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10189956 No.10189956[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>uni has had a suicide in the math department, a suicide in the physics department, and an "accident at home" in the ECE department in the past week
>half of my friends end up opening up about their previous attempts or how close they've come
Don't burn out, guys. Take care of yourselves.
Would you say the stresses of science and math education are too high, or are the students the problem, or is there something else making suicide rates so high? Is this just modernity?

>> No.10189965

I think there is no massive "more suicide"

People killed themselves since they ware able to...

Maybe lack of eternal pain in their image of what is going on after can increase rates a little.

Legal drugs would be better alternative for a lot of people than suicide... But our goverment has choosen that bullet in head is good and getting high and rest away from your problem for a while and looking at them from different perspective is harmful.

>> No.10189966
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STEM. Not even once.

>> No.10189967

Lack of pussy drives men to crazy things. I don't mean to call them incels, I'm pretty misogynistic myself. The kind of guy a reddit faggot would call an incel out of spite. But it's a fact that if you're under tremendous pressure and you don't have a way to get your dick wet as a release valve, you're gonna snap.
Also I'm assuming you live in an Anglo or Nordic country. You're fucking weird because it's like when you become adults you cut ties with your family and only see them once a year during thanksgiving. People in other countries have a stronger bond with their families to help them through the stress and pressure.
Another big one is bad diet, lack of exercise and nutrient deficiencies. Becoming more spiritual may help.

>> No.10189978
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>People in other countries have a stronger bond with their families to help them through the stress and pressure.
Countries in Asia and eastern europe with more "traditional" family bonds have higher suicide rates than western countries.

>> No.10189980

Agree with all of this.

If we legalized prostitution suicide and mass shooting rates would PLUMMET

>> No.10189985

I've known one of them since we were both kids, the math guy. He was 22 and graduating this semester.
He dated multiple people over the last several years and was incredibly close with his family. I'm still best friends with his brother, and their house was the one everybody went to because they were so welcoming. I grew up jealous that he had the family I always wished I did. He was actively involved in a shitton of stuff around campus, and there must've been about 400 people I saw at his funeral.
Sometimes you just don't know, anon.

>> No.10189988

You don't know what you're talking about. I'm talking about bonds, like in Mediterranean countries. I have to deal with Asians often and they have no bond with their families, they have obligations. Like "they took care of me so now I am socially forced to take care of them" but that's not the kind of relationship that will help you when you're stressed out of your mind.

>> No.10189991

This is /sci/ you fuck, always provide a source

Also Russia, China and India have shitloads of other problems that make them worse to live in. Doesn’t mean strong family bonds aren’t a major deterrent to suicide.

>> No.10189995

Fuck me, that sound terrible. Wonder what made him do it. I mean, (genetic) depression is a thing too, but he didn't seem depressed from what you're saying.

>> No.10190014

Does not contradits each other.

>> No.10190021

>spend 4+ years in undergrad
>spend 6+ more for a phd
>have to then dedicate half a decade to multiple postdocs before getting a shot at tenure-track positions
>if you ever go into private industry to get a decent salary you'll never have a chance to get back into academia and all those years will be practically wasted

It'll forever be a mystery.

>> No.10190026

>get berated for half an hour straight by my advisor about the quality of a work-in-progress paper for journal submission

>> No.10190035

Poor guy had no chance with a degree from "Reading University", it sounds like something made up by a 5 year old kid

>> No.10190038

maybe you should try writing better before going straight to suicide

>> No.10190060

maybe you should go fuck yourself

>> No.10190074

competition causes people to feel like shit

also, listen to this song if you finally want to leave in peace:

>> No.10190076 [DELETED] 

considering half the chemists I know are complete bbc loving sissy degenerates, it's because fields like that attract genetic cucks, people that lost the lottery of life.

>> No.10190082

His brother said he had no idea, and he's still wondering but is trying to come to terms with the fact that he probably won't ever really understand.
The guy was incredibly cheerful, I didn't see him often but every time I ran into him he would ask how I was, ask what I was doing, seem genuinely interested in it. I don't think I'd ever seen him come off as upset by anything for long.

>> No.10190087

shouldn't you be writing your paper

>> No.10190091

Why is such a large chunk of 4chan so incredibly enamored by black penises and cuckoldry that they can't allow a single thread on any board to go by without bringing it up

>> No.10190093

shouldn't you be scrubbing the toilets

>> No.10190142


Lol it's pronounced Redding, it's a city in the UK and a perfectly good university.

>> No.10190148 [DELETED] 

im black and gay
ive literally had 6 chemists, 2 with phds dress up and suck my cock/take it in the ass.
just stating my experience here. think you're tired of the bbc meme? try living it

>> No.10190184
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>If we legalized prostitution suicide and mass shooting rates would PLUMMET

Damn straight anon, I've always wondered why this is so fucking hard for people to wrap their heads around. If the government regulates it like they do must industries, they'll generate a fuck ton in tax revenue per year. Also, the prostitutes will have access to better healthcare, assuming they are employed by one of the legal prostitution companies, like McBrothels or something. Also their risk of getting killed will go down because the fucking takes place at a corporate owned property, so there will be a ton of security. Hell, they might even set up a trade school, or college major for it. If you're gonna get fucked in the ass by the cost that comes with going to university, you might as well be able to pay off your loans by getting fucked in the ass, as you now literally and figuratively have experience with it.

Finals have begun for many of us, myself included, and how kickass would it be to book an appointment at brothel after you finish studying for the day, drink some complimentary alcohol of your choice while in the jacuzzi in the room you reserved, get a massage from your girl(or guy) that evening and then get the fucc and succ.

The brothel companies definitely would need to install some water filtration system though, I have a design in mind, essentially a closed loop system with multiple water purification devices, but I don't want to type it all out, as I'm majoring in Jewish studies, i.e. Economics, and therefore am not an engineer. But anyways, a fair amount of engineering and construction jobs will open up, given the HUGE FUCKING DEMAND there would be for these establishments, and the economy would thrive.

