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10231103 No.10231103 [Reply] [Original]

What's the purpose of attending lectures when the textbook tells you everything?

>> No.10231116
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There isn't. I only go to lectures around test dates to see if the prof spits out any useful infornation pertaining to the exam. Even if your textbook is shitty there are many alternatives. Lectures are only for normies and brainlets

>> No.10231119
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Might make it more exciting/engaging. Main reason is because brainlets cannot do anything unless they are forced.
Intelligent people are forced to attend because of arbitrary credentialism (mostly to extract $30,000+ from the average student)
Also, the TI-89 is the pleb calculator.

>> No.10231134

>skip all lectures
>teacher announces during lecture there will be weekly quizzes
>skip all of them
>lose 40% of final grade
>end up last of the class despite acing the final
Many such cases.

>> No.10231141

>fails to read course syllabus and grading scheme
>doesn't check the class website for grading scheme change and quiz/test dates
Imagine being this retarded

>> No.10231869
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I just attend lecture classes because it makes me feel as if it's helping me understand the material better. When in reality, 95% comes from continuously non-stop reading textbook chapters, working practice problems, and finding other study problems from different schools online.
I would try to not go to lecture for most of a semester just to see if this holds true, but I'm too much of a weenie to risk hurting my gpa.

>> No.10231873

Because it's either someone reading the textbook to me or me not reading the textbook at all

>> No.10231876


This, most people go because they know they would simply not have the discipline to do anything on their own, and because they are afraid to miss out.

In reality most lecturers just read off a slide and don't give any clues.

The smartest way of studying i have heard of till now, is to go to the FIRST and the LAST lecture of a course.

First so you know what material is going to be covered, and last so you know whats going to be on the exam, since that's what most lecturers do (they summarize and tell you what and what not to look at).

>> No.10231914






>> No.10231936


> space for readability
> autist chimps out

how do you know what reddit spacing is if u don't read it?

>> No.10231955

so you don't actually try to understand the material and just memorize shit?

>> No.10231961


if somebody reads off a slide, how is your understanding going to be greater than reading it on your own?

>> No.10231975

>I can't read paragraphs

>> No.10231985

It's the only way I'm able to really understand most concepts unfortunately, despite really enjoying it

>> No.10231987


>> No.10232003

if we're talking about high school or lower, the point is to guarantee some standard of education for every student. make sure people are at least decently literate, know basic modern science, etc.

if we're talking about uni, it's just so employers can expect some extra standard of education PLUS you get to rehash the material in lectures and ask an experienced person questions that you have (which, if you have any experience with non-meme degrees, google won't always easily replace).

mostly to give an expected standard of education. you can bullshit your way through everything sometimes, but at the very least even that person will have become at least familiar with the material (where as a complete layman wouldnt be)

>> No.10232021


how does somebody reading 50 slides in 2 hours rehash the material for you? you can literally read 2-3 chapters from a book in 2 hours, or work through a decent amount of old problem sets and see which parts of the lecture relate to them
learning to extract informations from slides quickly and understanding what to memorize from them, is the most important and useful skill you either learn or dont in uni , and if you dont you are going to slave away and become anxious and burn out
also most profs dont like to make incomplete lecture notes, because they want to impress their colleagues and/or have huge egos so they will generally put more information than required on the slides to pass the test
the trick is, to understand the material, to memorize things that wil leither be asked directly, or which will facilitate solving problems, and practising problems where the knowledge on the slides is applied
listening to some guy reading off the slides , and wasting your time going to and back from the lecture, is almost always a waste of time, with the exception where they tell you what is going to be covered and/or give actual summaries for the examinations (so you know where the focus of the exam is going to be)

>> No.10232025

>you can literally read 2-3 chapters from a book in 2 hours

>He speed reads and doesn't stop for the ommitted proofs

well that explains it

>> No.10232070

>understanding what to memorize
>required to pass the test
you're wasting your / someone elses money by going to university with that attitude.

>> No.10232084

understanding what to memorize means you understand whats important
and passing the test is your primary goal, rather than understanding everything (which is not possible since courses dont cover entire books but rather only work through a few chapters of them)
no idea how u guys go to uni and what kind of brainlets you are, you probably think you are hot shit when you are in actuality just clueless retards

>> No.10232092

>passing the test is your primary goal
>understanding everything is not possible
>calling someone else a brainlet
you're making yourself look worse. might wanna calm down and stop posting.

