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10197730 No.10197730 [Reply] [Original]

Do you take any nootropics? Any
opinions and recommendations?

>> No.10197760

-Bacopa monnierri
-Gotu kola
-Ginkgo biloba
-Celastrus paniculatus

Lots of other stuff that depends on the day, and doesn't provide a relatively lossless improvement, though net improvement in a specific respect. Those include cacao, kava, hemidesmus indicus, polygonum multiflorum, turnera diffusa, ginger root. Occasionally phenibut. Also, very very occasionally, ethanol via potato vodka.

>> No.10197866
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Sexual abstinence (no sex, no masturbation) + Nicotine

>> No.10197880

>tfw I need to fap to be able to fall asleep

Teach me the ways of nofap, wise anon.

>> No.10197896

so you're just a virgin thats addicted to smoking? lol

>> No.10197927

It's a tough habit to get rid of. First, it is counterproductive to think of it as "nofap", which automatically creates a negative association.

You have conditioned yourself to associate the enviroment of your bed with arousal; change the enviroment if you wish to change yourself. For instance, wear loose fitting underwear or pajamas, get a bed new cover, and resolve not to do it in there again. Most importantly, sleep with a lower room temperature, either turn the thermostat down or role the window down a click.
Don't do it at your computer if that's where you engage in self-abuse. If you fail, you need to carry it out somewhere else, perhaps a bathroom. Use static images only while quitting, non-hardcore, AND DO NOT search for the perfect one. The videos are strongly imprinted into your subconscious

The trick to successfully following an abstinent lifestyle is to practice it mentally--- this means no looking at sexual images, no fantasizing, and even going as far as preventing arousal. It sounds extreme but the moment 'horniness' begins while abstinent it's going to be a Pyrrhic victory, where your productivity and effort is spent battling yourself. By taking this effort, especially early on, you avoid incurring the frenzy of horniness. In fact, when abstinent, I find my baseline level of sexual arousal to near totally disappear--- it isn't on my mind.

I would avoid nofap forum/reddit; they speak sexually and are quite frankly are doing it just to switch the hand for a corporeal body which defeats the entire point. If you are looking for encouragement, read older literature. Yes, their mechanisms designed to satisfy the hypotheses are laughably crude but knowing it was written by intelligent physicians of old and seeing their passion alone is reassuring. "Science Discovers the Physiological Value of Continence" is my favorite such book. Kellogg unironically has good advice in "Plain Facts for Young and Old".

>> No.10197934

Gotu kola is a vegetable that people eat daily with in my home country of Srilanka. People also used ashwagandha liberally. Have been using modafinil ocasionaly since I moved to the US

>> No.10197937

Does this cause testicular cancer?

>> No.10197941

And if I may add some further advice, if you slip up from a state of abstinence, you will be repeating the same mistake for another 1-3 weeks so do not beat yourself up too heavily. Just resolve to limit it to once daily whenever you slip up. And again, do not go after the perfect picture. Just get it over with.
I postulate that there is a hormonal rebound that occurs following breaks in abstinence. The advice to carry on is bad in my opinion and only sets one up for a perpetual series of failures rather than any longstanding success.

>> No.10197946

No. It does not cause prostate cancer either.

>Sexual activity and prostate cancer risk in men diagnosed at a younger age

>Whereas frequent overall sexual activity in younger life (20s) increased the disease risk, it appeared to be protective against the disease when older (50s). Alone, frequent masturbation activity was a marker for increased risk in the 20s and 30s

>Prostate cancer mortality among Catholic priests.

>> No.10197957
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Example of some of the material. Again, the mechanisms are crude but you'll get more value out of this reading this than going to nofap.

>> No.10197972
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>The trick to successfully following an abstinent lifestyle is to practice it mentally--- this means no looking at sexual images, no fantasizing, and even going as far as preventing arousal. It sounds extreme but the moment 'horniness' begins while abstinent it's going to be a Pyrrhic victory, where your productivity and effort is spent battling yourself. By taking this effort, especially early on, you avoid incurring the frenzy of horniness. In fact, when abstinent, I find my baseline level of sexual arousal to near totally disappear--- it isn't on my mind.
Last post. Forgot to add, it's impossible to practice abstinence on this site without ad blocking all thumbnails.

I use filters


All it takes is a single thumbnail to ruin a successful streak of abstinence.
It makes this site less interesting so you aren't wasting as much time here frivolously browsing and wasting time. I'm going to get on with life here soon and will mostly quit 4chan in another few weeks.

>> No.10197974

Use thread watcher to still use the catalog.

>> No.10197996

I masturbate once every week or so, and this is ridiculous. There's a whole history in this matter and it involves the nerve force theory and many other things, but the short version is it's mostly nonsense unless you have a poor diet.

>> No.10198001

Well, I used to do it daily (and even more frequently as my 20s progressed) and it absolutely ruined my productivity and energy. If you only do it once a week, consider yourself fortunate.

>> No.10198018

I believe it's more about the way you masturbate and what that ritual is for you. If you're jerking off to shitty porn that net makes you feel bad but lures you in with beautiful women as bait, or you're processing it in some other negative way, it's going to have a negative effect on you. You're going to cum, and you're going to look at it and your ejaculate in this new state and feel disgust, shame, and the overwhelming awareness of how alone you are. You will feel insecure, inferior, and drained.

If you're jerking off to something positive, or to your own fantasies, none of that occurs. Generally. I jerk off to stills or amateur solo masturbation (the stuff that's not made out to be a manicured show), and I cum and just see an attractive woman.

Porn is part of cultural engineering and mass media brainwashing, and it's how the machine gains access to your sexuality. You have the purpose, you have the bait, and you have the interleaved messages and the mixed bag. You must reject the mixed bag. That's the problem and that's how porn fucks with you. And it's why I prefer stills. The photographer may be controlling the angles and so forth, but with enough of a dataset your fantasy can generate whatever you want.

>> No.10198041
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I don't feel any of those emotions and my porn use was very vanilla.
The negative consequences arises and hurt ability to focus and put an end to productive states no matter what.
I get it with any sexual release, even intercourse. I'm not religious--there is no element of guilt or shame, you're confusing the adverse effects as psychosomatic attribution, ie dhat syndrome.
There are modern day mechanisms that suffice to explain the deleterious effects arising from sexual activity to release. Arousal impairs working memory and the finale of orgasm causes a rise in prolactin which exerts antidopaminergic effects and remains elevated long after the refractory period which itself suffices to explain the post-orgasmic motivational deficits. There is a grab-bag of neurochemical and endocrinal alterations that is profound. Study these enough and you'll see how abstaining could be beneficial. It's better than any nootropic or drug for me.