Some SJW's, religious people and pimps who now have to find a real job now would get butthurt.

>> No.10190185

>take time to get to know potential advisors before signing away 4-5 years of my life to somebody
>don't end up working for a sociopath
man that was hard

>> No.10190209

Unfortunately the ones that never show any signs are probably a bigger risk to kill themselves than the ones who are obviously depressed.
The combined fact of not getting any help and having to keep up a facade of being happy when they're severely mentally ill makes their situation substantially worse than it has to be.

>> No.10190248
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>be my university
>constantly sending out emails about our mental health services, and to not be afraid schedule an appointment if you're feeling extremely stressed out/suicidal
>every class requires a fuck ton of work, as it's a world renowned university
>the hardest exams you'll take that semester, usually the second or third exam, are scheduled for the day after you get back from Thanksgiving/Spring Break


>> No.10190258

In all seriousness though, I was feeling super burnt out about halfway through the semester, but then I just said fuck it, and started half assing it. My grades improved substantially afterwards ironically. I'm gonna take a bit of a hit on my GPA, but it's high enough to absorb it and I only have two semesters left so whatever.

>> No.10190279

lmao, ur supposed kys if you don't 'make it', not while trying to make it.


>> No.10190283
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>> No.10190312

Pretty much this. Legalize prostitution or accelerate the invention of sexbots NOW!
If not, I see a beta uprising on the horizon.

>> No.10190325

>top scorer in most of my classes
>feel even emptier than ever
i feel like a whiny bitch but nothing that i do seems to make me happy or satisfied with myself. i don't want to go to grad school, i don't want to go to med school, i don't really want to do anything anymore and i'm just doing well in my classes because that's the only thing i can do at this point. there's a bridge at my university that a lot of people jumped off of and i think about jumping off it a lot
the only thing that's stopping me is that i know my parents would be sad if i killed myself

>> No.10190353

If anything, the overzealous parents in Korea and China who force their kids to study 12+ hours a day and put ridiculously high expectatives on them are an additional factor.

based adn redbilled :DDDDDD

>> No.10190372

This. State mandated gfs fucking when?

>> No.10190395

Physics PhD btfo by gravity

>> No.10190416

As someone who recently finished undergrad with little to no stress I believe I can, to some degree, speak about what STEM students go through. I kind of hate the term STEM because it lumps in physics students (like myself) with "aspiring software developers" and pure math people. The only thing these fields have in common is the fact that they are traditionally white and have the a relatively high chance to earn upper middle class wages'

I don't think its the field of STEM....
I think its a problem with the people who are generally attracted/pushed towards to STEM fields.
Many STEM students I know were pushed VERY hard in high school/pushed themselves very hard in high school and may have an inflated sense of intelligence/intellect.
If you were studying hours a day for AP calc/physics/chem/etc... then the real courses, where you actually have to think, will be very difficult to excel in. These types of students won't be happy just passing, they need to excel to not feel like a failure
To some extent, I would say that pushing kids hard in high school can leave very little room for intellectual development when they're older or it at least stifles their intellectual development for a few years. I haven't seen any research on this but I have observed in fairly frequently.
That all being said, I think someone slightly above average in intellect could excel in STEM if they know how to learn.

I'm not to knock anyone who actually faces depression, but there's also this issue where, to some extent, I feel like it's "cool" to be depressed (or maybe more precisely, to some it appears cool to appear depressed to others) so people make these self deprecating jokes/post self deprecating memes and that may contribute to a greater overall sense of sadness on college campuses. These types of things probably create a pretty bad environment for people who actually do face depression or people who are predisposed to depression.

>> No.10190421

Right? Anyone who brings up ‘but those poor women’ just doesn’t want to admit this shit is going to happen anyway. If prohibition doesn’t work on weed, booz, guns or abortions I don’t get why people think it works for paid sex. It doesn’t, it being illegal just makes things worse for the whores.

The major cons people would actually worry about are the elements of moral decay. Far as I’m concerned living the life of a whore is its own punishment and they don’t need to be jailed or anything. Relationship wise...it might make things worse, idk, everything about relationships in modern society is already pretty fucked.

Women would have less power over men, which is the real crux of it all. For the left anyway. For the right it’s about muh religion and muh marriage rates and muh purity and all that.

All a fair price to pay for less school shootings. You think people would go Elliot Rogers if they could just go out and pay for some cooch? Unlikely. Why wont these people think of the children?

>> No.10190424

Pimp don't care about the state
we be out here pimping

>> No.10190428

Actually had breakdown in front of my mother about this shit. Saw all my friends flunk out, most are now pretty poor and miserable. Pressure to succeed got to me. Sorry mom, I'll keep trying though. I think the modern world is demanding a little too much from people. We're undergoing an increase in the sophistication of the job market as we automate, streamline, or outsource the easier ones. The low skill jobs that still exist are now flooded with labor. Everyone gets very mercenary in an effort to secure their well being.

>> No.10190444

>Get through undergrad
>told from the moment I enter undergrad that I HAVE to go to grad school to get a job, can't get a job with just a bachelor's
>end up going to grad school
>Hate it, have no drive, don't care
>Fantasize about quitting and actually getting a job
>No one replies, so I have to stay in grad school (to continue receiving the stipend)
>Fear of failing is all that keepa me going

>> No.10190464

I think the issues of depression and anxiety are probably more prevalent among people who are pushed into STEM by their parents, likely because they don't have autonomy in their education. Weirdly, these are often the people who come from wealthy families (ie families who pay for their education/living expenses) so they don't have the same stresses/responsibilities that many other people have.

But maybe this lack of stress/responsibility contributes to their depression - without having the responsibility for their own education, they likely find very little meaning in what they are doing.

