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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 17 KB, 348x499, Categories.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10185058 No.10185058 [Reply] [Original]

Category Theory is one of the most powerful mathematical ideas of the past century. Category Theory is a mathematical formalism that is an alternative to set theory. The fundamental idea of category theory is the notion of the commutative diagram, which is an extremely powerful way of representing everything that you would use something else for.

Category Theory is amazingly powerful. Everyday I keep coming across concepts and finding that the most natural way to think about them is from the categorical perspective. Category theory is extremely general however; even group theorists often regard it as "abstract non-sense".

In fifty years I believe category theory will be as "applied" a field of mathematics as calculus, linear algebra or probability theory; based on its usefulness and broad applicability. However for now, the main use of category theory is the proof of more results about category theory itself.

Category theory in many respects is even more appropriate as "the laws of thought" than logic. For representing and manipulating concepts and symbolic representations of domains, no other mathematical formalism come close to the naturalness of category theory. There have even been papers which suggest that category theory is the mathematical basis of human thought and problem representation and solving capacity.

I recommend for everyone here to learn Category Theory.

>> No.10185081

It's literally just fucking arrows.

>> No.10185082

>Category Theory
not science or math

>> No.10185129

it's literally math. The fact that you don't understand it doesn't mean it doesn't belong here, brainlet.

>> No.10185134

>it's literally math.
How so?

>> No.10185148

How is it not?

>> No.10185155

Why did they draw a dick in math on the cover of their book? Is that really there or photoshopped in?

>> No.10185163

Oh my god

>> No.10185164

>How is it not?
The burden of proof is on you.

>> No.10185192

The Virgin Category Theory vs The Chad Combinatoric Erudition.
>Needs no preschool "arrows"
>Doesn't even need a central reference point.
>Instantly understands the hyperspace it inhabbits by merely presenting a dualistic object to 'invade' it.
>Conquers it completely through definition by proofs before transforming it into succint axioms of mathematical perfection.
>Immediatly deduces relavant results and analysis from statistical discrepancies within the form functions of any inhabitted location.
>Groupings literally become fluid in its presence.
>Interdimensionally relavant.

Where were you when category theory got btfo?

>> No.10185198
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>> No.10185216
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You see? Already in less than 5 minutes of my CHAD combinatorical presence, you have already turned into a pussy! Chadbinatorics wins again!

>> No.10185220
File: 507 KB, 1070x601, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10185228
File: 25 KB, 322x499, 51pD-kP+9JL._SX320_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally someone else who's talking about category theory on /sci/. We need to push this so it becomes part of sci culture.
I'm currently reading pic related.
And before that I read algebra chapter 0 by Paolo Aluffi.

>> No.10185344

>Where were you when category theory got btfo?
Skulling on the river cam plotting to take the lucasian chair

>> No.10185386



Arrows and objects. It's actually quite simple but people always try to explain it from the top down by using special cases from some other area of math as analogies.

What the fuck are you talking about?

There's a lot of category theory threads on /sci/. Not as much Topos Theory.

>> No.10185397

Why is there always one person who's like "hurr durr not science or math"

There exists more math than just analysis and algebra. There exists more science out there that isn't pure. I"m an analysisfag but if you're telling me combinatorics, category theory, etc. are anything less than math (and in the case of combinatorics, anything less than black magic), then you have no idea what you're talking about. you're more than likely either an undergrad who wants attention or a grad who wants to aggressively validate their own research interests

>> No.10185413

it's probably the same person that is wasting his life trying to annoy people on an anonymous board

i believe it might even be the same person that makes those is there a scientific explanation for x stupid subject

>> No.10185417

I sometimes post "not science or math" but only in threads which don't belong on /sci/

>> No.10185429

>is there a scientific explanation for x stupid subject
Threads like that should be an autoban.

>> No.10185437

Same for “what’s the evolutionary reason for x” threads

>> No.10185446

>In fifty years I believe category theory will be as "applied" a field of mathematics as calculus, linear algebra or probability theory
No, maybe it will be the new language of math (it sort of already is to some extent), but the actual study of category theory will remain a fringe subject, just like the study of set theory is today.

>Category theory in many respects is even more appropriate as "the laws of thought" than logic.
What does that even mean ?

>> No.10185525


>> No.10185651

You can like more math than just analysis, you know.

