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File: 783 KB, 1280x1024, Graphen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10223987 No.10223987 [Reply] [Original]

So where was the soo called graphene revolution that was suppose to be plastics 2.0? Or was it just one big meme?

>> No.10223994

Still ongoing, it's actually still a very active area of chemical engineering research.

>> No.10224002

It's a meme. It's great for getting research grants and not much else at the moment.

>> No.10224008

If nobody can make Money of it, dont expect it to hit the mainstream.

>> No.10224031
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Supposedly there is no good way yet to make large quantities of the stuff. Until a method comes about, you won't hear much about it. It would be insanely revolutionary in multiple fields if it became cheap to make.

>> No.10224048

In general nanomaterials are difficult to make, especially covalently bonded ones. It's difficult to make uniform sheets of graphene. It's difficult to use as a semiconductor because it's 2d. Traditional approaches to doping don't work. Graphene can be really strong if it's atomically fucking perfect and uniform. Again this is nigh impossible to do

>> No.10225649

>one big meme
Lrn2meme fgt pls

>> No.10225727
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>It's difficult to use as a semiconductor because it's 2d

>> No.10225948

The notorious thing about development in Science is that it tends towards a god damn long time. Any field

>> No.10225966

I have some for heat transfer.

>> No.10225967
File: 194 KB, 467x491, Xbro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

University of Manchester secured a shit ton of funding from the Graphene meme

get gud proposal plebs

>> No.10226007


If you work in engineering you're already using it. It just hasn't filtered down to consumer products yet.

>> No.10226039

what are engis using it for?

>> No.10226052

Making it is a pain in the ass, and is expensive as fuck to boot

>> No.10226092


>> No.10226371

What the fuck is this a picture of

>> No.10226434


It's commonly found all over aerospace, especially in things like rocket motor casings.

>> No.10227011

a glorified weather balloon

>> No.10227026

When somebody claims something is going to be a revolution, just remind yourself that in the 80's people thought we would have flying cars.

>> No.10227098

Okay fucj it.

Is it acceptable to talk to the faculty head over shit like this?

>> No.10227145

Well we might still. The reason we don't yet is cause it requires drone technology (rather than cheap planes) as well as self driving car tech.

>> No.10227160

Well, when you are going to use that argument remind yourself that flying cars are a fucking retarded idea.
Graphene is still meme for now though.

>> No.10227214

Wrong. The worlds largest ball bearing

>> No.10227416

Yes, for the weelchair bearings of your fat mom.

>> No.10228654

It's difficult to interface metal to graphene because graphene is 2d. The interface has high resistance.
Almost forgot, graphene has no bandgap, this means that while you can make really fast transistors using graphene, they have very high leakage currents. This makes them unsuitable for use in computers. Really this is the biggest reason why graphene is a a huge meme.

>> No.10228750

>The media doesn't talk about it so it was a meme
yeah OP, continue believing in that

>> No.10230148


that's carbon fibre not graphene.

>> No.10230151

It's for the world's largest pachinko machine

>> No.10230233

Don't you worry, it will come around sooner or later. Shit has just too much appliances that overclass currently used materials. I'm currently finishing my thesis about graphene supercapacitors, and I truly believe they will become next gen batteries.

>> No.10230253


>> No.10230492

we DO have flying cars
as it turns out, they're just fucking worthless

>> No.10230995

It takes easily decades from discovery in a laboratory to products in shops. For medicine it is easily 15 - 30 years. In this case integration is the hard part.

>> No.10230998

Look up ECHO, the satellite.

>> No.10231002

>>10227026 >>>10227145 >>10227160 >>10230492
Flying cars were in the 60's expected to be the norm in the 2000's. It is coming now, look up Ehang 184. A lot of aerospace companies are researching this now. In the future we need less roads but more parking spaces. And you sex bot will double as your pilot. The future is so bright you gotta wear shades.

>> No.10231003

It's probably still in the phase where they are using it for top secret stuff because it's so amazing, and after that phase it'll trickle down from the ivory tower.

>> No.10231088

spill it

>> No.10231461
File: 136 KB, 930x1024, Grant Chaser's Cycle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, you need to come to grips with how, "grant chasing," is done. Promise the world, get the money, stretch out the results over your entire life time so you don't need to do anything really difficult. When asked for results, ask for more money and more staff, show investors charts. The content of the charts doesn't matter, they just need to see something is being done with their money.

>> No.10231633

the Orb

>> No.10231647
File: 172 KB, 793x3748, 741a71d5940afde37ecfc5a747624817e6dd3cd2d2ce59d2e1b82ba9b6280678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it doesn't make profit it won't ever get mainstream
boy I love capitalism

>> No.10232002

Are you a scientist? When I was a post doc the norm was to spend 30% of your time applying for grants. That still didn't always work out well. My field dried up and I went to industry where I discovered the concept of "disposable income" which I am not yet quite accustomed to.

>> No.10233004
File: 829 KB, 576x1500, True_socialism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10234041
File: 148 KB, 480x695, matrioska brain .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

details pls

>> No.10234055
File: 6 KB, 228x221, 1543862717483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I legitimately got dumber from reading this post