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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10152227 No.10152227 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10153338

>computer scientist vs computer engineer
>poo in loo vs white guy
Seems fitting.

>> No.10153376
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It always amazes me how people major in something they can literally learn for free in a few months.

>> No.10153416

not science or math

>> No.10153425
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>> No.10153434

Untrue though: It's actually the opposite.

Meaningless, since this is only contingent to what higher institutions offer. There exist other ways to make a syllabus. Moreover, the brightest of all scientists are the phD computer scientists (even if the bachelor computer scientists aren't as bright as the ones with a bachelor of some physical science.

>> No.10153438

>the brightest of all scientists are the phD computer scientists


>> No.10153444
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>> No.10153486

What do V S and M stand for?

>> No.10153496


Math PhD > Physics PhD > Engineering PhD >>> CS PhD

>> No.10153502
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>mfw reading this thread while in a CS class

>> No.10153523
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>he chose his major based on anime imageboard street cred
Joke's on me, now I install thermostats for a living with ny STEM degree.

>> No.10153527

>tfw majored in EE beacuse sci told me CS was for brainlers.

>> No.10153612


code monkey certifications are not CS

>> No.10153622

>code monkeys are not cs
>you need a cs degree to be a code monkey

Make up your mind :^)

>> No.10153626

If it wasn't for the job market being overrun by pajeets on H1Bs I'd think CS was a decent career.

>> No.10153635

CS major here. Can confirm these are true, strongly considering changing to ECE after finding out 99% people here work in code monkey jobs.

>> No.10153646

Is civil engineering any okay?
I'm still applying to colleges. (I'm 18 dont worry mods).

>> No.10153656


>> No.10153717

CS and codemonkeying are two different things. It's true that a lot of people go to CS to codemonkey. That being said, CS research groups at universities are legit. There's a disconnect between what CS "is" and what's easy for undergrads to make fun of (hence the blue man CS meme). It's pretty funny to watch too, since there are currently 3-4 threads devoted to CS despite how maligned it is. Never forget that the majority of people here are engineering undergraduates, many of which well known for their need to constantly validate their academic abilities.

>> No.10153728

it was so simple at my uni. computer science (the science of what can be computed etc.) was called bachelor of CS, software engineering (with the project management, system design etc) was called Bachelor of SE and what you all call CS (coding) was bachelor of IT.

>> No.10153740

very small men

>> No.10153791



>> No.10153903

no a different country

>> No.10154062
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>> No.10154109

Verbal, Spatial, Mathematical? I don't know, guessing.

>> No.10154113
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okay op, whatever you say

>> No.10154140

Not even wrong

>> No.10154332

wat do u do tho

u should learn allen bradley / ladder logic and get into industrial or oilfield automation and make like 150k a year

lot of EEs doing that

>> No.10154474

>$150k for ladder logic
Are you serious?

>> No.10154488

It's literally in the name!

>> No.10154557

I'ts true, any EE/CpE can learn all the CS fundamentals in a few months.

>> No.10154563
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>> No.10154572

Source please

>> No.10154714


>> No.10154795

>fell for EE meme
>left my 3rd world shithole and now working in the SC field

thank you based anons

>> No.10154820
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>> No.10154992

>wat do u do tho
ASIC Design. I don't actually regret having done EE over CS desu

>> No.10155130

Civil engineering is the art of engineering

>> No.10155172

Ece does not do vector calculus and odes in first year fuckstump

>> No.10155175

verbal, spatial, and mathematical

>> No.10155482

The problem here is that you have a lot of engineering students who view their education as a skill set to build things. They generalize CS to be a set of problems to solve, general code skills, and then that’s it. That’s why there’s this whole sentiment that an engineering student can “do” CS. What >>10153717 said is correct. In reality, industry basics to write someone’s shitty server policy isn’t “doing” CS. This is “doing” CS:

>> No.10155511
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>Being the meme
I didn't say they could learn "general code skills" in a few months. I said they could learn actual CS (Discrete Math, Data structures, Computer Architecture, Algorithms, Automata Theory, Computability and Complexity, Operating Systems) in a few months. Any CpE/EE major that passed courses like Signal Analysis and Electromagnetics will have an easy time learning any CS topic since these are far harder and more math intensive than anything CS has.

