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10206866 No.10206866 [Reply] [Original]

What iq does a person require to speak a second or third landguage?

>> No.10206869

above 62.298562128734587

>> No.10206883

Speaking at least two languages is incredibly easy. Anyone can do it, with obvious exceptions, and it's a really common case all over the world. Learning languages in general isn't that strongly dependent on IQ.

>> No.10206925

However you interpret this, you are definitely in this category.. any functional human being, even 10 year olds can.

You can have a bad language teacher, or just you don't personally don't know how to study a language effectively, these factors play a way bigger role than pure problem solving skills.

>> No.10206951

The only hard part with learning a language is memorizing all the words imo. I took latin for four semesters and the grammar was really easy

>> No.10206977

'bout tree fiddy

>> No.10206988

Learning a language is about having the required interest and work ethic. Average intelligence is more than enough.

>> No.10207184


Memorizing words?

OP, there does not have to be "memorizing a bunch of words" sessions at all during your language learning process, even opening a grammar book isn't necessary, even kids learn languages without even trying, that easy learning a language is..
.. and you are way smarter than the average child.

>> No.10207374

Depends on the country were you live.
From Belgium here and I speak French above average, English is quite good and Dutch is near perfect, with German on the fourth place knowing the most basic words.
And I'm far from intelligent.

But someone who never comes in contact with other languages, like an American from Texas, it's pretty hard.

>> No.10207408

Yes, commiting the words to memory. It’s hard to read anything when you don’t know every word they used for killing.

>> No.10207420

in west africa plenty of people are multi-lingual so my guess is around 70 iq or so.

t. west african

>> No.10207451

I don't know, but probably not much, considering I can read/write superb Italian, Spanish, and Russian, speak and understand less, but still get the gist of it. Learning Russian was definitely the most complicated, but with enough determination, anything is possible.

>> No.10207870

Knowing at least 2 languages is the bare minimum for 30 IQ points as we know many early humans needed to know their tribes language, and some sort of trade pidgin language
3 language might take 40 IQ points

>> No.10208203

dumb Africans with the mental capacity of a 7 year old often times must learn another language to survive (their native language+English (and sometimes french).
you just have to have the drive for it

>> No.10208219

in fact, technically, if you can read the pidgin edition of BBC without must struggle you've essentially already learned another language.

>> No.10208611

Secret to langusges
Learn the alphabet by sounds, not by written pronunciations
Read tons of childrens books were they use imagery to teach words and sentence structure
Watch tv on this language, without subtitles, or at least subtitles in the language you are trying to learn
Try your new words on random native speakers
Repeat ubtil good, move on to harder reading material and stuff after a while. If you work hard then it should take you half a year to learn the language to a good enough level to actually start going through grammar and other exercise books

>> No.10208616

Learn them through pictures, that way you dont need to remember, they become the same as numbers

>> No.10208638

I think barring some brain damage, most people could reasonably learn 2-3.

>> No.10208958

so many retards in this thread who think that just because they are weaboos and know the Japanese alphabet + a few common phrases they know how to speak another language

truly mastering two or more languages requires either growing up with them, or interacting with people who speak it daily and excruciatingly learning the grammar rules and vocabulary

>> No.10209206

I speak three languages fluently and can somewhat understand two others.
It's kinda wasteful of my time to try and learn more though.

>> No.10209209

I speak two, can somewhat understand two more. Still a brainlet so no correlation.

>> No.10209226

Idk I can speak 6 and only have an iq of 130

>> No.10209228

and my memory is absolute SHIT. I basically learned just by speaking with natives.

>> No.10209272

Same, but im like 140 when heavily depressed. I find its better to master one or two, rather than being mediocre at 6 or 5. Thusly, i recommend you to forget all languages, except for English and whatever country you live in

>> No.10209275

Pretty sure this is legit, the drive for survival can lead to extraordinary feats of strength and heroism.

>> No.10209276


>> No.10209279

My IQ is low how did he do this?
Quadratic equation
x1,2 = {2/3}
-9x2 + 12x - 4 = -9(x - 2/3)2 (OK till here) = -(3x - 2)2
Please halp, it's driving me crazy

>> No.10209285

Stupid 4ch formatting I meant
-9x^2 + 12x - 4 = -9(x - 2/3)^2 (OK till here) = -(3x - 2)^2

>> No.10209290

My native languages are spanish and guarani
Been speaking english since I was like 5-6?
Learned portuguese in a year because of roommates.
Im doing computer science in japanese in a japanese university so im fluent in that as well (say if native level is 10 im probably 7?)
And I learned japanese sign language because i have many friends who are deaf.

I wanna keep learning languages though. I really enjoy the process of it.

>> No.10209308

Thats cool bro

>> No.10209315

>say if native level is 10 im probably 7?

Then you aren't fluent, dipshit.

>> No.10209316

Why do I hear so many stories about people that can learn languages instantly? Learning languages is fucking hard and I'm a programmer so I'm familiar with the idea. Are they actually just shitty at 20 different languages but think they're hotshots?

>> No.10209335

it's the same when an actor says he speaks multiple language, but when you hear him speak in yours it sounds absolutely shit

>> No.10209824

speaking multiple languages has fuck all to do with intelligence. complete ethnic minorities are bi- or trilingual all over the world, and you cannot claim they are all above average wrt IQ.

>> No.10210056

Languages are easy to learn, but hard to master. When they say they speak, they dont mean they master

>> No.10210083

How is comp sci in japan? Is
Japanese sign language different to sign language

>> No.10210088

You just have to not be a 'Murican, which means you need a minimal IQ of about 65

>> No.10210227

I'm literally studying computer science in the language, I am fluent. Try to read a book about data structures and algorithms in japanese and come back. No, wait, just try a 9th grade math book. I've been studying japanese for only 2 years and I'm able to do that.

Now, my sign language is bollocks I can literally only have regular conversations but I mentioned it just because.

This is true.

It's decent but shit compared to America or Europe. I'm in Osaka University, literally lost it's shit in the past two years. I mean I enjoy the course but the japanese culture really sucks. And I don't like anime and all that shit I just came here cause they pay me to.
Google MEXT scholarship.

(not in my pc so not my ip)

>> No.10210600

here a BSc graduate required to speak a second language, an MSc graduate needs a second and third language to receive their graduation papers.

>> No.10210740

wasn't a joke. i am actually nigerian lol

desu verbal iq is more so specialization in one language. they can't possibly test whether or not you speak a broad set of languages.

where are you?

>> No.10210751

Except for the really low IQ range, it's not a matter of high intelligence but exposition to the language and willingness to learn

>> No.10211016

>Japanese sign language different to sign language
You've got to be kidding me. No, it's exactly the same as English sign language.

>> No.10211902
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>it's exactly the same as English sign language.

>> No.10211995

>how to study a language effectively, these factors play a way bigger role than pure problem solving skills.
>how to study a language effectively isnt a problem

apparently iq does have a correlation with language learning. and specifically verbal ability in your first language is predictive.

at a young child age i think in general its alot easier to learn a language.
its also probably alot easier if you have high exposure, esp. speaking.

i imagine iq's influence is more obvious in certain situations like older people learning with limited exposure (e.g. language class in school) or particularly trying to learn multiple languages.

>> No.10212086

Are you retarded? No it's not. It's completely different. Do you think deaf people from all around the world just decided on making the same signs for every word? Even though every culture and (read) languages are different?