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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 413 KB, 780x1074, isaac newton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10230550 No.10230550 [Reply] [Original]

or underrated?

or his legacy is perfect the way it is


>> No.10230559

Newton started learning math when he was 19. If that doesnt btfo child prodigy theory i dont know what will. Im 19 too, can i get even half as good? I have the autism.

>> No.10230560

no one has ever convinced me on what he and why it was greater than what Leibniz did

>> No.10230564

I didn't know this at all. That's really cool.

>> No.10230568
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>tryin a thread naow
okay have a bump

fall on head
discover gravity wow
its like everyone was floating before
what are all these principia mathematica feels

>> No.10230571

He managed to create the first systematic treatment of physics giving a basis for almost all phenomena while also massively contributing to it. In order to achieve this he only had to develop the entirety of calculus. He also developed greatly to plenty of math and other shit such like optics. He basically managed to answer the hardest and most ancient questions in physics while basically developing one of the most important areas in mathematics (granted that Leibniz did too).

>> No.10230596

He's neither overrated nor underrated.
His contributions are pretty much acknowledged entirely by everyone.

>> No.10230603

Newton is underrated bc no one is smart enough to understand how truly fucking epic his relative achievements and discoveries were. He invented Calculus AS A FUCKING TOOL to solve some other physics and geometry problems

>> No.10230631

What was the deal with his alchemy stuff?

>> No.10231615

but didn't the indians have calculus before Newton...the Kerala school?

>> No.10231624
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>> No.10231628
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>> No.10231644

he witnessed an apple fall and invented calculus

>> No.10231646

When are you going to publish the Nofap Bible, anon?

>> No.10231683

I am going to write something (10000+ words) and post it here or on /lit/, estimated March or April. Hopefully the ideas in it are seeded and more well known and I can publish it with less scrutiny in a formal context in Medical Hypotheses.

>> No.10231707

Shit notation but he always gets the credit for inventing calculus

>> No.10231718

T. revisionist

>> No.10231765

While they certainly didn't managed to develop as much and give the insight that Newton provided, that someone did it "first" doesn't in any sense makes Newton's achievements less impressive, because every serious historian accepts that Newton came with it by himself. Also, many people say Archimedes invented it, but the insight of calculus is relating the change of a function to it's geometrical quantities, and this insight was unprecedented at least by looking how it is useful to find equations of motion. And no, he wasn't the first to publish a proof of the fundamental theorem of calculus, but he certainly managed to get the key ideas and create a general theory and at the same time apply it in groundbreaking ways. He made plenty of contributions to other fields too all of them fundamental. Maybe he doesn't have a list as big as Euler, but is difficult to estimate just how massive his contributions to any field are.

A more extreme example is Grothendieck, he literally re discovered the lebesgue integral in his private studies, which shows that he was a powerhouse even though it was already discovered.

>> No.10231848

exactly.....which is what Einstein said about the Newton and Leibniz priority dispute

" This also Newton found in the differential and integral calculus. It is unnecessary to consider whether Leibniz arrived at these same mathematical methods independently of Newton or not; in any case, their development was a necessity for Newton, as they were required in order to give Newton the means of expressing his thought."

>> No.10231962

Does it? He probably could have started learning sooner. I thought the whole child prodigy thing was about early ability, not early experience.

>> No.10232006

Does it not count if I've jerked off thousands of times but still haven't had sex?

>> No.10232007
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>Newton started learning math when he was 19
Extremely inspiring.

>> No.10232016

No. It doesn't. You have more in common with people having sex than you do with completely chaste individuals who transmuted their energizes toward more productive endeavors.

>> No.10232022

I phrased my question wrong. If I go no fap/semen retention/sexual transmutation can I still expect any kind of powers out of it if I've already wasted my semen so much through my life? Is there even a cap to it? Or is it more like I screwed myself out of my full potential from all the hours I've wasted on sexual matters?

>> No.10232101

Yes, you can still benefit greatly. The chains of habit still are strong and you will feel yourself called back to it. You may think this is just the state it is, just part of the human condition but I can tell you first hand, that it doesn't need to be this way. With effort, it is possible to practice chastity, mentally and physically without self-defeating incessant sexual urges.
The long-term damage does not arise from the depletion of semen but rather habituation and alterations to the default mode network to be sex-centered, effectively reducing your mind and all it's goals to a consumption mindset wherein the attainment of pleasure is the one, all consuming thing that is on the mind, an urge that ultimately can never be satisfied and the intelligent person feels the fundamental competition this inflicts on. You lack the autonomy over self that you once had as a child and are now in bondage to a whim that out competes your very aspirations—in Kantian terms, heteronomy.