>> No.10155515

Maybe if they're living out in the middle of nowhere. Most people have AP calculus or cc credit.

>> No.10155530

>these are far harder and more math intensive

Lolwhat. There needs to be a blue man meme for EE/CpE majors; memorizing lookup tables for Fourier transforms and a basic control theory class isn’t “more math intensive.” Carrying out the integrals when you need to do so isn’t “intensive.” EE, CS, and math grad are all way different in grad than undergrad. I know you’ll just use the blue CS man meme to deflect this all away, but CS gets research funding and high profile conferences for a reason. If it were just rudimentary logic, nobody would actually care.

>> No.10155537

>vector calculus in EE
taking the cross products and divergence isn’t substantial “vector calculus”

>> No.10155544

My papa is a civil engineering. He’s not a brainlet but neither a genius. Still not an average Joe

>> No.10155895
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>Mathematics Requirements in Computer Science
>While nearly all undergraduate programs in computer science include mathematics courses in their curricula, the full set of such requirements varies broadly by institution due to a number of factors. For example, whether or not a CS program is housed in a School of Engineering can directly influence the requirements for courses on calculus and/or differential equations, even if such courses include far more material in these areas than is generally needed for most CS majors. As a result, CS2013 only specifies mathematical requirements that we believe are directly relevant for the large majority of all CS undergraduates (for example, elements of set theory, logic, and discrete probability, among others). These mathematics requirements are specified in the Body of Knowledge primarily in the Discrete Structures Knowledge Area.

>We recognize that general facility with mathematics is an important requirement for all CS students. Still, CS2013 distinguishes between the foundational mathematics that are likely to impact many parts of computer science—and are included in the CS2013 Body of Knowledge—from those that, while still important, may be most directly relevant to specific areas within computing. For example, an understanding of linear algebra plays a critical role in some areas of computing such as graphics and the analysis of graph algorithms. However, linear algebra would not necessarily be a requirement for all areas of computing (indeed, many high quality CS programs do not have an explicit linear algebra requirement). Similarly, while we do note a growing trend in the use of probability and statistics in computing and believe that this trend is likely to continue in the future, we still believe it is not necessary for all CS programs to require a full course in probability theory for all majors.

The most math intensive assured class in CS is precalculus.

>> No.10155924

>Ma! I posted it again!

>And again!


>> No.10156621

Maybe in other states. In California Physics III & Cal III are the bare minimum.

>> No.10157248

>Carrying out the integrals when you need to do so isn’t “intensive.”
That's still more math intensive than CS classes.

>> No.10157265

>Physics III
Physics is useless for CS tho.

>> No.10157336

Nah not really. At the immediate undergrad level, CS requires calculus and logic, but as you get to nontrivial problems (ie the computational complexity of physical systems) the physics (and really calculus) becomes relevant. Even in pursuit of software engineering, knowing physics is important because of the various things you’re going to be working on

>> No.10157367

I’d say it depends on where you go. Notice how the less fancy mathematical machinery you have, the more complicated reasoning out hard problems is. Engineering classes build up a lot of fancy mathematical tools to plug and chug answers to components in a system. I’d argue that while the actual engineering is pretty tough, the math is really straightforward because the work has been done in the form already that the mathematical machinery takes care of the hard part.

