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10205817 No.10205817 [Reply] [Original]

Shut. It. Down.

twin.sci-hub tw/6583/798d1dcbabcf92419a87700aaac1110f/flynn2017.pdf

>> No.10205994

Here's a little gift for all the fucking neo-nazis the internet is swarming with nowadays:


>> No.10206009

Gould was a fraud

>> No.10206039

>not transcending the left-right political dichotomy and unable to divorce ideas from certain political ideologies they happen to be affiliated with
not gonna make it.

>> No.10206045
File: 148 KB, 1058x1334, genesandintelligence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern leftish philosophers tend to dismiss reason, science, objective reality and to insist that everything is culturally relative. It is true that one can ask serious questions about the foundations of scientific knowledge and about how, if at all, the concept of objective reality can be defined. But it is obvious that modern leftish philosophers are not simply cool-headed logicians systematically analyzing the foundations of knowledge. They are deeply involved emotionally in their attack on truth and reality. They attack these concepts because of their own psychological needs. For one thing, their attack is an outlet for hostility, and, to the extent that it is successful, it satisfies the drive for power. More importantly, the leftist hates science and rationality because they classify certain beliefs as true (i.e., successful, superior) and other beliefs as false (i.e., failed, inferior). The leftist’s feelings of inferiority run so deep that he cannot tolerate any classification of some things as successful or superior and other things as failed or inferior. This also underlies the rejection by many leftists of the concept of mental illness and of the utility of IQ tests. Leftists are antagonistic to genetic explanations of human abilities or behavior because such explanations tend to make some persons appear superior or inferior to others. Leftists prefer to give society the credit or blame for an individual’s ability or lack of it. Thus if a person is “inferior” it is not his fault, but society’s, because he has not been brought up properly.

>> No.10206049

Jared Taylor is a fraud

>> No.10206054

thankfully his only citation is somebody saying the same thing as him

>> No.10206055

Jared Taylor is a political theorist and hasn’t lied about anything at all, he is not a nazi and is not an evolutionary biologist who lied, profited from his lies financially and socially, and did so for political reasons while denigrating scientists who did not lie and had no malicious intent. You should read he cited article by Mr. Flynn its quite salient and he warns against exactly what you and the other poster (you) in this thread are doing.

>> No.10206497

How so?

>> No.10206500

Oh, great, another IQ thread

>> No.10206502


>> No.10206567
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>that pic
Allele frequencies do not provide an accurate prediction of racial differences

>A letter published in Nature Genetics this week finds that the reference genome is missing a colossal 10 percent of the genetic information found in the genomes of hundreds of people with African ancestry -- information that also appears in other human populations.
>Sherman and her colleagues looked for sequences more than 1,000 base pairs long that didn't match the reference and found a lot of them: nearly 300 million base pairs, which is about 10 percent of the size of the entire reference genome.
>That's not to say this information is unique to African people: about 40 percent of this data matched either the Korean or Chinese genomes. This suggests that it's important genetic material that's present across a huge range of humans, but still not captured by the reference genome assembled from just a small number of people.

From the paper in Nature Genetics:
>A single reference genome is not adequate for population-based studies of human genetics
>Our analysis revealed 296,485,284bp in 125,715 distinct contigs present in the populations of African descent, demonstrating that the African pan-genome contains ~10% more DNA than the current human reference genome.
>The lack of diversity in the reference genome poses many challenges when analyzing individuals whose genetic background does not match the reference.

In the future, please try to be skeptical of amateur geneticists and first-year grad students when they triumphantly drop "bombshell" data in /pol/.

>> No.10206569
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What's so surprising about a leftist egalitarian pushing the brainlets on his side to allow open debate? It's well known that liberalism is associated with intelligence.

>> No.10206573

>journal of criminal justice
>not about criminal justice
Can genetics explain why minorities are seriously injured or killed in alercations with police more often than is proportional? Is it discrimination or is it something else?

>> No.10207326

Can somebody tl;dr this shit

>> No.10207427

Minorities (by that term, I am assuming that you refer to hispanic and black residents in the United States) are more prone to criminality that involves violence (e.g. robbery, gang operations and so forth). Police notice the pattern, which reinforces any negative prejudices they may have against said minorities, and makes them more alert (and thus more prone to using their firearm in self-defense) around said minorities.

>> No.10207445

How the fuck did you get past my filter? Neck yourself.

>> No.10207468

>are more prone to criminality that involves violence
This is more due to poverty and poor parenting as well.

Hell, the reason why poor whites don't conduct more crime is because more than likely THEIR parents came from a good family structure, or they have access to a clear example of a good family structure (Positive "Father" figure and Positive "Mother" figure), something incredibly poor minorities (following the definiton given) are less likely to have.

>> No.10207475

Whites commit white collar crime because they're richer yeah

>> No.10207544

Doesn’t IQ correlate better with criminality than does parents’ socioeconomic status?

And propensity to be divorced or married
And propensity to have out of wedlock birth
And ones’s own socioeconomic status as an adult

>> No.10207565

>Doesn’t IQ correlate better with criminality than does parents’ socioeconomic status?
Are you saying poor whites are smart people? They also have high suicide rates(correlates to low IQ), high mental illness rates(also correlates to low IQ), and other correlates with low IQ.

>> No.10207623

Thanks for validating everything I wrote.

>> No.10207636

Just report the posts for racism outside /b/ and move on, folks

>> No.10207666

Poor whites and poor Asians significantly outperform poor blacks. It’s not even close. I know a kid whose stepdad was a methhead and barely had anything to eat but still made a perfect score on the ACT. I doubt there are any blacks that have a perfect score without having above-average income.

>> No.10207667

Flynn admits there are genetic differences between isolated populations, many of which are quite significant for behavior and performance in their environment, like height or immunity, and that there is a strong possibility much of the nature view is correct, however he, being a nurture advocate, obviously contests how much. He goes on to implore his peers to be more open minded to debating about race and intelligence, decries the idea of banning or black balling people who discuss this idea in scientific discourse, and questions the spirit of the current scientific culture if fear more than legitimate qualms with "pseudoscience" (which flynn disputes as being applicable to iq or race science) is the driver behind a refusal to engage. Flynn is the man who lent his name and generated the concept of the Flynn Effect which egalitarian nurture advocates the world over try to use as a sledgehammer (even though its a concession to racialists and HBD advocates) against racialism and the idea that blacks specifically have lower average iq than whites. That is the summary and thrust of this paper, the author is not a racist by any means and he is again one of the people who is most responsible for people sweeping racial iq differences under the rug. People lashing out at this paper have not read it, don't know who Flynn is and aren't very bright.
You didn't read the paper and didn't immediately recognize who the author was.
poverty is caused by low performance in western technological society, Flynn addresses this explicitly in the paper conceding that blacks and other minorities likely have lower iq and thus do not have the cognitive capital to compete as well.
>poor parenting
in behavioral genetics this is known as genetic nurture, its the extended phenotype created by the parents and kin and is also genetic.
>the reason poor whites don't conduct more crimes
poor whites have a higher iq than poor blacks.

>> No.10207684

Who was racist?

>> No.10207691

Facts are racist, bigot

>> No.10207700

Oh look, Moishe posted a video of a jewish scientist again! Great! Our fellow white people need to fight their prejudice! As whites we need to get genocided!