I too have squandered many of my years in reckless abandon, ultimately not satisfying but reinforcing (now that's a scary thought) this pathetic urge.
The one thing I will say is that it is remarkably easier to quit before your mid 20s. If you are 19, 20, 21 21, please, quit now and do not look back. Alas, my problem was that I became comfortable with intermittently breaking my abstinence as needed. Say before a large exam or whenever I had much to do. Yet, as the years progressed, so did the habit, until came such a day where abstinence was almost impossible. In fact, indulging this instinct ad libitum (like most people), revealed to me why this habit was incompatible with any sort of greatness or, if you're beyond that notion, even exerting agency over life. Pornography, and hypersexual behaviors infects and poisons the mind, until you are nothing more than a dick for a brain.

>> No.10232114

If you are able to quit, you will find remarkable benefits. Most notably, you'll notice what most would find paradoxical--- LESS sexual urges, and less sexual thoughts. Furthermore, you'll have what seems like a limitless well of motivation. Before I successfully achieved abstinent states, I would buy book after book but ultimately would never read any of them because my motivational pathways were wasted on sexual-persuits and the prolactin rebound that followed essentially kneecapped and destroyed any genuine motivation to read. Make no mistake, I did read but my friend, it required discipline and that is a recipe for both misery and mediocrity. You see, this is how most individuals go about their worthless lives--- all learning is a hassle, all work is bothersome, anything that requires effort is just an obstacle that gets in their way of hedonistic indulgence. They spend 95% of their waking hours frustrated just so they can have a bit of concentrated pleasure in between. That is no way to live.
The difficulty lies in the overcoming the strong habit (the thing that has the most permanency) at your point which makes abstinence seem all but impossible.

I will go on to explain what happens behind the scenes with a past post of mine. You asked about permanent damage, so I focused on the habitual aspect. I will now detail the neurochemical/hormonal/physiological cost of sexual release, and how ceasing release can be of tremendous benefit.

>> No.10232119

Sexual activity affects the body in more ways than practically any other action. The sex act (masturbation included), from arousal to ejaculation to habituation has chilling physiological repercussions. Endocrinology and neuroscience show that shy of drugs, no other action affects the body so much, so suddenly--- hormones, neurotransmitters, are all profoundly affected. Upon arousal, dopamine is released, not only in the capacity of motivating you, as would be the impetus for wanting to grab that needle of heroin, but you are biologically rewarded just for the mere image of arousal!
Then sexual stimulation occurs, and opioid facilitated reward begins, as even more dopamine is released.
Finally, it culminates in orgasm. The final reward is there. Endogenous opioid peptides suddenly flood the brain, the love hormone oxytocin for bonding is released which also signals the conversion of T to DHT, 5-HT increases, and the anti-dopamine hormone prolactin rises sharply, gonadotropin inhibitory hormone is released, and that is just scratching the surface.
Prolactin has antagonistic effects on dopamine transmission which leaves you feeling lazy and spent, and while the refractory period lasts a mere 5 or 10 minutes, the elevated prolactin continues to exert adverse effects elsewhere in the brain, for upwards of 16+ hours.

>> No.10232143

Even becoming aroused is detrimental as it induces hypofrontality so that you cannot sit down and debate whether this opportunity to mate is a good idea, at least what your body thinks is mating. This has an evolutionary basis because if we sat around thinking about the merits of engaging in sex, then, humans may have long ago gone extinct. This isn't an endorsement of it, no the opposite! It is a sign that we need to overcome this innate limitation instead of accepting it, and the only way to succeed is to prevent it from unfolding in the first place.

Sexual arousal induces hypofrontality, impairing working memory and executive performance:
>Pornographic picture processing interferes with working memory performance.

>Sexual Arousal Decreases the Functional Synchronization Between Cortical Areas in Young Men

>The Impact of Sexual Arousal on Sexual Risk-Taking and Decision-Making in Men and Women.

Adverse effects of sexual excess on the brain:

>Brain structure and functional connectivity associated with pornography consumption: the brain on porn.
Shows a loss of gray matter in the right caudate of the striatum from pornography indulgence.