This is in contrast to say basic analysis, where most of your toolkit consists of inequalities, arithmetic, implications, and the definitions/axioms. I’d say most CS majors shy away from math (though there were a lot of math/CS double majors at my school including myself, which makes sense since it’s a research school where math and CS researchers share the same office), but at the very least a good amount are exposed to mathematics as reasoning rather than mathematics as a tool. I think engineering students rate difficulty and sophistication of the math based on the exotic ways to offload the reasoning into premade notation (aka what I was saying before about how “taking the integral” isn’t intensive). Is undergrad CS math easy? If you take the bare minimum. But at my school, the upper level theory courses in complexity were super tough (and of course populated by math majors) and incredibly fun. I do think it’s sad that most CS majors want to cash in on the software decelipmwnt route, but honestly academic CS (and the math of CS) is just clean, honest fun for the whole family.

>> No.10157371

*development route
Cursed phoneposting

>> No.10157889
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>But at my school, the upper level theory courses in complexity were super tough (and of course populated by math majors) and incredibly fun.
Were these just complexity zoo?

>> No.10158035

No? The complexity zoo is like the introductory lectures. Actually analyzing problems is the hard part, and that touches a lot of traditional mathematics, continuous and otherwise

>> No.10158049

Yet almost everyone who do CS end up getting these certifications for code monkeying. I don't even know what "real" CS is about but literally everyone I know who did CS are now code monkeys which is the thing that baffles me

>> No.10158057

Most of my peers ended up doing grad school. Real CS ends up being math problems. I do see some researchers st google, amazon, and private labs.

>> No.10158069

This is so true that it fucking hurts.

>> No.10158077

The funny thing is that most people who trash CS do so because they just went to a shitty University, essentially outing themselves as a brainlet.

CS courses at top 10 schools are heavy on theory and math.

>> No.10158133

People only go to college for a piece of paper. You can learn anything for free with a few months of hard work. That's mostly what college is, half the professors in the world are fucking horrible at their job.

>> No.10158141

What is a code monkey? Someone who develops software for a company? Why does it surprise you that most computer science degrees go towards professional software development? Do you think most of them end up in labs trying to figure out crazy algorithms for the good of man kind?

What do computer engineer students even go into?

>> No.10158164

>What do computer engineer students even go into?
Everyone I know who took CS is just doing consumer application software, but I know CEs working all over the place, automotive, healthcare, and top tech firms working on fundamental improvements to internet infrastructure.

>> No.10158175

Off the top of my head, I know 3 software engineers. Two of them are college dropouts (One of whom I'm pretty sure is a permanent neet now). The other is my coworker, who does the exact same shit I do, which is propriety software for a printing company.

Motivated people get good jobs. Everyone else goes for whoever will pay them enough money to jerk off to anime porn in peace. It has nothing to do with the degree they got.

>> No.10158176

You know, I took CS and I'm now an NLP scholar.

>> No.10158178

>CS courses at top 10 schools are heavy on theory and math.

Lies and slander. It's always those who don't realize their courses are trivial that are the brainlets.

>> No.10158187
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>CS courses at top 10 schools are heavy on theory and math.

Show me a(n american) CS program that looks like this.

>> No.10158190

Read "Concrete Mathematics" by Knuth, it's the best math textbook ever because of the creativity required to solve each problem, and it's a book on discrete mathematics, which is chiefly used by comptuer science.

>> No.10158233

Programs like this are legitimately not uncommon. I don't know about America though.

>> No.10158245

This is literally just some bullshit that an anon came up with. There is way too broad a scope of knowledge here. You would forget 90% of this shit by the end of your major and put all that effort in to still be a coding monkey.

>> No.10158253

Not him, but I'm a math grad. The whole "you can pick CS theory up in a few weeks" is just /sci/ shitposting. It's an active field of research for a reason. The thing is like >>10158190 said: a lot of problems have solutions that are contingent on finding "the trick," especially when writing nontrivial algorithms. You don't need a lot of mathematical machinery to start talking about CS, but it builds naturally as you start to get to more complicated problems. It's full of interesting problems to solve, and it gets as applied or as pure as you want it to be.