>> No.10185662


>> No.10186181

>the actual study of category theory will remain a fringe subject, just like the study of set theory is today.
Why are they niche subjects?

>> No.10186570

In the case of set theory, because a lot of set theory involves studying the combinatorial properties of very large cardinals whereas most mathematicians will rarely need cardinals larger than N, R or 2^R.
Now of course, I was caricaturing a bit for effect. There are nontrivial applications of set theory to analysis, dynamics, operator algebras etc. but I (and I am not alone) have this distinctive feeling that the problems that set theorists are interested in, even when they have to do with mainstream math, are somewhat orthogonal to the preoccupations of "normal" mathematicians.
Logicians are always a little off, they are to normal mathematicians what mathematicians studying mathematical physics are to physicists.

>> No.10186813

>How is it not?
Categories are not mathematical objects.

>> No.10186817

Categories are both homes to mathematical objects, and mathematical objects themselves :)

>> No.10186840
File: 19 KB, 330x189, smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All math that isn't analysis is either philosophy (logic, so still respectable) or fucking shit alg*bra playing with silly little toys and making unstable towers out of children's building blocks or le ebic meme number theory autism reddit math
analysis, on the other hand... BASED and REDPILLED!

>> No.10187224

Baked and gaypilled

>> No.10187505

> What is analytic number theory?
> What is arithmetic combinatorics?
> Who is Terence Tao?

>> No.10187529

Cats are most powerful among all wizards of the tools of mathematics! :D

>> No.10187694

Haha I can make the shape of a peepee with arrows and get away with it

>> No.10187874

analytic number theory is ok (even if it's a bastardization of analysis for a discr*te object of study)
arithmetic combinatorics, like all other number theory, is a meme and the people who study it belong on reddit

>> No.10188089

If you are doing cat theory with objects you are missing the point. All you need is a collection of arrows, and a collection of triplets of these arrows which satisfies some conditions to represent composition (3rd arrow is the composition of the first 2), and a subcollection of the collection of arrows to represent identity arrows.

>> No.10188090


>> No.10188094

There are lots of semantics you can apply to a category. Only a pretentious undergrad would argue that objects have no use. It's like arguing for a logic without predicates (actually though, google categorical logic).

>> No.10188104

It has a use, as a derived thing, not as a fundamental thing like arrows are.

>> No.10188105

Whatever, enjoy having fucked up convoluted definitions for basic category theory concepts. retard.

>> No.10188108

O no, I have to define objects in terms of arrows before continuing with them, once.

>> No.10188217


(We only say this to demoralize you so you'll never try and make this association again, thus ensuring we have market monopoly)

>> No.10188221

What practical applications does category theory have? None? Disregarded.


>> No.10190191

>PrAcTiCaL aPpLiCaTiOnS
kys brainlet engineer

>> No.10190210

One application is monads in programming that makes software safer and easier to reason about.

>> No.10190437
File: 128 KB, 496x450, yukari_suicide_hotline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Category Theory is a mathematical formalism that is an alternative to set theory

>> No.10190475

hurp durp ur missing da point

>> No.10190502

Category theory = autism
autistic people put things in category

>> No.10190601

There's a lot in mathematics, physics, computer science, and logic. The biggest practical applications are probably in programming language theory and quantum mechanics.

That said, it isn't as big or complicated as people make it seem. Learning the basics is about as difficult as learning graph theory and learning the more complicated stuff isn't all that much harder. It's only so polarizing because for some reason it's become a thing that stronger undergrads use to be pretentious and hold over weaker undergrads despite the fact that either could learn it trivially if it's explained clearly.

>And before that I read algebra chapter 0 by Paolo Aluffi.
Kind of a shitty book for learning category theory imo. Instead of first teaching you category theory and then using it to teach you algebra it tries to teach you both at the same time in a way that can only hurt your understanding of both subjects.

Monads are pretty cool but they're just one tiny way in which category theory can be applied to programming languages.
More generally there is a family of correspondences between type theory, category theory, and logic. The most famous example is the Curry-Howard correspondence where the typed lambda calculus is equivalent to intuitionistic logic which is the internal logic to cartesian closed categories.
The idea here is that if you're developing a programming language then you can choose a type system (i.e. type theory) and use the corresponding category to reason about it's algebraic structures and corresponding logic to reason about what it's "really" doing (the semantics of the programming language).

That's not how it works, category is kind of a misnomer.