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10186368 No.10186368 [Reply] [Original]

>PhD in Computer Science from Stanford University
>still haven’t been able to get a full time job in industry after 8 months of applying
Am I eternally doomed to work in academia /sci/? I always seem to fuck up during interviews and come off as a mega autistic nerd. Just how do normies make the transition to work at firms like Google, Apple and Facebook and make $200k starting?

>> No.10186392

Working during your undergrad/grad degree. Aka you're fucked already

>> No.10186403
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Let me clarify: I already have a job in academia. I just want out...

>> No.10186412

what job in academia? postdoc?

>> No.10186426

>I always seem to fuck up during interviews and come off as a mega autistic nerd.
Sounds like you already know the answer

>> No.10186554

How old are you OP?
In worst case join the army as an officer.

>> No.10186583

Go do IT for a government agency. They love to hire autistic nerds

>> No.10186932

Details. Who have you interviewed for and what went wrong?

>> No.10186940

Computer vision and deep learning jobs.
>tfw cant even get an internship

>> No.10186944

Im 35yo and still a postdoc cuck unable to make it to even assistant professor

>> No.10187274

How much do you make? Is it more than someone with a b.s. in computer science in industry?

>> No.10187299

>>PhD in Computer Science from Stanford University

>> No.10187309

Ph.ds are for retards who need to hide their stupidity

>> No.10187526

Keep telling yourself that

>> No.10187531

What's wrong with working in academia? :'c
Don't you want to be a researcher? And give passionate monologues?

>> No.10187570

>gets gay degree
>gets fucked
Checks out

>> No.10187589

idk why but theres something comforting knowing really smart and competent people in stem cant secure a job because of autism or aspies. Im a very average student but have been told i have great social skills and make great first impressions and that that really gives me a leg up in interviews. sorry brah lol

>> No.10187600

>Keep telling yourself that

ive worked with enough Ph.ds to know. might get one myself so i can bullshit and be lazy for the remainder of y life and still get paid

>> No.10187621

How are you fucking this up? The bay area has a ton of software jobs. But you need to learn how to build shit. No one in the industry cares about whatever "formal" computer science you studied. It could be useful though, depending on what kind of job you want.

>Just how do normies make the transition to work at firms like Google, Apple and Facebook and make $200k starting?
I built "cool" things while in high school and college. Got hired in a great position immediately after school. I've met lots of people who dropped out of school and just taught themselves how things work. Which is extremely easy in CS. Especially since many self-taught CS nerds also know how to get books and lectures for free.
Most trunormies I meet at top companies are there because they've got good networks. They're generally nice non-autistic people and make good employees (they follow instructions).

>> No.10187821
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>smoked my way through RHCSA, passing at 210/300
>smoked my way through Internship Scholarship with 5 slide presentation and crappy teambuilding even (currently doing it)
>smoked my way through exam for military scholarship/paid course into undergrad infosec

nuthin personnel sai

>> No.10187833

fuck off to reddit you piece of shit nigger.

>> No.10187891

lmao im about to join the army to get job and college experience in computer science so hopefully if that route goes to shit i can just fall back to the army and make a living off the next best thing

>> No.10187898

but if i join the army that means my psychonaut experience will have to stop

>> No.10188052

you're already not getting TSC so why bother

>> No.10188222
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>> No.10188275

A C.S. PhD at Stanford is literally a guranteed job. Did you forget to mention you dropped out or something?

>> No.10188278

A job in academia =/= a job in industry
I have a guaranteed job as a TA cuck.

>> No.10188282

In general you are right. But specifically talking about Stanford comp sci PhDs, it is a guaranteed job. Unless OP is a complete autist

>> No.10188290

>But specifically talking about Stanford comp sci PhDs, it is a guaranteed job

[Citation needed]

I only know a handful of people who’ve managed to get 6 figure jobs outside of academia. The majority are still in academia whether it’s teaching high school kids or college students

>> No.10188297
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>> No.10188304

Teaching in academia is the only thing that gets you paid above poverty level. You are still expected to do research in your own time outside of teaching hours