>> No.10158259

You could do this if you self study like 2 of the courses each semester, but don't kid yourself in thinking you could actually complete this and be an A student with research. Nobody has a curriculum like this, much less engineering students. You usually get bodied with general requirements (scientific breadth) in early years and then devote time to taking 4, max 5 really tough classes and doing research with a professor on the side. At least, that's how it was for me

>> No.10158260

They could be covered superficially.. (also studying on your own you could cover much more and in less time)

>> No.10158278

I wouldn't say superficially. The shitpost comes from the fact that as classes get more difficult, the schedule calls for 7 of them. Taking 6 upper level courses is not a fun time. You could maybe do 5 freshman or sophomore classes, albeit be pressed for time, but 7 classes per semester in your last year? On top of applying to grad school/jobs? Not happening

>> No.10158287

>and it's a book on discrete mathematics, which is chiefly used by comptuer science.

>> No.10158289

>The whole "you can pick CS theory up in a few weeks" is just /sci/ shitposting. It's an active field of research for a reason
You can at the undergrad level, retard.

>> No.10158290

>not math
You say that because CS is a superset of maths?

>> No.10158295


>> No.10158301

Kell, Harrison J., and David Lubinski. "Spatial ability: A neglected talent in educational and occupational settings." Roeper Review 35.4 (2013): 219-230.

>> No.10158303

see >>10155511

>> No.10158305

>>>/g/o home

>> No.10158311

That's not really a meaningful statement since undergrad CS is so inconsistent. I agree that basic data structures and algorithms are easy, but any further in algorithms travels into nontrivial and non-obvious territory.

Regardless, I legitimately don't think you can pick it up and be good at it. Big Oh isn't hard. Basic data structures isn't hard either. Seeing the trick to hard problems is hard. .

>> No.10158313

Instead of posting these memes, tell me what's wrong with what I say. Concrete mathematics by Knuth is definitely a discrete maths book with a myriad of exercises that require a lot of creativity, and imagination.
(one would profit more from reading Polya's book: "How to Solve it" than Velleman's "How to Prove it". A lot like this distinction: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/5QnvHZpy4pGgCo3Pp/two-types-of-mathematician

>> No.10158320

Regardless of the meme, either CS is math, or CS is a superset of math.
Make up your mind.

>> No.10158343

>thinks Knuth superficial treatment of number theory or combinatorics is impressive
>thinks cs brainlets are the only ones that study these topics


>> No.10158352

chiefly is not the same as "only ones"
And it's not the depth of superficiality of his treatment (though I believe it's rather a deep treatment), but rather the problems in the book, which are fascinating, for whoever learns from that book (instead of learning from another book)

>> No.10158354

Lovasch + Knuth is fine for an up and coming combinatorialist/fundamental algorithmicist. What Knuth is good for is building intuition on lots of problems. Lovasch teaches the theory amazingly well (I mean, naturally, seeing as how he was up there with Erdos)

>> No.10158356

>not just reading hungarian math and CS papers
it's like you hate fun

>> No.10158369

>You say that because CS is a superset of maths?
It's a supercategory, not a superset.

>> No.10158415

>math below Engineering.
I don't believe that for a second
t. Engineering student

>> No.10158539
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>> No.10158628

I don't believe self help blogs. Cool that this guy did it on an individual level, but I don't believe this guy would be able to do research. Like I said, the CS curriculum isn't hard at the bare minimum. If you dive into it (which is mostly a CS math double major and shy away from the non meme books, as I've hinted in my other posts), the curriculum gets immediately harder.

>> No.10158646

Additionally, this guy "self evaluated" everything. He admitted himself that it was mostly for him, but I don't think this was about actually getting into it as much as saying "I did it," and I'm not inclined to believe he got through all the material. As stated in the video, it was about "passing the exam," and doing the bare basics of the programming assignments. I spent some time comparing my old undergrad work to his, and his questions were a lot nicer than the ones I got. Basically, I, like any grad school, would be skeptical to let this guy through, whether the subject were computer science or physics.

>> No.10158651

who does CS research in their BSc? You usually just do projects.

