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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 187 KB, 760x190, header.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1015804 No.1015804 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a biology teacher at a christian college, ask me anything.

also feel free to guess which one.

>> No.1015809

Enjoy your cognitive dissonance

>> No.1015811

do you hate yourself?

>> No.1015816

You just made a social psych fag orgasm

>> No.1015829



>> No.1015832

How many times have you gone to a dawkins lecture and called him a fraud?

>> No.1015834

Do you have to take medication to prevent the logical part of your brain from melting down mid-lecture?

>> No.1015836

Bob Jones University

>> No.1015844

what do you preach.. i mean teach exactly?

>> No.1015846

Do you think God is real?

>> No.1015855

I am prescribed alprazolam, but it is
due to something unrelated to my profession.

>> No.1015859

Are you a Christian?

>> No.1015860

Is your college a bible thumping fundamentalist training facility or is it just another college with religious overtones?

>> No.1015864

this is a serious question

>> No.1015870



>> No.1015875

Do you teach Intelligent Design theory?

>> No.1015877

Genetics and Microbiology


>> No.1015879


> Implying intelligent design is a theory

>> No.1015884

What do YOU think of evolution.

I assume you don't believe in it. Tell me why.

>> No.1015886


Do you feel bad lying to your students? Also does it bother you that because of your lies the science majors will never get proper work?

>> No.1015889

It's a theory, and Evolutionism is a theory. They should both be taught.

>> No.1015890

Do you support (the theory of) evolution?

If so, to what extent is it covered in your curricula (if at all), and if applicable, how would you characterize the general response of your students?

If not, what associated reasons would you cite?

Thanks for your time, btw.

>> No.1015892

Do your students constantly harass you about your beliefs? Since more children these days seem to be conforming to atheism or agnosticism?

>> No.1015896

Are you a Christian?

>> No.1015899
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>> No.1015902

He works at christian college. Last time I checked, agnostics and atheists wouldn't pay to go to a christian college.

>> No.1015904

Yes, though not an old man in the sky
I present both theories, I let the student decide. I teach more the functional aspects than the theoretical.

>> No.1015908

1/10 troll because there are realy faggots like that

>> No.1015910

Um, no. ID and Evolution are NOT on equal footing. Evolution is observable in that there is DNA evidence as well as fossil records (among many other things) that support it. ID is basically someone saying "Look at this banana! It fits perfectly into my hand, clearly it was designed for man!"

>> No.1015911


It's a metaphysical theory... atleast.

>> No.1015920


not science gtfo

>> No.1015922
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eh, presenting ID on the same grounds as Evolution. GTFO.

>> No.1015925

On what evidence do you base your belief that there was a magical zombie wandering first-century Palestine?

>> No.1015928

you forgot your sage

>> No.1015933

I believe that God set up the process of evolution.
That being said, my students are mixed in their ideas.

>> No.1015934

why are you guys so easy to troll?

>> No.1015936


Saying that God created the universe is a scientific hypothesis.

Saying that God performs fukkin miracles is a scientific hypothesis.

Statements about the nature of God is not scientific.

>> No.1015938

Lol intelligent being a theory? I guess that is true in a sense. Even the most crackpot theories still count as a theory right?

bearing that In mind I wish to teach a new theory on life I have just formulated.

All things in this universe were in fact created by large worms. Out entire universe is the feces of these worms as they move out in an existence we could never fathom.

This theory is almost as good as Intelligent design. Only difference is more would accept intelligent design because they have been indoctrinated by religion.

>> No.1015943

Put on a trip, to be easily distinguished

>> No.1015944

>I present both theories, I let the student decide. I teach more the functional aspects than the theoretical.
Why are you calling Intelligent design a theory? It is blatantly a renaming of Christian mythology. You aren't really a creationist are you? If not do you realize the kind of damage you are doing to the next generation?

>> No.1015947


He didn't say scientific theory, just theory.

>> No.1015948

not saying i believe this but, another arguments they give ( on intelligent design) is that DNA is so complex and "perfect" that it couldnt have possibly come to be by accident

and that is pretty much their only argument, but it still holds no truth

>> No.1015949

Can you sleep at night after accepting people's money for an education and then misinforming them?

>> No.1015951

thanks for prooving his point, idiot. not science...

i bet all the mods on here are christian too.

