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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10154880 No.10154880 [Reply] [Original]

What the hell Bill!?

>> No.10154893

Nye posting should be bannable
I agree with him, btw

>> No.10154911

He means white people. The final act of compassion from whites will be sending africans to mars to start anew as earth slowly dies.

>> No.10154921

As much as he's a turbofaggot he's right, Mars is a dead end.

>> No.10154932

Spending money on mars should be considered crime against humanity when we have children starving on Earth.

>> No.10154938

humanity will be dead before we even figure out a way

>> No.10154966
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>> No.10155038

We could send the starving children to Mars. Then we'd have none on Earth.

>> No.10155323

because humanity devolved into shapeless blobs that can no longer definitively answer what gender they are, and a deliberately engineery 80iq servant/sex slave class for the people who have hoarded the most power and influence.

because not enough people grow up on farms.

because education standards are dropping.

because most information presented to the layman is pure propaganda.

not because it couldnt be done.

>> No.10155340
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>> No.10155349

Thats a tv show dog

>> No.10155358




>> No.10155371

He obviously means that we'll die there too, once the war for Martian independence begins.

>> No.10155375

He said that we will not be terraforming Mars anytime soon, not that we will never live on Mars. Clickbait headline.

>> No.10155378


he's right

>> No.10155388
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>listening to Bill Nye the Swarthy Kike

>> No.10155397

Yeah dude we're gonna live in


>> No.10155408

Nobody has even spent a single dime anywhere other than Earth.

>> No.10155410

Fuck the Children, Carl. I need more V-Bucks!

>> No.10155429


>> No.10155548

What do we want from Mars? Terraforming it will require thousands of years, we could of Course go transhuman but even then it would make more sense if we settle down on asteroids and mine them for titanium or other metals, space factories are also a huge benefit compared to factories on planets. If we get Fusion reactors going then the future will Play on Moon, Saturn and Uranus for their Helium-3. Mars doesn`t really have resources as far as I know. So why should we live on Mars?

>> No.10155560

Why are you wasting your time on a Peruvian antelope husbandry forum when you could be working right now to earn money to send to those kids?

>> No.10155576

spending Money on starving childen should be considered crime against humanity when we are struggling from overpopulation already.

>> No.10155588


We should dedicate our efforts to improving the Earth's natural environment, not cultivating an imitation of it elsewhere. But fuck Bill Nye desu.
Nobody gives a fuck about some starving Africans

>> No.10155595

If we become posthumans such terraforming won`t be necessary.

>> No.10155606


That's loser talk.

>> No.10155706

It would give us more time to migrate to another star system when our sun expands and tries to kill us

You have to solve terraforming anyway. Even if you had inexpensive and fast interstellar travel first, there has to be a place to go. Exoplanets are shit out of the box.

Also controlling earth's population will be chaos.

>> No.10155723

>You have to solve terraforming anyway
No, YOU have to solve terraforming. So what are you waiting for, champ? A problem like that should be nothing for a genius like you.

>> No.10155731

>What do we want from Mars?
gold n' sheit?

>> No.10155757


>> No.10155774

Hey, I'm just giving you some encouragement. If anyone can solve a problem like terraforming, it would have to be a genius like you. So DO IT.

>> No.10155817


such reddit topics, the red pill is to make more humans and accelerate climate change

>> No.10155839

Mars is really just a distraction at the moment in terms of anything other than research purposes. Its the moon that we should focus on colonizing for now.

Venus is really the only thing we should be thinking about fully terraforming, and that's a long term project that nobody alive when it starts will live to see the end result.

Mars would make a good pit-stop to and from Earth to the asteroid belt and the moons of Jupiter and beyond.

>> No.10155843

governments reallocating money to poor life choices from scientific funding should be considered a crime against humanity

>> No.10155858

Yes and the only way to prevent starving children is to prevent starving children from ever being born, so shut the fuck up already.

>> No.10155859

Domed habitats is where we will start before attempting terraforming.

>> No.10155873

Moon has zip atmosphere and shit gravity. Moon dust degrades equipment and fucks up humans when inhaled.

