligence or integrity to do so... and im very sorry to informatie you but we donter. BAsically, its just a perk. But it feels reaaally good. when was the last time you fucked a girl that could pass as a porn star? surely you must have experienced it many times to be so quick to dismiss it? yeah thought so. But dont worry little boy, if you want to compare superiority its not only in the field of hot women that i win.

>> No.10235432

How is it that someone so superior can't manage to write an anonymous post without coming across as a subhuman shitstain? Truly one of the great mysteries of the world

>> No.10235436

you probably assume english is my native language, and not my fifth...

sorry burguer, any 10 year old who has read any literature realizes that french and russian are more much prioritarian

>> No.10235438

Your english is fine anon, it's your personality that's the problem. I can't believe you've already graduated college and you still think someone will be impressed when you act like such an unbelievable faggot. I can smell the cum on your breath from all the way across the internet

>> No.10235439
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bragging this much on an aboriginal kangaroo hunting board.

>> No.10235440

is the wrod im lookinger for triggered, or jealuser

>> No.10235441

cope harder

>> No.10235443
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>> No.10235449

old tech gets a new lexicon
like how we started calling programs "apps" in the 2010's

except we will be just "redefining" other tech sectors,
like kitchen appliances, or agricultural machines.

developments in drones/ai.
congress will put limits on who and how many drones a person can own to prevent people hoarding drons and making drone armies.
this ofc wont happen until the first terrordrone wave hits america,
and isis releases an army of drones across america that fly to high ip towers and explode next to penthouses and office buildings.

>> No.10235452

Lol, you were only pretending to be retarded, right?
It's only bait if anyone falls for it. I pity someone who thinks getting to touch two blobs of fat on someone who happens to have a different chromosome is somehow pleasurable or desirable.

>> No.10235458

I came here to say this.

>> No.10235459

Not much.

>> No.10235462

>he calls zippy zappy thinky winkies "Apps"

>> No.10235497

Expect someone to make a virus to takeover people's drones.

>> No.10235499

I expect humans to land on the Moon or on Mars. And more countries to adopt Space Forces of various kinds.

>> No.10235840

Not really anything of note.

>> No.10235848

I predict anon will get a gf and be happy

>> No.10235855

hopefully millions of dead shitskins and libs

nigger hunting drone tech

race specific viruses

rapid acting and untreatable HIV

>> No.10235856

Back to /pol/, honey. Your delusional hugbox Nazi world will never happen, and whites will fade away, so read the Turner Diaries and go to sleep.

>> No.10235858

we are going to kill gays and minorities and rape women and you're going to cry about it on 4chan

>> No.10235861

Sure, honey. I’m literally crying and trembling at the thought of your Shrek-Esque swollen feet sliding into your dad’s boots and stomping down the street to stop Zionism.

>> No.10235863

You are though, thats why my low effort bait posts are making you have an effeminate meltdown.

>> No.10235865

Yeah I just peed myself. Mmm tastes good >-<

>> No.10235872

based mentally ill leftist

>> No.10235877

Oh baby make me pee more

>> No.10235882
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>insane weather from global warming
>first manned base on the moon
>perhaps first man on mars
>it's actually going to be a woman to set first foot on mars to make it really progressive
>electric cars and auto driving
>sustainable energy sources everywhere
>solar flare roasts all electronics for a couple of months
>millions of suicides from trash that can't live without social media and internet in general
>first female president in the us
>fusion power is only a decade away now you guys

>> No.10236197

since when being a "nazi", is a requirement to be given privilege of complaining about sjws

>> No.10236202

utter delusion and fantasy

This seems more likely.

>> No.10236210
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War between US and China.
Spoiler: US will lose.

For more information, read John Glubb's "The Fate of Empires".

>> No.10237733

>calling shiny light electron shuffling interfaces "apps"
the absolute state of zoomers I swear to god

>> No.10238716

>solar flare nails the planet
>literally nothing happens besides slow internet for a day
Oh look, Hollywood lied again

>> No.10238757

The JUST telescope finds a bunch of Earth like planets and detects signatures of life.

More censorship, less freedoms, more SJW politics. Standards continue to be lowered to shoehorn women into STEM.
Some African countries gain momentum as industrialized nations.
Low IQ arabs continue to flood into Eroupe.

>> No.10238774


Let us sincerely hope for the extinction of the human species altogether as a basic moral principle, so that no human will ever get biological immortality, or similar.

>> No.10239030

This is the only reasonable prediction ITT.

>> No.10239032

Saying african nations (sub) will become competent industries is just naive to the reality of the people. It's like those who predict India superpower 2030.

>> No.10239444
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The same shit that happened in the 1920s. The rich will get richer. The poor will get poorer. Something awful will happen at the end.

>> No.10239549


The writing is on the wall for the smartest people in the room, who are genuinely scared of what is coming.

That being, the 2020's will see the automation of Everything. This is why you see all these famous tech and finance names saying "Ut Oh, we better be willing to offer up UBI." Everything is going to be automated. ie a robot that can do everything a person can, and a computer about as smart as a person. After that point it makes no difference what the industry is, or what new job comes along a machine will be able to do it.

UBI is Them trying to get to hold on to capitalism. UBI will probably be attempted, it will fail and then we will get the alternative.

possibly, but i hope not. A US vs. Russia China war i see ending in no other way than nukes going off.