Literally stronger than drug urges:
>Craving Responses to Methamphetamine and Sexual Visual Cues in Individuals With Methamphetamine Use Disorder After Long-Term Drug Rehabilitation.
"that sexual demand might be more robust than drug demand"

>> No.10232170

Failure begins with a single image, single thought, single line of text that you read.

If you use Instagram, delete it.
If you use Facebook, delete it.
If you absolutely must use Facebook, then you need to install FB Purity and block the entire feed and block all the junk that appears on the left and right.

The biggest thing to do when quitting is to AD BLOCK ALL IMAGES on sites with sexually arousing photos.
It is impossible to be abstinent and have thumbnails enabled on this website.
Use filters:

Enable thread watcher to use catalog. You can still open images if you want to, just control click the file name, and it will open in a new tab. Press control + tab to cycle through them quickly.

Melodic Music stimulates prefrontal transmission. Listen to music as you are quitting masturbation/sex. It helps immensely with putting your mind in the right place.

Last bit of advice is to have a deliberateness to internet browsing instead of aimlessly looking at the web as a source of frivolous entertainment. Use as a means, and not an end. It is a tool, a valuable one when used correctly. It is a shame that something that offered so much potential has been reduced into an instant gratification factory, appealing to the most base and primal aspects of us.

>> No.10232181

>Alas, my problem was that I became comfortable with intermittently breaking my abstinence as needed. Say before a large exam or whenever I had much to do
>Say before a large exam or whenever I had much to do
*I would only practice abstinence before a large exam or had much to do*.

>> No.10232475

Fantastic information. Really appreciate how in depth you went.

>> No.10232539

He should Write a PDF or a book. Still copy pasting tho

>> No.10232955

>Failure begins with a single image, single thought, single line of text that you read.
Wow. There's going to be a lot of trial and error with this. I've gone nofap for long periods before but I'll still have sexual thoughts if I see girls. Just how detrimental is that really?

>> No.10232965

>the entirety of Calculus
>not even the definition of continuity
You've got a weird idea for what qualifies as the entirety of calculus.

>> No.10232981


>> No.10233459

may i ask if the principia is so important to science, why don't physicist teachers teach it anymore?

>> No.10233472

>any other use of this endocrine organs is a perversion

Isn't this a naturalist fallacy?

>> No.10233628

Extremely., see this >>10232143

>> No.10233644

I'm going to have to lock myself in my room and never come out.

>> No.10233655
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His monument in Westminster Abbey...

Here is buried Isaac Newton, Knight, who by a strength of mind almost divine, and mathematical principles peculiarly his own, explored the course and figures of the planets, the paths of comets, the tides of the sea, the dissimilarities in rays of light, and, what no other scholar has previously imagined, the properties of the colours thus produced. Diligent, sagacious and faithful, in his expositions of nature, antiquity and the holy Scriptures, he vindicated by his philosophy the majesty of God mighty and good, and expressed the simplicity of the Gospel in his manners. Mortals rejoice that there has existed such and so great an ornament of the human race! He was born on 25th December 1642, and died on 20th March 1726.

>> No.10234374
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>I can contribute

>> No.10234829


Newton invented calculus independently. Newton wrote down the mathematical theory of gravitation. Newton formulated some important laws of motion. He wrote down: F = dp/dt. Newton established the field of optics, even though his theory of light was wrong.

Newton single-handedly started modern physics as we know it, while also making groundbreaking contributions in mathematics.

There was this one physicist who in his retirement read Newton's Principia in Latin. He claims that Newton was the first to make topological arguments in his proofs. Obviously, Newton didn't know it was topology, but the man was so ahead of time in thinking that it's absurd.

Certainly, Newton was an autistic cunt but certainly deserves every bit of praise. He is perhaps the greatest intellectual of this human civilization so far.

>> No.10234846

For you.

>> No.10236067


Newton did not invent calculus, but discovered it (mathematics is never invented, but discovered). This distinction in no way diminishes Newton's intellectual achievement (as if such could be done by any serious person). It is of course a true banality that Newton and Leibniz each discovered the thing independently of each other. But they were not inventors. They themselves can be construed to support this material point in each of their philosophical writings. In particular, Leibniz expresses very clear Platonist views in his Discourse on Metaphysics, for which he uses various analogies from his own mathematical education in order to discourse generally on god, philosophy, and the whole other business.

