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File: 943 KB, 1426x994, musk mars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10165800 No.10165800 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10165820

Can you even imagine how fucking boring it would be on mars, not to mention the trip there and back, holy shit

>> No.10165886

He has gotten thicccc

>> No.10165902

hey, it's not mars's fault that earth is the most interesting place in the solar system

>> No.10165906

Yeah, and he also thought the hyperloop would work.

>> No.10165908

mandatory robot catgirl waifus for the maintenance of psychological health

>> No.10165910

Elon shouldn't go himself because he's the brains behind the operation.

>> No.10165912

>the brains behind the operation
>being the brains behind anything other than marketing

>> No.10165927 [DELETED] 

>being the brains behind anything other than marketing
where "brains" are connections to the homosexual mafia

>> No.10165942
File: 30 KB, 353x222, cosmic E U P H O R I A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck space nerds are so annoying.

pic related is a decent take on them

>> No.10166179

Yeah man a whole new untouched planet that sounds boring as fuck.

>> No.10166193

I'd go. Being the first person on another planet. You're like a god. The chances are whatever you do in life will never ever come close to as impressive as even trying, let alone succeeding and coming back alive. You'd be a huge deal for the rest of your life, much more than moon landing guys.

>> No.10166195

I believe him.

>> No.10166685
File: 2.74 MB, 533x300, Elon Musk lands on Mars.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

full interview


>> No.10166717

this show is for absolute brainlets

>> No.10166722

look at this thunderf00t sub
Hyperloop is literally just a run-of-the-mill idea he had, he never claimed it could actually work. SpaceX holds competitions where it basically outsources it to engineering teams. Google and other companies do this all the time through XPrize etc.


>> No.10166793
File: 6 KB, 250x250, 1511698216057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space Nerds are going out and getting shit done while philosotards spend all day coming up with excuses to not do anything, ever. Which is the group without a purpose, again?

>> No.10166808

>Working non-stop to build the base

This is actual bullshit. Human labour won't get much done their. Outside of your well-shielded habitat, you have to wear a suit that weighs 70kg and drastically reduces your movement range. Time outside the habitat will also be regulated to a few hours a day because of radiation.

And even if you disregard all this, there are simply not that many ressources on Mars to work with. A mars crew will largely sit in their habitats doing nothing while hoping the life support won't die.

>> No.10166819

Anon is right though, Mars is just a big ball of rust.
There is nothing else there that is as interesting as Earth.

>> No.10166826

Well unfortunately all the land on Earth is claimed, with the exception of the poles which no one will be allowed to settle.

>> No.10166835
File: 35 KB, 250x250, 250px-089Muk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couple this with the low G and you basically turn into mush overtime.

>> No.10166840

Literally 0 science to back this up. Stop memeing this gay shit without any valid evidence.

>> No.10166954

He makes far too many promises he possibly can't keep. He has to prove himself on one of his big projects before i put trust on anything he says.
Hyperloop or underground Hyperloop is just not going to happen, his initial target for human space flight was 2014 and he says ridiculous shit like a fully sustaining Mars civilization is about 40 to 100 years from now. He has a lot of things going against him.

>> No.10166971

Showmanship and sales are as important as any other aspect of an idea

>want to do Manhattan project
>don't sell it well, no funding or support

You can criticize tesla as a cult, but getting people to install a charger in their home and all of that requires massive salesmanship and it was all necessary

Are you mad that spacex is propagandizing big space exploration instead of being quiet and humble?

>> No.10167020

The rigour of that kind of life, basically a military daily schedule, as well as frugality and self-discipline, hard work for alongside your coworkers for the benefit of your community, would be satisfying at the least.

>> No.10167025

I think skepticism regarding the much larger scale, politically dangerous, and frankly logistically improbable “destinies” he’s woven in the mind of his supporters and the general public is very much warranted. The principle of showmanship applied certainly, but at a threshold point like “this concept will alter human subsistence patterns permanently” “we will link together biogeographically isolated populations seamlessly and circumvent and established mode of transport for the same purpose, while creating new unforseen political exigencies that will miraculously all benefit or yield to the brilliance of this new infrastructure” the faith in farming investment money and time for R&D, room to lay brick for a future of many “shots at the moon” is ludicrous or at least no longer promised in the same way EV propagandizing might have been

>> No.10167033


Yeah. This seems like a "run-of-the-mill" idea. Sure. Stop the fanboying, your god has flaws.

>> No.10167040

Does the blood of The Great Khan flow in his veins?

>> No.10167336


"It is well known, that microgravity influences different biological systems like bone and muscle as well as the heart and brain, and it enhances cancer risk."

PMID: 11234026

>inb4 Nature is not a valid source

>> No.10167348

You wouldn't have a very strict schedule or whatever. You would sit in your tin can drinking your own piss and eating your own shit while hoping the life support doesn't go out. You guys have a very wrong imagination of things. It would be much more like living on the ISS, and guess what, most Astronauts don't actually want to go there a second time.

>> No.10167624

yeah, that's microgravity, we're talking about Mars here. We don't have data for reduced gravity environments. What's the threshold? Nobody knows.

>> No.10167653

i see a 70% chance of being steered into a concrete barrier when driving a tesla

>> No.10168408

What the fuck is a 70% chance? You either want to go or you don't. This is just an excuse to generate media hype and then pull back at the last second.