>> No.10207701

>Whether the evidence eventually dictates a genetically caused deficit of nil or 10 or 20 IQ points is irrelevant.
30 for pure black Africans.

>> No.10207704

Queue the racism immediately after writing that.

>> No.10207705
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>liberalism is associated with intelligence
Yep. Thinking that your own race must perish because some bagel eaters on the news told you so is very intelligent

>> No.10208159

whats that graph trying to say? and is your point that these european genes might have african counterparts we dont know about?

>> No.10208735

this is the unabomber manifesto right
yes i know i shouldn't call it that but

>> No.10208753

>high mental illness rates(also correlates to low IQ)
This is tangential as fuck but I find it sad that depression is linked to an irreversible diminishing of cognitive ability

>> No.10208793

Until we understand epigenetics we cannot make any scientific claims on race.

I don't care who you bring forward, this is just authority bias

>> No.10208891


>> No.10208901

he is right
majority know he is right
there is no escaping this fact as technology improves

>> No.10208904

>he won't accept it even when the patron saint of dem programz thinks the NAAAAAAAAAAZIS have a point
doesn't matter for humans nearly as much as you want it to

>> No.10208908

what criteria are you using? Got a clear criteria of when race differences are allowed to be studied?

>> No.10208937 [DELETED] 

would google let a nazi jew reporting app stay up?

>> No.10209296

>whats that graph trying to say?
its source is https://www.cell.com/ajhg/fulltext/S0002-9297(17)30107-6
it's saying you get counterfactual predictions (e.g. on average height in Graph A) when you use analyses based on european genome.
graphs C and D show how type 2 diabetes prediction changes dramatically when you use a more complete reference genome
>and is your point that these european genes might have african counterparts we dont know about?
that is more or less the point

>> No.10209305
File: 36 KB, 600x400, black_genocide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two fallacies here
>Thinking that your own race must perish
false equivalency (race mixing = "perishing")
>because some bagel eaters on the news told you so
ad hominem ("they're too stupid to form their own opinions")
as usual the right can't develop a cogent argument

>> No.10209312

>Flynn addresses this explicitly in the paper conceding that blacks and other minorities likely have lower iq and thus do not have the cognitive capital to compete as well.
Quote where he concedes this point please
Seemed like his final conclusion is that even IF there's truth to it, it's all still just averages and not a measure of individual ability.

>> No.10209450

>race mixing = perishing
It kind of is, if you believe race exists and are convinced that global government will become a thing, like it was ingrained in science fiction.

>> No.10209453

Yes I would like fries with that

>> No.10209512

argument from authority incoming: this is the famous James Flynn of Flynn-effect fame. he needs no citations, he is the one whose work is supposed to be cited. some people stand in the front of the crowd.

>> No.10209734

Everyone read this >>10206500

>> No.10209759

That isn’t true (it is reversible). You’re probably a sociopath neonazi.

>> No.10209786

Got any sources on... either of those claims?

>> No.10209790

>poor whites have a higher iq than poor blacks
>completely ignores other personality factors
>ignores baseline historical or cultural factors

Im with you that Iq scores have significant predicting ability for peoples and this is in all likelihood substantially genetic but are you not overblowing it. Genetic nurture seems a powerful idea too but i think its also easy to ignore that the genetically selected environment still has its own independent effects. I dont see how that has been ruled out at all.

Ive read articles about or by plomin about genetics and his new book and i feel hes milking it abit for financial gain in these articles. claims that parenting has little affect are incredible claims and they are definitely wrong.

>> No.10209808
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>> No.10209817
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Redpill 2

>> No.10209827

>It's....REDPILL TIME!!!!

>> No.10209833
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>It kind of is
I honestly want your opinion on this. Pic related.
Which of those two ethnicities "perished" to create the modern Japanese? Both?
Is the mixed result considered a new race? If so, does it "perish" when it reproduces with anyone that has a different mix?

>> No.10209834

Every study and review I've seen lays it pretty clearly as I said. The only critique is that they don't distinguish between types of depression, recurrence, etc.
>You’re probably a sociopath neonazi.
Anon where the hell did that come from

>> No.10209840
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Redpill 3 :)

>> No.10209858

If I had to be anything but white, I would either be Japanese or Jewish. Probably Japanese since they’re more athletic. But what intelligent white man wants to be black or Hispanic or Indian?

>> No.10209860

Actually Amerindians have more civilization potential than europeans.

>> No.10209869 [DELETED] 

>Source: The Institution for the Study of Globalization and Cover Politics

Holy hell

>> No.10209871

>"civilization potential"
You ought to feel embarrassed to just throw out idiotic terms like that and expect others to accept them.

>> No.10209874

>Source: The Institution for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics

Holy hell

>> No.10209881

It’s just some Dutch conspiracy theorist hiding behind a fancy name

>> No.10209896

Obviously. Alt-righters and the like have been doing that for a while now. Lot's of small-time evil motherfuckers trying to legitimize themselves with fancy names. Prager U, The Human Biological Diversity Project, etc. And then dumb motherfuckers like Mr Redpill above us, love to push their propaganda for them. Fuck.

>> No.10209912
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>he actually thinks blacks are as smart as whites
How hard is it to lie to yourself?

>> No.10209918

Considering the amount of butthurt this is causing it has to be good. :)

>> No.10209924

>This is more due to poverty and poor parenting as well.
My response was purely factual - I don´t take a stance on the reasons behind black and hispanic overrepresentation in violent crime.
White collar crime requires intelligence - that´s why blacks and hispanics never have, and never will master it.

>> No.10209937

Crime requires opportunity and blacks and hispanics are disproportionately underrepresented in roles that would allow for committing white collar crime.

>> No.10209942

No lies here, but at least I can determine lies from truth, considering I'm not an NPC like you. All you can do is copy/paste propaganda and fallacious memes. I've seen dozens of copies of you already.

>> No.10209957

There’s plenty of reason to believe blacks are dumber than whites. There’s no reason to believe blacks are equally are more intelligent. You have to use mental gymnastics to make excuses for it. What’s so wrong with admitting that blacks are dumber? Why can’t you do that?

>> No.10209961

Ah, yes, the pot-calling-the-kettle-black routine. The devs sure think of everything!

>> No.10209973

Fallacious alt-right memes: The classic strawman, nice.

Fallacious alt-right memes: The ad hominem.

Let me know when a human is on please. I'm glad to have a discussion.

>> No.10209979

Do you think American blacks are more athletic than whites

>> No.10209988

On average, yes. The amount due to biology is not clear. Biology doesn't help much if you don't train for a sport. Black people absolutely get into sports for cultural and historical reasons as well.

>> No.10209995

>comments disabled

Preventing freedom of speech is always a good sign of honesty.

>> No.10210006

Not him, but it depends

British, Irish, Slavs and Latinos are the most successful when it comes to combat sports, they completely dominate the likes of MMA and Boxing on an international level. Blacks are present too but not as much as them.

>> No.10210009

I don’t see why you readily admit that blacks are more athletic (on average) but don’t admit that whites, or Asians, or Jews, or more intelligent than blacks on average.

