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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 13 KB, 280x280, 4cRlD__0_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10198426 No.10198426 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a thread going about this guy?
I love Slatestarcodex and have been meaning to get into the rationalist movement. I've also noticed that everyone on here seems to hate it, but I've never seen why, so lets hear.

>> No.10198432
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>> No.10198433

[eqn]\maltese\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \maltese\ \maltese\ \maltese\ \maltese\\ \maltese\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \maltese\\ \maltese\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \maltese\\ \maltese\ \maltese\ \maltese\ \maltese\ \maltese\ \maltese\ \maltese\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \maltese\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \maltese\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \maltese\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \maltese\\ \maltese\ \maltese\ \maltese\ \maltese\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \maltese \\ \ \\ \color{red}{\text{[ S I E G : H E I L ]}}[/eqn]

>> No.10198434

>let's agree to disagree

Just don't be this kind of person.

>> No.10198455
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>> No.10198457
File: 155 KB, 1200x769, bayestheorem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing what Aumann's Agreement Theorem is

>> No.10198461
File: 353 KB, 1700x850, deathismvirginchad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /sci/ think of cryonics and life extension?

Cryonics FAQs:

More cryonics info:

Calculator for calculating the probability of cryonics working:

Cryonics membership statistics:

Life extension info:

>> No.10198538
File: 193 KB, 400x400, 83d72de47e2a2470c482bc75406b42a7_400x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm what a cool symbol to chose as yours that doesn't have any secret meaning known to the fbi

>> No.10198553

Literally what are you talking about. Just say it I can't be bothered trying to find it

>> No.10198558
File: 24 KB, 517x517, 8e3958144d7dbe638a6e907f79703bc8abb57e14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's some more data, do inference

>> No.10198566
File: 211 KB, 728x942, fbi-pedophile-symbols-1-728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres some thing that spirals have been used by pedos as a symbol
its not even the right kind tho, its either a triangle or a heart spiral, and anyways, for god fucking fucks sake, they're very common symbols anyways. thats why pedos would fucking use them, they seem inconspicuous. They don't fucking use them in restaurant logos to show the place is pedo friendly or something fucking shitty like that, they imprint the symbol on coins they use to confirm they're pedos or something like that, read the fucking fbi thing on it for fucks sake.

>> No.10198569

Not sure why I started laughing.

Rationalists are about as retarded as skeptics 9 times out of 10.

>> No.10198572

People manage to ruin and corrupt everything.

>> No.10198574

look at his face

>> No.10198576

yes and?
Having a necklace like that could be a pedo necklace but just as easily could be he thought the spiral was cool and represents a lot of ideas at once. Fuck I'd wear a cool spiral necklace like that and I fuckn hate kids lol.

>> No.10198581

p..pedop.. what!! i was just saying he's probably a member of a group that overthinks themselves into retarded spirals and embarrasses themselves

>> No.10198583

exactly, so we're on the same page then. nice

>> No.10198632

Didn’t this guy write a fucking Harry Potter fanfiction ?

>> No.10198672

yes he does lmao
and this is his greatest accomplishment
yudkowskyfags are truly pathetic

>> No.10198683

>does cryonics work?
>will it work in the foreseeable future?
>then it's pseudoscience lol
>"fuck off deathist xddd"

>> No.10198706

gwern is my rationalistfu

>> No.10198721
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>> No.10198722
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>> No.10198830

Roko's Basilisk.

>> No.10198835

>theism for brainlets

>> No.10199027

Bayesian Statistics is not the answer to everything, in fact it's not even that great for anything.
This guy predicates his ENTIRE moral and persona philosophy, on applying Bayes' theorem to everything.

>> No.10199044

>I fucking love science!

>Give me money so I can write more Harry Potter fanfi- I mean prevent AI from destroying the world!

>*is in a polyamorous cuckold relationship with 50 obese nerd girls*

>> No.10199062
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>> No.10199078

post more cringe kino pls

>> No.10199081

>one result in google search
>Struggle against Islamization is impossible without struggle against Abrahamic paradigm: the
less would be influence of Abrahamic items in everyday life in Europe the less would be
opportunities for Islamization; Europe needs not just deislamization but deabrahamization.
Tresi Nonno. 2015. Thoughts on multiculturalism, nationalism and culturalism. Cultural Anthropology and Ethnosemiotics, Vol. 1, № 2; pp.: 32 - 44. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/320622776_Tresi_Nonno_2015_Thoughts_on_multiculturalism_nationalism_and_culturalism_Cultural_Anthropology_and_Ethnosemiotics_Vol_1_No_2_pp_32_-_44

That's by far the most cryptic way to say anti-judaism, I like it.

>> No.10199084

facebook /yudkowsky

reee stop telling me my post is spam

>> No.10199087

>I only Friend people I know well enough to have a mental image of their personalities. Please subscribe to me instead, and don't be offended if your Friend request goes unanswered.

>> No.10199418
File: 24 KB, 350x263, vitrifiedrabbitkidney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>will it work in the foreseeable future?
Wrong. See the cryonics calculator posted earlier. Also, even if the chance of it working is slim, you need to take your scope insensitivity into account. If it does work, there's a chance that you might get to live for an infinite amount of time.


>> No.10199453

get the fuck out
too bad this board doesn't delete pseudoscience posts

>> No.10199456

Not an argument

>> No.10199461


>> No.10199471

>doesn't know about ketosis

>> No.10199474

SSC and the online rationalist movement is a trap for people who think they're smart.