Anyhow, these are some tech predictions i have for the mid to late 2020's:

1. Stem cells to repair teeth, and to generate a new implantable tooth from scratch. (2025-2029)

2. Nanotechnology will cure a major disease. (2028)

3. Home Helper humanoid robots for the elderly and the disabled. (2029)

4. Robots as physically capable as an average adult human. (2025)

5. AGI, Human Level AI. (2029)

6. 3D food printers for the consumer market. (2025)

7. (USA) 70% of cars on the road will have a Level 5 Self Driving feature. Road Fatality drop will be so stunning that the government begins a big push to make it 100% mandated within a couple of years. (2029)

8. Holographic Phones/TVs/Computer monitors; and an attempt at copying the hologram lady in the last Blade Runner movie. (2029)

9. An attempt to build a permanent base on the Moon. (2027-2029)

10. An attempt to land a person on Mars. It goes badly. Decide it would be better to build with robots on there and then come back later. 2029)

>> No.10241251

China are already there, building up industry.

>> No.10242686


>> No.10242777

don't you know the world will end in 2020?

>> No.10244577


>> No.10244704

Found the SJW

>> No.10244721

>third worlders still shitting on streets, and not giving a fuck about environment
That helps the environment

>> No.10244742

>>Stem cells to repair teeth, and to generate a new implantable tooth from scratch. (2025-2029)
medical trials take a long time
>>3. Home Helper humanoid robots for the elderly and the disabled. (2029)
>>4. Robots as physically capable as an average adult human. (2025)
That's a very agressive schedule. We need vastly better robot manipulation skills for either of these.
>>AGI, Human Level AI. (2029)
fuck no, we're pretty far
>>3D food printers for the consumer market. (2025)
reasonable. It's possible sooner too. I don't think you'll be printing every meal, but it could be a fun novelty device for printing stuff like cookies and chocolate. Really it's a matter of getting the price below $100. The tech could also improve to make fancy 3d structured cakes at your local supermarket.
>>Holographic Phones/TVs/Computer monitors; and an attempt at copying the hologram lady in the last Blade Runner movie. (2029)
We don't have a good way to make the holograms of sci-fi. The best method we have right now involves using lasers to trap small particles in mid air, move them, around, and project onto them. The minimum power required to do so has not been determined, but it's probably more than a phone can practically handle. Trapping particles against wind currents will be difficult. But you are assuming people will still need these things. Augmented reality through glasses, or speculatively contacts, could get good enough to obviate the need for these.

>> No.10244764

Europe falls into economic and civil strife, with bloc voting from muslim populations seeing muslim politicians enact awful laws as violent mobs roam the streets. All promising gene editing technology banned in the west due to eugenics being bad, china pushes ahead and we see the first birth of the next step of humanity.

AI becomes useless as the discussion is framed around how it can help the disenfranchised and avoiding the biases of programmers mean we hand it over to blacks who instead use the funds to create a 2pac themed OS.

>> No.10244780

If I can expect anything in the next decade, it's that baiting and troll tactics will pretty much remain unchanged.


And yet people will still fall for it.

>> No.10244781

flying cars as common as expensive supercars. Internet everywhere on Earth's surface, probably through really big satellite constellations. Automation replacing additive manufacturing. Additive manufacturing will still be a thing, it'll just be integrated into some automation process. Robots getting smart enough to put stuff together from CAD models and AI capable of figuring out what machines to use to make it and giving you feedback on your design will make it possible. Autonomous drones capable of beating humans in drone racing. AI that can beat any human at starcraft.
Wildcards: Basically everything to do with AI. AI could be general enough to handle a wide variety of scenarios, or we might find that this is not the case. Autonomous cars are one of the biggest wildcards in this regard. They could end up disrupting everything because they become better than human drivers or they could end up just being a driver assistance system because they can't handle numerous rare but important edge cases. Robots could replace a lot of service jobs, but doing so requires them to work in real world structural environments and be capable of autonomous manipulation. A bunch of rare edge cases could be enough to cause robots to fail a large enough portion of the time that they aren't worth it over humans. AI could get general enough or better ways of reusing approaches developed for each of the edge cases could handle this, but there is no way to know. Robots will get cheaper. The costs can be reduced quite a bit by making actuators cheaper.

>> No.10245072

I'll take a spin on this.
I think we'll either drastically slow in legitimate cultural progress as a result of this or have a violent revolution if some politicans don't boil the frog properly. I'm hoping for the latter, but I more so expect the former.

>> No.10245080

All very likely, anon. I think the straw that breaks the camels back might actually be automation in itself. If you have thousands of retards out of a job and unable to support themselves honestly, they're gonna attack the people they believe to have wronged them. It would likely start something big in retaliation to either large corporations industrializing the jobs or the governments who let them do it. Perhaps both.

>> No.10245089


>> No.10245098

Pretty optimistic

>> No.10245099

Apps and programs are still separate things, though. Something like Spotify, for example, would be an "App," even if it's being used on a computer. Microsoft Word would be more of a "Program," probably regardless of where it's being used.
I believe it's mostly to do with the customizability and cleanliness of the software that defines it as an "app" or a "program," but this is mostly just semantics and nobody really cares if you call Snapchat a program and Gimp an app

>> No.10245264

More renewable subsidies
Automation reducing the workload of middle management type jobs
More affirmative action, reparations, etc.
A new wave of extreme factionalization across the world
A new standard of hot peace in the west with rising terrorism
More refugees
Genetically engineered catgirls

>> No.10245269

This probably