>> No.10210016


“We must realize that our Party's most powerful weapon is racial tension. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races, that for centuries have been oppressed by the Whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party ... In America, we will aim for subtle victory. While enflaming the Negro minority against the Whites, we will instill in the Whites, a guilt complex for the exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise to prominence in every walk of life, in the professions, and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negroes will be able to intermarry with the Whites, and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.”

-Israel Cohen
A Racial Programme for the Twentieth Century

Blacks being “more athletic” than Whites is a load of bullshit. Literally every real athletic feat like power lifting or MMA is dominated by whites. Only fast twitch muscle dominat sports like sportsball and hand egg have a significant amount of blacks in certain postitions.

>> No.10210017
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>> No.10210029

Right, so you at least admit that blacks are superior in certain athletic skills. Whereas in matters of intelligence, blacks have nothing to compete with whites. The Jews, for example, tend to have higher verbal IQ’s than whites but lower spatial IQ’s.

Although, there may be something in blacks that helps them rap better. But I don’t know much about that topic

>> No.10210038

>but don’t admit that whites, or Asians, or Jews, or more intelligent than blacks on average.
Stop strawmanning, okay? Black people score lowest on intelligence tests out of the defined groups. But what this means is... basically nothing without causal evidence. Are the defined groups even valid? Not really. Are the tests infallible? Not really. Is there an understanding of biological processes that lead to improved mental abilities? Not at all.

The data is out there, there is no knowledge suppression. The spamming of propaganda about it is 100% with the intention of harm.

>> No.10210041

>with 39 the lowest individual result

>> No.10210042

What evidence do you have blacks are as smart as whites or Asians
What evidence do you have that IQ can increase over someone's life
What evidence do you have that IQ is affected by environment

>> No.10210045

Not him
>100% with the intention of harm.
Harm? We are trying to help them. They won't be able to solve the problems in their communities if they don't realize that they and their IQ are the roots of the problem. We can't solve an issue if you don't know its roots.

>> No.10210050

>I honestly want your opinion on this. Pic related.
From what I head when I lived in Japan, that figure is completely wrong.

First off the Japanese acknowledge a Pacific part and that is still seen in certain building traditions.
Secondly there is also the Ainu component that also remains a distinct group. They brought in Siberian connections, possibly related also to the Jomon. This also drags in the Uralic theory at which point things get quite controversial.
Also, was there ever a genetic difference between Jomon and Yayoi? Both belong to the Mongoloid group of people.

>> No.10210053

We've barely scratched the surface. Under what authority do you claim it doesn't matter much?

You cannot ignore it simply because you don't like what it says. That we are not able to explain human development simply through genetics. Just a casual search through nature shows this to be true
That science is struggling at best to understand how humans develop and we cannot ascribe everything to simply 'it's in your genes' as how your genes express is every bit as important to what genes you have.
We are decades away from even understanding the human genome and we still have all of epigenetics to study thereafter. Come back in a century or two.

>> No.10210055

>What evidence do you have that IQ is affected by environment
Really now?

What about low-IQ whites? Please, always ask yourself this question. Over and over again.

>> No.10210060

>What about low-IQ whites? Please, always ask yourself this question. Over and over again.
They know that they are low-IQ most of the time, and should know. But Blacks as a collective should be aware of their low-IQ as a collective to collectively grow.

>> No.10210061

>US Jews: 108 - 113
>Israeli Jews: 91 - 103
Is this credible?

>> No.10210062

How can you believe in evolution while being skeptical of racial differences due to biological causes?

>> No.10210072

Most US Jews are White Ashkenazis while Israeli Jews are Sephardis and Mizrahis

>> No.10210081

1) prove that claim
2) the data is readily available
3) why would this make any difference?

>> No.10210105

Yes please. What is Uralic theory and why is it controversial?

>> No.10210114
File: 83 KB, 1357x800, iq_of_the_world.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posting the fake image

>> No.10210117

Amerindians developed every technology more rapidly than Europeans.
>from aurignacian proto-gravettian to solutrean:10000 years (30000BC-20000BC)
>from aurignacian-antelian to start of crop development: 9000 years(30000BC-21000BC)
>from start of crop development to neolithic revolution: 10500 years (21000BC-10500BC)
>from neolithic revolution to earliest use of copper: 5500 years (10500BC-5000BC)
>from neolithic revolution to earliest use of tin bronze: 6700 years (10500BC-3800BC)

>from aurignacian proto-gravettian to clovis: 5500 years (16000BC-10500BC)
>from aurignacian proto-gravettian to the start of crop development: 5000 years (16000BC-11000BC)
>from start of crop development to neolithic revolution: 7000 years (11000BC-4000BC)
>from neolithic revolution to copper: 3000 years (4000BC-1000BC)
>from neolithic revolution to earliest use of tin bronze: 4700 years (4000BC-700 AD)

-"2003a. Tiwanaku Period (Middle Horizon) bronze metallurgy in the lake Titicaca basin: A preliminary assessment. En Tiwanaku and its hinterland, T 2. A. Kolata, (Ed.), pp. 404-434. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D. C."
-"1997. El bronce arsenical y el Horizonte Medio. En Arqueología, antropología e historia en los Andes: Homenaje a María Rostworowski, R. Varón y J. Flores E. (Eds.), pp. 153-186. Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, Lima."
-"Historia de América Andina: Las sociedades aborígenes"
Therefore Amerindians have more civilization potential than europeans.

>> No.10210143


>> No.10210155


On average, yeah, blacks have a lower IQ than whites, and there do exist other differences in the probabilities of certain expressed characteristics that can be at least partially attributed to the genetic variance across races. I just don't think the /pol/ positions that usually come with "race realism" are reasonable, e.g. dehumanising people or discriminating against individuals based on collective differences, or that certain races are holistically superior or inferior.

>> No.10210156

>Seemed like his final conclusion is that even IF there's truth to it, it's all still just averages and not a measure of individual ability.
what the hell are you saying? do you understand what an average is?

>> No.10210165

But don’t you understand why whites wouldn’t want to integrate with blacks if they were dumber? Humans are separated from other animals because of our intelligence. It’s what drives civilization. It’s no coincidence that blacks have comparably weaker civilizations throughout history and even today, where there are dense populations of blacks, there are problems. So when an important characteristic of our biology affects our civilization, it’s ok to be hesitant when another group is deficient in that characteristic. I don’t think that blacks should be killed or anything like that. I would simply prefer it if they had their own space, and whites had their own space. White Americans never chose to be with blacks, they were forced by the government. Can you imagine what the founding fathers would say?

>> No.10210185

>But don’t you understand why whites wouldn’t want to integrate with blacks if they were dumber?
Yet they have no problem integrating with dumb whites. So it has nothing to do with them being dumber, now does it?

>> No.10210194

Assertive mating shows that in general smart whites choose to pair with smart whites. Smart whites choose to live in communities with other smart whites (again, all on average).

>> No.10210198

Fuck. Assortive.

>> No.10210203

Has anyone addressed the MSR 'mirror self recognition test's yet?
Western kids can pass the test by around 18 months.
Blacks lag behind severely. Research in Kenya was grim with most kids failing the simple self awareness test until around 6 years old. This is despite the fact that they develop much faster than whites (they even have a shorter gestation period).
It seems nobody wants to touch this and lose their career.

>> No.10210207


>> No.10210217

The map showed Israeli Ashkenazi Jews at 103, still a significant difference with 108 - 113.