>> No.10236100

In summary what is the biological link between not cumming and success?

>> No.10236103

Why is every fucking thread on this board just a copy of any given /pol/ thread now?
Why does this cancer keep spreading?
Doesn't it know the host is dead?

>> No.10236104

>He didn't invent it, he discovered it.
Calculus is not a fucking undiscovered continent retard.
If you are the first person to think of something, and the first to quantify and publish it, you are the inventor of it.

>> No.10236108

Naturalist fallacy is a false fallacy created by mentally ill people to justify doing things incorrectly.

>> No.10236111
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>> No.10236116

kys newfag frog poster

>> No.10236118
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>> No.10236121


>> No.10236123


Sane people are talking

>> No.10236125
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Newton is pretty much the best, and I wouldn't say he's overrated, but just like people neglect Leibniz' contribution, they also neglect Cauchy's. If you read Newton's book, it doesn't look like the physics we know to today. It was mostly Cauchy who cast it into the form we recognize today as Newtonian mechanics.

>> No.10236128

>sane people
>people who obsessively argue on imageboards using their thousands of meme pictures they have meticulously collected to make it look like they have an argument.
Pick one.

>> No.10236134


Sane people are talking

>> No.10236136

>Can't even link boards
Again, kys

>> No.10236161

He's too perfectly rated.

>> No.10236162

He was literally the second coming of christ. Followed by charles darwin as the third coming and bernie sanders as the 4th

>> No.10236236

All of it is terrifying. Makes me wonder at how much time I've wasted.

>> No.10237211

Don't waste time anymore and you'll be good.

>> No.10237256

Newton was a fanatic when it came to self learning.
He used an algorithm to learn all of Descartes books: read until you don't understand something. Go back to first page and re-read until you get stuck again. Go back to first page and repeat. He read Descartes something like a hundred times before he declared himself master of the whole text.

He was also pure /sci/, in that he decided to produce papers and books so advanced that no critics (brainlets) could possibly understand them, thus targeting only non-brainlets as his readership. He really hated critics.
He also successfully jacked calculus on the real line from that other guy who independently invented some of it at the same time. No Euro nigga was going to take his calculus acheivement and now you know why, he worked harder than anybody else trying to understand the field by himself with zero professional training.

Plenty of other Newton anecdotes around, dude was a machine

>> No.10237274

>read until you don't understand something. Go back to the first page and re-read until you get stuck again. Go back to the first page and repeat.
I wonder how useful this is for everyday people, or if it would only work for a genius? That work ethic is incredible though thanks for sharing.

>> No.10237278

This is the essense of Yoga doctrine btw.
The idea is you save your semen, and thus learn self discipline when around women, so you don't lose control and do something stupid like murder some other suitor out of jealously or end up obsessing over some girl who just treats you as a means to an end. However the idea is not to be celibate. You're still supposed to fuck bitches but only under your own terms, meaning not falling for their bullshit games and playing them all day, wasting your life chasing pussy when you could be solving theoretical math problems like Newton.

Most of this doctrine is in the book 'Light on yoga' which you may want to read. Also Ghandi was so into this doctrine that he purposely slept naked with a bunch of young girls to prove to himself he had the power to resist their female charms. That's why he was turbo disciplined and could roll through hunger strikes and other things on cruise control. But remember the idea is not to never have sex, the idea is to remove yourself from the game of chasing sex which results in much of the world's violence and stupidity.

>> No.10237289

I did this algorithm with the first chapters of The Art of Computer Programming. I'd come across Knuth converting an array into a triangle matrix, and was unsure how he solved it so easily, so went back to the beginning chapter which is a crash course in discrete math and redid as many questions as I could all over. It definitely worked.

This method has a name too, can't remember. You continually go back and redo some chapters at X intervals (usually measured in weeks/months) that way you don't forget the material you worked through.

>> No.10237326

Newton also went through all of Euclid's Elements by himself. Abraham Lincoln did the same thing. He has zero formal education, so when he became a junior lawyer, he decided he should learn as many Euclid's books as he could so IIRC read up until book VI, painstakingly by candle light long into the night after everbody was asleep, re-reading the parts he didn't understand until he did. It's how he excelled at congress afterwards by destroying other people's arguments using basic Euclid's propositions and reasoning.

>> No.10237392

Underrated in his time by women. If they knew the status he has among us now, they'd be all over his dick.