>> No.1015954

lol DNA, perfect, LOL
that's a good one

>> No.1015955
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Teach the controversy!

Pic related.

>> No.1015957

I am not a creationist. In the strictest sense. I believe in the point of creation was ~13 billion years ago and is called the big bang.

>> No.1015960

>Saying that God created the universe is a scientific hypothesis.
No it isn't. It's the same as saying marmeduke created the universe... who or what in the hell is a marmeduke? Until I define what marmeduke means the aforementioned statement isn't even a coherent claim let alone a theory.

How the hell do you define this "god"?

>> No.1015964


I think your thread died and from the ashes spawned a ID vs. Evolution shitstorm.

>> No.1015967

>functional aspects

Which are?

>> No.1015970

didn't see that coming. Welcome to every day of my world.

>> No.1015975

And you of course realize a good portion of your class will go on to believe evolution isn't a real biological process and thus believe the scientific community and even the scientific method itself is provenly wrong. Those kids could have gone on to be scientists and engineers.

>> No.1015977


His point was implying that intelligent design is not a theory, which is untrue. It's not a scientific theory.

>> No.1015978

I don't know why, but the image of marmaduke creating the universe cracks me up.

>> No.1015979

Are you going to answer my fucking question, OP?

This is no different from thinking that lighting is created by Zeus because you don't understand it. For a scientific explanation of the origins of the universe, see

>> No.1015980

Why do you say that?

>> No.1015981

Last year I took a philosophy of religion course to fulfill a core requirement, I have never raged so hard in my entire life. This is the predominant logic that is used to prove that God exists:
>God is perfect, he holds all qualities of perfection
>Existence is more perfect than nonexistence
>Therefore God exists

>> No.1015989

Ya, people can be stupid when they try and justify something they would believe regardless.

>> No.1015990

>>1015981more perfect
>implying there are degrees of perfection

The stupid is painful.

>> No.1015991

How cell walls work, the chemistry of RNA. Things like that. Most of my students will be nurses, veterinarians, physical therapists, etc.

>> No.1015993

Did the teacher purport that as an actually valid argument?

>> No.1015995

If existence is more perfect than nonexistence then to claim that God is perfect is to claim that he exists to begin with. It's begging the question.

>> No.1015996
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>> No.1016002

Yes, and the only grades in the class were participation and two exams so I had to show up. For the exams all we were allowed to do was recite the theories that various people have (like the one i just said) and no personal opinion or argument was allowed.

>> No.1016004

Cool condescension, bro

The natural world offers many mysteries. Also first century humans could, I can imagine, be easily confused as to what they are witnessing.

>> No.1016006


Then Kant came and fucked anslem's ass with "how the fuck is existence a predicate you dumb fuck"

>> No.1016010

Right, yeah I have heard this one as well, which is basically an argument from personal incredulity. "I can't conceive of a way that DNA came about through a couple billion years of random mutation so it had to be designed."

>> No.1016011

This is basically how I felt every time I went to class.

>> No.1016016

Epic non-answer OP

>> No.1016018

but existence is flawed, this meaning non-existence is perfect

and if god is perfect.......

>> No.1016021
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>> No.1016022

I love how people are RAAAAGGGIIING in this thread, but not to anything I said. I guess it's hard to get mad at a christian that doesn't believe science and religion are mutually exclusive.

>> No.1016024

>Also first century humans could, I can imagine, be easily confused as to what they are witnessing.
So why do you believe it?

And how was I being condescending? You believe in an extraordinary thing, I was just asking for your evidence, no reason to be all offended

>> No.1016028


Why do you believe in god?

>> No.1016030

You just want me to spout out crazy far-right-wing rhetoric so you can shoot me down and show all the fellow /sci/borgs how fucking rad you are, and I'm not.

>> No.1016032

And this validates their ignorant ravings? If a schizophrenic is telling you he sees Hitler in drag invading his garden, you fucking write his crazy ass off! That is the stage we are at now with religion, we understand the malady which is causing the delusion so we write them off.

>> No.1016033

so, are you down with evolution?

>> No.1016035

Did he ever give his own opinion though? From what it sounds like he was just running through a bunch of arguments made by other people no matter their underlying logic.

>> No.1016036

No it's just hard to reason with a religious person. That, and most people realize there is no convincing someone who has already made up his mind before seeing the evidence otherwise (i hope).

