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10162812 No.10162812 [Reply] [Original]

Any self-studying NEETs here? I'm a HS dropout (23yo) and I'm wondering if I should continue self-studying and make enough money to do actual work on my own or just go and study CC.

I've already covering calculus, chemistry and EE at the moment is anyone else in a similar position or is it all 140iq top 10 uni graduates?

>> No.10162818


Study CS and start programming. Contribute to open source projects, and then leverage that to get a job. Or don't. Being a NEET is okay. I am a NEET. Neet life is awesome. Why would you want to be a wagecuck when you can spend your entire life learning? Don't become a faggy webdev, go the real high IQ route of low level programming.

>> No.10162823

I already know C++ but I'm interested in learning other thing as well.

>NEET life is awesome
How long have you been a NEET? I've been one for six years and I'm growing tired of it but because it's so comfortable to slip into it becomes almost impossible to escape.

>> No.10162847


10 years. Never been employed :D, I get neetbux from the government. Only downside is the propensity for boredom.

>> No.10162871

Thats fucking embarassing, dude

>> No.10162874

Well I'd rather be a McWagie than be a NEET for four more years.

>> No.10162876


Why? I have 16-20 hours each day to do whatever I want.

>> No.10162877

An what do you do, jerk off and consume media for 6+ hours of it? You can never be a man if you don't feed yourself. I have great pity for you.

>> No.10162887


I can do whatever as I am not constrained by time. I could play World of Warcraft for 12 hours, or I could read a book, program, watch OCW lectures. I have a lot of freedom. I can feed myself, I get approximately $1300 USD per month. Since being a NEET, I have enough money in the bank that I could travel the world for years. And as an only child, my parent's house is mine when they keel over.

I don't understand why people feel contempt for my lifestyle. If you're unhappy with your current situation, change it. I know I'd be unhappy being a wagecuck, so I am not a wagecuck. Simple.

>> No.10162894

>Since being a NEET, I have enough money in the bank that I could travel the world for years
>i have large savings because i do not work
Doesnt add up. Do you live with your parents?

>> No.10162895

Same here lol :3

Also that's such an adorable possum <3

>> No.10162903


Yes. I spend very little money because most of the time I am in my bedroom so the money I receive from the government adds up over time. The only time I lose money is by having to pay for the internet and fast food. If I don't eat fast food and instead eat what is in the cupboards, that is no loss of money because that food has been bought by my parents.

I am not going to travel the world because that doesn't interest me, but I do have the liberty to do so. Instead, I will continue to amass money, and when my parents die, I will use that money to continue living as I have been. I doubt I will ever be a wage slave. Maybe one day I will go to university, but that seems rather pointless when I could just read books and watch lectures online for free.

>> No.10162908

I was on the path to becoming a NEET last year. Turned 3k into 450k with crypto. Just wanted a little bit more to secure financial freedom for at least a decade (taxes were nearly 50%). But I lost it all and now I'm back in college with less than 30k to my name.

I took it for granted so damn bad. There is nothing more valuable than time. And I lost years of it

>> No.10162930

>I don't understand why people feel contempt for my lifestyle.

probably because you go around calling people a wageslave while you purely subsist off other people's wages.

>> No.10162935

I'm not OP but it's always the whole cohort of wageslaves, not a single wageslave so it's not your wage that is helping the NEET subsist, but the wage of all. So it only makes sense if you feel as a representative of all wageslaves

>> No.10162972

No one can tell you how to live your life but I think you should reconsider your life choices. That kind of lifestyle and thought process is very unhealthy and I hope that one day you will see that for yourself before it's too late.

>> No.10162985

What's unhealthy about it?

>> No.10163139

I am a guy with a "similar" lifestyle, it could be destructive if you do not have people checking your capacity to learn. Approach people you are not used to talk with and consider yourself potentially in the wrong or if you don't like the word wrong, try to consider yourself plain with no peculiarly detailed reasoning.

