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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10221941 No.10221941[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

SAT thread. Post what scores you got on the SAT in high school, and your experiences.

I'll start. Got a 1590, my parents and I celebrated with Chinese food afterwards, then I went home to play Street fighter. Pretty decent experience.

>> No.10221944
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>Caring about SAT
Anyone who's not a nigger can easily ace it. If you want to dick wave then use Putnam scores or something.

>> No.10221957

You have to be 18 or older to post.

>> No.10221970

I'm European. How are SAT scores calculated and what do they grade?

>> No.10222092

It's a standardized exam that tests critical reading and math (only up to high school algebra).
Basically a bunch of retards stop eating candy for 8 hours a day to study for it in order to convince themselves that they are smart.
Beyond a certain point it doesn't really help or hurt your chances of getting into a uni or getting financial aid.

>> No.10222113

It used to be an iq test but is less g loaded because of tiger moms and spergs doing SAT prep courses. Its an extremely easy test anyone who paid attention in hs with >120 iq can get a near perfect score on which tests your ability to think and do nigger calculations. If you do badly you should probably be barred from holding management positions or political power. I never took it but my PSAT's were all above 90th percentile so I could really give a damn.