>> No.1016039

You're obviously not a toolbag foaming at the mouth Christard, and this thread has a connection to science, so there you go.

Are you interested in other sciences?

>> No.1016047
File: 40 KB, 300x284, superfrog.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>super-frog is perfect, he holds all qualities of perfection
>Existence is more perfect than nonexistence
>Therefore super-frog exists

pic related, hes very real, for he is perfect

>> No.1016045 [DELETED] 


>> No.1016051

No OP, you just seem to have dodged the question to me. If you want to keep to science that's fine by me. But don't try to divine my motives so clumsily.

>> No.1016056

I believe that the universe is too complex for there not to be one.

>> No.1016057

>>1016018but existence is flawed, this meaning non-existence is perfect
>and if god is perfect.......

The fact that the universe exists is solid poof of the non-existence of God. QED

>> No.1016058

>implying you didn't mean to stir shit up in here with you "I am a biology teacher but I teach christfags"

>> No.1016062

Absolutely, I love physics as well.

>> No.1016063

i found this slightly informative

>> No.1016064

I posted before, but here is my trip.

I wouldn't say they are mutually exclusive, but they sure as hell don't complement the other. Saying the two can coexist is like saying a nutritious snack and a vile of poison can coexist. They can't mix but they can exist in the same room together.

And I have a question about your belief (I ask my religous friends these questions when they let me). Do you have a logical or emperical reason to believe what you believe? And were your parents Christians?

>> No.1016067

requesting graph of religiosity vs scientific education with the curves that say "hmm?" "oh that's why"

>> No.1016068

To me, Occam's Razor makes such an idea seem strange. Also, that seems more an argument in favor of Deism that Christianity.

>> No.1016069
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ain't i a stinker

>> No.1016072

>logical fallacy
I feel bad for those of your students who are sucked into the vortex of stupid that is organized religion. Hopefully some of the other ones are closet atheists who wanted a college education but their parents would only pay for christfag school.

>> No.1016073

But evolution does provide a nice and elegant explanation for the complexity of life.

>> No.1016076

implying that Christianity isn't a form of deism

>> No.1016082

+5 points for Duck Amuck reference

>> No.1016083

exactly, most people only have arguments for god that are really only for deism

>> No.1016084

OP is going to prove athiests are 100x easier to troll than christians

>> No.1016085

No you clearly don't. I know this because I'm a physics major and if you had even taken an undergrad general physics 101 course you would be able to understand that complexity does not imply there is a creator.

>> No.1016089

yes, and I believe in evolution.

I do not believe in an elegant explanation for all the mysteries of the universe.

>> No.1016092

Come now, that isn't part of any physics 101 course.

>> No.1016093

.....uh, what?

Christianity isn't a form of Deism. Deism is God as prime mover and then he fucks off and lets the universe play out. Christianity has miracles and the afterlife and prophecy. I mean, some Christians take a more deist line, but not the majority.

>> No.1016094

What if science could explain EVERYTHING? Would you abandon your faith?

>> No.1016097


So I assume you're irrational and reject occam's razor?

>> No.1016098

>>1016076implying that Christianity isn't a form of deism

Jeffersonian Christianity yes. Pretty much any other form has fucking miracles.

>> No.1016100

nor does it imply that there is not a god.

How does the big bang not remind you remotely of God creating the universe?

>> No.1016102

You have one strange definition of deism.

>> No.1016104

as a physics major, you should know that there is nothing disproving the possibility that some form of higher being exists.

>> No.1016110

Because nowhere from any scientific source does any evidence for a God or creator show up.

>> No.1016113


Deism with more malformed inductive reasoning.

>> No.1016114


and nothing disproves superfrog, or odin, or zeus

>> No.1016115

We will be able to describe the universe entirely at the same time a moth can explain a television set entirely

Protip: Ask me which denomination of Christianity I follow

>> No.1016118

If you can agree that there isn't any solid evidence for the existence or non-existence of God then can you at least admit that the whole worshiping Jesus thing to get into heaven is bullshit?

>> No.1016124
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we just cant see the teapot, doesn't mean its not there!

>> No.1016126

Theories are invalid until proven otherwise. Why only use your logic on God? Why not extend it to include the infinite number of hypotheticals that might be real?

If your logic can defend everything then it defends nothing. And I hope you are oversimplifying what science does, because science doesn't "prove" anything. There is always a margin of error.