>> No.10232094

who the fuck "reads" math books lmao

>> No.10232100

post your stats faggot (uni rank according to 2018/19 ranking, grade average, subject/field)
im at 7, 6/6, physics
i've not been to a single lecture this semester

>> No.10232102

>fite me kid not online

>> No.10232107


> too afraid to post his stats but still wants to argue his case

>> No.10232108

And having a fucking human being to ask questions at.
Although some teachers won't even bother with questions.

>> No.10232109

>literal no u
just stop

>> No.10232113

grow a spine and some balls you retarded brainlet
and keep going to lectures like the sheeplet you are

>> No.10232116

i go to lectures just to get out of the house

>> No.10232121

i already told you to calm down bro it's just the internet

>> No.10232132
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shit comebacks
calm down and check the ego, it's only an online forum

>> No.10232135

So you dont turn worked out examples in as proofs for over half the semester

Source: have a friend who TA’d for an intro to proofs CS course and around 10% of students did this

>> No.10232144

Because you pay for the lectures? Also you can talk to girls.

>> No.10232165

>not going to lectures
imagine being THIS retarded

>> No.10232996

They give the university an excuse to charge you exorbitant amounts of money

>> No.10233000

Because the teacher will go over what takes 3 pages in the textbook in 3 words.

>> No.10233036

I'm ranked 2, 93 average, mathematical physics, and probably at a better school than yours. Go to lectures nigger

>> No.10233043


Network with peers for job opportunities
Meet/speak to prof for later grad school recommendations
Lectures reinforce the learning
Additional concepts not in the book may be covered more
Can ask questions during lecture instead of later in office hours or email
You pay for them in your tuition
Much more
Tl;dr: Go to your lectures

>> No.10233061
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I got 100% in diffy q, and I never showed up once. I took every single test in the testing center. I literally only communicated with the professor through email, and never saw him face to face the entire semester.

>> No.10233069


ETHZ, probably better than your shit tier american uni

>> No.10233070

>go to university
>attendance is mandatory
>classes are at 8 AM
>have to wake up and drive for anywhere from 50-90 minutes depending on traffic
>lecture is an hour of the professor reading off of a PowerPoint
>professor gets mad and punishes entire class because 70% of students stopped showing up to lectures

Good times.

>> No.10233077
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What kind of doofus would make power point lectures mandatory? Wasting an hour of my day so you can read shit to me.

>> No.10233099

guessing small private college. I had something similar, but it was not really enforced if you were doing well/the professor knew you well and you were competent

>> No.10234204

Ikr, i only attend because i would fail if i didn't, there's something at my uni, if you don't attend 4 lectures you fail like wtf

>> No.10234332

Every class I was interested in I read on my own time so lecture was just a review.
What was left were boring lectures for shit I didn't care about.

>> No.10234618

to know what's on the exam
my textbook was supposed to cover the entire semester, but we didn't even get to a third of that
besides, mantadory attendace is becoming much more common nowadays

>> No.10236225

how do they check if you attend the lectures ?
(I'm not from the US)

>> No.10236584

this to be quite honest

>> No.10236648

Tips for other textbooks

>> No.10236664

Depends, they could pass around an attendance sheet you have to sign or have a website where you input a code displayed on the screen.

>> No.10236922

Because I don't live in a shithole with no mandatory attendance

>> No.10237555

I hated high school because I was forced to study things that didn't interest me (though I didn't really study) that were being taught by incompetent teachers.

Now at uni I'm studying the things I like. I have no obligation to attend classes. I'm just reading books about subjects that I would've wanted to learn about even if I didn't go to uni.

The only bad thing about it is that you become a NEET, but I'm fine with that since I have more time to study.

>> No.10237589
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>the textbook tells you everything
Ah, to be a freshman again

>> No.10237603
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It helps when you see your professor explain something in the exact way he want to be write in the exam.

>> No.10237605

Why even bother reading the textbook when the lecturer tells you the important shit that's on tests? Show up, take notes, review notes, pass tests. The book shouldn't even show up in this equation!