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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10184161 No.10184161 [Reply] [Original]

sci, what is causing insects to die?

if it is pesticides why is it happening everywhere and not only where pesticides are used?

it's so quiet outside :(

>> No.10184175

Pesticides mostly.

>> No.10184177

the increasing overabundance of electromagnetic fields probably

>> No.10184283


>> No.10184304

We have loads of evidence that ELF (including power frequency) fields harm insects, and a good deal of research has shown why other frequencies scramble their behavior and kill them off.

But anything but my wifi and cell phone, right? My smart meter? I have to go up against them to save the world? Best keep looking a more convenient cause.

Prove my bitterness wrong by consulting the literature and seeing the truth. These fields also alter micro-organism activity, and compromise what are otherwise mutualistic etc behaviors.

>> No.10184444

and in the real world it's pesticides

>> No.10184452

They play a role, but they're not the whole picture.

Sorry the world isn't precisely as simple as you always thought it was.

>> No.10184512

The Day of The Raid has come, you filthy insect lover.

>> No.10184971

>sci, what is causing insects to die?
Winter comes about this time ever year.

>> No.10184976

If I was a biotechnology guy, I would research what you're saying. Could be fun.

>> No.10186010

Well, don't worry. I've already researched it. A section on insects and broader ecological effects will be included in my next thread on 5G / wireless communication.

>> No.10186054

We didn't know this would happen. Crispr is a powerful tool...

>> No.10186078

>sci, what is causing insects to die?
Invasive dark matter frogs.

>> No.10186137

>if it is pesticides why is it happening everywhere and not only where pesticides are used?
Pesticides travel. They get into water, evaporate with it and rain on the organic farm down the street. Poisoned bugs get eaten by raccoons that get run over and feasted on by maggots.
Life...finds a way

>> No.10186142


>> No.10186143

There's glyphosate in the rain, anon.

>> No.10186182

This. And anyone who disagrees needs to google "electron rain". Also look up the work of Andrew Marino.

Pretty much, affecting the ionosphere can have great effects on local ecologies. Whether through HAARP, high voltage power lines, etc.

>> No.10186298

I remember this from the anime jintai

>> No.10186371

>chemicals in the water are turning the frogs gay

>> No.10186380

Even wikijoke has a section on it. You're a literal retarded, my dude.

>> No.10186383


>> No.10186395

>You're a literal retarded

>> No.10186416

I never understood why this is mocked, it's an actual issue.

>> No.10186421

Because the cultural narrative is manufactured. That's how you control people. Get them all talking through the same lies as though it's what everyone else believes and as though it's what's safe to talk about.

The other method is getting people to laugh at things they'd ordinarily find horrible and unacceptable. This strategy was really pioneered by stuff like the Daily Show, Colbert, and all of that. It's meant to defuse tensions, make you feel complicit and dirty. Strip you of your will.

The biggest problem is that people refuse to believe that they can be controlled, and how easy it is to control things. It disturbs and rustles the jimmies of their very soul.

>> No.10186424

>I never understood why this is mocked
because you're dumb xD

>> No.10186444

Well it definitely works.

>> No.10186578

Yes, it does.

>> No.10186608

Insects have always died, just like everybody else.

>> No.10186612

I will watch out for it over on /x/, should be fun.

>> No.10186613

It'll be posted on /sci/.

>> No.10186619

>rain on the organic farm down the street.

Implying organic farms do not use pesticides.

Implying I give a shit about the convention of green-texting implications.

>> No.10186623

It's off-topic here.

But if you post it where it belongs, I'll enjoy reading it.

>> No.10186626
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>> No.10186630


>> No.10187226

i thought this was the science board, not the politics-fueled conspiracy theory board.

>> No.10187455

>implying journals with positive impact factors belong on /sci/
We only like places we could get published in.

>> No.10187721

I suspect we're at the the point in RF effects where we were with cigarettes in the '60s and fossil fuels a few years ago. Vehement denial, few facts, research ridiculed. When I was a kid, we never heard of "autism". Dunno if it wasn't around or just not diagnosed. But I first started hearing of it in common parlance in the late 1980s - when PCs were everywhere, and folks were close to CRTs. Now we have wifi in our pockets, next to our heads, multiple sources at work or on public transport... Not saying there's a correlation, but there's a coincidence that could be studied.
Imagine the horrified response of those who are addicted to technology if their devices proved harmful.