>> No.10158658

No, what I mean is that there's some good fundamentals here and there, but I don't think this guy is research ready. The ideal way to do BSc in CS is to double major in math for a research career, imo, since CS research is leagues more interesting than codemonkeying.

>> No.10158659
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Ah, my mistake I misread what you wrote, but anyone can do research lul (even a monkey could).. Literally, research is soo soooo easy and fun (and the most hilarious part is that I am not being ironic!)

>> No.10158665

Doing good research is hard. Going about and doing research without any standards in mind is easy.

>> No.10158684

Only the present moments exists, and objects in your attention might reorient your mind towards other ideas, and with practice the reorientations change to the extent that one could pay attention precisely to what is relevant and nothing else, but at the end you are never outside the context, never outside your cravings -- you will always have your head over a *single* cell on the strip of the tape of the stream of the subjective life. Therefore having standards is a consequence of going about and doing research without standards.

>> No.10158693

No, when I say standards, I mean being able to chase down the solution to a nontrivial problem, or generalize the problem into more theory that asks deeper questions. Those are hard things to do. Having standards is a consequence of being aware of your surrounding research culture; you don't do it in isolation.

>> No.10158718

> I mean being able to chase down the solution to a nontrivial problem
For that just be actively open minded, keep searching, don't just look where you feeel the answers are but look somewhere else - wander.
>generalize the problem into more theory that asks deeper questions
It's not that difficult to discover that you can generalize problems into theory, but even if you can't on your own, the research community is not just in real life, it also sleeps cozily among the various publications. Publications that demonstrate the use of those standards. So sure if you want to go fast with your research you might best depend on the existing literature than to create something from scratch (though it could be a useful exercise), and yes all of this could lead to an adoption of research culture practices. For in its foundation, since all knowledge comes from experience, one can only acquire things but through imitation (or imitation of some aspect or distortion).

>> No.10158975

I have a PhD in ECE and I agree that it's superior to CS but you're being a dumb faggot if you really think you can pick up actual CS that easily.

>> No.10159040

who big 4 /swe/ here

Facebook cheggin in.

>> No.10159048

Actually lmao rn. Holy shit. I'm a senior cpe major in the thick of my capstone project. I saw a project about industrial machine design and it piqued my interest (what's cooler than accelerating the unemployability of most of the population). Now here I am balls deep writing ladder logic routines for an international corporation. I literally stumbled into this shit and you're telling me it could actually be a lucrative career path? I've been told that there is a job offer at the end of the year if all goes well. WTF

>> No.10159054

Cute. My signing bonus at facebook was 100k.

>> No.10159058

Have fun being a peon for the literal evil empire. My ancestors are smiling at me imperial, can you say the same?

>> No.10159061

Kek. I like it here though. There's a lot of interesting ethical discussions we have internally (no we don't record audio and shit) and huge problems. People here are insanely smart, any problem that stumps me I can turn to the guy on my left and he'll smoke it

>> No.10159064

*by huge problems I mean problems of operating at a bigass scale

Google is another good spot for smart cs majors.

>> No.10159068

What is big 4 /swe/ ?

>> No.10159078

It's a term co-opted from finance tards for CS majors to circle jerk about, i.e. the most prestigious companies to work for as a swe=software engineer


>> No.10159090

AKA engineer day cares

>> No.10159092

Do you get complimentary onions if you work there

>> No.10159095

what the fuck
this shit is still going on
I got duped

>> No.10159892

And the guy in >>10158539 link managed to pick up CS + Calculus and Physics courses in a year. An EE/CpE major already mastered the latter so learning the former will take just a few months.

>> No.10159897

What is your vector calculus if not Green/Stokes/Divergence theorems?

>> No.10159950
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As a guy in my 20s, went to college after working for few years, I want to kill everyone saying how CS is easy.