It's easy to reach, but if we wanted to colonize a place because it's easy we would start with Antarctica.

No colonization makes sense right now. Research and bases for research make sense.

>> No.10155901

No matter how much money you pump into the 3rd world it will always be a shithole.
They're not biologically adapted to civilization.

>> No.10156142
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Sad little bill, he spent his youth being enthusiastic about science, he would have quit it and got a real job if he didn't catch a break and get a show. He told himself he was doing something great by getting kids excited about science! Society needed him, where would they be without him! But sad bill spent his middle years spitting his lifeforce away by spilling his seed to cuckolding porn. Now in his old age, he knows his end is near, he wants to make every other person on earth feel like their end is near too, he is miserable and wants everybody to feel miserable too.

>> No.10156147

We have sent enough food and supplies to Africa to feed them for 1000s of years, it's not that we don't send enough, it's that the gangs and militias that run Africa always steal it and try to extort anybody who will listen to them, which usually ends up being nobody, so they destroy it. Are you advocating we murder all adult males in Africa? If so, I like your thinking.

>> No.10156151


>> No.10156161
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I like living on Earth

>> No.10156168

this gay ass meme is the equivalent of a reddit upvote. You feel a compulsive need to tell people what you like and dont like but the only means you have for doing that on this east taiwanese stone masonry magazine is to actually tell people so you have to type out a shitty meme. Just go to reddit, itll be better for everyone.

>> No.10156169


>> No.10156172
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kek, im actually YIKESing irl that somebody would type this out, cringe, r/woosh

>> No.10156173

Bill Nye is a sketch comedian who once worked at Boeing for a short period of time. His engineering degree is obsolete as he doesn't have a career in engineering to go with it. One of his characters from the comedy show he was on caught on and became Bill Nye the Science Guy. None of that makes him an expert on anything other than perhaps sketch comedy.

>> No.10156179

>this east taiwanese stone masonry magazine
kek, you didnt even know this is a kyrgyzstani coy fish breeding forum?

>> No.10156206

>hey guys bill nye here
>stop dreaming and start getting real
>now lets do the gender spectrum dance
what is this anti science weirdos problem and how does he have so much influence

>> No.10156214

closet homosexual

>> No.10156252

It is a tremendous up front investment that I don't see anyone seriously considering at the moment, but mining alone would make it worth while over time.

>> No.10156272

Ray Bradbury predicted that in The Martian Chronicles.

>> No.10156671

This is where science without dialectical materialism gets you. He said we "can't" because we can't look after our planet. Correction Bill, we can quite easily look after the planet, we just don't because of capitalism and anarchy of production.

>> No.10156685


He's right, the black pill is that we will never leave earth. Better start creating a virtual reality

>> No.10156690

Guess I don't fucking love science anymore

>> No.10156692
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Great the more people like him stay from my mars the better
> pic of inside mars dome in 500 years

>> No.10156711
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this post gave me aids

>> No.10156712

That's because you're a retard.

>> No.10156718

>Bill Nye the gender guy

>> No.10156770

Earth and its population should go the way of Mars desu.

>> No.10156804

Kek isn't a meme, you fucking fuck

>> No.10156887
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>What do we want from Mars
> we settle down on asteroids and mine them
Oh no not the asteroid meme

Look no one is going to live on the irradiated surface of Mars.
It will be like this
Only in this
So deep underground habitats you are protected from radiation and other problems by shit loads of sand and rock.
So basically this
Only on real planets with no need for artificial gravity, and we know how to build these structures because its basically like we build buildings on earth today.

>Mars doesn`t really have resources as
Only it has more resources then any asteroid. It has iron insane amounts of iron and basically the same resources like earth.

No one is going to ship back them to earth because its a waste of time and stupid you use the resources of Mars to build things on Mars.

You use the resources to construct more habitats.

Asteroids are shit made out of silicon (dirt/sand) and water while mars is a planet that has real resources like iron used for construction and other metals.
Find me asteroids with the same iron composition like Mars.

>space factories are also a huge benefit
Are complete shit did you ever try to build something in the minimal gravity they have?

Things will fall away into space itself while on Mars you have really good gravity to hold things from simply breaking off into space.