>> No.1016127

you say that as if it means something

>> No.1016128

What denomination of christianity do you follow?

>> No.1016129


Big bang expanding does not necessitate god existing, to infer that is to go beyond the premise, thus making you look like a dumbshit.

>> No.1016130

No one on this board has heard of a UU Christian before?

>> No.1016131

The Big Bang and what happened before it are weird, head-exploding events that defy our physics for the time being. Speculating about a magic being existing before anything somehow that willed a universe into being just cause is pointless.

>> No.1016133

that's like a flatlander saying "I can't see anything 'above' me, therefore, 'above' does not exist"

>> No.1016134

>>1016115 Ask me which denomination of Christianity I follow

Southern Trollist? Trollperterian? Trollick? Trollvinist? Episcatrollian?

>> No.1016135

HEY GUYS!!!!!!

Ancient astronaut theory

>> No.1016137

As a physics major I understand that the possibility of there being a higher power guiding humans on a single planet in the vastness of space in such a way that his presence cannot be detected (nothing we have ever observed has required something more than the observed laws of physics) is so low that it can be considered negligible.

>> No.1016140


for a flat lander, IT DOESNT

>> No.1016141

OP, do you agree that, while there is no proof that god doesn't exist, there's also no proof that he does? If you do, why assume he does? It would be more rational to assume he doesn't until you have proof, right?

>> No.1016143

>implying that I believe in magic and a grey headed old man in the clouds

>> No.1016147

UU? So you're super-giga-ultra liberal then, okay. Half of your flock are probably godless people that just like ritual.

You're an outlier OP. Forgive us a bit of excess, we're used to deranged Baptist ratfucks flooding our ears with shit.

>> No.1016151

Oh come, on! While Phrenology is clearly debunked, it did pave the way for modern neuroscience, by claiming that different parts of the brain were responsible for different things.

And whereas alchemy have been debunked, it was before we even had a scientific method, but it still paved the way for modern chemistry, and amassed a rather neat corpus of knowledge.

Magic vs Physics, and Astrology vs Astronomy are valid comparisons to ID vs Darwinian Evolution though:

Neither make any sense, neither spawned a more correct study, and both should just be remembered as a cultural belief held by silly people long ago.

Phrenology, while funny today, is not the dumbest idea ever held by a psychologist.

>> No.1016155

"I cannot see it, therefore it does not exist"

okay, sure. totally scientific of you.

>> No.1016157

*facepalm.jpg* Unitarians are just atheists that spew bullshit because they don't want people to think they're soulless atheists.

>> No.1016158

I assume that the complexity of the universe implies a higher form of intelligence that we cannot begin to understand.

>> No.1016162


define exists

>> No.1016164

>Why only use your logic on God?

Because there is a vested interest in marginalizing the idea of deities. Once someone tries to tell others what they can and can't do based on a magic teapot, dragon, or other hypothetical shit used to invalidate the theory of a higher being, then I will be in the business of taking that down.

>> No.1016165

I propose that since I can only see wavelengths of light between about 350-750nm no other wavelengths of light exist. My theory is sound and can be tested by anyone with eyes.

>> No.1016171

Magic is simplying what one calls something once one has given up trying to figure it out. Have you ever questioned what happened at the atomic level when that bush just caught on fire? Did the conservation of energy simply stop applying? What about the bread and wine Jesus produced? Where did the particles that made up that food come from?

Have you ever questioned the physics behind any of the stuff in the Bible?

>> No.1016172

>Implying you only need eyes to "see"

Instruments become our eyes when our eyes are not up to the task.

>> No.1016175

Hay guies pandeist here cant we all just get along with ourselves?

>> No.1016176

You probably believe that there is something mystical about consciousness too don't you? People like you make me sick.

>> No.1016177

I'm fairly conservative for a UU though.
wow, you got me good. I'm gonna resign tomorrow.

>> No.1016179

OP, I respect you for not being an idiot and accepting the scientific method. You lose some points for being a christian, but you're cool. It's the idiots who hold "God hates fags" signs and deny scientific facts that are a problem.

>> No.1016180

christendom in virginia?