This all being said, I finished a STEM undergrad without any major depression or anything like that.
I was stressed at some points, I was sad sometimes, and sometimes I was lonely but these were all transient feelings. I would recommend the following to undergrads to stave off whatever bad feelings you face:
>Get involved in clubs that aren't related to your major (ie some sort of co-ed club centered around physical activity) and actually do stuff with them, don't just show up once a month. I found a lot of meaning in the things I did and people I met through clubs
>Don't do too much nerdy shit, I think that stuff makes you depressed, anime is fine though
>Don't watch too much TV I think that the normie shit ruins your brain
>sadly, it helps to be decent looking - put some thought into your appearance...I've always done well on exams when my hair looks good
>You don't need a gf/so in order to be happy
>if you have "social anxiety" try to face it, don't be afraid to say weird shit around random people...that's how I've made most of my firends

Its not STEM thats driving people into depression, it overbearing parents, unreasonably high expectations, and most importantly...other college students thats doing it.

>> No.10190472

Well I guess the prostitutes who graduated from the University of Phoenix BS in Phallic Engineering program will be able to find a job after all

>> No.10190492

>or are the students the problem

This, they bent over backwards to accept the mentally ill students with gender dysphoria and those suffering from same sex attraction all while not giving them any treatment and telling them that their illness is actually normal and worthy of being celebrated. It's obvious that their mental state would deteriorate when they are put under stress.

>> No.10190517

>All a fair price to pay for less school shootings. You think people would go Elliot Rogers if they could just go out and pay for some cooch? Unlikely. Why wont these people think of the children?

Precisely. It motivates what would have been a school shooter to want to live past the age of 18, maybe even get a part time job in high school to save up for their first time, rather than playing video games or dicking around on the internet and hating people. That would most likely require them to develop social skills, which would benefit them greatly and maybe they wouldn't even have to go to brothels once they got some confidence. Social skills are a skill, and it's a lot easier to be social around the opposite sex when you aren't a virgin, for men at least.

>> No.10190522

>Social skills are a skill

Meant to follow that with "skills are acquired with practice"

>> No.10190529 [DELETED] 

>not knowing how to game the tender system

>> No.10190534
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>or is there something else making suicide rates so high

Their lack of Jesus bring love into their life.

>> No.10190539

not depresion, just mentaly ill or something.

>> No.10190551

I'm probably dumb, but sex is pretty much the last thing I'd think would solve whatever suicidal feelings I have. If sex was made accessible to every man, then it would get taken for granted and lose meaning.

>> No.10190638
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I know that feeling bro

>> No.10190647

Does food lose its meaning for eating every day? Think how hard it is to study if you’re hungry. Sex is not some kind of fairy tale meaningful thing. It’s a primitive urge like hunger and thirst and sleep. It doesn’t lose its meaning if you do it often. On the contrary it’s bad psychologically not to have regular sex

>> No.10190660

I have find out that half assing it gives me better grades and makes me less stressed. Studiying every day is simply not for me.

>> No.10190670

How do you guys define half assing it?

>> No.10190694

Is punching oneself in the balls a good substitute?

>> No.10190714
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My grad union failed to get us a raise to match inflation this contract cycle.

That was the one little victory that might have helped this feel.

>> No.10190726

cough up those dues union boy

>> No.10190733

>>half of my friends end up opening up about their previous attempts or how close they've come
yikes. losers

>> No.10190787

Last month our uni had a suicide in either the comp sci or engineering department (uni hasn't said who). In those same days several friends in the math department had been joking about suicide or opening up about past attempts and a few days later one of them tried it on campus in the math department. I drove them to the hospital with some other math friends but shit was so fucked cause everyone one of us who came together to help our friend had been thinking about ending it too.

>Would you say the stresses of science and math education are too high, or are the students the problem, or is there something else making suicide rates so high? Is this just modernity?
At least for myself and from my understanding of the people around me I don't think it's just from the stress in the math program. I think it's a significant part of it but we all have so much other shit in our backgrounds and daily lives that likely have a bigger impact.

>> No.10190790

Grad union?

>> No.10190793

same. Worst part is that I squandered my undergrad 4.0 GPA to go to a meme school

>> No.10190900

Meme school?

>> No.10190912

You don't have to go grad school. Just depends on what you majored.

>> No.10191032

Bitch I got my degree in Pimping Hoes Daily

>> No.10191035


jesus christ how retarded can you be

>> No.10191080
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>> No.10191115
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i'm TA for a rather difficult class at my uni
it's interesting to see the stress levels ratchet up in the class as the final project due date approaches and people start freaking out on their lab partners, giving up in despair, preparing complaints against the professor, etc. because they think they're going to flunk the class
the thing is the professor always grants an extension afterwards but we don't tell them because we don't want them to expect it. but i really do wonder sometimes if we're going to trigger a suicide sooner or later

>> No.10191128

What manga is this from

>> No.10191204

what a pussy, he did the phd for the sake of a job not the sake of physics. He was not true to physics

>> No.10191216

>The only thing these fields have in common is the fact that they are traditionally white and have the a relatively high chance to earn upper middle class wages

Yea thats the only thing in common between physics and math

you fucking brainlet

>> No.10191227

>muh dick

>> No.10192336

Honestly this. We're going through a quality of life crisis, but no politician wants to admit it. This is why there's an "opioid crisis". It's easier and more lucrative for politicians to fight this symptom than it is to address the underlying discontent growing in society. Legal drugs and honest/accurate drug education would unironically help, but the family values and authoritarian camp will die before they admit that they have a warped view of what others go through.

>> No.10192356

The asians can be easily explained by this guy >>10189988 they aren't fully human emotionally. But the eastern Europeans are REALLY surprising to me, any guesses?

