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File: 240 KB, 1024x653, dyson-bol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10217404 No.10217404 [Reply] [Original]

Why do we need a dyson sphere?
When will we need it?
If we would have one now, what would we do with the harvested energy?

Talking about dyson swarm, because a sphere is completely retarded.

>> No.10217815


>> No.10217823

We would use the energy to Power Your moms massague apparatus

>> No.10217828

>Why do we need a dyson sphere?
We don't.
>When will we need it?
Never, it's a stupid idea made up by a "type 0" civilization's ideas of what a "type 1+ civilization" has, is or needs.
>If we would have one now, what would we do with the harvested energy?
Not much.
>Talking about dyson swarm, because a sphere is completely retarded.
Why? Dyson Swarms are equally retarded.

Next question!

>> No.10217855

>Why do we need a dyson sphere?
We dont, a civilization that can construct these things no longer has any actual needs they are just doing stuff because they can.
>When will need it?
We dont need it ever
>If we would have one now, what would we do with the harvested energy?
I have no idea

>> No.10217870

That's what I was afraid of. Writing this piece for my university, nothing serious. Thought it was a cool concept at first, but the more I read about it the shittier it sounds...

>> No.10217877

> Why do we need a dyson sphere?
To power shit that makes more shit, until we reach LUXURY GAY SPACE COMMUNISM.
> When will we need it?
When we'll discover aliens. We'll need it to power huge lasers to power photon sail ships to nuke the bastards. Because they're probably weird as fuck.
> If we would have one now, what would we do with the harvested energy?
Run data gathering scripts for targeted marketing.

>> No.10218417

To convert the entire universe into computronium to mine Bitcoin.
200 years

>> No.10218688
File: 21 KB, 220x334, images (55).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10218820

It should let you harvest close to 100% of the sun's energy output.
So you'd only need to construct one if your energy output was that high.
One of the things you can do is to use the light to create artificial singularities.

>> No.10218825

>look at me look at me look at me
>being contrarian shows how smart I am
>are you looking? why wont you pay attention to me

>> No.10219962

serious answer: because our energy needs are increasing every year and will keep increasing until we need the energy of the entire universe.

>> No.10220142

Wouldn't a Dyson sphere potentially block solar rays reaching and subsequently freezing earth?

>> No.10221646

[math] \begin{align*}
\mathrm{I}{:} & \\
0 &= \varnothing \\
1 &= \{\varnothing\} \\
2 &= \{\{\varnothing\}\} \\
3 &= \{\{\{\varnothing\}\}\} \\
\mathrm{II}{:} & \\
0 &= \varnothing \\
1 &= \{\varnothing \} \\
2 &= \{\varnothing , \{ \varnothing \}\}\\
3 &= \{\varnothing , \{\varnothing \}, \{\varnothing , \{\varnothing \}\}\} \\
\end{align*} [/math]

>> No.10221683

Put it around Proxima Centauri or something.

>> No.10222848

You would need to use the inner planets for material to build the sphere. It would also need a diameter of an AU because there's still the habitability zone to worry about. The inside of the sphere would be the surface where everyone lives and works.

>> No.10223779

How can that energy get to earth?

>> No.10223785

Because we're unable to stop growing anymore than a bacterial colony is able to stop dividing.

>> No.10223812

It's nice because having nearly all the sun's power be wasted does nothing for you and can even be thought of an ecological catastrophe. If you don't make something useful out of that starlight, it's gone to you forever. Modern applications include things like running inefficient processes to pull CO2 from the atmosphere and recombine it into hydrocarbons, solving air pollution and negating a lot of the need for better battery technology when you can just use fossil fuels indefinitely instead, or running industrial supercolliders to synthesize heavier elements instead of or in addition to mining them.

You can build a partial Dyson that doesn't block the Earth. Alternatively, if you have the entire energy output of a star available, you can probably figure out a way to use it to heat/light the planet. Even if it's horrendously inefficient you're going to have a lot of energy to spare.

You only need Mercury if you just put modern solar collectors in orbit around the sun.

>what is a laser

>> No.10223819
File: 566 KB, 706x911, 0r0txI0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what would we do with the harvested energy?
According to the Kardashev scale, we'd surely use all of that energy to broadcast the fact of our existence to anyone who might be listening, thus proving we are currently alone in the universe,

>> No.10223920
File: 68 KB, 527x550, 80F21F03-0E04-4DE0-800B-5471AC61963D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aliens already exist they are suffused throughout the universe with no corporeal form. They are indistinguishable from nature infinitesimally identifiable in any way by now and with purposes such as preventing Von Neumann probes, ‘interstellar graffiti’ AKA ‘ galactic civilisations and also the construction of dysentery swarms - because in their eyes the heavens above are pretty. It brings them close to tears in their form to still see creation un-vandalised in the skies all around. We will simply be unable to do any of those things and not know why or how.