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File: 35 KB, 220x287, 220px-JohnvonNeumann-LosAlamos.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10171156 No.10171156 [Reply] [Original]

>There is good evidence that existing genetic variants in the human population (i.e., alleles affecting intelligence that are found today in the collective world population, but not necessarily in a single person) can be combined to produce a phenotype which is far beyond anything yet seen in human history. This would not surprise an animal or plant breeder -- experiments on corn, cows, chickens, drosophila, etc. have shifted population means by many standard deviations relative to the original wild type.

>Take the case of John von Neumann, widely regarded as one of the greatest intellects in the 20th century, and a famous polymath. He made fundamental contributions in mathematics, physics, nuclear weapons research, computer architecture, game theory and automata theory. In addition to his abstract reasoning ability, von Neumann had formidable powers of mental calculation and a photographic memory. In my opinion, genotypes exist that correspond to phenotypes as far beyond von Neumann as he was beyond a normal human.

>The quantitative argument for why there are many SD’s to be had from tuning genotypes is straightforward. Suppose variation in cognitive ability is 1. highly polygenic (i.e., controlled by N loci, where N is large, such as 10k), and 2. approximately linear (note the additive heritability of g is larger than the non-additive

>Then the population SD for the trait corresponds to an excess of roughly N^(1/2)vpositivevalleles (for simplicity we suppress dependence on minor allele frequency). A genius like von Neumann might be +6 SD, so would have roughly 6N^(1/2) more positive alleles than the average person (e.g.,∼600 extra positive alleles if N = 10k). But there are roughly +N^(1/2) SDs in phenotype (∼100 SDs in the case N ∼ 10k) to be had by an individual who has essentially all of the N positive alleles! As long as N^(1/2) >> 6, there is ample extant variation for selection to act on to produce a type superior to any that has existed before.

>> No.10171159

Fuck greentext.

"The probability of producing a "maximal type" through random breeding is exponentially small in N, and the historical human population is insufficient to have made this likely.

The content of this basic calculation underlies the work of animal and plant breeders. As leading population geneticist James Crow of Wisconsin wrote [14]: "The most extensive selection experiment, at least the one that has continued for the longest time, is the selection for oil and protein content in maize (Dudley 2007). These experiments began near the end of the nineteenth century and still continue; there are now more than 100 generations of selection. Remarkably, selection for high oil content and similarly, but less strikingly, selection for high protein, continue to make progress. There seems to be no diminishing of selectable variance in the population. The effect of selection is enormous: the difference in oil content between the high and low selected strains is some 32 times the original standard deviation."

https://arxiv.org/pdf/1408.3421.pdf (On the genetic architecture of intelligence and other
quantitative traits)

>> No.10171166

Accurate prediction of height from genome has already been accomplished, identifying 10k positively associated loci (https://www.biorxiv.org/content/biorxiv/early/2017/09/18/190124.full.pdf).). The author has already made a case that the genetic architecture of intelligence is similar to that of height (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1408.3421.pdf).). It is only a matter of time before enough genotype-phenotype pairs are collected to perform a similar analysis on cognitive ability, and identify the estimated 10k SNPs that explain the variance in IQ. After these are identified, an optimized genotype could be discovered and implemented in human embryos via genetic engineering, although the technology here will also have to advance to be able to edit 10k loci reliably.

>> No.10171246

lol. just lol. cyborgs will be here before the batch of lab babies grow to maturity.

>> No.10171459

I will categorically exterminate all gene edited people. Zero of them will make it.

>> No.10171464

Should I invest in crispr?

>> No.10171480

>von Neumann
Good example. Considering the amount of neuroticism and predispositions towards mental instability that very often comes with extraordinary intelligence, my guess is that such "superhuman" individuals will have just enough time to consume the finest anime and write down the complete theory of covert control of humanity by noumenal judeo-masonic xenoreptiloids before offing themselves at the ripe old age of 16.

>> No.10171502
File: 58 KB, 500x694, 0BFFFAAF-2C1C-4E2B-9C3B-6E0969461E30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humans in the future will look like this and have an IQ the same or higher

>> No.10171511

>Humans in the future will look like this

>> No.10171524
File: 80 KB, 645x773, 1537694429772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I was born too early to have my genes edited as an embryo so I can be a Chad with a >200 IQ, and am stuck with shit genes for life

>> No.10171554

>Considering the amount of neuroticism and predispositions towards mental instability that very often comes with extraordinary intelligence
Intelligent people have lower rates of depression, suicide, anxiety, and mental illness. High IQ people are better at everything.