>> No.10210219

Ask a linguist about the Ural-Altaic language theory and see a linguist explode. They consider this on the same level as being from Atlantis.

>> No.10210222

Norwegians, Swedes and Danes are considered ethnically, linguistically and culturally very close. While we like to poke fun at the Swedes that map lacks any credibility.


>> No.10210226

This video touches on it briefly, it's the PBS eons guy.
There was a study done in Kenya at some point.

>> No.10210236

How dumb would blacks have to be until you no longer wanted to associate with them? 75 IQ average? 60? 50? It’s my opinion that being 15 IQ points below whites is already enough

>> No.10210242

>Yet they have no problem integrating with dumb whites.
Who is this "they"? Also, cite?

>> No.10210246


all the people mobbing against Noah Carl should be culled

>> No.10210254

To clarify what this guy >>10210185
was getting at -- making a division based on race is illogical when the principle concern expressed is of intelligence itself. Why should the segregation or "preference" be one based on race instead of purely intelligence, taking exclusively from both smart whites and smart blacks? Even though the number of blacks possessing whatever arbitrary IQ you set as your cutoff will be smaller given the difference in averages, there is no good reason as to why high IQ blacks should be excluded or discriminated against. Why should low IQ whites not be removed or discriminated against, by the same reasoning? Intelligence drives civilisation, so why should civilisation be contaminated by low IQ whites? Do low IQ whites have some special entitlement to that which was created by high-IQs born with the same skin colour?

>> No.10210256

Lots of laughable apologist nonsense here

>> No.10210261


>> No.10210264

So a 75 IQ white is acceptable, yet a 120, or 130, or 140 -- hell, let's say 150 -- IQ black would be "unworthy" of you?

>> No.10210266

>Who is this "they"?
Any person promoting racial segregation under the false premise that it's based on intelligence
>Also, cite?

>> No.10210269

Science? On /sci/?! Are you mad?

>> No.10210270

Hi /pol/, go back to your website.

>> No.10210272

>yet a 120, or 130, or 140 -- hell, let's say 150 -- IQ black
No such thing.

>> No.10210274

There are other advantages to having homogeneous societies. Removing all blacks would eliminate racial tensions dramatically. Of course, it also reduces crime, improves schools, etc

>> No.10210275

Sounds like a scientist should replicate using a camera + video screen that shows the child but where the “mark” is replaced by a Snapchat type filter that marks the face with a bug or a wound or something similar. I’m guessing such image processing wasn’t possible until recently.

>> No.10210278

>let’s continue living with gorillas because Koko is smarter than a few white retards

>> No.10210281

fuck off

>> No.10210284

>Let's continue living with white retards because they're white
Low-IQers need to be gassed

>> No.10210288

Tell me why you love retard whites though. As far as you can trace their lineage many of them probably never contributed to civilization

>> No.10210291

No that's your site mate not mine.

>> No.10210293

In the future, we might actually be able to edit genes and improve intelligence. But it’s much easier to get all blacks and put them together than to get all low IQ people and put them together. Besides, we need some low IQ people for certain jobs. I’d just rather have low IQ whites for political and cultural cohesion and reduced crime

>> No.10210298

>We need low IQ people for some jobs
No we don't

>political and cultural cohesion
Ah buzzwords

>Reduced crime
Reduced from what arbitrary cutoff?
Can you prove high IQ blacks commit alot of crime?

>> No.10210303

I assure you it would astoundingly easier to give everyone an IQ test than to determine everyone's race.

>> No.10210304

Take a few hundred thousand blacks to Japan and tell them they can’t get rid of them until they get rid of their dumbest Japanese

>> No.10210309 [DELETED] 

I don't defend Japanese xenophobia.

>> No.10210312

>No we don't
Yeah, we kinda do
>Ah buzzwords
One immediate advantage to removing blacks is never having any more political or offensive discussions/events due to racial tensions. Just look at Black Lives Matter. That shit doesn’t belong in a presidential debate. How embarrassing.

>> No.10210316

>we need to get rid of all the blacks to put an end to racism

>> No.10210321 [DELETED] 

High IQ blacks aren’t removed due to intelligence or crime, but cultural reasons. Also, they still breed, so their inferior genes will continue to muck up white bloodlines if they can’t find any other blacks, and then we’re left with s bunch of mutts who have no self-identity. Why would anyone think homogeneity is bad?

>> No.10210324

Creating white societies would eliminate racism in those societies. Removing blacks would definitely decrease a lot of racial tension. Do you disagree?

>> No.10210328

You don't really need niggers. Xenophobia is pretty flexible.

>> No.10210337

Robert Putnam is generally considered the go-to expert on social cohesion and social capital. His theories show that social capital is lost when people are exposed to outsiders, but that the loss is only temporary. He says integration is inevitable and social capital is ultimately strengthened from it.

So just stop being racist basically.

>> No.10210338

Americans have no culture.
I laugh when I hear white Americans speaking to me of culture as if every race in America doesn't have the same culture of consuming fast food, watching Netflix, and using their phones.

>> No.10210339

If they are used for profit, it's not really getting rid of.

>> No.10210340

>inferior genes
>High IQ blacks
>Inferior genes
Uhhhh you are retarded

>> No.10210342

>IQ matters more than race
>We should look to race to decide who to get rid of instead of having everyone taking an IQ test
/pol/ astounds me every day. This is what we are dealing with gentlemen. This is our """""""discussion"""""""

>> No.10210343

Wow what a great argument
Blacks have a negative effect on American culture, though. See: rap

>> No.10210346

No one ever said IQ matters more than race. I don’t think that selecting the highest IQ people from around the world and putting them in one place would necessarily produce the best country. There are other factors

>> No.10210347 [DELETED] 

Yes, niggers have lower IQ as a race. No niggers, no low IQ.

>> No.10210348

>Wow what a great argument
Uh, I'm citing experts here dude. Not going off my fee fees and anecdotes.

>See: rap
You forgot jazz and rock you dummy

>> No.10210349

>It's negative because I say so
And you know why blacks have such a huge effect even though they're 13% of the population? It's because of unimaginative retarded brainlet whites like you who can't produce your own culture so blacks fill the void.
You want me to give a shit about low IQ people just because they're "white" and descended from europeans like that matters anymore.

>> No.10210352

High IQ blacks exist though. Are they still a part of the white race?

>> No.10210353

High IQ blacks are still retards. Their chimp DNA will always be in their bloodline

>> No.10210356

Prove it. Define "chimp" DNA. Or are you resorting to your failed understanding of the regression to the mean?

>> No.10210358

IQ is a poor measurement of intelligence.

There are 200 billion neurons in the human brain. There are multiple degrees and expressions of intelligent behavior.

The idea that you can condense such a multidimensional phenomenon into a single scalar value is a myopic one.

Any time to reduce the dimensionality of something, information is lost. More information can be expressed in higher dimensions which is why neural networks have been useful function approximators..

>> No.10210360

>we should give a shit about low IQ whites because we share a skin color
That didn't stop your god (hitler) from killing slavs even though they're white.

>> No.10210361
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>High IQ blacks are still retards.
It has come to this...

>> No.10210362 [DELETED] 

No, niggers are niggers.

>> No.10210365

>High IQ is defined as not being a retard
>High IQ blacks are retards

>> No.10210367

It's because Shekelstein Records pay for nigger culture and normies consume whatever they are given.