Either you have incredibly bad and lazy course with some small assignments or you are lying. I don't even know where to begin explaining the rape in our first semester. However, it's supposedly being the hardest and to filter people out. I thought listening to /g/ and /sci/ saying how compSci is a meme is true, but it's the opposite in our college. Either I'm doing assignments that take up couple of days in my free time or am studying and going to lectures. I just want to breathe for a day, yet you faggots think it's a meme, because your colleges have a retarded course for pajeets.

>> No.10159960

>listening to anything on /g/ or /sci/

>> No.10159965

PLC programming is a fucking sweet job my friend and highly in demand/good pay.

>> No.10160074

I am so hard rn you have no idea. This shit is like babbies first logic and they're having trouble filling positions for this. Like wtf is this!?

>> No.10160440

>the possibility that he is a brainlet never even crosses his mind

I got terrible news for you.

>> No.10160451

is this just something how like there is an undergraduate degree in natural science, Bachelor of Science that usually is not any kind of preparation to be an actual scientist? It's kind of just showing you some results from science so far.

>> No.10160512

>the people in charge of nurturing future generations are the absolute bottom of the barrel

>> No.10160520

Yup :) and they’re also the most entitled of all government employees with huge influence over cultural norms and development of the personality of our children.

>> No.10160527

>Personal Grooming and Hygiene (Seminar)

>> No.10160537

anon, you can learn the entirety of human knowledge in front of your computer.
no shit college is useless when you think of it that way but is anyone reading Dovstyofski or reading on interconnect parallel system? no

>> No.10160539

I really wish the West would collapse already. Everything now is just prolonging the torture

>> No.10160550

It looks like maths relatively low spatial score is what puts engineering/physical science ahead

>> No.10160561
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>Only the present moments exists
Presentism needs to die in a fire.

>> No.10160563

I hope you like architecture.
Has the most women of any engineering major.
There's going to be a lot of moment equations

>> No.10160570

you think there are other cultures that have babysitting kids as a high status activity that only the elite are selected for?

>> No.10160660

>(that's not shit)
Comedy gold.

>> No.10160692

>what is South Korea

>> No.10161115

Homeschooling existed for a fucking reason
women were supposed to be teachers of their children, not send them to be forcefed what nosewitz wants them to think for 7 hours by the state
properly teach your kid at home, and witness them make the other kids look like gibbering apes by comparison

>> No.10161249

It says Chem or Bio. Can't you read?

>> No.10161280

When you are at the top university of your country where admission is reserved to people who score in the top 1% and still claim its very difficult and/or time consuming you can rule out the brainlet hypothesis.

>> No.10161317

Math vs EE vs ECE? Just looking for something challenging and useful

>> No.10161452

Math is challenging but useless.
ECE has CS courses, these are a joke.

>> No.10161483


>> No.10161493


>> No.10161497

which country?

>> No.10161530


>> No.10161591


>> No.10161600

Better than your shitty state funded local college :^)

>> No.10161709
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I was going to do physics at university, but I realised that physics would be a whole load of effort for a shitty job at the end of it. So I dual majored in compsci + maths instead, best decision of my life.

>> No.10161725

I would go personally to a state college; being an American is worth way too much money for whatever reason. An American citizenship is easily worth $100k-500k

>> No.10161728

Yeah, if woman were discriminated against we would have overqualified teachers.

>> No.10161732

damn i wish i had a coffve

>> No.10162094

Chile doesn't have CS programs tho.

>> No.10162582

I can tell that you are the insecure CS/Math dual major that spams every CS thread

>> No.10162900

What kind of retarded shit is this? Why would a course this intensive not expect you to have learnt Calc 1 material in high school already? What is up with Americans and not learning calculus before university?

>> No.10163398

Was about to hit up Cs for grad school, about one year in I realized the math in CS is so watered down it's comparable to a step above a humanities degree. Switched to physics in the next year, never been more satisfied.

>> No.10163477

Idk who you’re talking about. I was a math major who does math grad. I just think it’s funny that engineering students think Fourier transform lookup tables and the torrent of approximation methods that make the harder stuff disappear is “math intensive.”