In general, any case of certainty in thought is very close to obsession, skepticism too as a way of reasoning and being certain that everything is not certain is obsessive too, as it is a certainty of uncertainty.

What is certain is very basic, if you hit the wall you die, it is not something related to abstraction or opinions of people's thoughts and lifestyles.
For instance, you do not accept the eventuality that your lifestyle could be damaging for you, just like the other part does not accept the eventuality that it could be wrong to work unreasonably without a specific objective in mind.

You both are partly wrong in the way you process healthiness because you think about something abstract which in reality requires details, the concept of lifestyle can not be concise and certain.

Either way, not being bothered by boredom would be a huge problem in itself, if you are not prone to improving your words are the ones of a newbie by definition of your lifestyle and you are most lightly not right.

Just like any form of belief, if you believe you are right or if you have the sentiment of righteousness it is nothing but belief and a sentiment.

Which could be certainly appreciable and lovely, but not very detailed.

Now, you can reply as a troll, to act as you got me, avoid the conversation which is surely starting to make you uneasy and go back to your quiet and tranquil obsessive bubble.

>> No.10163152


By the way, I am talking from a NEET perspective.

I'd say the most important misconception seem to be your idea of intelligence, I would try not to read neuroscience or psychiatry in a way to prove you are right.

if you really are prone to curiosity and intelligence, you should try to disproof yourself all the time, for instance by going to Uni.

>> No.10163197

That’s just sad man. I would prefer to be a wage cuck than depend on my parents. I would actually prefer my parents depend on me. Please reconsider your decisions, have a nice life.

>> No.10163259

There's also a shitload of NEETs out there, so we aren't only supporting your worthless ass. I wish it was legal to hunt you fags for sport.

>> No.10163278

>tfw no possum bro to eat pizza with

>> No.10163328

if you like self studying, you'll be fucking bored by the end of your first semester.
college for me at least is a place of fucking boredom, some hip dude with a bike comes and opens prezi to explain you for about 5 classes what automatas and haskell is just to ask you at the end of it to write a dumb ass shitty adding or subtracting program.
is fucking senseless, instead of giving you the opportunity to be self sufficient college seems an awful lot like an introduction to a dead end desk job.

>> No.10163676

Oh yes I want you to hunt us, we're little cute possums lol ^^. But you know my parents support me not you or other wageslave.

>> No.10163684
File: 454 KB, 1449x1932, soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you get NEETbux, the day of the rope is coming. Get ready, fag, it's not like you'd be able to defend yourself physically. Pic is you.

>> No.10163814
File: 122 KB, 850x1020, 1536006422486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opossums aren't onions and only one person has answered my question on whether not I should go to college.

>> No.10163847
File: 657 KB, 2896x2896, 1538145394861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you should abandon your NEET lifestyle, yes.

>> No.10163854

Awww LMAO :D

>> No.10163864

Getting in debt for promise of machine - like job with actually no creativity involved is somehow...

I think it depends on what you really do. If you educate yourself, it's good. If you get some knowledge that is out of bounds of common educational system it's good.

If somebody that is dependent on work just to maintain his consumerism have something against somebody pursuing knowledge it's somehow wrong.

He would have even problem with you if you automate his job.

So if you do nothing or you do basically all the stuff, people have problems with you.

People will have always problem.


I'm in the similar situation now, and I'm doing some research about the possible futures of world so I can find proper occupation and so I can get specialized in something that will have value even after time.

I think it's better to be financially secured at last for basic needs before you made a decision about literally whole you lifetime.

Get educated, I'm not talking about school, but information you can use for well being.


As stated, webdev is good occupation until 20, then you need to do some advanced stuff to grow... I'm talking also about the exact timeline of 20 being in 2014 or so.


It's just a small niche, that machine coding is really important, assembly and stuff like that. If you want something like own stuff to do, you better be programming something you can run as service on more platforms.

Assembly is more like for getting a job than doing something. At least from my point of perspective.


I see huge wrongness in people seeing "not in public education" as doing nothing.