>> No.10210368

Why would a white man want to scream “nigga bitch money hoes” into a mic? That’s the black man’s invention. European composers have already reached the limits of musical genius, anyway. And it’s not as if whites do not still produce good music.

>> No.10210370

Yea niggers are niggers but are high IQ blacks still niggers?
Niggers have an IQ of 85. High IQ blacks don't.
Please argue further or do you have no argument?

>> No.10210372

>I want to see niggers populate America rather than having none at all
You idiots. What do you think will happen when whites are no longer 50%?

>> No.10210375

It's because your race is retarded and buys those records. It's because your women love black cock. It's because your race can't tell Jews apart from whites which allowed them to control you using their higher IQ proving they are the master race.
>Oh that guy has "burg" or "berg" in his name!
>That means he's Jewish
>I spotted a Jew LMAO I won!
>Oh wait my IQ is still lower than a Jews... But I can totally beat him at life!

>> No.10210377

Name 1 high IQ black, and we can discuss his niggerness or lack thereof

>> No.10210380

News flash, nobody gives a shit about what you consider the pinnacle of music.
Especially not the people who dance to jazz, visit rock concerts and listen to rap on the bus. Guess where the money is? Not where you think it is.

>> No.10210381

Nigger IQ isn't 85, it has a whole distribution. It's you who has no argument.

>> No.10210385

Why don't you just go back to /pol/ and save us both some time?
Just call me a nigger and go. That's the achievement you'll contribute to the white races list of achievements.

>> No.10210386
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>high iq blacks

>> No.10210387

Ben Carson

>> No.10210389

>your race is retarded for warning about these effects 50 years ago and being conditioned to live with it.
Are you implying that the whites who are trying to change things are intelligent?

>> No.10210391

Yeah and you say we have to remove the entire distribution when there are blacks who can contribute to science with their IQ and different perspective.

>> No.10210393

Claimed he tried to stab someone at 14

>> No.10210396

Stop arguing with the troll.
Are you guys deliberately trying to fuck up the thread?

>> No.10210397

You can't change things and you never will. Hitler dug you deeper into the trench.
Do you really think a high IQ jewish person can be defeated by lower IQ whites like you?
That's like saying we have a chance to beat AI even after its managing the entire earth's resources and has 10000 IQ.

>> No.10210398

Can’t name one (1) American high IQ black?

>> No.10210400


>> No.10210404

He made that story up to make people think he's an interesting person with a troubled past. I'm not even kidding.

>> No.10210406

>It's because your race is retarded and buys those records.
Because they were conditioned to do so.

>It's because your women love black cock.
Because they were conditioned to do so.

>It's because your race can't tell Jews apart from whites which allowed them to control you using their higher IQ proving they are the master race.
It's literally parasitic behavior, and parasites aren't master race.

>> No.10210407

No I can't. I bow to your superior IQ. Please start the race war without me.
You can tell me about the number of non-white skulls you've crushed after wards.

>> No.10210410

Parasite is your buzzword. It's not an argument.
And low IQ people will always stay conditioned forever. You are conditioned to lose by evolution.

>> No.10210411

Trumps family is Jewish because of intermarriage.
He's also the most Jew friendly president in the history of America. You will never ever win.

>> No.10210417

But the rest will be detrimental. Also nips don't need to live in USA to create anime and distribute it around the world, we have internets and transportation.

>> No.10210420

Not bad. One man doesn’t save the whole race, though.
So either he tried to stab him or he lied. Either way he’s not a good model

>> No.10210423

It's a bunch of eulering

>> No.10210427

He's just a political shill like any other politician. He's trying to appeal to black voters by saying he has things in common with them. Doesn't change the fact he has very high IQ and acts perfectly civil.

>> No.10210428

Only as long as we don't gas the jews. So much for evolution.

>> No.10210429

STFU faggot

>> No.10210431

Edgy! :D

>> No.10210438

>A nigger with violent temper.. wow so hard to believe.

He also claimed to attack his own mother with a hammer. She said it was the other way around though...

>> No.10210441

If the jews want niggers so much, they can have them in Israel, as many niggers as they want.

>> No.10210461
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who is the troll

>> No.10210471

There is a genetic cause and its probably just lots of incest.

>> No.10210474
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Smart people are present in most populations(excluding Africa), However it is true that the majority of every race is actually incapable of science and thus retarded, by making sure countries remain white you don't solve the problem at all, because 90% of the population will still be incapable of science, it is estimated that to get a basic Phd an IQ of 124 is required.

>> No.10210482

is it good to be capable of science

>> No.10210487

So when the army failed to find a use for sub 85 IQ conscripts, that was just the army being delusional?

>> No.10210490
File: 51 KB, 850x440, extinction-is-the-rule-survival-is-the-exception-338682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is necessary for human survival for everyone to have a basic understanding of science

>> No.10210498

>too stupid to use them as cannon fodder when they can easily point and shoot
>niggers are overrepresentet in fighting games like smash
>us army fails to find a use for them
I think americans enjoy being incompetent to stay racist

>> No.10210502

but 99% can pass middle school. At least in the nordic countries I am in. They have a basic understanding of science I guess. Most aren't very smart though. I've tried working with 100 IQ people. They are hard to work with

>> No.10210503

It's just the army being bigoted. There's nothing an 85 IQ retard can't do.

>> No.10210505

Wow! What a collection of guesses and assumptions, all backed up by words lacking in any proper argument.

The only attempt of analysis ends up comparing Kenyan children favourably with gorillas! I am not joking. Now that is a giant own goal if I ever saw one.

>> No.10210508

Exactly my point only 5% of the population is capable of a PhD, in some populations like Jews, Europeans it is higher but still lower than is optimal

>> No.10210512

my siblings and I inherited our IQs from our parents and we turned out to be just as capable of getting into medical school based on merit the same way. We come from a family of doctors so I think this IQ is OUR mean. Why does /pol/ say the race has to regress to the mean which is 100?

>> No.10210516

>Besides, we need some low IQ people for certain jobs.
Name these jobs. Robots are taking over a lot of jobs, starting with low skilled tasks. Those are most easily automated.

>> No.10210527

>He says integration is inevitable
Over the last few thousand years native Americans were not really integrated among Americans, Jews were not dissolved into the Middle East or Europe after the diaspora, the Sami are after 10000 years still distinct from Scandinavians.

So what is the time scale here? Geological?

>> No.10210538

Condoleezza Rice is supposed to be rather smart.

>> No.10210555

As I recall, the conscripts would often struggle tying their shoes, and with things like the maintenance and operation of their rifle.

>> No.10210562
File: 28 KB, 220x310, D4AD3F0A-1112-4991-84DC-9AE257638E06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobel laureate economics, basically black version of Einstein incredibly rare

>> No.10210565

Thanks to the white and Asian genes.

51% Black, 40% White, 0% Native, 9% Asian

>> No.10210570

Jews are pretty integrated into America.