It will never amount to anything, the people involved are not intelligent or creative Only a few of them have "high IQs," if they even do, the rest are mindless followers.

Seriously, get interested in anything else. This is such a fucking waste of time and an intellectual dead end. You would literally be better off taking all the time you spend reading SSC and lesswrong and putting itinto jerking off to hentai.

>> No.10199571

Gwern is worth reading on most things, ssc is good to laugh at, yudkowsky is a smart guy but don't listen to any of his "rational" gibberish, it's just theater to pick up bay area sluts. If you want secret pedos, however, look at steven pinker.

>> No.10199782
File: 223 KB, 2047x788, chadrationalist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10200086

I pretty much only friend people I've met in person once, not waste my time with randos in my feed.

>> No.10200108

that's based! although you're not a (slightly) public figure, just a faggot with a facebook and the notion to post about it

>> No.10200697

Why do you think it is a waste of time and dead end that will never amount to anything?

>> No.10200715

>check the website
>literally run-off-the-mill Libertarian talk
No thanks, lol. Is this what passes off as intellectualism in America?

>> No.10200732

this nerd needs his fucking ass kicked, god damn I feel sorry for him.

>> No.10200752

Uh... what "libertarian talk"?

>> No.10200758

libertarianism is the best ideology, prove me wrong

>> No.10200794

Black people and spics.

>> No.10200915

>that forehead
peak phenotype

>> No.10200962

Read the Sequences. He talks about a lot more than just libertarianism.

>> No.10201229

OP here. So far no genuine reason not to devote my life to based Yudkowsky.

>> No.10201251

Some number of you including the OP are confusing the two websites (and their authors): LessWrong (Eliezer Yudkowsky, depicted in OP) and SSC (Scott Alexander, different person). The latter would not exist without the former but their topics of focus are very different.

>> No.10201263

>This guy predicates his ENTIRE moral and persona philosophy, on applying Bayes' theorem to everything.
Every reputable statistician rejects Bayes theorem.

>> No.10201281

nobody rejects it you retard
but nobody with a grain of intelligence thinks it's the Nonplusultra Formula for knowledge

>> No.10201294

name literally one (1) scientific achievement of this cuck

>> No.10201295

Not the person you asked, but EY admits his Sequences essays are short on practice and long on theory, and SSC posts are just plain long. Easy to spend hours at a time on that kind of thing, form all sorts of new beliefs, get rewards from your motivational system for what feels like learning, and not do anything with it to benefit your life.

I relate to the general worldview and I'm still sympathetic to calling the reading list a trap. I can see how reading all of it could nerd-snipe anybody with sufficiently high trait Openness.

Find a way to actually apply instrumental rationality to your own chosen goals and it won't be a waste of time.

>> No.10201362
File: 74 KB, 1080x461, Screenshot_20171210-023208-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rationalist movement
i.e. people too retarded for actual science worshipping science
i.e. r3ddit

>> No.10201389

You're thinking of Skeptics, retard

>> No.10201403

Yud is a moron.

>> No.10201548


>> No.10201668
File: 28 KB, 480x323, iu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all can sneer at Rationalists all day, but eventually you have to deal with the fact that their memes got Elon Musk laid:


>> No.10201705

He wrote an epic fanfic

>> No.10201725


>the rationalist movement

Everyone I have met in this has been an insufferable, obnoxious moron

>> No.10201732

who was it that said "i don't have time to write a short letter". These blogger fuckheads just stream out their terrible top of the head analogies that get more elaborate and retarded as they go and go on for 400 pages without ever reading back and thinking, you know, if i put a bit of effort in i could get this across in ... 2 pages. Nah, instead it's
>Imagine you have a farm with n pigs and w beehives, and painted on the pigs are letters A, ...
for 60 pages to explain what a 'rule of thumb' is

>> No.10201738

They are both fedora tipping faggots. Maybe historically they were of significance.

>> No.10201742


>> No.10201745

You mean bots spying on you

>> No.10201980


I think >>10198455 is supposed to be like a political left-right dichotomy
the right is roughly NRx/DE; not sure the left represents one coherent group (techno-optimist libertarians?), but it's being represented negatively in the right's terms

>> No.10202205

Timeless Decision Theory

>> No.10202825

Wow, a niche, poorly defined formulation that has zero applicability to anything other than problems specifically designed for it. Nice!

>> No.10202864

>nobody rejects it you retard
Have you ever worked with statisticians?

>> No.10202903

name one that rejects it lmao
once again that does not mean that I'm a yudkowskyfag or think it's the answer to everything, it's simply a nice formula and reformulation of contraposition in a probabilistic context

>> No.10202914

>name one that rejects it lmao
Myself and literally every other working statistician.

>> No.10202921

I'm interested to hear why

>> No.10202924

>rejecting a logical predicate
do you reject Boolean logic aswell, retard? do you believe computers can't work because contraposition not real?

>> No.10204068

In what scenarios does Bayesianism not apply?

>Every reputable statistician rejects Bayes theorem.
Source: Your ass

>> No.10204685

>In what scenarios does Bayesianism not apply?
almost all of them

>> No.10204743

>almost all of them
Such as?

>> No.10204904

my guess is anon goes into a full on autistic ree-mode whenever probabilities are not known exactly and have to be "guessed" or estimated
which in practice is almost always depending on your degree of autism I suppose?

>> No.10205371

Man I love videogamedunkey