>> No.10187770

>Imagine the horrified response of those who are addicted to technology if their devices proved harmful.
Unfortunately I don't have to, because they have, and I see it frequently when I break the taboo and tell them all about it. I don't just do this on the internet, it's a full time deal, I find the evidence overwhelming, I see it everywhere I go and every second of every day, and it's all very difficult. They've manufactured a cultural framework that makes this all hard to grapple with publicly, and having studied decades of history on the matter it becomes ever clearer how and why that came about.

This is beyond a nightmare scenario. And you're correct in assuming pulsed RF may have a causative role in autism, there are a number of mechanistic links concerning the role it plays. That's in addition to a high body load of various toxic compounds during fetal and immediate postnatal life, early clamping of the placenta (esp if it's before full lung changeover), vaccines (another taboo), and finally prenatal exposure to RF causing cell death, mutation of stem cells, and alterations in dendritic spine formation and axonal guidance.

The nightmare continues when you consider the mountain of data showing we're headed towards mass infertility.

Concerning the CRT aspect, when "visual display terminals" (VDTs) started to be installed in secretarial environments, in many instances a massive rise in spontaneous abortion was noted. There are also various patents for influencing television viewers through the same mechanism and "flicker rate manipulation".

What makes it a nightmare is you're walking around in hell and no one else acts like anything is wrong. Eventually they'll probably drag you to the gallows for telling the truth, but for now I'm doing what I can to inform people.

>> No.10187799

Also worth noting. The tobacco industry brought in PR firms like Phillip-Morris. Telecom and the EPRI have done the same, which is why the pattern of literature pollution is similarly. But due to differences in history the corruption is much deeper and more widespread, so those tactics have a more solid base to stand on.

Refer to Ong et al for an overview of that structure.

>> No.10188011

Fucking conspirationists ruining this board. It's mainly pesticides whatever you Bayer shills say

>> No.10188013

Global warming

>> No.10188017

I think your ignorance is destroying everything worthwhile in life.

>> No.10189518

A major problem is that there are a lot of conspiracy theory nutjobs out there who are legitimately crazy (they're either idiots who are misinterpreting selective facts or suffer from actual mental illnesses). These people make it very difficult to tell if someone issuing a warning is legit or not, especially if the truth requires quite a bit of effort to get at.
Essentially, you're being ignored in a sea of boys crying about various wolves.

Given the amount of delusional people in the world, how can you tell that you aren't one of them?

>> No.10189565

I don't think it is pesticides. It comes mostly with the expansion of suburbia. Flyover country has more farms, more pesticides, more insects.

>> No.10189745

>A major problem is that there are a lot of conspiracy theory nutjobs out there who are legitimately crazy
I used to care about people's immediate sound turning the average person away and providing apparent justification for the mainstreams claims (regardless of if they're correct), but eventually realized it didn't matter. The system has the means to manufacture the cultural narrative and control human behavior sufficient that it doesn't really matter what some small segment of the population is indirectly exposed to.

>Given the amount of delusional people in the world, how can you tell that you aren't one of them?
It appears to me that there are two possibilities:
-What I've read is correct, and military, industry et al have subverted intelligent measures being taken in most western countries. A clear control structure exists in the present for this to be the case when you look at ICNIRP membership and the composition of various other supposedly independent boards... with all the familiar faces. Adding all the history it's a fairly classic case of military and industry conspiring to protect each other's interests and shield themselves from future litigation. Eventually other entities opportunistically rise and hijack these systems.

-The idea that athermal non-ionizing radiation is biologically active is a all global conspiracy perpetrated over a century of planning, by thousands of scientists globally, with an elaborate balance created between public knowledge and industry power, and dating all the way back to the 1920's in Russia and the US, peaking in the cold war with the (then fake) moscow signal, and so forth. This cabal would have planted these seeds to cripple our ability to communicate freely by casting doubt on devices that wouldn't exist for another 50+ years. They ultimately to de-industrialize and enslave us. There are ways to make this angle kind of work... but it's quite a number of stretches. I have returned to[...]

>> No.10189765

this is 4chan, the closest thing to real science is undergrads asking for help on their homework.

>> No.10189767

this periodically, but ultimately the small sliver of doubt I had remaining was near entirely eliminated when my thyroid failed in the same way the USSR literature, and modern literature out of Italy, described. In addition to my other experiences throughout my life and what I'm observing in the world today.