>> No.10210572

The Obamas (really, most blacks prominent in politics), Nigger DeGrasse Tyson, Emmett Chapelle, James West, Philip Emeagwali, Aprille Erickson, Mae Jemison, Kawme Appiah, Mary Frances Berry, Stephen L. Carter, Angela Y. Davis, Roland G. Fryer Jr. (you'd probably like him), Henry Louis Gates Jr., Harold Amos, Tyrone Hayes -- I can go on, but this shouldn't even be necessary: >>10210386 We can infer their presence in populations from any racial IQ bell curve. They will exist in significantly lower proportions than whites at given high IQs, but the entire point is that they provably exist; there is no reason to discriminate against or dehumanise against blacks with high IQ, and certainly no reason to prioritise low IQ whites over them. Racism is hypocritical and irrational, and its proponents cling to superficialities and collectivist, unscientific racial essentialism in the face of arguments advanced from a meritocratic individualist standpoint.

There is no culture or society that does not profit from the intelligent and competent. Race is not culture and culture is not race -- someone born in England, raised speaking English, exposed only to English customs, culture, and education, is not anything but English regardless of race; and any intelligent individual can adapt into any culture if they learn and conform to its norms and expectations. The dregs of humanity, whether white or black, are the source of its problems, and you are only insulting yourself (assuming you *are* high-IQ) if you seriously think that a society exclusively composed of 130+ IQ individuals would run into the kinds of problems and tensions that arise because of stupid and irrational people.

>> No.10210573

She was a true warmongering demon. Probably her white and asian genes at work.

>> No.10210575

Dimensionality reduction is the main principle ANN, the brain and statistical inference in general works on. Infact a description of any kind is pretty much a dimensionality reduction. an explanation is one with latent variables.

is there even any point in gene editing when the hardest best most demanding jobs are all done by a small proportion of the pop. gene editing doesnt open up markets. its competitive enough as it is. all i see gene editing helping is either pushing the bottom up possibly.

>> No.10210578
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>All the cringe Wh*tes in this thread

Why are they so obsessed with Black people?

>> No.10210583

Most studies on parental effect on intelligence show null or insignificant results. I would assume the more complex the environment and advanced the society, the less parenting would have a positive effect on intelligence and the more genetics would play a role. In fact there’s some evidence suggesting that traits pertinent to survival become more heritable in low quality environments and that complex behavioral traits are much more malleable but as you transition to higher levels of subsistence and complexity it reverses course and intelligence becomes much more heritable. I would assume industrializing and mass communication networks are where that happens rapidly and at this point it would make sense that only the stupid benefit from extra education and would not surmount the huge gap between them and the gifted. Plomin is just doing what it takes to survive, he annoys me but he’s useful so one can learn to live with his peddling of whatever booklets he wants to market to the upper middle class neo-liberal public.

>> No.10210640

I wouldn't have achieved as much if my dad hadn't forced me to study, so idk if parenting has no effect on success

>> No.10210649

I thinj the fact that heritability is context dependent literally shows that it is the wrong measure to determine whether the environment i.e. parenting affects a trait because parenting clearly does have big effects and i think the idea of genetic-nurture whilst realistic can lead to an idea that is overskewed; that even if there is gene-environmeny covariance that this should be causally attributed to genes. that is too simplistic i think.
Heritability studies give you alot of data but they dont give you a strong understanding of the latent metaphysical reality of the world. Whilst they still good in terms of practicality i think it misleads people into these beliefs about the world which are untrue at worst and uncertain at best.


>> No.10210676


Dimensional reduction techniques such as PCA/SVD are often not done in deep learning because the size of the data is too massive to reliably perform complex matrix operations on without it taking too long. Back-propagation is the actual main principle behind ANN.

Even further, I'm aware of no technique in dimensionality reduction that can reduce a large matrix into a single scalar value and retain any real meaning from the original matrix.

>> No.10210717


>Back-propagation is the actual main principle behind ANN.
not in unsupervised learning and dimensionality reduction has no relation to backpropagation inthe sense they dont conflict.

All ANN do dimension reduction when you consider that essentially what is happening is youre reducing complex data to simpler underlying data. that is the essence of e.g. being able to recognise a dog from patterns in pixels. you are extracting the underlying structure of data from a complex space. thats literally dimension reduction. Literally dimension reduction is the reason we do any kind of statistical inference.

>> No.10210724

Individualist standpoint is irrelevant on the race scale.

>> No.10210736

pretty amazing that china is 105iq avg and still treats its citizens like disposable objects

>> No.10210744

Scarcity is proportional to value.

>> No.10210750

Because of jews.

>> No.10210756

People overrate iq as a way to value people. you cant necessarily tell someones iq by just talking to them and most of the dumb or dislikeable shit people do is because of other personality traits, not iq.

>> No.10210848

You racist fucks should really get tested for IQ and then outcasting the retards around you before you cry about other races.

>> No.10210885

Those results aren't coming from the mainland

>> No.10210888

the unibomber was a paleo-anarchist, not a rightist you small brained infant

>> No.10210894

liberalism is counter to progressivism

>> No.10210917

Theres many blacks at the 120 mark in america try harder and i agree with you, you cant be spouting this bullshit

>> No.10210927



>> No.10210935

I fucking hire them greshams law is bullshit.

>> No.10210944

I don't really get why people make such a big deal out of IQ. Sure genetics plays a part but environment does as well. Like human achievement isn't just IQ otherwise South East Asia would be far ahead over the rest of the world. They aren't for a reason.

I remember there was a study testing the IQ of Irish immigrants. I don't remember the exact numbers but I'll guestimate. The kids had an average IQ like 15 points less than white americans but in a couple years the difference shortened to 10 with Irish averaging IQ's around 90. In another couple years, the average became practically the same with their white counterparts. Hispanics are currently undergoing the exact same scenario with the average IQ being around 85 like two decades ago, 90 a couple years ago, and expected to average out with whites in a couple years.

So given studies like the one I mentioned, why do people so fervently believe in IQ like it really matters?

>> No.10210952

You’re describing good seeds going from poor to good soil. Twin studies lead us to ask whether the soil might be as bad as some think.

>> No.10210955

because apparently its good at predicting success

>> No.10210960

And more importantly, depends on one’s values ranking, predicting failure.

>> No.10210965


Sorry but you're mistaken. You're not reducing anything in a neural network. I think what you're implying is that you can have a tensor input and a scalar output, but the network is parameterized, so thats not a reduction but a prediction through non-linear combinations.

>> No.10211001

Unsupervised learning is a reduction dude. Of data into higher-order features. Its the whole purpose of perceptual inference. Its not hard to find papers that make the connection explicit.

>> No.10211004

>he has come to be seen by non-biologists as the preeminent evolutionary theorist.
>In contrast, the evolutionary biologists with whom I have discussed his work tend to see him as a man whose ideas are so confused as to be hardly worth bothering with
>All this would not matter were it not that he is giving non-biologists a largely false picture of the state of evolutionary theory

>> No.10211012

>This is more due to poverty and poor parenting as well.
so because I had a bad upbringing the cop isn't justified shooting me when I attack him?

>> No.10211030

that’s called genetic nurture and its accounted for by many of these studies, however in general it requires having already intelligent parents to mean anything otherwise they do not help at all. But adoption studies seem to contradict the idea that its a significant component of academic achievement. Did your father have a skilled profession/trade and/or was he college educated? Are you white?
I mean you’re repeating yourself now, and I don’t know what you mean by metaphysical (existential?). The environment need not change heritability even if it changes if it does not affect selection pressure strongly enough or reproductive success or gene expression strongly enough to be more specific. Its a good measure and has been used in many studies of complex phenotypes across many different species and in many traits specific to humans. There’s no reason to abandon it because someone is worried it will say blacks are not smart and will not become smart in a reasonable period of time.