>> No.1016183

actualy most of us know that odds are you are really aren't christian, because those far right radical things are kind of required to be one, unless you're one of those fucking idiots who doesn't take the bible litteraly unless its convenient. in which case you are still a fucking idiot but not a radical. I should note that despite the tone you should not be ashamed of this, it certainly wouldn't be the first time some science major who identified as catholic basically told everyone he didn't literally believe any of that shit the bible and Vatican go on and on about,

>> No.1016184

>>1016158I assume that the complexity of the universe implies a higher form of intelligence that we cannot begin to understand.

Any universe the size of ours with randomness induced by quantum mechanics is going to be very complex.

>> No.1016185


So you're an idiot? Why make more assumptions than necessary?

>> No.1016194

I bet you bitch about how close-minded Christians are. People like *you* make me sick

>> No.1016196

You are changing the subject. The teapot argument you hate so much invalidates your presented argument for God but you ignore that invalidation and just keep on using the argument.

>> No.1016198

the entirety of all matter and energy in existence is a rather narrow view of the universe

>> No.1016204

> that we cannot begin to understand
I dislike this argument fiercely. It is like saying "I'm too stupid to understand my argument and so are you, but that is just because my argument is so correct".

>> No.1016207


So you believe in all deities? Even the turtle stack?

>> No.1016208


>has to ask questions in his own thread

>> No.1016209

I believe in the teachings of Christ. I do not believe in magic. What is so hard to understand?

>> No.1016210

>>:I assume:
This is not a scientific argument. kill yourself.

>> No.1016215

when it says part of your comment isn't allowed to be posted is that due to length or content?

>> No.1016219


It's an unnecessary assumption to, probably the only reason he holds it is solely to continue believing in god. What an unbelievable christfag.

>> No.1016220

Clearly you miss the point of those types of arguments, then. They are used to emphasize that the burden of proof is on the individual making the claim of existence. If you claim a magic teapot exists space somewhere, the lack of evidence of it's existence doesn't prove that it isn't their, but it isn't the responsibility of the person denying its existence to prove that.

>> No.1016223

the fact that Christians indeed do believe in magic, if you dont believe prayer can grant you miracles any time, you are not a fucking Christian, its a core tenant dude, almost every sect of Christianity believes this, the existence of jesus and that he grants miracles are the only things they can basically agree on, and here you are saying you believe the teachings of a liar. because its quite fucking clear prayer does not grant you magical powers. you said it yourself, you don't believe in magic. there must be a natural explanation in all cases then.

>> No.1016224

For you? The world, apparently.

>> No.1016225

I do not think it means what you think it means.

>> No.1016226

>>1016209I believe in the teachings of Christ. I do not believe in magic. What is so hard to understand?

Because the teachings of Christ are often pretty stupid when you don't assume that he's a wizard. For example that time he told his disciples they don't need to wash their hands before eating because he didn't know about germ theory. Modern philosophers are better than Jesus because they know more.

>> No.1016230

*there not their

>> No.1016232

>I *absolutlely believe* that the complexity of the universe implies a higher form of intelligence that we cannot begin to understand.

there, I fixed my word choice

>> No.1016236

You're right. Jesus didn't know about germs, therefore we shouldn't treat each other with compassion

>> No.1016238

Content, though 4chan bitches about some pretty random things. Mostly it's just a bug.

>> No.1016239

You don't know what you are talking about either.

/sci/ knows shit about religion

>> No.1016240

but if you don't believe in magic, how do you believe in a magical omnipresent man?

>> No.1016244

What about when jesus taught....well, magic?

"Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them. "

>> No.1016248

Kant said it better.

>> No.1016253

aww aren't you cute, telling us about your conviction doesn't make it anymore scientific, would you put that on your thesis op? If i said i firmly believe that the energy in cells spontaneously generates without proteins because our complexity requires a higher powers involvement to sustain you would not in fact fail me?

>> No.1016254


Enlighten me. How did Kant put it?

>> No.1016256

Why not become a deist OP? That's a respectable faith to have. you can still like Jesus's message.

>> No.1016259

OP, I'm an atheist and I have morals. Atheists aren't amoral. The difference is I don't think killing people is wrong because god says so, I think it's wrong because of my own damn mind tells me so. Why do you need a god to tell you that?

>> No.1016261

OP, do you work at BYU perchance?

>> No.1016272

no, I infact do you fucking idiot, and more to the point, please explain what the tens of tens of verses proclaiming you can pray for miracles in fact mean if i am full of shit. the fact that you did not do that in the beginning but instead just essentially called me uninformed with no proof doesnt do much to make anyone here take what you have to say seriously troll.