>> No.10171569

>will have just enough time to consume the finest anime and write down the complete theory of covert control of humanity by noumenal judeo-masonic xenoreptiloids

Isn't that pretty much what that one bouncer with a super high IQ does?

>> No.10171641

Not only that, but you will likely be killed so your genes can't ruin the gene pool anymore.

>> No.10171702
File: 62 KB, 968x681, tom-cruise-katie-holmes-short-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will be more efficient to just make women attracted to manlets. Less resource intensive.

>> No.10171707

man it sucks to be born before all this gene editing stuff actually takes off

>> No.10171728

Gene editing in living patient. Is it possible or just a myth?
Viral vector?

>> No.10171734

>Intelligent people have lower rates of depression, suicide, anxiety, and mental illness.
[citation needed]

>> No.10171815

The problem would be getting it to every cell in the body. But even then, a large portion of DNA is for development. Take the development of the jaw. It's pretty much 90% determined by development in the womb and subsequently development during early childhood and puberty. It would likely not be possible to get a larger/more developed jaw through gene surgery alone because development has already occurred. It's likely similar for intelligence (take the major neuronal pruning that happens in early childhood and late puberty), but the brain also has a degree of plasticity that the mandible does not.

>> No.10171818

statistical analysis

High IQ is correlated with long lifespan

>> No.10171827

Please show me how you’re going to edit polygenic traits and regulate gene expression and pleiotropy seamlessly once the mutant super soldier archons are born. Also have u considered that the public might chimp out because of this? As its an existential threat to their whole way of life
Too difficult and expensive.
No, genius is associated with depression and mental illness. You’re thinking of above average iq people not what OP is positing.
rigorous and convincing

>> No.10171829

This could be due to the underlying architecture of corn, in that it cannot be designed to be oil and protein heavy without becoming something other then corn. Selecting for something it is intended to be like starch and sugar content is something thats seen many magnitudes of gain from the original grass's it was bred from.

Under this context, intelligence is something we're already heavily predisposed to. Its arguably our most prominent feature. So it follows that we can quite easily see significant gains in overall ability, to the point that the people produced would overshadow the collective ability of the 20th Century Intellectuals.

>> No.10171832
File: 1.16 MB, 1957x1296, 1518194492483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be even more efficient and even less resource intensive to just replace women with artificial wombs and sexbots.

>> No.10171835 [DELETED] 

>Also have u considered that the public might chimp out because of this? As its an existential threat to their whole way of life
I am literally dropping out of school and becoming a farmer because of this.

>> No.10171836

that’s not an artificial womb in the lower left pics

>> No.10171842

it'll be okay man, maybe your brain might be saved in a vat for the virtural slavery and thought harvesting.

>> No.10171852

What else do you want?

Is there something better than statistical outcomes?

>> No.10171853

>virtual slavery
Slavery is pointless when everything can be automated.
>thought harvesting
A superintelligent AI could come up with far better thoughts than I could.

>> No.10172198


>> No.10172233

If they birth 10000 hypergeniuses when you're 40, there's a real chance they'll figure out how to somatically edit you to hypergenius by the time they've hit 30. Of course, the question is if they would want to.

>> No.10172245

Crispr isn't going to create super geniuses (for a long time). Modifying anything more than single genes is too complicated and risky. Even if Crispr has a success rate of 99% then doing it at hundreds of times in hundreds of cells of a single embryo will have an unacceptable risk for creating a mosaic that has severe abnormalities. This presupposes you have a perfect understanding of which changes to make, which for intelligence we do not.
Selection using polygenic scores is by far the better option and is already feasible, and could produce 10 IQ point gains right now, and potentially multiple s.d. gains later.
That said I'd like my future children to have some Crispr alterations - e.g. APOE e2 for reduced alzheimers and APOA1 Milano for lower cardiac disease.

>> No.10172256

Bitch CRISPR babies are NOW. Based Chinese leading the way

>> No.10172259

Does anyone know the state of the art for monitoring off target effects of crispr? Just whole genome sequencing?

>> No.10172268

The future looks bright.

>> No.10172269

This is unironically what is going to happen

>> No.10172277

Yes. But a update is already being researched on.

>> No.10172564 [DELETED] 

Read an article this morning that said He (the Chinese scientist) confirmed that the intended mutation occurred without any errors via whole genome sequencing of the babies. Spooky thing is it 404'd 2-3 hours after it was published.

>> No.10172644

Gifted students do not report less life satisfaction
Doesn't sound like high IQ makes you depressed.

>> No.10172714
File: 67 KB, 642x872, IQ and mental health.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, this is a meme - the tortured genius a la 'a beautiful mind'. I think there may be some evidence that Schizophrenia increases creativity, or is associated with it, but it occurs more often among people with lower IQs - at least hospital admissions do. Perhaps smart people with Schizophrenia don't go to hospital, or perhaps dumb people are misdiagnosed.