This is another benefit of Mars it has gravity, good gravity.

>> No.10156975

True, some iron only get a sufficient concentration on planets.

>> No.10156983

Then what would you propose?

>> No.10156991


>> No.10156996

don't want to be that guy but, you do realize that the reason they haven't been able to do so is due to western subjugation and invasionist policies ?
I thought /sci/ being populated by brainlets is just a meme but holy shit anons did you prove me wrong

>> No.10156999

What a nigger

>> No.10157005

but wont it be easier to terraform the Moon instead of Mars ? Astrophysics is not my domain, but I am basing it on the factor of distance from the Earth.

>> No.10157006

>african'ts haven't been able to form a functional society for 5000 years and it's the fault of europeans who visited 500 years ago

>> No.10157015

jeezus anon lay off the guy he's a genius. you dont say such things to a genius

>> No.10157024


>> No.10157037


>> No.10157039

you got me there with them numbers anon

>> No.10157045

Egypt, Carthago and Mali were functional socities.

>> No.10157067
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>> No.10157276

Right, Black people werent able

>> No.10157296

>Look no one is going to live on the irradiated surface of Mars.

Someone give me the run down on what you would need to generate an artificial magnetosphere, obviously only large enough to shield a city

>> No.10157310


>> No.10157330

lots of gold foil

>> No.10157364

>generate "artificial magnetosphere" to protect the city from evil SPACE radiations
>all metallic and electronic equipment is rendered useless
>those living there are blasted by six million teslas that are needed because laws about cubes squares and distances and shit

A-at least we picked the elegant s-solution, right, g-guys!?

>> No.10157407
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except most of the world's overpopulation, deforestation, pollution and greenhouse gases come from China, India and Africa so we'll live happy lives while Mars slowly crumbles like Earth once did

>> No.10157584

Unfortunately they were all murdered by Moslems and Hordes

>> No.10157664
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Just do the whole planet so only spacecraft need to be shielded

>> No.10158329

The moon is closer. This ends the list of reasons why the moon would be easier to terraform.

>> No.10158365
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>has gravity so low bone and muscle deterioration is basically guaranteed
>has an atmosphere so thin you can't breathe it
>has basically no magnetosphere so you'd die of radiation poisoning.

You'd have to build a space colony on it's surface to make Mars even remotely livable and if you're going to do that you might as well just build one in orbit around Earth since you wouldn't have to travel as far.

>> No.10158501

>NASA, Russia, China
>one Masters degree "televisional personality"

Whom to listen to?

>> No.10158552


>we haven't tried real communism yet!

>> No.10158781

>Moon dust degrades equipment and fucks up humans when inhaled.

Well, of course you dumbass, we are made to breathe oxygen not dust.

>> No.10158866
File: 37 KB, 800x600, 6f1e11e2cce0ad30bc2511d7d29548a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mechanical engineer
>left Boeing for comedy
>pop sci personified

>> No.10158868

the final redpill is that there is nothing more and we will destroy each other on earth

>> No.10159037

nigger what are you doing

>> No.10159038

no in fact i do not realize that

>> No.10159055
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>> No.10159145

> generate an artificial magnetosphere
Rock can protect you from radiation.
Problem solved dig deep and build a city there.

>> No.10159151

I’m surprised those papers were allowed to be published in (((current year)))
Unless they’re from a charlatan publisher. Too lazy to check desu

>> No.10159152
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>The moon
No one is ever seriously going to the moon.
If you don't understand this I drop this in.
"whoever controls the moon controls earth"
You get WW3 before someone manages to get a serious lunar colony started.

>> No.10159157


>> No.10159179

This. Cheap spaceflight (especially for one country only) automatically equals to
>antarctica treaty style lockdown on everything

It's not just the Moon too. The terror of someone else owning an entire planet would be sufficient to stimulate even the most uncaring of space leaders to start caring.

>> No.10159211

>The one third of the European population that is one standard deviation above normal white people too
It's fucking nothing.

>> No.10159213

I was more talking about mass drivers and if you get one catapult on the moon you can utilize planetary bombardment on earth by simply throwing rocks at earth.

