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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10184439 No.10184439 [Reply] [Original]

official ranking, revised.

>> No.10184442

Seems right.

>> No.10184514

You forgot the china man that is curing diseases for our future generations.

>> No.10184561

Memeing again? Going through a Calc 2 course doesn't make you an expert in math. I can pick any name from your list and you won't be able to maintain a coherent conversation about the corresponding field.
Don't embarrass yourself.

>> No.10184882

go ahead and try

>> No.10184891

>Darwin = "Shit-tier"
sorry, but you're not going to rise from the dead

>> No.10184903

Darwin was at least mid-tier
Saying he was responsible in entirety for the theory of evolution is retarded, but he was largely if not solely responsible for putting the puzzle together

>> No.10184904

Shit list

>> No.10185090

Sure! Let's take Grothendieck, the very basics: consider the étale cohomology based on étale sheaves of roots of unity. Can it be computed just by using Cech cohomology? If not, why not, what fails?

The very, very basics of his theory. And believe me, it will be obvious if you just copypaste some non-sensical bullshit from Wikipedia.

Surely you know this as you place him very confidently into your non-meme ranking, right?

>> No.10185258

>einy anything but charlatan plagiarist tier
>still no tesla

>> No.10185794

>Einstein > Darwin
You're an utter pleb, aren't you?

t. Physics Undergrad.

>> No.10185823


if langan is the penultimate then who is the ultimate??
Jacob Barnett?

>> No.10185831


>> No.10185882
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>galois, plank, cauchy, touring, poincare, pretty much anyone beside newton or gauss, is better than einstein
>cantor above sub par
>maxwell below planck
>dirac below ramanujan
>lagrange that fucking low for no reason, when he should be about par
>could go on

>> No.10185890

Tesla is blacklisted
>t. teslaposter/salty goy

>> No.10185902


>> No.10185921
File: 33 KB, 500x636, barnett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgetting someone?

>> No.10185945

if you understood Leibniz you would place him with or right below langnan.

>> No.10186035

Why is a guy that looks like my stats professor on top?

>> No.10186082

who is on the top?

>> No.10186195
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>> No.10186228
File: 43 KB, 1000x575, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chris Langann.
>Bogdanovs bow to him
>solved every problem ever
>5 billion iq
>smartest man in the world
>actually as buff as the pic suggests

>> No.10186848


>> No.10186866

>no tycho brahe
>no mendel
>no weierstrauß
>no reimann
>no da vinci
>no curie (marie)
>no lavoisier

>> No.10187612

Not him as I don't like algebraic topology, but it's very rudimentary knowledge so OP being brainlet pretty much confirmed.

I think any name would work as OP seems to be a CS undergrad.

>> No.10187633

why only men? I find this extremely sexist, reported and banned

>> No.10187672 [DELETED] 

>Only men
>Madam Curie

>> No.10187786


>> No.10187803

this is fucking based except why the fuck are lagrange and laplace so low
you gotta fuckin problem with analysis mate? variational calculus and harmonic functions not good enough for you?

>> No.10187810

Hey there guy! I can tell from the way you post that you’re absolutely killing it. Just want to say way to go!

>> No.10188014

Shit list showing that you actually don't know math and just browsed wiki or some blogs. The discussion in the previous thread (and here as well) only further reinforces this.

>> No.10188644
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>no women or niggers
surprise surprise

>> No.10190944 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10190959
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