>> No.10192414

Uni is the problem. Ours had rampant cheating (MS/PhD students cheating on a midterm, more than half a class was caught with no repercussions, homework designed around 5+ people groups), poor grades->outcome indication, social isolation if you weren't "in" from the beginning (nobody would make new friends, if you didn't have a car/drug money you wouldn't stand a chance). That's not counting the relatively high cost, poor class organization and teaching, etc. Even outside of school, our uni had very poor set-up: A single bus route on the weekends went to a single grocery store, the nearest bulk grocery stores were miles away, the residences weren't dense, etc. For extra programs at the university, they usually only had 10-15 positions, and you usually had to have a very high GPA and contact specific people asap - meaning if you weren't already set-up for success you'd never get in. If my parents weren't taking me to the grocery store ever 1-2 weeks and helping me pay I wouldn't have been able to make it. I even had a tutoring job that brought in more than $120-150/week. Additionally, the school and state decided that during non-class months in the summer and winter, you didn't need financial aid. I am not joking. They expected every single student to have enough money to get by or to go home during non-class periods. I learned that the hard way when they didn't give me enough financial aid/loan to cover rent because they thought I was going to fucking move for one month, even though they offer 12-month apartments. That was another thing: my loan was approved, but they will only DISPENSE what they think is an appropriate amount of money. I literally had a full loan approved, and they refused to dispense it because they decided I didn't need to pay rent.

>> No.10192441

>senior project
>only group attempting this specific thing
>other three projectmates fuck off, one partially contributed less than two pages of code
>had to do documentation, research, design, record-keeping, presentation, etc all by myself
>repeatedly ask them to meet more often, we agreed to roles, contacted the project "chaperone" (person who we met with and assigned/graded the work)
>electronics project, partners don't even know what a relay looks like, transfer circuit from drawing to computer wrong, tell them one thing and they explicitly write down the opposite
>say during presentation to chaperone that some slides are just wrong, that I can talk on the topic but the information in them is the exact opposite of what happened
I think the projectmates failed, going by the information I can find on them. I only got a B- or some shit, despite doing 30-40 hours of work a week during my final semester for that project.
>one fucker: "it's only a project"
>same fucker called the PhD, Dean of Applied Sciences Department, "Mrs."

>> No.10192497
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I did burn out pretty badly a couple of times during undergrad. Worse than the workload, though, was the complete lack of a social life. Which continues now in postgrad. I did make an effort in the beginning (and a few times since, including the beginning of postgrad), I tried to go to events and talk to people. And I did, but small talk doesn't really make friends, generally I never saw those people again and the next time I went to an event it would be all unfamiliar faces. I tried joining societies and starting hobbies but that never stuck (I never really liked them enough to keep going when there was a bigger crunch with projects etc.) and also even when I was there I wasn't making any real friends. University is mostly a collection of things I didn't do and I feel like I missed out on what could have been a pleasant time, but I don't really know why.

At some point I got really bad anxiety, and despite seeing some shit before in my life it was the absolute worst year of my life and I was really acutely feeling bad every day. For some reason I also got better grades than ever that year, probably because work was one of the few things that could get me out of my own head.

I don't feel awful like I used to, but I don't feel good either. Mostly I'm just kind of bored and directionless. I get home and stay on my computer until I go to bed. It's not very fulfilling, even if the actual lab work is okay. I just don't really see this getting any better because I've tried and failed so many times. Further, I don't see the value in continuing an existence which I do not enjoy. Especially since nobody is dependent on me. It's a very weird state where I don't feel acutely terrible but I can't really stop thinking about killing myself. I do like that there is no drama or emotion involved now, because it makes me feel like it's something that I actually want instead of just a way to stop the pain.

>> No.10192508

Are you implying that everyone who wants to stay in academia gets to stay in academia? Because that's not the way it works, and if you don't get a research position you still gotta pay the bills somehow.

>> No.10192526

All I see from this graph is that poor people kill themselves more often than rich people

>> No.10192540

so what about the low suicide rate in South America and southern europe?

>> No.10192542

I don't count Brazilians as people. Presumably chimpanzees have a similarly low suicide rate.

>> No.10192561

How old are you?

As much as I hate to say it, I started having explicit wife/family feelings around 23-24, and it only has been getting worse. I literally don't care to be alive unless I'm contributing to work or someone's well-being, and even when I was working it didn't feel like enough. I'm 28 and although I was sort-of engaged with someone, they were mentally ill and bailed, and it felt like they took our chance at a good future with them. The longer alive I am the more I believe that antisocial and terroristic activities are the only way to move society forward, because of how anti-loving it has become.

Before the explicit feelings I always had a desire to be loved and devote myself to one person and be passionate about working and being productive, but I didn't know how to phrase it. I think now I'd use the term "fatherly", but since I can't exercise it, I become more deranged over time.

>> No.10192565

Asia is a particular case, specifically for southeastern Asia. Although families are somewhat traditional there, you have all the pressure thing their culture imposes.
Suicide rates are somewhat smaller in mediterranean and latin american countries, which still endorse family values

>> No.10192584


>> No.10192612

>Lack of pussy drives men to crazy things.

There are three subspecies of humans that live on this planet:
>Women (parasites)
>Submen (parasitized worker drones)

This post was either made by a woman (parasite) or a subman (parasitized worker drone). It is impossible to tell, because the subman takes on the ideology of his master, women, becoming a translucent husk whose only function is to reflect that ideology.

Women produce and emanate the ideology reflexively because it is their native condition. It's all they can see in the world. If a man is not obeying a woman, her brain will produce an error message and she will default to saying, "Well, I bet he's only doing that because he isn't one of my Chosen Pussy Squadron who is Worthy of my Sacred Pussy. That explains it. There can be no such thing as a man who does not want my great and powerful Pussy. So he must secretly crave my pussy, and he's angry that he can't get it; therefore, as with all other beings in reality, whose anchor is my Puss, he is still my slave. In fact, he is an even lower and more degraded form of slave, living out in the harsh chaotic wilderness, away from the pure awesome light of my divine cosmicizing Pussy, in pussy privation from the axis mundi." If you try to say to a woman, "No, really, excuse me, I have a wife and children already and I am not interested in your pussy," or if you say, "Ma'am, please stop telling me about how I must secretly crave your flaps. I am Francis of Assisi and I have a lot of work to do today, in fact just now I'm travelling to Tours," the woman will default back to the error message and begin calling St. Francis a beta male who can't get no Holy, Divine Pussy, the manifestly sole purpose for the universe existing, the ens realissimum around which all else orbits.