So without getting into the low level epistemology or error control and all that, I know I'm not crazy because of the sheer mass of data, the geographical distribution, the time scale, and knowledge of the history. I've read these researcher's books. I've read symposium proceedings where many of the people who's papers I'd been reading, and others I didn't know about, gathered and discussed the field as it was eg 50 years ago. Representatives from the EPA appeared with concerns about microwave ovens, as they were likely to become central of the modern home and they didn't want kids and housewives being fried or the food made poisonous. you had the moscow signal, project pandora, the tri-service commission, the university of washington, NASA and UCLA's brain research institute. The formation of EPRI and the opposition to high voltage powerlines and the NAvy's ELF antennas in the late cold war. The advent of mobile phones and major players like Motorola's activities. VDTs (flyback transformers). On and on. Microwave News publishing print issues documenting all of this all the way back to 1980.

There's just too much. It all fits together and makes sense. If someone can read all of this and think a conglomeration of many multi-trillion dollar industries, and industry itself, is just being framed and defending itself. You'd have to be mad.

Once you know what to look for, you can see what this stuff has done, and why things have changed the way they have, and why we're seeing the bizarre human behaviors that we are.

>> No.10189774

Also, a long time researcher.
Check some of the other videos on that channel.

Posts I made in the past:

Not much is ELF / Power frequency related, but some goes into effects on insects. This is a good link for now.

>> No.10189778

I know it seems lime it gets very intense and probably overwhelming very quickly, but I really don't see any other way. This is very important.

>> No.10189799

This sounds like a pretty deep and time consuming rabbit hole. I'd like to look into it at some point but wouldn't really be able to spend that much time at the moment. Could you summarize the relevant bullet points to give a basic overview of the issues and players involved that I could screencap and use as a starting point somewhere down the road? Would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.10189812

Sorry, what did you just say about vaccinations?

>> No.10189822

its cars and roads, roads isolate the non-flyers and the cars hit the fliers...

>> No.10189850
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You could look up the threads in the warosu archive, or save a copy of the webpage.

I'm pretty tired, but highly abridged version:
-Russians observe in the 1920's that spark gap generators alter visual evoked potentials and galvanic skin resistance in human subjects when placed near their head.
-Around the same time in the US primitive microwave diathermy is coming around. People are investigating electricity for all kind of things. From fever therapy, later to fracture healing, to cancer treatment, to diagnostics. Eventually short wave therapy emerges and ultimately is largely forgotten. This is discussed in the 1960's Ford document in the mediafire link.
-Cold War era
-Russians have set safety standards 1000x lower than the US for radiation, claim nonthermal effects. US claims only thermal effects possible, eventually via the "great" Herman P Schwan US sets a standard of 10mW/cm2 tiem averaged over 6 minutes, no explicit peak intensity limit. USSR and various Eastern European countries have set far lower limits, with explicit peak intensity caps. That limit is 10uW/cm2.
-Mind control, MKUltra, Operation Paperclip, project pandora, monarch programming / manchurian candidate, lots of ESP, remote viewing, and so on CIA stuff going on. Role of electromagnetism in human physiology is investigated and a point of interest both for wartime use, and defense, as it was known the Russians were likely far ahead of us.
-Russia's Moscow signal strategy begins
-Radar is being more extensively employed. Concern for effects on fertility and other parameters are growing among those in the military. Tri-service commission sets out to quell those rumors, cancel further studies when they start finding the same things Russia did.
-"kT" paradox dubbed in the literature. ie, how can experimental results be occurring when the imposed periodic signal was well below the threshold of ambient thermal noise (has been solved many times modern day)
-Thermal doctrine is[..]

