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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10208430 No.10208430 [Reply] [Original]

>graduating in May with a B.Sc in biology
>mediocre GPA (2.65)
I thought I wanted to do med school when I started college, but I've pretty much given up on that idea. I still have hopes of doing grad school one day though. Thinking about all of this has sort of given me an identity crisis though. I know I want to continue in science and medicine, but I don't know exactly where or how I'll do it if my GPA is so bad. Anyone with experience in this who has found a niche they've fallen in love with? I've been interested in working in a medical lab lately because I live in San Diego and it sounds interesting, so any experience with that is welcome too.

tl;dr: How does a crappy student continue in science and medicine with a bachelor's in biology once they graduate?

>> No.10208433

Switch to math

>> No.10208437

Expand on this please

>> No.10208440

You're obviously shit and biology/memorization, math would be easier for you

>> No.10208444


>> No.10208519

apply to an online masters in biotech somewhere. apply as a lab tech to places and dont list your gpa. my employers never asked.

>> No.10208523


apply to a graduate school in nigeria

>> No.10208535

I'm actually thinking of applying as a lab tech. when I get out of here. What do you recommend I put on my resume? And are/were you happy as a lab tech? What are your prospects for career advancement as a lab tech?

>> No.10208543

Wakanda has better research facilities, my friend.

>> No.10208554

Medical labs will not hire you if you don't have ASCP certification and if you had a shit GPA in undergrad bio you'll struggle with the coursework for that. You might be able to work as a specimen processor but that pays like shit and is very tedious.

>> No.10208562

Meant to reply to >>10208430

>> No.10208572

Also if you meant working in a research lab rather than a clinical lab, ignore my post

>> No.10208690


Lol you are like me 2 years ago. Except I had a 3.5 gpa.

The harsh reality is that you won't get into medical school/PhD programs with a 2.65... the minimum is 3.25-3.5 for most programs.

You probably could get into a masters program but thats just more debt and shit, but they except everyone into those cause its a racket.

Anyway, so I graduated with a BS in biology as well:

Got a job for 36.5k/yr working in a lab doing only PCR

Worked for 2 years, applied and took the molecular technologist ASCP examination and passed.

Got a job in a government public health agency making 44k/yr as a medical technologist.

Applied to graduate school, doing my PhD in cancer biology.. but want to slit my wrists because of all the work and being paid 28k/yr. May just masters out.

But yeah, out of college you'll get a $18-$22/hr job and maybe after 3-5 years be making 50k.. this is the AVERAGE.. if your lucky in 10 years you can make ~60k+ but yeah gl anon.

>> No.10208774

Thanks man. I mean, I'm not too worried about making a ton of money, it's never been about that to me. I've been a poorfag my whole life, so even 50k a year would be a huge improvement on what I live on. I just want a fulfilling career, I guess.

>> No.10208803
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>tfw wanted to take a gap year before going to college so my depression could get better
>parents said no
>tfw too much of a pussy to stand up to them
>tfw had to go to college with crippling depression
>tfw GPA is shit as a result

>> No.10208807

We're both gonna make it anon

>> No.10208847

Write patents.

It's what I do and all you need is a science degree. If your main concern is money and your grades aren't the best it's about as well as you can do for yourself and the patent bar is one of the easiest bars to pass.


>> No.10208852

>another brainlet biofag
going to be so nice to get a 4.0 as a biophys nigger and get a free ride at a top tier grad school studying ecosystems in the forests i grew up in
If he did badly in biology he has a much worse chance of doing well in math.

>> No.10209221

Interesting. Where can I learn more?

>> No.10209328

You'll be fine teaching biology in high school heh heh
Enjoy your mediocrity

>> No.10209374
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if your GPA sucks you won't get hired for your field of study.

6 months since graduated and still unemployed and I had a 2.8 gpa.

Sorry anon..I'm considering working at starbucks now.

>> No.10209389

You might as well do this >>10209328 and become one of those disinterested teachers so you basically get paid to do jackshit for a few hours a day.

>> No.10209393

you can def go to grad school if you want.
Masters programs are cash cows or career switchers for even many of the top schools.

>> No.10209413

>muh depression
Stop making excuses for yourself.

Try harder.

>> No.10209737

He lives in San Diego, he can get a job position at a lab in a few months easily. Some employers won’t even ask for your GPA.