I will reiterate a few points for you since you have engaged with me in good faith: heritability is the estimate of the proportion of phenotypic variance within a population not attributable to environment, however heritability generally suggests how the quickly a trait will spread through a population, with larger populations and higher heritability (either/or/and) making a trait more likely to proliferate, additionally differential heritability and allele frequency tend to tell you things about the prevalence of a complex phenotype within different populations even though heritability does not say anything about other populations, finally much of the missing heritability is very likely to be deveopmental noise, random events and uncontrollable variables like weather events, climatic change, global cultural shifts which cannot be reasonably planned for or seriously affected by policy. Finally, its likely changing the environment has only long term effects.

>> No.10211043

Oh, you mean VAEs!

Yeah that's a reduction technique. Kind of disingenuous to imply it's "The main principle of ANN, the brain and statistical inference in general works on"

>> No.10211055

Death to anti-racists and the racial equality pseudoscience.

>> No.10211065


>> No.10211066

Why would I have a problem with integrating with dumb whites? Low IQ whites still act like other whites. You can't say the same of a black with the same IQ as me. They are my kin. You seem to forget this other thing called ethnocentricism. Blacks think access to whites is a human right.

What a moronic response. So just because you have a dumb brother/sister/mother or father, you are just gonna abandon them and treat a random stranger like their your parent just because they are more smarter?

>> No.10211111

okay true but i stand by the brain perception bit. imo.

>I will reiterate a few points for you since you have engaged with me in good faith.
Thanks but I am aware of all of this. My point is that because it measures individual difference its entirely relative to the population context which can differ wildly. Homogenous environmental factors (like parenting) in a culture will not come up in an individual difference study even though we know mechanistically parents have a causal role in upbringing and wellbeing. You can see that in things like maternal deprivation studies. Heritability cannot give you any indication of the malleability of a trait. Heritability doesnt tell you about your psychological development as an individual. Only why you are different to other people.

And i never said abandon it. All im saying is people are easily mislead about what heritability means.

>> No.10211150

Even if racial differences in IQ it's too late to do what the alt right wants. Blacks aren't going back to Africa, nonwhite immigrants aren't going back to their countries, and we're not about to have some "forced monogamy" scenario where we give you a wife just because you passed some test. You're still going to live in a diverse society with women in power.

>> No.10211161

you people make me fucking sick.

>> No.10211183

>realism makes you sick
You're not going to get your ethnostate. The only countries that will have this are like Poland and Hungary. They are relatively small and have never interacted with nonwhite populations. America is never going to be a white ethnostate. We aren't going back to "traditional" gender roles either.

>> No.10211185

The content in the comment sections of Youtube are not worth consideration.

>> No.10212514

neither is the content in the videos honestly

>> No.10212526

>Blacks aren't going back to Africa
Then send them to Israel.

>> No.10212548

we dont' have to send them to isreal, but we certainly should open israel's borders

>> No.10212574

As a black person I've zero issues with these researchers. If we are indeed less intelligent it's better to discover and accept the fact as quickly as possible so we can actually fix it.

>> No.10212579

First to space: the white man

>> No.10213505

If you support this as a black you're a fucking idiot. The whole reason /pol/ and other neonazis are autistically OBSESSED with this topic is that it gives them justification to treat you like a subhuman. They are not honest actors who are genuinely curious, their sociopaths whose end goal is get you classified as non-human, remove your rights, legally genocide you like an animal, and then proceed to form a white ethnostate in America.

>> No.10214253

Negroids ARE sub-human though.

>> No.10214254

>if this science is legitimate and its true, and this happens it would be b-bad
yes, why would it be bad to remove problem populations with extreme prejudice? People have no issue with us torturing and indefinitely detaining terrorists, and subjecting rapists to sexual abuse and long grueling sentences in horrible prisons. So, what's the problem if millions of people are a net negative?

>> No.10214290

This here is why dishonest liberals fear race and IQ. Fear is the driving force behind it. They fear the implications of knowledge and it's application.

>> No.10214320

And rightfully so.
We don't want to go back to 1700

>> No.10214332

>We don't want to go back to 1700
Speak for yourself, dishonest L*beral. I actually care about the truth.

>> No.10214396

Post your black skin

>> No.10214546

>do you understand what an average is?
how ironic.
the paper literally (and I mean literally) ends with the true statement that the smartest person in the united states might be a black man

>> No.10214579
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>> No.10214589

the butthurt over the race/IQ topic is unreal
maybe only rivaled by something like female lifetime sex partners and marriage success
can't be because there's truth to the claims, right?

>> No.10214600

>female lifetime sex partners and marriage success
not familiar with this but couldn't it just be that the person that is genetically predisposed to have lots of lifetime sex partners also is genetically predisposed to be less successful in marriage? do people claim that this is a causal relationship rather than just a correlation?

>> No.10214967

There's a difference between truth and permanent war.

>> No.10215166

sauce on the quote?

>> No.10215173

>Only compares whites to blacks
>Not whites to Jews and Asians
Why can't whites admit that they're completely dominated intellectually by Jews and Asians?

>> No.10215182

Its weird. They always have black people on their minds, even when discussing IQ. They never admit that Jews and Asians are far smarter than them, but want to constantly compare themselves to blacks, even though Nigerians are outpacing them in America

>> No.10215355
File: 396 KB, 798x1200, phenotype extended.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well look at the bright side blackies, within a generation we will ALL be sporting the PHENOTYPE ashkenazi women crave thanks to CRISPR, society will be a high iq technocratic utopia where the average iq will be 200, you just have to wait a little

>> No.10215394

racism is in like flynn

>> No.10215400

it's from the world-renowned mathematician ted kaczynski

>> No.10215412

I admit that jews are smarter, but their obsession with Africans (you can argue they're are all evil master manipulators who equate them with golems, but Occam's razor implies well meaning idiocy) is proof that IQ isn't replacement for common sense.

>> No.10215440

>north Korea
> greater than 105
what did they mean by this?

>> No.10215518

Most whites that talk about race and IQ will freely admit that Asians have a higher mean IQ than whites. Even “Great Racists” like Jared Taylor will assert this, without needing to be asked. As for whether Jews have a higher mean IQ, whites seem to be less likely to agree although the data is less clear IMO. The following essay touches proximally on this. http://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-racial-discrimination-at-harvard/

>> No.10215861 [DELETED] 

Even though I agree that blacks have a lower IQ on average this is disgusting to read and why I despise /pol/tards.

>> No.10216604

No, most smart people just lie.