>> No.1016274

yo OP, ever read about the Dharmic faiths? You might like them.

>> No.1016278

I don't think you've been paying much attention to this thread

>> No.1016283

"Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law."

The difference is I don't have to worship Kant or burn in hell for eternity.

>> No.1016284
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Well 4chan is pure shit and not only wouldn't let me post the paragraph but wouldn't let me post the website, so here you go OP. Read this.

>> No.1016291
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Doing a fine job OP, im not really religious but I'll be damned if athiests arent the biggest douche bags around.
I can understand people not believing in a god, but calling yourselves athiest uhhhh.

>> No.1016293

Getting warm.

Good Night everyone, I have class in the morning.

inb4: he's leaving he must not be able to handle the TRUTH I was just laying on his ass. I totally owned him on every point, fucking christ fag zombie lovin, piece of shit anti-science biggot, homophobe nazi........

>> No.1016295

I Kant believe it's not butter!

>> No.1016301

GTFO you fucking fundi scumbag

>> No.1016303


Complexity can imply emergence as well, holding a strong conviction that it implies a designer is essentially only arguing for your bias. You have made no points why this argument is true, just that you firmly believe it. This is why people say christians are fucking stupid.

>> No.1016307

Out of curiosity, do you also feel that the teachings of Ghandi, Dr. King, and others should be disregarded as well, because you don't need to have them tell you to have morals?

>> No.1016308

Christianity actually is a kind of diesm.

In fact all religions are at their root. Its just the mainstream simplified versions used by individuals to gain control over other individuals and thus favor a very distinctly corporeal, singular, and material god figure, as it helps them control people.

The problem is that /sci/ does not realize that mainstream christianity is a representation of christianity in about the same way some moron trying to explain quantum mechanics in a youtube comment is an accurate representation of science.

>> No.1016310

Oh piss off. We may be loud assholes, but at least we don't beat women to death for showing their ankles or blow up abortion clinics.

>> No.1016316


>> No.1016322

Ghandi and King were wrong on plenty of things. That's the problem with following a single man's teachings religiously; all are humans, all are fallible. It's better to read all competing argument in order to construct a rigorously rational world view.

>> No.1016324


>inb4: he's leaving he must not be able to handle the TRUTH I was just laying on his ass. I totally owned him on every point, fucking christ fag zombie lovin, piece of shit anti-science biggot, homophobe nazi........

Insecure christfag is insecure

>> No.1016336

superior agnostic hipster detected.

there is no reason for one to believe in god. there is nothing within the universe which demands one must exist. if an event comes wherein proof of god is made evident, it would be logical to believe in god, but until such proof arrives it is logical believe in what evidence points to.

the whole 'atheism is based on faith because you can't prove the non existence of something' is nothing but semantics. you cant prove or disprove anything to anybody these days, all you do is go with the most logical option. and thats atheism.

>> No.1016337

Covenant College in Georgia?
I'd shit my pants if that was right.

>> No.1016338

>>1016310at least we don't beat women to death for showing their ankles or blow up abortion clinics.

Discordian here. I beat up abortion clinics for showing ankle and blow women to death.

>> No.1016349


On what evidence do you base your belief that the universe exploded out of nothing for no reason?

What's that? I'm misrepresenting your position? Awww....

>> No.1016350


Sup' troller mctrollerson?

>> No.1016351

Eris is a hot chaotic bitch and I love you good sir.

>> No.1016352

>In fact all religions are at their root [deism].
No they aren't. Buddhism has no deities and is not even a theism let alone make it a form of deism, which brings me to my next point. You seem to be confusing theism with deism. Deism is pretty well established as being separate from most religions.

>> No.1016358

>>exploded out of nothing
we dont believe that you dumbass.

>> No.1016360

>all you do is go with the most logical option. and thats atheism.
maybe to some. others feel otherwise.

>> No.1016363

no the logical option is saying since you don't know and don't need to make assumptions you will just continue being undecided on the matter.

The only time it would be prudent to 'go with atheism' is if you had to do something where your action depended on the answer of if god is real or not, in which case you would be forced to try and make a conclusion based on what you had to decide your action.

Since i cant think of any situation like that, the correct thing to do is just say you don't know.