>> No.10192616


The subman has no thoughts per se, but repeats slogans and shibboleths that he has timidly introjected and now repeats mechanically whenever he sees the Sacred Pussy being mocked by wild barbarian men who still live in freedom. He too insists that the paradoxical free man must somehow be an illusion, must really be an even lower form of slave than he is himself. The existence of the free man is too painful. The only explanation for someone rejecting the awesome power of the Pussy, the only purpose of life, is that he must secretly crave it so badly that it has destroyed his mind and left him bitter and broken. The subman has no concepts and he is incapable of discursive thought. The pussy is his mysterium tremens and he desperately scrabbles at rites and formulas sufficient for venerating it. He travels the countryside chastizing men for not kowtowing to women, with a dry, rasping tongue. He is forever a slave to holes.

>> No.10192620

I'm 24.

I'm sort of the opposite of you, funnily enough. I've had a girlfriend for the past 5 years. The reason I still have been (and am) entirely alone is that for the entirety of the time I've been at university she's been in a different city and currently is not even in the same country. For the last year I've seen her basically only during the holidays, and for the previous four years like twice a month.

Why I've been so committed I do not know. Probably because I didn't want to lose the last shred of caring that existed for me. It does mean that I never even tried to get with other girls during university. There's quite a bit of FOMO associated with that. Kind of ties with the general sense of missing out on the better sides of student life.

This is the last year before she could move in with me but I think it might be too late. I think my feelings have slowly died, and under the circumstances I don't feel like that's unreasonable. My only regret is not realizing this sooner, it would have been kinder on the both of us.

As for the whole offing myself and how that would affect her, her day-to-day life wouldn't change literally at all so I don't feel too strongly about that. Further, she doesn't really seem to care as much either.

Guess grass is always greener on the other side.

>> No.10193736

I hope you stick around, anon. A lot more people will be hurt than you realize.

>> No.10193862

>china and soviet countries have people offing themselves at massive rates
wtf i thought communism was a panacea

>> No.10193889

I suspect that illness due to poor time management is a frequent cause of suicide. Cal Newport's books should be required reading for all students: plan each day around academic work, academic work as early as possible, log hours worked, finish by 6pm at the latest, never pull all nighters. Also it helps to plan ahead for each day in a term, so that you don't have to create a plan on the evening or in the morning before starting work. Gantt charts are useful tools for this purpose. In abstract terms this means dividing time spent on time-management and time spent on academic work. The former has to precede the first. Most students muddle the two.

>> No.10193904
File: 142 KB, 1157x772, 09d116aad38a9f894a712d5988cca7758fc5d039ceefdd045491267ca15ac0ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only who has almost no sympathy for these people? Whenever anyone kills themselves, we're supposed to feel a reflexive 'oh boo boo, their lives must been awful!' and feel infinite sympathy for them.

When can we admit that many of them were pussies, or that they made a stupid, irrational decision because of temporary discomfort? When can we admit that the vast majority of those who kill themselves do so for idiotic reasons?

Despite my post, I'm not a sociopath or anything approaching it, I just hate being told that I can't call a spade a spade.

>> No.10193937

There are plenty of people who don't need to make any plans or adopt tightly organised schedules in order to get through college without mental health issues. How about we leave academia to them and encourage everyone else to pursue educational paths where they don't have to make a huge effort to not go insane? College was never meant to be for everyone.

>> No.10193951

I don't think you'll find anyone with poor time management succeeding. Cal Newport interviewed a bunch of straight A students and found that they all behaved like this naturally.

>> No.10193954

>am I the only one with no sympathy
No, there's plenty of retarded people.
>we're supposed to feel bad
No, most people are actually feeling bad, as dumb as normies are.
>when can we
You always do. You're too retarded to remember that literally anytime someone kills themselves nearly half of people don't give a shit and complain about how disruptive it was and how we shouldn't care. You're not fighting against an oppressive leftist majority when half of the group usually agrees with you.
>do so for idiotic reasons
No, they usually do it because their life is a shitshow. Previously it'd be a mild to moderate mental illness exacerbate by being treated like shit their whole life by people like you and not having therapy or medication, and these days it's the same reason, except because medication and therapy exist, you still are compelled to treat them like shit. You're just a shitty person and we have to deal with you.

You are a sociopath; it's your inability to recognize that you depend on other people and would be in a similar situation if people weren't actively protecting you. Trust me, keep working on dissembling that establishment. I'll be there when you're finished.

>> No.10193974

Are you genuinely autistic? Most people have enough empathy to understand that anybody so hopeless that they make the conscious decision to die has to be going through serious shit in their life. The two suicides I described in the op weren't cries for help either, both students hanged themselves somewhere they knew they wouldn't be found for hours.
Nobody's really forcing you to have sympathy, but to come in here and say "hey guys I really don't care, also they're all pussies" is something I can't imagine anyone doing if they're not a deeply troubled prick.

>> No.10193985

I like how it's everyone's fault but your own. You want to be those things? Then be them. Be them for their own sake and not for the rewards you are so desperately seeking.

>> No.10193987

>Lack of pussy drives men to crazy things.

Only in those who are weak.

>> No.10194042

Having media that tells you how worthless and unattractive you are but all blacks are amazing and the future. Society that uses terms like toxic masculinity and tries to force men into female roles. A country which mass imports violent and dumb foreigners who rape and murder but you aren't allowed to say what you see with your own eyes. Government programs that punitively take your money and restribute it to neets and migrants who then have more kids with it than you can possible afford because you hope to do right by them. Women brainwashed by the media to have so many sex partners rendering them innately repulsive to men, used and terrible for relationships. Chemicals in our food and water that warps our bodies and makes us ill. Political systems which work beyond the people and increase an authoritarian grip year by year.

Why the fuck wouldn't people be depressed. It's only sanity.