Its practically endless bombardment potential for you only placing a catapult on the moon.
And the people on earth can not really shoot back.

>> No.10159243

"Never"...? Heh...that's a Long time. In fact I would say its safer to say we will terraform it, overpopulate and wreck its ecosystem before saying we'll never visit.

>> No.10159505
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>> No.10159518

The starving on earth only occurs because of political reasons. More than enough food is produced to feed everyone. Africa has loads of fertile land, waiting to be used, but civil wars and tribal conflict prevent it. Also, the lack of qualified agriculturalists.

>> No.10159798

BTW, as we remove one set of problems, either other problems arise or we create them

>nobody dies of polio nowadays
>but people do die of AIDS

>less children die of starvation in the west
>more children are severely overweight which creates health problems and can lead to an early death

>we got rid of kings and queens who ruled over us with impunity
>instead we have a "democratic" shadow government with lobbyism behind the scenes we can't do shit about

you can't get rid of problems
you can go to space though

>> No.10159865


>> No.10159868

True, but everything accomplished would be for nothing if we had no means of escape during an apocalypse.

>> No.10159930

Life is not sustainable anywhere outside the Earth

>> No.10160328

we need to keep shit factories off of Mars until we confirm it is indeed lifeless.

>> No.10161498
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Sometimes zero g is useful to make better quality materials.
Also there are m type asteroids, that are probably from metallic cores of failed dwarf planets or large asteroids that were smashed up. Why would you mine mars for iron to make O neill cylinders that are in space when you can get iron from massive asteroids?

>> No.10161508


>> No.10163004

Bill Nye says... too much.

>> No.10163056
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>be a mechanical engineer
>gender is a spectrum guys I'm a scientist I know things
>now this
Elon will send someone up there to technically live just one hour to prove this fucking idiot wrong. I still can't believe Bill Nye is liked and still followed. The guy is a fraud and an obvious one.

>> No.10163063

that may be true is aliens are our overlords

>> No.10163133

Henry Rollins is a cuck, so he isn't wrong

>> No.10163149

>Also, the lack of qualified agriculturalists.
Yeah, turns out highly efficient farming isn't as easy as just giving a dude a tractor and a bag of seeds.

>> No.10163300
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>The asteroid meme only harder
Look you try to actually build something in minimal or zero g.
And by build I mean build a building not having a self contained box from earth that builds things inside of itself
Try extracting anything from an asteroid in zero g.

You understand that the material will fly away into space if you are not absolutely anal about forces?

You actually try landing something on an asteroid.
Contrast all of this with a planet like Mars and you see all the difference.

Oh and remember you are not allowed to fly from one asteroid to another. Because this costs fuel and this is space fuel and can not be replaced and oh look how fantastically expensive this gets.

On planets we can use the same mining technologies we use on earth and can use cars to travel to different places(electric motor VS throwing away reaction mass to travel in space) with iron ore.

The minimum for habitations should be anything moon sized with planets sized the optimum.


>> No.10163304

>we can never go to Mars because we have to stay back on Earth and babysit the welfare babies of "people" who weren't able to build a two-story building or invent the wheel in a million years of human evolution

>> No.10163311

>because of capitalism and anarchy of production.

How many years of brainwashing do you have to go through to get on this level of commie?

>> No.10163321
File: 174 KB, 1280x1024, 1280px-NASA-project-orion-artist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Elon will send someone up there
You have no idea how fantastically difficult this is.
You need to build a large ship at least 300m X 200m x 200m.
Give it some massive steal walls to protect from the radiation.

Look we are not sling shooting some douchebags in a aluminum peace of crap to the moon here! Where you can simply give them diapers to shit into on the travel.

Bill is a complete faggot however Elon is a scam artists who extracts money from governments and investors. If he manages to land humans on Mars and bring them back ALIVE I eat a newspaper.

I don't see this happening in my lifetime.
And the earth is getting more fucked up politically.
I don't see any future other then a new dark age brought to us by our Muslim overlords and sponsored by fagots who bring Muslims into western countries in hordes.

This is what is understood under fixing our problems on earth first because even if this is managed it will be token victory before the long Muslim night.