>> No.10216613

>We've barely scratched the surface. Under what authority do you claim it doesn't matter much?
Nothing has come of it in 2 decades of research, its not real and never will be. Waste of research money and waste of good scientists creative periods. Go look up "epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of traits in mammals" have a ball with it retard.
>posts links he didn't read
this is from over a decade ago, the consensus is that its only important within the lifespan of that organism, and has little if any effect on the offspring much less many generations inheriting these changes.
>we can't know anything because we don't understand all of it
heritability and genetic distance implying differences in trait prevalence and allele frequency is something that's been established in population genetics for almost 60 years. Its really not controversial. We could have been teaching this to schoolchildren for decades had the Holocaust not happened. There was full support for eugenics and racialist views before the Nazis took power in America, Northern Europe and the UK. Its obviously political.
Ashkenazi iq is closer to 106-107, comparable with East Asians, but significantly higher incidence rate of genius than other races, and much fewer stupid specimens. Ashkenazim in Israel are probably 103-106, and the Mizrahim are closer to their Arab cousins, Sephardim mid-upper 90's. If you removed all non Askhenazim and Arabs the average iq of Israelis (and also removed all the Russians LARPing as Jews) would be close to China and Japan's.
That's not how in-group preference works

>> No.10216968

>tfw I have an average IQ
>tfw I'm literally retarded

>> No.10216970

>It's well known that liberalism is associated with intelligence.

Liberalism, not leftism.

>> No.10217524
File: 217 KB, 598x354, shockley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>However it is true that the majority of every race is actually incapable of science and thus retarded
precisely. the number of extreme iq humans is essentially equal across races

>> No.10217667

Jared Taylor is a jew.

>> No.10217684

We are white anon, not jews we simply want blacks to go back to their home continent and never set foot in ours again. Blacks can nigger to their heart's content back in their homeland its only a problem if their hyper criminality and lack of civlizational progress happens in our lands. There is no white ethnostate dumbass, because white isnt an ethnicity its a race which is a wide cluster of ethnicities from a similar geographical region like the European Peninsula of Eurasia for example. It would really be a diverse mix of western european ethnicities LARPING as a "white" state.

>> No.10217703

No there are far more white geniuses and asian geniuses than geniuses in other races.

For africans there are more white people with normal intelligence than african geniuses on this planet thats how bottom of the barrel the negro IQ bell curve is.

For black americans there are vastly more white geniuses than black american ones, and more white high average people than black american geniuses as well.

What about jews? Jews dont have the population to count really, only around 16 million of them who as a total are outnumbered by whites or asians with IQs above 120 globally.

>> No.10217819
File: 176 KB, 1316x1010, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks the tails are the same
bell curves are a cruel mistress

>> No.10217991

>He says integration is inevitable and social capital is ultimately strengthened from it.
he says he hopes so.

>> No.10218028

>posts a picture that doesn't even have the tails on it
point proven

>> No.10218040

>No there are far more white geniuses and asian geniuses than geniuses in other races.
confirmation bias

>> No.10218046

See the bottom table, doofus. With the black mean one standard deviation below, it means that IQ of >125 that blacks are underrepresented 30:1.

>> No.10219570

How about when iq>150?

>> No.10219601

>However it is true that the majority of every race is actually incapable of science and thus retarded, by making sure countries remain white you don't solve the problem at all, because 90% of the population will still be incapable of science,
Atleast the average white/asian knows how to act civilized unlike the sub-70IQ monkey. And yes that would solve most problems.

>> No.10219634
File: 47 KB, 500x417, barbarianism vs civilization.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Civilization is savagery

>> No.10219636

Blacks can make up for it by numbering 4x more than whites eventually

>> No.10220536

Wtf im red pilled now :O!!!

>> No.10220554

>A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century(occasionallyA Radical Program for the Twentieth Century)
>was ahoaxthat first gained public notoriety on June 7, 1957, during a debate on theCivil Rights Act of 1957
Never doubt for a second the stupidity of ((())) shitposters.

>> No.10220615

>making sure there are no people to be racist against
>fixes racism
What /sci/ posters need to understand about snowflake nationalist pathology isn't "IQ", or "genetics", or even their never ending "crime stats". No, what really drives them is narcissism--the need to assert status and power through incidental personal traits. It's not coincidental they thus focus on pure superficial, image traits attached to phenotype while ignoring the myriad of other genetic physiological traits not plainly visible to the average person (e.g. disease factors, congenital conditions, mental illness etc). Their usual arguments, usually fraudulent and misingenious at best, are therefore a pretext to their true goal of imposing up a racial hierarchy where they populate the crowning type by default. Just like a spoiled child dropping parental connections to warrant personal importance, supremacist politics are a means to fill the hollow of an individual raised to believe he is grander than life, only to fall on the face of his own mediocrity.

It's no suprise then that these type of politics appeal to your average mediocre, resentful and socialy inept NEET edgelord in delusional need of an aryan certificate as substitute for self-worth. It's sad, really.

>> No.10220650

Dimensionality reduction operates on the principle that variance of underlying distribution sets are captured by one or a few metrics. The human mind is not some simple "variational set" but an emergent, dynamic, adaptable and non-reducible phenomena on its own right.

When people "measure IQ", they may map a few brain aptitute skills, but in no way measure the whole of the person, or his/her abilities, specially in regards to open ended tasks like creativity, imgination, musicality and most certainly not in "soft" skills like social competence or leadership.

Those who focus excessively on IQ as a measure or human competence are often looking at a status symbol to throw around, rather than a genuine interest in what defines "intelligence" or "intelligent" behavior.

>> No.10220682
File: 306 KB, 980x1200, 1499628897125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we don't want to hurt people
>just dehumanize them, strip them of civil and social rights, and then strip their livelihoods by forced removal
>never mind similar policies and attititudes resulted in the systematic murder of millions in the past
How noble and moral. You are truly deserving of a gold in the gymanastics mental divison.

>> No.10221253

This is BS, I won't take any paper seriously where they call SNPs genes. It's either fabricated or they don't know what they are talking about.

>> No.10221292

The reason I laugh at neonazis is because they never shut the fuck up about IQ, yet most of them have an IQ less than or ~ 100. It's fucking pathetic. Screams of self-loathing.
>muh IQ tests
>ignore IQ tests when they don't like the opinion of the person with a higher IQ than them

>> No.10221297

Maximum fedora, this post.

>> No.10221323

Iq is likely not highly malleable, and deprivation studies aren’t reliable as adoption studies contradict them. You keep assuming that the maleability of a polygenic trait is going to be high on a reasonable time scale where the cost of investment would be outweighed by the benefits of uplifting deficient populations. There is anywhere from a 25-15 point gap between sub-saharan africans and white europeans, among american blacks 5 points have been shaved off of this difference in 50 years since integration of the school system. No one knows: if there are diminishing returns or short term hard caps on iq gaine (reverse flynn effect), if this was worth the social and political cost of the black iq deficit burden on american social institutes, if blacks will ever meet whites considering that were there to be none of the aforementioned constraints whites would necessarily also continue climbing in cognitive function, and finally if malleability isn’t higher for relatively stupid people or more easily taken advantage of by smart people (neither of which suggests it being easy to bring blacks up to white’s cognitive capacity). Finally, the very fact that blacks are lower iq, that they engender low g environments for their children, that they lower the average iq of populations they assimilate into and that mixed race white-black hybrids have lower iq than their white parents all indicates its very likely blacks are genetically bound to be slower and less creative than whites intellectually and that this took an unbelievable period of time for that difference to develop. Just think about it intuitively, why would iq not be extremely mutable if it wasn’t just a recent divergence in cog capacity from industrialization and colonization? wouldn’t blacks taken into white homes be at least on par with whites within one generation? That’s not what’s seen and its not what’s occurring anywhere in integrated societies.