> "How could you tell how much of it was lies? It might be true that the average human being was better off now than he had been before the Revolution. The only evidence to the contrary was the mute protest in your own bones, the instinctive feeling that the conditions you lived in were intolerable and that at some other time they must have been different."

>> No.10194680

>It's because they're impotent /pol9k/ reactionaries angry about black penises on television
I really don't think so bud

>> No.10194688


China is an ultra-capitalist, collectivist, emotionally deteriorated work camp. Both China and Inidia have a massive surplus of males. Mother Russia is corrupt and has a rather poor economy.

>> No.10194712


What was it?

>> No.10194731

jesus christ this fuckin jezebel tier thought process. go away

>> No.10195038

People who commit suicide go to hell. It doesn't matter whether they have a PhD or MD or are professors. A dark region of pain is awaiting them after their soul leaves their body in which they will suffer for a long, long, long time- maybe even for eternity.

>> No.10195075
File: 73 KB, 660x960, 47388299_2205547056372382_7858373869034274816_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't do it, guys.

>> No.10195106

competition makes people feel great.

it's how some people interpret losing that hurts. and how they're treated ofc

>> No.10195226
File: 33 KB, 480x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so hard to study and work when all I can think about is my lack of pussy. I think prostitution should be legal but oh well guess I'll keep jacking off.

>> No.10195383

Masturbation is a sin also, just like suicide. You're losing your life force, your soul, your willpower every time you jack off. Just stop. Don't do it any more. Please.

>> No.10195387

>being such a baby you kill youself.

Good riddence. Suicide is for the weak willed.

>> No.10195394

>not being yelled at by random people before
>letting the stupidity of the PI hurt your feelings

Thank god most of you will never have to work outside academia. You'd probably kill youself the moment some random person disagrees with you.

You wouldn't last long in a retail setting much less in a kitchen. Get some thicker skin op, it'll benefit you.

>> No.10195396

But it helps keeping your mind in the right track.

>> No.10195404

Academia is shit. They work you like slaves and treat you like shit, your pay is complete shit and the prospects of career progression is used to borderline enslave people into staying especially since sunken costs fallacy comes into play.

Like the pay post docs get is atrocious, like it's absolutely horrid since the pay disparity is so massive between say a person who's stayed in Academia vs someone who

-got a relevant in demand trade, skilled up and got certifications to amp up pay as well as experience
-or went to work after Bachelor, masters or PhD.

>> No.10195410

People can hide their actual personality pretty well and many times it doesn't pop up until later.

>> No.10195421
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This, so many pussies who can't handle reality.

Those who kill themselves know the suffering they'll cause to others, and regardless of what those blubbering vaginas claimed earlier, they often DON'T kill themselves for good reasons. How many just do it abruptly without reaching out to their families? Surely if you care about these people at all, you'd at least try, rather than leave them spending a lifetime wondering why you did it or what they did wrong?

Fact is, suicide is an incredibly selfish act.

>> No.10195425

It's also worse when you meet your peers who take a different path. You remember that guy who joined his uncles construction firm? Now he's doing so well that he decided to get a clvi engineering degree for fun. That woman in your under grad 1st year you used to date? Now she's married and helps run an NGO with her husband.

It's like this weird pseudo neet more or less

>> No.10195427

>anime is fine though

just as bad or even worse.

>> No.10195445

Seriously I don't get it. If you're going to be selfish enough that you're willing to kill youself why not just run away to a small town or go to some other country. The worst that can happen is you die along the way, you were going to kill youself anyways so who cares.

And it's not you you give a damn about your friends or family enough. Just go start a new life you might enjoy it.

Also the fact that people can't take a bit off yelling from their advisor is halarious and shows you how truly limpwristed a lot of these people are.

Back when I was still in the stem field I worked in a lab with a PI straight from Germany. That chick sure sounded scary when she would get mad but it was all bark. One time I got yelled at for setting up the experiments exactly how the PhD student wanted me to. I could have thrown her under the bus but I decided to take the flak since growing up with a father who owns a construction business I was no stranger to being lectured or yelled at. After that everyone in that lab idolized me since almost everyone would brake down crying whenever the Gustapo got pissy.

I sincerely feel bad for a lot of people in acedemia because they are literally grown up children supported solely by the institutions.

>> No.10195453

Plenty of well sexed folk killed themselves.

>> No.10195464

If the university system is based off the German guild system how the fuck did it get this bad?

>> No.10195469

Have you never heard of suicide by cop?

>> No.10195475

Yes but that doesn't change the fact if you're willing to end it all and don't give two shits about the effects it will have on your interpersonal circle, why not just start a new. You're going to kill youself why not go see how far you can hike in some pretty area, or go be a beach bum, or go fly to another country using credit cards and just saying fuck it and start a new. You don't give a shit about your freinds and family, worst that could happen is you'll die but again you were already planing to kill yourself.

>> No.10195498

>You're going to kill youself why not go see how far you can hike in some pretty area, or go be a beach bum, or go fly to another country using credit cards and just saying fuck it and start a new.

That doesn't really make sense and arguably for the credit card part fucks over people even more.

>> No.10195504

It's called wandering island

>> No.10195510

You don't understand the effects depression has on a person as a mental illness. It's not just "they're sad," their brain's reward system is so fried that they can't summon the energy to wake up in the morning. If they had the energy to go on a fucking world-crossing adventure then they wouldn't have the problem they do in the first place. It's like telling a schizophrenic that they just need to figure out which voices are real and stop whining.
Their heads are filled with hopelessness so extreme that it's really a kind of delusion, but they can't just decide to fix it. Therapy, exercise, diet change, strict scheduling of time, and possibly drugs (though antidepressants are less settled than most think) are necessary for somebody to break out of it.

>> No.10195519

Anon trust me you don't have to talk to me about depression since major depressive disorder runs in my family and every few years I get a pretty bad episode of it.
But I never once though of killing myself no matter how dark my mood. Maybe I'm lucky, but to me if I had ever gotten to the point where I felt hopeless I don't see why I wouldn't just say fuck it and become a hermit. Maybe it's because I enjoy nature a lot, maybe someome who's a neet couldn't do the same.