The next debating points will be
>Space! How can I pray 5 times a day into the direction of Mecca if the position of the Earth changes so drastically!
You look into the astronauts and praying 5 times a day into the direction of mecca.

>> No.10163698

>migrate to another star

>> No.10163708

We will be too busy playing Nintendo™ Labo™ Billy Nye is so excited about and making antifa-safe political statements like Bill Nye to feel important. That's why we can't live on Mars. Too bad Bill Nye is smartest science guy on planet! Don't do things different than Bill Nye! Buy Nintendo Labo now!

>> No.10163712

>If he manages to land humans on Mars and bring them back ALIVE I eat a newspaper.

It's not that hard if you have a super-heavy launcher. Don't know if he will be able to do it with his company, but the american and chinese government for sure can if they want to. If something like the Saturn 5 graces this earth again, you would need 5-7 launches to make one Earth surface - Mars surface - Earth surface transfer possible. So with the cost of the Apollo programm you could have 2-3 landings on Mars.

>> No.10163744


Never is a long time. It's a pretty ignorant statement to make a claim like that when human technology could advance 10^10^10^10 times within the next 200,000 years, and who knows beyond that, and Mars is still going to be there, in fact it's extremely close.

I don't think there's any advantage now, but if we could terraform Mars, it'd be worth it. Who made Bill Nye the fucking arbiter of anything? He's a retard, his new show is garbage, and he's unscientific.

>> No.10163756

Two Saturn V launches could give you a round trip to Mars. One to put the astronauts up there, the other to put the fuel and do the transfer and return trip. You'd need a much larger lander, the LEM wouldn't cut it, and your astronauts would be sitting in a tin can for a while.

Honestly the Saturn V alone could probably do a trip to mars (not return trip). In Apollo they reached earth's escape velocity with one of the stages.

>> No.10163759

Meme the fuck out the article

>> No.10163876
File: 501 KB, 2403x1682, brutalist space ship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asteroids do have a six-times higher concentration of plantinum and other metals. That's because most precious metals are within the earthcore and not in the crust. Extracting the core is also far easier than on a planet or a moon.
Because the lack of gravity, asteroid mining will look fully different than on earth. The machines have to claw themselves when tunneling a a mine shaft.
Dust-mining will be probably the technique that will be used on asteroids.
It's not a "either that or that", everything that can be mined will be mined. Even Gas Planets.


>> No.10163881

Is this like a super Australia?

>> No.10163920

>put ten billion dollars into feeding starving niggers
>a decade from now the niggers will still be starving
>put ten billion dollars into space exploration
>a decade from now we're on our way to significant orbital and intrasystem infrastructure
There's always going to be poor niggers, anon; the smart choice is to just rip the bandaid off and put your compassion behind.

>> No.10163945

If two can do the round trip, 5 should be enough to land and return. One to put the astronauts into Mars orbit, one to put a lander into Mars orbit, one to put an ascent stage on the surface, one to put a habitat there, and one to put a return stage into Mars orbit. Astronauts rendez vous with lander in Mars orbit, land there, live in the already landed habitat and then ascent with the already landed ascent stage, and then rendez vous with the return vehicle.

>> No.10163957

You don't need that much fuel. You could probably do a Mars Flyby in a single Saturn V.

Two Saturn V's could easily do the entire Mars trip, minus the habitat (We have no use for a habitat on Mars. It's a completely worthless prospect because we don't have the technology to effectively colonize it).

The Saturn V was a massive rocket and it was designed to be built upon and go further and further. Had the next step after the Moon been Mars, we would have been there in the 70's. We instead decided to focus on making space flight cheaper (and failed miserably), but also to study weightlessness, which honestly is more scientifically valuable than the prestige of landing a man on mars.

>> No.10163984

The astronauts need to live somewhere for almost two years, they also need to eat, drink and breathe and you aren't going to just hope for in sitru production for that. So you actually need more flies than just one for the habitat + life support, depending on the crew size.

>> No.10163998

>lol dude just go to mars is so close

For being /sci/ you are fucking ignorant retards, theres no reason to believe we coule ever reach Mars without dying the moment you arrive.