>> No.1016364
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>exploded out of nothing

>> No.1016367

>we dont believe that you dumbass.
Don't speak for other atheists. The only thing you share with them is a lack of one belief, which isn't really a connection at all.

>> No.1016378

>feel otherwise


Logic does not work that way!

>> No.1016393

You are using a narrow definition of deism. You do not need a defined god for it to be deism, which i suppose sounds silly given the word, but that's how it goes.

>> No.1016394

>atheists arguing over their labels again

>> No.1016396


If you don't believe god ever existed or exists, then you're an atheist.

>> No.1016397

>>no the logical option is saying since you don't know and don't need to make assumptions you will just continue being undecided on the matter.

thats what atheism is you stupid fuck. I am so sick of your shit, its people like you that need to go bash your head into a brick wall to knock some sense into your fucking head, I cannot take morons who use the word athiesm for anybody whos beliefs are not exactly like my own, you fucking inane christfag roman chimera.

>> No.1016400

when it comes to making decisions based on absolutely no evidence one way or the other, what constitutes a logical choice is entirely subjective

>> No.1016406

Do you assign your students readings from peer reviewed journals on creation science? Oh, wait.

>> No.1016410

I'm speaking for scientists you fucking idiot.
and no, we dont believe that shit, if you do, guess what, you arent a scientist, I mean, unless theres a small chance you've made some insightfull observations youre not sharing with anyone because youre too busy trolling on 4chan.

the big bang is not an explosion.

>> No.1016411


>> No.1016413

I don't think you know what atheism is...

>> No.1016423

One of the primary tenants of deism is that the universe works under its own mechanisms and god(s) do not directly interfere with it but instead are simply responsible for why its the way it is.

the way it is being a prime interest, since understanding the way things are gives insight into the divine which caused it.

The deity could be an actual creator, or it could just be an abstract force of the universe

>> No.1016425

>>1016400when it comes to making decisions based on absolutely no evidence one way or the other, what constitutes a logical choice is entirely subjective

No, when making decisions with no evidence the logical decision is to not make any absolute judgments. The absolutely most illogical decision is to decide that "hurr magical wizard created everything and everyone that disagrees is a immoral and evil!"

>> No.1016427

>atheists arguing over their labels
Group A of atheists and religious people says atheism means only its actual definition of not having a belief in God.
Group B of religious people say atheism means evolution and a whole set of scientific baggage and morality.
Group C of atheists and religious people use Group B's definition to communicate with Group B in hope of explaining why they are wrong and Group A's definition is correct.
Group A tells Group C to fuck off.
Group B acts like groups A and C made the labels.

>> No.1016428

Instruments become our eyes when our eyes are not up to the task.

The problem is people who ignore their eyes and rely only on instruments. "OH! Camera didn't catch it, it didn't happen."

Right. Because it's too much to expect of people to understand when allegory is being used and when it isn't.

What is with you scientoids and the insistence on straw-man arguments? What you've written is just flat-out wrong. I would say it's a minority view, as long as you get out of the United States. Have you ever done that? Do you know what I mean by that?

>> No.1016433

i understand what you are saying. but you must understand that i believe you are holding on to a system of semantics which will tie you down forever to "i dont know". there is no need for i don't know, since you don't have to say yes or no with absoluteness. you can say probably no, instead of making it sound like both or equally plausible.

which they aren't.

>> No.1016437

>>1016423The deity could be an actual creator, or it could just be an abstract force of the universe

If it's just an abstract force then why call it a deity?

>> No.1016442

>One of the primary tenants of deism is that the universe works under its own mechanisms and god(s) do not directly interfere with it but instead are simply responsible for why its the way it is.
If you are using that definition then Christianity is obviously not a form of deism. Why is this even arguable?

>> No.1016447


>> No.1016454

because hes an idiot.

>> No.1016456

We can also say "absolutely no" to certain Gods such as the Christian zombie Jesus because they are logically inconsistent. It just does not make sense for a God to give us laws, then forgive us of the laws he created by sacrificing himself, coming back, and then we have to eat his flesh. The whole thing is just too convoluted.

>> No.1016460

so most Christians dont believe in prayer then? that makes jesus a liar. but lying is a sin!

>> No.1016480

I just got out of highschool and need a job, where can I apply for your position, I think I'm fairly well qualified.

>> No.1016487

That's okay, being born of a virgin makes him not the messiah.