But I hate when people try to say suicide isn't selfish because it really is. I'm not saying you shouldn't kill youself if you really want to but seems like a waste if you're already willing to hurt your friends and family not to at least give life pleasures one more go before you're dead.

>> No.10195529

audible kek

>> No.10195547

t. brazilian monkey

>> No.10195555

>not to at least give life pleasures one more go before you're dead.
Does it really not register in your little pea brain that depression fundamentally involves a malfunction in somebody's ability to experience "life's pleasures"?
This is like telling a paraplegic that if they really feel hopeless they should just go play soccer and they'll feel better.

>> No.10195567

You have to hate yourself to study computers in the first place

>> No.10195641

No it doesn't man. No it doesn't. It makes things worse, repeating the act makes you more and more addicted to it until you're so depressed and lethargic that you don't have any power left- you're a slave.

I'm not talking physically- in terms of physical health there's not much masturbation does. I'm not talking mentally either- plenty of well-educated people are able to write papers and complete work while masturbating.

I'm talking about spiritually- the act is bad for your soul, it takes away from the contentment and happiness that every human being intrinsically has inside of them. It moves you away from God.

I'm going to post this here for everyone's benefit. Please take a look: http://www.dlshq.org/download/brahmacharya.htm

>> No.10195709

Okay, that was amazing.

>> No.10195912
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So how have you tried to kill yourselves, /sci/?

>Tried sleeping on train tracks after passed out drunk
>Tried to slit my wrists
>Tried to die from alcohol poisoning

>> No.10195917
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>Be me
>Still no suicide call
All I hear are stories from co-workers. I have no idea how I will react to it once I've seen the gory details of someone's self hatred

>> No.10195925
File: 193 KB, 512x640, Alembert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jumped off a roof once. Wasn't high up enough and I just kinda bruised my one knee, but was otherwise fine. Regretted it basically instantly. Now I cope by suggin on tittays, and being overly productive.

>> No.10195940


>> No.10195950

My brother used to be a cop and came home very late one night when I was about 15 acting really weird, quieter than usual, watched me play xbox a while, then went to bed.
I asked my dad about it the next day. Apparently he was the first to respond to another teenage kid whose mom found him hanging. He had to cut him down while this woman sobbed hysterically all over her son. To this day my brother's never mentioned it to me himself.

>> No.10195974

Ran into this on /wsg/ a few days ago. Shit sounds absolutely fucked. I hope you never get one, anon.
Warning: Discretion is advised

Alcohol poisoning. More times than I can remember. I always black out. Many times I'll puke in my sleep. Sometimes I have vague memories of trying to stay alive and telling myself to just keep breathing.

>> No.10196030

...Does the bible say anything about fucking prostitutes?

No really, does it ever actually say that it’s a sin?

>> No.10196032

Yeah, but they seem less likely to go on killing sprees.

>> No.10196037

Tried to overdose on cold medicine of all things.

Spent the whole night wandering around local parts of town feeling high in a weird way, got back home in the early morning.

Not a bad time, oddly enough. Not one I’d recommend trying though.

>> No.10196200

The guy even said he had MDD you imbecile.

I hate sanctimonious dipshits like you, who respond with seething rage and malice to anyone who tells you the truth.

>> No.10196209

Really wish /r9k/ incel threads like this didn't pop up on every fucking board now.

>> No.10196290

Wew lad.

>> No.10196294


yep, I know where this one's going

>> No.10196550

What's so /x/ about this? I'm 100% confident that what I'm saying could be phrased in scientific terms if people were so inclined. The problem is nobody's inclined. Actual scientists pursue topological insulators in their labs while they go home and masturbate and drink and engage in sensual pleasures when they're not working. They're not sincere seekers after knowledge. What I'm saying is 100% scientific, if anyone actually cared to carry out the experiment of not masturbating and not engaging in pleasures of the flesh. A noticeable, objective, measureable change in outlook and personality and spirituality would be definitively detected.

>> No.10196573

Of course it does. The Bible is very clear about sexual immorality- those who engage in it shall not inherit the Kingdom of God, i.e., will not attain regions of bliss after they die. By sexual immorality I mean any loss of semen for a purpose that is not procreation of offspring with your lawfully wedded wife, forever and ever until death do you part.

Matter of fact is that even in this life, excessive loss of semen has observable effects on someone's psyche- shorter attention span, depression, lack of ability to concentrate, lack of willpower, and lack of virtue. If someone was so inclined, this could even be formulated scientifically. There's nothing paranormal about it.

>> No.10196582

It's not the stress, it's because the average STEM students is an incel loser, so suicide is normal, almost to be expected

>> No.10196583

>The guy even said he had MDD you imbecile.
Some guy on 4chan claims to have an illness (which is massively overdiagnosed both by doctors and self-diagnosing sad cunts) and this is supposed to mean that everything he says about it is guaranteed to be true?

Sanctimonious dipshits like me exist because of the swarming horde of faggots like this who post
>jus b happy bro
>by the way I was totally depressed so I know what I'm talking about

>> No.10196587

Yup. Suicide rates in the Balkans and Eastern Europe is insane because we all hate our shit life in this poor 3rd world countries.

>> No.10196600
File: 272 KB, 1123x793, Global_AS_suicide_rates_bothsexes_2016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This map is bullshit, here's a real one.



Draw your own conclusions from it, self-righteous dipshit.

>Wonder what made him do it.

>> No.10196618

>t. 16yo libertarian ALPHA MALE HOOAH

>> No.10196621

>be my uni
>you have to pay 20 neetbuxx to make an appointment with the psychologist/counselor
>95% of them must be roasties who go for shit reasons such that they were forced to make students pay

>> No.10196622

Theres obviously something wrong with your mind. Your best bet is to get help, because death only seems cool when your head is fucked up. I used to have urges to jump in front of a bus. But now I couldn’t imagine doing something like that and dying seems like the dumbest thing you can do. If you’re going to die dont die a death where everybody laughs at how weak and pitiful you were

>> No.10196625

I'm not claiming to be 'alpha', I'm pointing out that these people are pussies, and use pathetic moral shaming tactics to prevent honest discussion about suicide. A lot of self-pitying types are like this, and demand that they not be criticised because nothing is ever their fault, it's the fault of some vague 'disorder' that they supposedly have no control over.

