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File: 21 KB, 300x300, F6F28F3E-7944-4816-9B76-91497A33FCFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10221788 No.10221788 [Reply] [Original]

does being volcel negatively impact your health? is it healthy in the long term to ignore all cravings for intimate contact with the opposite sex? i think if i upped my meditation to an hour a day and never looked at porn again (i’d still fap but just to my imagination) i’ll finally be able to free myself of any and all (((procreative urges))). ive heard that not getting oxytocin releases from physical contact with others fucks you up in your developmental years but what about in adulthood?
asking for a friend of course

>> No.10221819

if you don't ejaculate enough it increases your risk of prostate cancer

>> No.10222068

Humans have evolved enough to somewhat manipulate their secondary instincts. Thus theoretically its possible to completely vanquish your libido if you were born normal and not asexual. However the constant bombardment of sexualized products (pretty woman peddling item no 99XX, attractive people in ads about soda pops etc) in your formative years has hardwired or more appropriately brainwashed you into seeking a smoking hot cumdumster. Thus if you are 15+ years of age tgen it is already too late and you will never truly be rid of your libido. Its a sad but true fact, you will always have a latent desire to bang women way outta your league.

>> No.10222159
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I found doing a lot of exercise seems to reduce libido, and fasting (on water) for weeks eliminates it entirely. If you start fapping again it creeps back. Longest water fast I've done was slightly over 5 weeks (also done 2 and 3 weeks).

Tip: if you fast for several weeks or more than a month you should use a helper or a robot to feed you afterwards or you will stuff yourself uncontrollably. I am going to save some money and then chain myself near a bed and computer in a flat with bottles of water and containers to piss and shit into and set up a device that will roll cans of soup to me (to where I'm chained to) after a month (or however long I decide to fast for), first one can of soup, 3 days rest, another can of soup, 2 days rest, another can, until I'm on one can of soup a day... then up it to 2 cans a day, then 3 cans (over a period of 2 months... I think a recovery at least twice as long as the water stage seems about right)... and then finally it'll roll a round container containing the key to the padlock that I've used to chain myself up with and it'll be over.

I did a 45 day fast with some eating on days 20, 21 and 22, and the difference a tiny amount of food makes after several weeks of starving is amazing and interesting... you feel energised for days. I did my longest fast in a tent in a isolated forest... I was wearing skiing thermals in a goose down sleeping bag, yet if I left the sleeping bag for just a few minutes to empty my piss bottle or collect water from the nearby stream it would take an hour for the sleeping bag to warm back up because of the tiny rate of the body's metabolism after weeks of starving. Hunger is a minor issue, hunger pains disappear after a few days. I was doing meditations upon chakras and other parts of my body, as well as some breathing exercises and some mind clearing type meditations. All had interesting results.

>> No.10222161

Pretty sure incels are a meme. They aren't real. Single? Incel. Not a trap? Incel. Not gay? Incel.

Probably some term coined by the matriarchy to bully young men into submitting to the inappropriate demands made of them. Picked up by gays and trap fetishists and bandied as a slogan.

"You must be enslaved by somebody."
"Independence is dangerous."
"You must become some form of minority."

Enjoy your hormone therapy. I'm doing just fine.

>> No.10222164
File: 429 KB, 2033x1602, Von Gruber on sexual excess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is patently false.
The opposite may in fact be true.

>Sexual activity and prostate cancer risk in men diagnosed at a younger age

>Whereas frequent overall sexual activity in younger life (20s) increased the disease risk, it appeared to be protective against the disease when older (50s). Alone, frequent masturbation activity was a marker for increased risk in the 20s and 30s

>Prostate cancer mortality among Catholic priests.

>> No.10222171
File: 639 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181212190557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2.5-3 fucking months. Always drawing on that life force. How did I not know about it earlier, all retards claiming it's healthy to cum.

Arrrrgh. Homeostasis, why have I betrayed you.

>> No.10222176
File: 164 KB, 600x826, crystals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As well as studying yoga I would highly recommend reading about people's experiences in the occult, and of summoning beings, and reading about the related areas of alien and UFO contact (youtube is a decent start).... that's where I've ended up (I started just interested in yoga and meditations)... SETI is obselete. Evolution is only part of the story, earth is a project with many genetic programs on it.

Videos that mention the genetic programs (and zeta reticuli aliens https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney_and_Betty_Hill ):
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1Pc2aLM3jY ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4D7o4H7qaY ) genetic alterations mentioned at 2:40
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mEvS7YFe-A (might wanna skip the first 15 minutes, very long but very rare and interesting video in my opinion of a man under hypnosis channeling an alien)

More mention of genetic alterations as well as a shit-ton of other information, bear in mind that a lot of the encounters the guy describes will have been experienced in a sleepy or trance-like state.... archetypes fill in a lot of details in people's minds that they don't really understand well during these experiences, eg details are likely to be incorrect. This shouldn't put you off, psychics are not expensive and precise scientific apparatus, they are a guide, some more accurate than others.
He amusingly describes the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago as "someone interfering with a reptilian genetic project and starting a mammalian genetic project, pissing off a lot of "dracos" (reptile aliens)".

>> No.10222179

samefag btw

>> No.10222181

>some more accurate than others.
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXLP5Q-WdR4 [Embed]
>He amusingly describes the extinction of the dinosaurs 65
Watch with: https://www.alienjigsaw.com/milabs-psyops/MILABs-REABs-and-the-New-MKULTRA.html
which explains "MILAB", military abductions (not "my-lab")