>> No.10164021

lmao take a (You) you dirty slut

>> No.10164026

Isn't the dust on mars of a similar type as the moon? Don't all rocky planets have the same sort of dust?

>> No.10164042

>theres no reason to believe we coule ever reach Mars without dying the moment you arrive.
Yeah, what a bunch of retards. It's not like we've sent multiple probes to mars, right? Now that'd be a different story.

>> No.10164057

Food is relatively light. Water is renewable. They would have to sit in a tin can, yes, but they could do it. It would be a shitty two years, but talk to any astronaut and they would 100% sign up.

>> No.10164123

>Sending probes is the same as sending humans

Absolute brainlet

>> No.10164126

>Moon landing happened

>> No.10164203

>moon exists

>> No.10164212

none of which were black societies


>> No.10164219

>lets pay for everyone’s problems first
Anion pls

>> No.10164394

>anyone but me isn't just an NPC in the computer simulation that my real self decided to plug his brain to today

>> No.10164399

>hurrr we have no idea if we could survive or not
"well it's a good thing that we sent probes to take environmental readings of mars and see what kind of conditions we'd have to deal with-"
t. you

>> No.10164408

thought that was a pigeon from the thumbnail

>> No.10164412

The solution is to have western white men impregnate all african women in place of all african men, and to keep up this genetic boost program for about a century.

>> No.10164420


The moon is the best place to build certain types of infrastructure on. Launching stuff from the Moon is a lot easier than launching from Earth. The moon should have a shipyard built on it.

We don't need cities on it, but we can have lots of jobs there for people to work on and then come home.

>> No.10164442

>Launching stuff from the Moon is a lot easier than launching from Earth. The moon should have a shipyard built on it.
Or what if we just build our shipyards in space like any reasonable person would. Hell, depending on how much money we can shunt into it, we could probably build an equatorial ring, too, complete with space elevators that don't need magic materials to work since they don't need to stretch out to GEO.

>> No.10164517

Brainlets detected.

The optimum place to build ships is in lunar orbit. That way you can get optimum delta v by using the moon's velocity along with abusing the Oberth effect.

>> No.10164521

Don’t see the issue with just living in domes.

>> No.10164532

> we could probably build an equatorial ring, too, complete with space elevators that don't need magic materials to work since they don't need to stretch out to GEO.

That structure would still need to be 100000x taller than anything humans have ever built. You'd have to deal with atmospheric drag as the buildings gets taller and taller. You'd need to somehow deal with the weight of such a structure. I doubt we have any material that could support that.

Not only that, in order for that to work you'd still need to build a massive fucking ring in space, which would be so insanely expensive it's not even worth talking about.

>> No.10164535

Why go to Mars? We can just go to the moon and do the same thing. Or even just move to Antartica or something.

>> No.10164717

>Lunar orbit isn't in space
>implying we wouldn't need some heavy infrastructure around earth to get shit up and down cheaply regardless
Or are you going to rely on chemical rockets forever?

>That structure would still need to be 100000x taller than anything humans have ever built. You'd have to deal with atmospheric drag as the buildings gets taller and taller. You'd need to somehow deal with the weight of such a structure. I doubt we have any material that could support that.
For one, it's not a "structure", it's a suspended wire in effect. Building a tether out to GEO is definitely in the realm of fantasy right now, but building one out to LEO is entirely possible.

>Not only that, in order for that to work you'd still need to build a massive fucking ring in space, which would be so insanely expensive it's not even worth talking about.
Not really, no. Maybe for current space budgets, but when compared to the sheer return on investment you could make, it's entirely feasible.
You do know the actual principles behind an orbital ring, right? You don't just think it's a massive truss system kept in place by boosters or whatever?

>> No.10164955


Why do anything when you can just stay home and jack off?

>> No.10164961

>Or are you going to rely on chemical rockets forever?

Reusable chemical rockets are sufficient to settle at least the inner solar system. Beyond that you need a space-based economy anyway, not lifting everything from Earth. So yes, chemical rockets all the way.

>> No.10165196

>Beyond that you need a space-based economy anyway, not lifting everything from Earth.
You still need to move people and stuff up and down from earth, even if it's not heavy industry or resources.