>> No.10172722
File: 70 KB, 630x785, mental health and IQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10172787

For the last time, as long as we're destroying the mental abilities of children at birth, and through their environment, it won't matter what genes you have.

The way they're setting it up you're going to REQUIRE in vitro fertilization to make children. And who knows, maybe they'll make your children just as sterile as you, maybe they'll tweak their genes a bit to confine them to a certain tier of society. This is not science fiction, this is where we're close to arriving.

>> No.10172800

Eh, we will have AGI long before designer babies is a thing so honestly who cares about max human potential IQ.

>> No.10172818

>Births you into a first world shithole that will make your mother lay flat during birth, drug her with pitocin causing forceful contractions which actually make birthing harder and slam your head against her cervix repeatedly, if cesarean section is now required they give her a spinal injection of an opioid, when you're finally out of there they clamp your umbilical cord before placental transfer is complete depriving you of your blood supply before lung changeover is complete causing brain damage, and depriving your of your iron stores. They inject you with vitamin K, further thickening your hypoxic blood. They'll put vaseline in your eyes and wash you in a sink. If they opioid caused your respiratory system to shut down you'll be put in an incubator for a while. They might next amputate parts of your genitals. You'll be vaccinated with things shown to be completely unnecessary, and cause harm in humans. Finally, you're back with your mother, by some definition. She's a smart, savvy, empowered woman, and she knows how to think and who to trust. This is a new world we're making. So she forgoes breast feeding and gives you onions infant formula. The good stuff. Depriving you of her DHEA, anadamide, antibodies, or any of the other stuff you apparently don't need. You'll now drink fluoridated, chlorinated, brominated water full of post metabolic drugs and birth control pills. You'll be injected with more junk periodically. Your diet will consist of stuff that's food in name only, a constant barrage of pesticides, herbicides, additives, and heavy metals. You'll be exposed to wireless devices which cause brain damage, which is likely worsened by the deprivation of your iron stores in infancy. You'll probably turn out autistic, have autoimmunity, digestive problems, or another chronic illness like 50+% of our children now.

>> No.10173528

genes give a high probable tendency for stuff though.

>> No.10173552

>Considering the amount of neuroticism and predispositions towards mental instability that very often comes with extraordinary intelligence
Will this meme cope ever end?

>> No.10173574

Where can I learn more about the first 2/3 of this post?

>> No.10173908

People with Acromegaly grow their lower Jaw until it is physically stopped. There are sutire points in the skull that kinda act like closed growth plates. You just have to find a way to reactivate the epiphyseal plates. People are working on this.

>> No.10173909

Brainlet answer

>> No.10173944

Lee Kwan Yew and His wife were both top of their class at cambridge. Their son exceeded them both.

IQ is all inheritance

>> No.10174237

>Their son exceeded them both.
>muh maffs degree
Lee Kwan Yew hasn't been exceeded by anyone.

>> No.10174243

based and redpilled

>> No.10174782

Smart people should breed with smart people. We don't know enough about genes yet to do so. We only gonna fuck it up. Not long ago they found a completly new genome and dna strings in the embryo. Which set back genetic engineering back to the stoneage. So not in the first decade. And probably decades. I agree with the one who said AGI comes first. So don't mess with something we don't know shit about. Think of the human as rather perfect as they are. Normal is kinda good. They can understand almost just the same as someone brilliant. It's just harder to swollow and takes shit loads of time. That's the difference. We humans move to fast anyway lately. It's gonna cause problems at last. And we may need super humans to save us. But yeah isn't it great. Übermench.

>> No.10175472

the thing is, high iq often means an imbalance between areas in your brain. Where one area functions at a really advanced level, while you struggle in others. This leads to instability, neuroticism etc. It's not caued by high IQ on it's own

>> No.10175711

>high iq often means an imbalance between areas in your brain.

>> No.10177322

Good read

>> No.10177332

>actually buying any of this fake chink science
CRISPR is fake news

>> No.10177334

DNA-manipulating animals is way harder than DNA-manipulating plants, and doing it with plants is already really hard. There is a reason why we don't have modified cows that are resitant to all diseases and produce super delicious steaks and lots of milk.

>> No.10177414 [DELETED] 

This post was made in response to the CRISPR baby news. And yes cows have been selected to produce more and tastier meat and milk, several SDs above what they would in the wild actually (this is addressed in the full article). The reason they haven't been made disease resistant is because the immune system is highly complex and not fully understand, and its connection to the genome is even more elusive.