>> No.10163479

As far as I know, theory concentrations do the math you’d expect, but systems people often do not, so the core requirements can be muddled with easy stuff >>10163398

>> No.10163493

I've seen calculus applied to analysis of algorithms and machine learning, what other areas in cs have you seen apply calc or use higher level maths? (Minus category theory, also generally speaking not very interested in proofs) I know there are interesting ideas in applying graph theory to social networks, but I'm not too interested in social either

>> No.10163547

Complexity theory samples mathematics from all sub fields. The foundations start in logic, but you have a lot of analysis (there’s even a subfield called computable analysis. Look up type two effectivity), computational geometry and topology, graphics (which is all the former + differential geometry), etc. Specialized topics include quantum complexity, bioinformatics (get into bioengineering if you want to do more physical systems), learning over networks, advanced algorithms (I took a third semester grad algorithms class, and it fucked me up. All the problems are about finding some nontrivial trick), compilers, cryptography (which also samples a lot of math. Look up ring learning with errors), etc.

If you don’t like proofs, why are you in math/CS/physics? I guess in physics you can get around proofs with experiments, but theory papers that make it to good conferences have people who don’t shy away from proofs. I might be biased since I’m in a mathematical physics group myself

>> No.10163570

Never needed to take a proofs course for my physics degree, learned induction and it seems useful but I've never had to actually use it to solve problems or understand any of the great ideas in physics, it is used in mathematical physics as you mentioned, and all the people I know who work in the mphys group are mathematicians themselves so I understand what you mean. However much I'd like to use them, I've never needed to

I'll look into some of what you mentioned, but the general feeling I got from cs is that if I was interested in computation it makes more sense to specialize in math and sub specialize in algorithms than go full on cs. Could be wrong through


>> No.10163597

It really depends. You can study anything using CS theory, since it’s matured to where it’s being used in natural science. Induction is a basic proof strategy, but you learn more as you go along and practice. It comes down to understanding the basic structure of what you’re working with and using its properties to derive your results. For example, in analysis, the Cantor set is a classic counterexample/test case for a lot of claims.

From what I gather from the conferences I’ve attended, theorists in math, CS, and physics are generally very similar types of people who write different motivations on their grant proposals

>> No.10163621
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Addendum to the pathetically trivial list.

>> No.10163624

The difference is that as a Math undergrad, you have A LOT of free time, so classes like topology or differential geometry become incredible easy since you have a lot of time to study them.

>> No.10163628

Speaking as someone from the industry: no fucking way. That said, 70-100k is not unreasonable depending upon the level of field work you want to do.

>> No.10163658

Most CS kids lack the math knowledge required for these topics. See >>10155895

>> No.10163663

>(indeed, many high quality CS programs do not have an explicit linear algebra requirement)
>high quality
wtf is wrong with burgers

>> No.10163798

Nah, not really. Taking 4-5 math classes + research doesn’t leave you with a lot of free time. I do agree that engineering students have a lot of bullshit they have to wade through in the first two years of undergrad, but I don’t believe that a lab or two and a senior project (especially so since I did a senior thesis) is enough to water down the later half of the engineering core curriculum. I’ve seen mechE’s plug and chug ode’s and pde’s into matlab and brag about their understanding of higher mathematics. Not to say that engineering is a bad or easy field, but that engineering students don’t have a magic pass when they are shitty students. I think materials science and engineering people are consistently the nicest guys out of the bunch though.