>> No.10165459

ok tv man whatever u say

>> No.10165593

hahahaha pedo

>> No.10165664

he is a cuck but this shit he said is based

>> No.10165751

> not enough people grew up on farms
What is this fucking meme I see it all the time on /k/. For one I doubt you did as much as you idolize it and secondly I go to school with a bunch of farmers these fuckers are some of the most violent and stupid people I've ever interacted with

>> No.10165787

Luna is titanium and silicon
Mars is iron and silicon, right? I dunno.

>> No.10165856
File: 33 KB, 510x459, hap_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's something I guess
Silicon and iron and aluminum on Mars
The moon is titanium and silicon

>> No.10166162

I like how you think

>> No.10166432

Well memed my friend. I kek'd wholeheartedly

>> No.10166435

China is actually doing both. The west is just decadent and degenerate thanks to America. Fortunately the whites of Europe are waking up and putting an end to their alliance with America.

>> No.10166442


>> No.10166444
File: 232 KB, 768x768, western civilization.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"the west"
Why do Americans try so very hard to lump us in with them?

>> No.10166459

with any luck China will really go to space and then the space race will be on again

>> No.10166471


I love how Trump makes it in twice there.

>> No.10166486

what this image even means

>> No.10166489

Defend the west white man. Defend the west as it actually exists.

>> No.10166504

For you. Kek

>> No.10166563

Fuck off Marx

>> No.10166572

thought you would call him out for being retarded but you typed something even more retarded


>> No.10166575
File: 145 KB, 944x1050, smug homosexual342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So triggered.

>> No.10167016
File: 58 KB, 408x323, USS_Providence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spacecraft engines run on magic
>Muh concentrations
>Muh memes
>Spacecraft engines run on magic
>Spacecraft engines run on magic
>Spacecraft engines run on magic
Yea here is where you are wrong. To make a spacecraft move you seriously need some expensive fuel, fuel that you will not get back from sunlight etc.

So jumping from one asteroid to another can be more expensive in fuel then anything you get back from it.

You simply ignore this insane problem and never speak about it.

Contrast this with Mars where you can use spinning wheels on electric motors to move.

>> No.10167049
File: 141 KB, 1200x775, discovery-bowl-ortho-34x-1200x775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know you apparently missed the part where I was talking about deadly radiation!!!!!1111ONEONEONE

And shielding is heavy anon!
Then you get the problem of wanting to keep food and water for the trip for the people not to starve.
And you need some space to move around oh and look how large this is getting.

We are talking something the size of the craft in 2001 a space odyssey especially the artificial gravity to keep the astronauts from losing their bones and muscles.


The moon missions and all space missions before this where literally man in diapers who shat into their diapers thrown in a peace of crap box for a handful of days.

>> No.10167054

kek what a retard

>> No.10167069


>> No.10167075


What did he mean by this?

>> No.10167428

You could just tunnel or claw into a asteroid and mine it that way or just grind it all into dust and take the parts you want from it.
It's also far more easier to move away from a asteroid than to escap the gravital hold of a planet.
Don't kid your self, asteroids and planets will be mined, both hold enormous resources but its easier to mine from an asteroid than from a planet because the concentration of precious metals are higher on special asteroids than on planets.

>> No.10167440

Carthago and Egypt weren't a 'black' civilization but Mali was a african kingdom founded by the Malinke. That's the /his/oric truth, sure you may say the Mali weren't as great as Ancient Egypt or Carthago, and I may agree that both civilizations may be more interesting than the Mali kingdom or the Kane-Bornou kingdom but they still were functional societies, that existed over 600 years.

>> No.10167583

i was kekkin out in the barrens since before you were born kid.

>> No.10167600

You're missing the point, there's no reason to colonize a place that there's no reason to colonize. Instead NASA could just make 5 million shovels and tools for African nations and more good would come from it

>> No.10167632


>> No.10167635

asteroid belt is full of water, which is, you guessed it, rocket fuel

>> No.10167771
File: 207 KB, 668x630, thanos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10167795

China is not giving gibs. They are basically buying Africa.