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File: 555 KB, 525x400, anim_aqi_sanfrancisco_ca[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10158794 No.10158794 [Reply] [Original]

Rain is NEAT

>> No.10158817
File: 69 KB, 699x485, 1477184629634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right on time

>> No.10158835


>> No.10158875

I liked the smoke. It as cozy as fuck

>> No.10158929

but it was smoky

>> No.10158942

Had the same relief this August in seattle, it was becoming unbearable and then suddenly the skies filled with that disgusting grey and we could all go outside without having our sinuses lined with soot and dust.

>> No.10158947

it's so fucking nice, i've just been airing out my apartment all day and everything smells like fresh rain
it's the best day in a while, the difference just feels so good.

>> No.10158986

The only thing I don't like about the first rain is being on the road with all the other shitty California drivers

>> No.10159004

Agreed. It was just right

>> No.10159006

So. What was the deal this time? I get all my news from 4chan.

>> No.10159013
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big heat time = big smoke smoke

no fun heat time no fun smoke smoke

good rain rain make smoke smoke no smoke smoke

>> No.10159035

Do we know what started it?

Or how to break this habit we seem to be developing.

>> No.10159049

people are pointing fingers at PG&E

>> No.10159062

the drought lol
anyone pointing the finger at anyone except for the whole of industrial society doesn’t know what the fuck they are talking about

>> No.10159070

it's been a very very dry fall, so regardless of what started it that made it easy to get bad
in the last day we've had twice the rain that we've had in 3 months

>> No.10159086
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based rainposter

>> No.10159094
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>> No.10159101

This is all par for the course. Seems like there are more fires in the last couple years. Just lucky or something more sinister?

>> No.10159104

See that part where point Reyes looks like the pig face on the shark body? I think I live on the colorful nutsack

>> No.10159120

when i said this fall was really dry, i meant in particular. apparently it is the driest fall in many, many years (not sure how many but it was a big number)
probably just luck, but it's always possible it was "something sinister" whatever you could mean by that
it's just not that simple to start the worst wildfire in california history without a number of natural factors coinciding to make it possible

>> No.10159130

Yes to all. But two in a row? I guess I'm just looking for understanding where there is not much since to be made. Seems the damage is less than those extra wet years. Don't know why they can't dig a lake somewhere and store some of that.

>> No.10159135

>tfw the undergrads have two weeks off because Jewish fires
>tfw I still have to show up to the hospital because med student
At least there’s no traffic...

>> No.10159144

Its not par for the course lol, its a record setting almost decade long drought and record high temps stretching into the late fall. Climate change is the reason, very obviously. Its interesting how everyone assumed it wouldn’t begin manifesting this soon.
>Jewish fires
The meme takes on life with the aid of internet autism

>> No.10159146

what a friendly thread

>> No.10159153

They've been saying that kinda stuff forever. Not saying it ain't true, but what, we're just gonna bend over and let our shit burn?

>> No.10159159

what? No, there’s already plans in place to halt climate change. And it took decades to begin seeing economically damaging effects and now there here. Everyone who says this shit seems to not realize these things are cumulative and then begin picking up speed over time. The drought has been known about, and linked with climate change this whole decade. All of the PNW and Alaska saw particularly damaging forest fires this summer and its unsurprising Cali was hit the worst since their weather is warmer and climate is dryer. Vancouver and Seattle, Spokane, were blanketed in smoke for 3 weeks because of the low snow pack.

>> No.10159172

Not any more


>> No.10159182

So far, only you are the crazy end is near talker. Anon is talking about the prevention of fires in California. Not how to solve global warming. "See! I told you so but you wouldn't listen." This is useless crap.

>> No.10159184


Yeah, except everyone is alarming about upcoming mudslides. The Earth is not done with you yet, Cali.


>> No.10159197

Come back in six months when none of that happens. We'll be ok

>> No.10159200

Sure you will, sure.

I love how all four elements come to beat American asses.

>East Coast getting battered with hurricane winds and floods
>West Coast literally burning, only to get covered with mud

Repent for your sins, gas guzzling motherfuckers. The Earth will not be merciful.

>> No.10159204

this ain’t SF so let it slide

>> No.10159221

Fuck AMERICA, we're trying to talk about CALIFORNIA. And double fuck where ever you come from. Our greenies here make up for the ones that aren't so environmentally conscious.

>> No.10159536

>everywhere outside of California and the east coast is doing great
Enjoy your country's economic collapse Europoor while we live comfy in the midwest breathing clean air

>> No.10159562

That's because there's no easy fix, we either reduce consumption, population or both. And so far nobody seems willing to stop consuming energy, and our politicians suck oil dick so we're not going to be even attempting renewables any time soon. So far it's just been a ton of public and scientific outrage with no actual action, while we slowly let death grasp around us.

>> No.10159809
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>wake up in Long Beach, Thanksgiving morning
>water all over the ground
I am thankful

>> No.10159820

>free two weeks from school in exchange for shitty air
It was worth fucking up my lungs for work. Best part was I was fucking up my lungs even more indoor with weed. And now this beautiful rain.

>> No.10159978

The air quality was so bad and now its nearly perfect. So happy :3

>> No.10159985

the only way to prevent them is to stop the droughts, forest management would barely mitigate them. What you’re asking is dishonest and stupid, the idea being its an isolated and easily remedied phenomena that money can fix. There’s a reason you deserve disdain

>> No.10160009
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>one of these times

It'll keep raining and raining and raining and raining...

>> No.10160160

>only way
Who else agrees that there is only one way to do anything and if we can't get everybody on the same page, we should just throw our hands in the air and might as well not do shit?

>> No.10160170

please stop replying to me retard

>> No.10160173
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Happy Thanksgiving, California bros

>> No.10160177
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thank you :)

>> No.10160251

Aw! And to you also!