>> No.1016518

Ridiculously successful troll is ridiculously successful

>> No.1016527

Trolls are supposed to be disingenuous. Unfortunately I believe the OP actually is a Christian.

>> No.1016528

then all Christians are wrong because they believe he is the messiah

>> No.1016532


>> No.1016536

>implying he can't be both

>> No.1016548

you have nothing to base the plausibility off of even.

You are assuming its less plausible some guy made the whole universe instead of it just being, but what are you basing this on?

Were you around before the universe? Everything you know is based on the mechanics of the universe. How can you even begin to imagine what is plausible or not when it comes to extra-universal affairs?

I am a skeptic, in the classical meaning. This means that i have to use and depend on things every day which i do not acknowledge as being proven or 'true' by my standards.

Its the very fact that consider so little to be actually proven that i am able to allow so much to simply remain ambiguous.

You do not have to believe something is true to use it, systems of understanding are fluid and constantly changing. If you get the desired result it doesn't really matter if the understanding you have of how you got it is correct or not.

The thing i hate most about most 'scientists' is their inability to let things remain ambiguous. Its like it bothers them if they can not quantify, classify, write a paper on, and file it away in some drawer.

>> No.1016570

You are using mainstream lets all sway around and listen to this horrible music late night tv commercial christianity and not the underlying principals and mysticism.

>> No.1016574

do you ever stop and wonder why you take such efforts to prostate yourself like this?

think. really reflect on yourself. is there any real reason for you to be an apologist? it just seems like such a waste of time and effort to spend your time constructing excuses for an illogical, and lets face it, cruel religion which gladly supports the notion of eternal torture. why keep this religion alive? what does it do for its believers besides ask them to suffer?

i really think that this guy is a troll, but the sad part is i know a lot of people who are devout christians who are like this. they are willing to sacrifice the literalness of entire portions of the bible to keep their religion as plausible. they want to believe in it THAT much. i dont get it.

>> No.1016589
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>> No.1016649

you dont call it a deity in that situation.

diesm does not = belief in a diety.

A diety would be a god or a divine entity. Diesm is just belief in 'a higher power' if you want to use that cliche. a divine force.

This could be a diety, but it doesn't have to be.

More or less it is just anything that says a divine force created the universe and now the universe operates under its own mechanisms.

As opposed to something is directly interfering, sometimes possible breaking the laws of nature, to shape what happens.

So for example, taoism is a type of deism. or rather pandeism, since in that case the mechanics and the divine are one in the same.

>> No.1016669

That "drive" that scientists have towards understanding is how we got to where we are! Where do you think humanity would be if everyone was like you and just said "Well, I don't really know how gravity works or why stars move, but I guess it's ok to leave that ambiguous." That penchant for scrutinizing the world (which you seem to hate) is why we aren't still shitting in a hole in the ground, eating around a campfire.

>> No.1016675

<span class="math">\alpha[/spoiler]

>> No.1016698

there is a difference between just wanting to figure out how things work and what im talking about.

A drive to learn and a drive to know are two different things.

>> No.1016702 [DELETED] 

Best troll thread all night amirite?

>> No.1016734

That is not as big of a distinction in practice as it is in your mind.

>> No.1016765

As your beliefs are structured I have no way of arguing against them, nor do I have the inclination. I find what you say to be sound to me. Certainly in a large enough radius the probability for anything becomes increasingly larger, and the question of the existence of god is no exception.

But in the end this is all rhetoric. It's decent for talking but it's no way to live. There is no way to scientifically prove that gravity will function as it did today tomorrow, but for this possibility I won't strap myself to the floor.

I see no god. I feel no god. I won't invent possibilities for him to exist, as you do. I won't entertain ways to be ambiguous about it, as you do. The reason? There is no need for me.

Agnosticism and religion are inventions of man. The dead, the sleeping and the beasts are all passive atheists. They reject the belief of god, as any atheist would. The only difference is that they do so unknowingly.

>> No.1017957
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Excellent, OP. A++++++Would troll again!

>> No.1017963

I like how everyone is questioning OP's faith but not his profession. Someone ask him a hard ass biology/chemistry question to see if he's legit.I would but I'm just a casual.

>> No.1018015


> intelligent design

WTF no its not, learn the difference between a theory and a hypothesis.

>> No.1018025

"religious" college is the worst waste of money ever.
education and religion has nothing to do with each other.