>> No.10196635
File: 68 KB, 600x600, IMG_5557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost about to be finals at my university
>a few days ago some random at the art department building graffitied that there is going to be a mass shooting on a day of finals

It's funny because everyone I know is annoyed that they are already stressed about their own finals and some art pleb needs to fuck shit up more because he can't handle his.

>> No.10196641
File: 8 KB, 236x256, 1514594885229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a load of this edgelord

>> No.10196645


>> No.10196655

>Underdeveloped theory of mind
No, anon. There are people out there who genuinely suffer and suffer deeply, sometimes due to circumstances beyond their control. To understand what I mean, read carefully the following quote from David Foster Wallace:
>The so-called ‘psychotically depressed’ person who tries to kill herself doesn’t do so out of quote ‘hopelessness’ or any abstract conviction that life’s assets and debits do not square. And surely not because death seems suddenly appealing. The person in whom Its invisible agony reaches a certain unendurable level will kill herself the same way a trapped person will eventually jump from the window of a burning high-rise. Make no mistake about people who leap from burning windows. Their terror of falling from a great height is still just as great as it would be for you or me standing speculatively at the same window just checking out the view; i.e. the fear of falling remains a constant. The variable here is the other terror, the fire’s flames: when the flames get close enough, falling to death becomes the slightly less terrible of two terrors. It’s not desiring the fall; it’s terror of the flames. And yet nobody down on the sidewalk, looking up and yelling ‘Don’t!’ and ‘Hang on!’, can understand the jump. Not really. You’d have to have personally been trapped and felt flames to really understand a terror way beyond falling.

>> No.10196657

The true 'edgelords' are those claiming that everyone who kills themselves is a blameless victim and endured suffering so extreme that no human could possibly relate or overcome, when the majority of these people are pampered western dipshits in their early 20s who killed themselves because they didn't get everything they wanted for the first time in their lives, or because of some non-existent 'disorder' they coined to excuse the fact that they're worthless imbeciles with room temperature IQ.

Get fucked.

>> No.10196663

At the time of writing this, DFW didn't 'understand the jump' either, so he can get fucked.

>"the most tedious, overrated, tortured, pretentious writer of my generation."

>> No.10196664

imagine being this much of a simpleton.

This entire board must be purged.

>> No.10196667

He's not wrong dude. Try posing an argument next time, give it a shot:^)

>> No.10196672
File: 112 KB, 1140x855, digginghole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah now edge boy, take it easy!

>> No.10196675

>He's not wrong dude.
Yes he is.

>Try posing [sic] an argument next time,
Right back at you.

>> No.10196678

>ad hominem (and not even a creative one)
1/10 because I responded

/r9k/ is more your speed, my incel friend

>> No.10196695

I like to call it the “victim mentality”
I used to have it in HS until it clicked one day that i was being a massive dumbass and self pitying loser who is actually better off than most. GPA went from a 1.8 to a 3.0 and my only regret was not making that conclusion earlier.

>> No.10196700

For that fact alone you're smarter than the crybabies ITT. Good on you anon, unlike them I want people to succeed.

>> No.10196701

>Room temperature IQ

>> No.10196712

Whatever. If that’s the kind of thing that makes you happy.

>> No.10196715

>imagine being this retarded

>> No.10196727

>I'm not getting free money during vacations

What fucking financial aid gives you money when you're not in school? Take out a loan buddy

>> No.10196733

Neurochemical imbalances in the brain yielding a certain disposition to mental illness is a thing bud. In fact, it's been a thing for quite a while. What that anon said is right, you're just doubling down for the sake of pride and making yourself look like an irrational nincompoop

>> No.10196734

>passive aggressive non-rebuttal

>ad hominem

>> No.10196736

>Neurochemical imbalances

>> No.10196751

People with this mentality have a severely uninformed interpretation of mental illness. See>>10196733
Sure there are a lot of self diagnosed "sufferers" claiming to have anxiety, MDD, etc., but it doesn't take away from the legitimacy of an affliction that has been around for quite some time. All that I see is Boomer-tier arguments, and everyone knows why those aren't worth their salt
>jus b happy

>> No.10196759

Ad Hominem + Straw man.

>> No.10196763

It’s not “just b happy”
It’s realize you are the only one who can change things around and no amount external help is going to work if you aren’t making the primary effort to get better. That includes seeking help and medication.

>> No.10196768

That's what I was implying, kid

>> No.10196771

It's obvious that you have no life experience. Please don't be that guy and just be quiet or go back to /pol/

>> No.10196784

>Tells you to take responsibility for your own problems
>you have no 'life experience'

>> No.10196786

What life experience would i need to be on your level then?

>> No.10196841

>says to fix it yourself
>says to not seek professional help
>frog loving autist with no social skills who hides in parent's basement

>> No.10196855

>says to not seek professional help
They didn't say that. Develop better reading comprehension.

The rest of your post is ad hominem and projection.

>> No.10196877

>Not living the true physics lifestyle of poverty while creating your theories and revolutionizing the world

What did this kid expect? I feel bad that he chose the wrong career path, but that’s the way all great people have to make it. Albert Einstein worked for several years in mediocre jobs while doing more and more learning and studying

>> No.10196879

Sex for people not getting it is an existential crisis. While it may not fix depression, getting it will alleviate anxiety and maybe help prevent depression.

>> No.10196909

The last sentence was me saying to seek professional help. That is making an effort to fix yourself, and it is you who fixes yourself. The professional will tell you the same thing. They are just there to guide you and give you the tools you need.