>> No.10168453

>the trip there and back
Anon, I...

>> No.10168464
File: 95 KB, 1024x682, T0UZcUwk.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related went there several times. Germans will know.

>> No.10168847

That's what I was basing it on, you retard. The ISS has a military-like daily schedule and all work towards common goals, helping each other out and keeping the facility functional. On Mars or whatever, this would be amplified into a legitimate community removed from Earth. Despite the environment and danger, it's the closest you can get to living as a healthy human being if you're from the 1st world.

>> No.10168870

He looks like he's been drinking a bit too much

>> No.10169045

Dude that guy went to Snickers

>> No.10169508

You're boring as fuck, faggot!

>> No.10169511

You don't want to go there without a return ticket, if you die on Mars your soul will be stuck there forever

>> No.10169536

Every astronaut jumps at the possibility to go again. wtf are you on about retard?

>> No.10169560

Mine is already destined for hell anyway

>> No.10169930

I'll quote one famous renowned scientist's words on the whole "humans on mars thing".
>“There’s nothing to breathe.”
Lets leave it at that.

>> No.10169940

Going to mars is quite easy comparing to what you need when you want to come back.

>> No.10169972

I don't know too much about Elon's project to go to Mars but I think that the people going there are not suppose to come back.

>> No.10170005

It absoluetely doesn't. It's more like the schedule of a uni prof with doing experiments here and there plus a lot of work outs.

>> No.10170045

It has some advantages to have two way travel. And it is not impossible.

>> No.10170063

There is where I read that there won't be coming back.

>> No.10170219
File: 216 KB, 588x589, 1514565988521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to Mars
>not living on the atmosphere of Venus in balloon cities

>> No.10170324
File: 52 KB, 209x269, 1397701979850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nukes all of earth's major population centers
>blows up his factories
>hops in his last rocket and jets to his mars base
>Nasa promisses to retaliate and bring him to justice with disposable solid rocket bossters within the next 60 years

>> No.10170327
File: 153 KB, 1758x608, radar_rider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10170331

>Time outside the habitat will also be regulated to a few hours a day because of radiation.

Telepresence robots will work 24/7, and need operators to control them.

>> No.10170345

That's not SpaceX and Mars One is a scam.

>> No.10170357

Only watching what the people in that video say you know there is something wrong going on.

>> No.10170374

>There is where I read that there won't be coming back.
SpaceX plan is explicitly to reuse the ships, so there will be spaceships going both ways. So people will be able to come back from their colony, at least in theory.

>> No.10170377

Return won't be allowed because everyone will be scared shitless of a martian plague.

>> No.10170380


>> No.10171256

Why even send people to build a civilization? Have robots build everything.

>> No.10171304

how long could he realistically last?

1 week?

1 month?

>> No.10171308

i dunno anon, farming the alien soil under my glass dome and having direct orders from the government to have as many children as possible sounds like a good life to me

>> No.10171327
File: 190 KB, 480x432, TRINITY___JihadiGod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe Elon is going to get defiled in public.

>> No.10171401

If i can bring my computer I would have the same life that I have here on earth. The only problem would be the slow internet with 1 hour of delay.

>> No.10172453

Anybody I ask in my country is laughing at americans for trusting that conman.

It's very cringe looking at it from the sides.

>> No.10173198

his BFR stuff seems pretty farfetched right now, yeah, but Falcon 9 and variants (including Dragon-2) are extremely real

>> No.10174071

Why is he a conman? He's just building companies and taking advantage of the current situations.

>> No.10174148
File: 116 KB, 950x534, 8675345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He gains weight when things aren't going well. Short Tesla.

>> No.10175599

His fit now. This is old.

>> No.10175646


We can build some interesting stuff on there.

>> No.10175892

Playing a multiplayer FPS with your friends on earth would be a big challenge

>> No.10176539

Attention whore.

>> No.10177132

That is the brains of a business
Without money, it cannot function

>> No.10177145

Do not respond to bots

>> No.10177146


>> No.10177164

I'm sorry you were late to the party to find out about this iconic, not show, movie.

>> No.10177172

His idea of getting to mars on "reusable" rockets sounds reasonable until you remember (rocket) reusability does not work for practical reasons and is not cost effective in any way while also severely penalizing performance of the vehicle.
The claims might have had some weight if he had (a lot) more money and involved proven engineering choices.

I expect considerable size and feature reduction to his recently once again renamed "Starship" rocket. Especially after the rejection by USAF to finance it, preferring proven traditional designs and by doing so essentially stating the airforce's views on the subject.

I predict we will see raptor powered upper stage for Falcon 9 and possibly larger diameter first stage also utilizing the new engine in the next 10 years. That is assuming the engine proves to function reliably despite the highly experimental and complex combustion cycle it uses.

>> No.10177180

>he's still shilling
>he's still this desperate for (You)s

>> No.10177601


>> No.10177603

That's what happens when you force yourself to be the image of a company, try to do everything yourself, and get less than 7 hours of sleep a day

>> No.10177746

I was referring to the HBO show Elon was being interviewed on, not Heavy Metal.

>> No.10177798


>> No.10179056

Musk has delivered enough to be taken seriously, even if he can be dramatic at times.

>> No.10179065
File: 105 KB, 1024x768, 1513398209242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