>> No.10189869
File: 216 KB, 894x669, USSR, 1960-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Now the late 80's, USAF gets pentagon approval to physically consolidate separate military installations for study of this matter to Brooks airforce base, Texas.
-Its staff launch a campaign to all NATO members pushing the thermal doctrine, such that use of radar abroad would meet no political or public resistance
-It works relatively well
-Mobile phones start coming around
-Motorola and others become big
-Try to buy research at UCLA's brain research institute, Jerry Phillips refuses to play along, gets funding cut. Adey doesn't have to play along because his study actually reveals a very small reduction in brain tumor rates in rats. Motorola is looking for -no effect- at all. Adey publishes, they shit talk him for a bit. Cut funding for future studies.
-Officeof Naval Affairs, Department of Energy, and other sources of public funding dry up int he mid 90's
-Lai and Singh's study showing DNA breaks in rat brains exposed to cell phone signals
-Telecom goes into damage control
-Eventually bring in PR firm Phillip-Morris
-Meanwhile powerlines are being connected with childhood leukemia and brain tumors.
-Utilities form EPRI
-Hydro Quebec at first cooperates but then becomes hostile to research.
-Andrew Marino and many others get dragged into / participate in highly public legal hearings concerning siting of high voltage power lines
-Other things build
-Effects on fertility become yet clearer
-Hardcore denial of nonthermal effects solidifies in the west as far as the narrative goes despite continued research, mid 90's. No such problems in China or Russia.
-Milton Zaret and his cataract studies
-Forgot all about Allan Frey and his microwave auditory effect / headache studies
-Wifi and so forth comes around.
-Old researchers are going inactive and dying off
-New generation
-Public is sold a pack of lies and gradually forget
-More wireless devices. People are enamored and become physically addicted, as these fields literally act on the opioid[..]

>> No.10189885
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-George Carlo and that circus occurs. He eventually gets the boot and turns on industry in a way suitable for a movie.
-Industry's plan becomes overt. Muddy the literature and manufacture perpetual doubt with the illusion of trying to get to the bottom of anything to "tread water" long enough for irreversible uptake and integration of these devices into daily life.
-Normalization is complete.
-Wireless "smart" devices are everywhere.
-Conveniently are effective parts of the data mining and surveillance apparatus
-Smart meters come around, use high peak intensity pulses. Many anecdotal reports of it inducing sensitivity
-Wireless baby toys
-Wireless pregnancy tests and tampons
-Federal subsidies explicitly stating the last link to internet access in schools must be wireless. Plausible deniability for corporate giveaway
-Somewhere along the line IARC classifies RF as a class 2B carcinogen.
-Apple makes an ipad with a wifi slot antenna at the base where it'll be pointing towards people's genitals
-5G comes around. Millimeter wave emitters on every pole with power supplies the size of refrigerators. What could go wrong.

There's a lot, but that's where we are right now. Refer to this thread for more on 5G.

>> No.10189894
File: 186 KB, 889x626, USSR, 1960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, the 1997 telecommunications act. Section 704, subsection 4 states that tower siting cannot be blocked on the basis of health or environmental effects from its emissions so long as they conform to FCC guidelines. Federal preemption establishing a clear choke point in the control structure. Back in 1997. They knew. New streamline small cell deployment act includes the same language, but it's section 3 or whatever.

>> No.10189917

Thanks anon, that's a huge help right there. Appreciate it.

Saved as well

>> No.10189935

Because Alex Jones is controlled opposition designed to make certain ideas and "conspiracy theories" look ridiculous

>> No.10189939

It's winter you dense fug.
But I heard Bees die because of Emfs, pesticides, smog and other civilisational effects

>> No.10190414
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>> No.10190645

>based tyrone tried to warn us

>> No.10190735

>tower siting cannot be blocked on the basis of health or environmental effects from its emissions so long as they conform to FCC guidelines
Can't they at least be subtle about it?

>> No.10190886

apparently they cause problems for birds as well.

>> No.10190931

well I guess it comes off as funny to some people because it's actually making them hermaphrodites, which I guess is a slightly different thing from gay. I don't get it either. Makes me buy into the theory that alex jones is controlled opposition.

>> No.10191191



I know that it is winter, but it was also quit quiet in summer.

>> No.10191417

It's felt dead and quiet all year.

>> No.10191506

do you have a link to a source corroborating the correlation between VDTs and abortions or the USSR/Italian literature about thyroid failure?
can someone make a mega.nz link containing and labeling all these studies?

>> No.10193174



>> No.10194592


>> No.10194607

>Makes me buy into the theory that alex jones is controlled opposition.
The only real question is if he's simply a useful idiot.

>> No.10195791

>do you have a link to a source corroborating the correlation between VDTs and abortions or the USSR/Italian literature about thyroid failure?
Bump. I posted about this in another thread.

Concerning the second part, maybe. Either that or I'll dump a list of all the papers I have, which unfortunately means other people duplicating work I've already done.

Things to think about.

>> No.10195796


>> No.10195824

>Insects have always died, just like everybody else.
thats bullshit pseudo science
fucking leftist

>> No.10195833

It's pseudointelligent. Gibberish, makes no sense, so on. Hope he's started to widen his perspective a bit since. Not too late.