>> No.10163801

As far as I’m aware, most CS programs have linear algebra as a requirement as admission to the major. Have schools dropped this requirement? You can’t go far in even the most basic CS application/practicum (and def not theory down the line) without linear algebra

>> No.10163811

To that I’d say get a masters or brace yourself for a hard transition into grad level work. I think the few CS undergrads who choose to do grad (while numerous in raw quantity, are a minority among all CS undergrads) realize how lacking their program may be (or may not be, if lucky) and compensate accordingly. Your average CS undergrad probably sucks, but whatever transition there is from undergrad to grad, most CS grads seem to have their shit together in my experience. I occasionally TA for grad special topics (since I’m in mathematical physics) that CS students take, and people in the theory concentration have their shit down in math

>> No.10163857

>few CS undergrads who choose to do grad (while numerous in raw quantity, are a minority among all CS undergrads) realize how lacking their program may be (or may not be, if lucky) and compensate accordingly.
In that case why would you do CS if you're going to need to compensate yourself your shitty program? As someone else said doing Math and specializing in algorithms sounds way better than having to self study the requirements for something like computational geometry (let alone self studying comp. geometry itself).

>> No.10163951

Id imagine that it has to do with realizing they wanna do grad school for CS halfway through college but realizing that they want to take more math. I’m pretty sure a good amount of then (assuming their CS education doesn’t already have a good amount of math anyway) switch or double major if their school is not shitty and has enough math in the curriculum to make it easy. I don’t see outright bad students in grad anyway.

I can ask students during office hours on Monday. Place is pretty packed so I’m sure I can get a good number of answers

>> No.10163977
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>Programming Module
>Maths and Data Structures Module
>Networking Module
>Architecture Module incl. Assembly (and then Machine Coding apparently?)
>Throwaway UX/UI Module that will then translate into using Arduino and elaborating on webdev stuff from earlier this year
>Low-Level Communications Module which is literally just signals, modulation, MATLAB and then goes onto image video / speech processing and cryptography/cryptoanalysis in the final semester

Rate my first year CS lineup

>> No.10164005

What the fuck is wrong with you people? Why would I learn fucking Chemistry or Biology in Computer Science/EE ?

>> No.10164009

Yeah, they should be learning how to make purdy websites with HTML+CSS to get dem jerbs

>> No.10164013

What about CSE?

>> No.10164014 [DELETED] 
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>Personal Grooming and Hygiene

>> No.10164017


>> No.10164025

It's what CS should be desu

>> No.10164098

Because a lot of nontrivial problems get solved there using basic computation. Basic industry work that isn’t in the sciences is really boring

>> No.10164101

I agree that CS should be standardized like engineering disciplines. I think it should be heavier on math requirements so you don’t get wildly inconsistent backgrounds

>> No.10164117

Where on earth do CS schools make you take UI? It’s not even an option at my school

>> No.10164139

I was just lumping it in because thats what the first semester is roughly about, lots of UX and analysing UIs, creating them, prototyping products and stuff. Its evidently a throwaway part of the module, it was a minor that if you wanted to do Low-Level comms (also a minor) you had to do that aswell.

>> No.10164147

If you want to do a systems/low level concentration at my school, you have to do architecture, OS design and implementation, compilers + compiler theory, and signal processing at the very least. UI/UX isn’t a systems CS topic. It’s more HCI

>> No.10164153

Some years I had to take 12 annual classes (not american) as an EE undergrad. Mon-Sat from 8:00 to 15:00 hs every day (labs included) for five years. Meanwhile my math major friends only had to take like 5 (at most) annual classes and had a lot of free time.
EE is just a harder degree to get, not only because of the coursework, labs and shit, but because you cover a lot of different topics that requires you to "think" very different. Some years i had to take classes like (example): EM theory and applications, thermodynamics, statics, electronic circuits, modern physics, economics, some programing class, real analysis and a couple classes related to law and labor standards (yes these were boring as fuck). A math degree is way more homogeneous and relaxed.

>> No.10164158

first, CS != programming or software engineering
second, why are there still so many godawful shit programmers out there? the industry is DYING for talented programmers and they can't find enough. if it's so trivial, teach yourself in a few months and go make six figures in any large city in the US. enjoy a long and fulfilling career in software engineering.

>> No.10164161

It seems like the people that think CS are a joke have only seen joke school CS programs. CS theory is rigorous.

>> No.10164168

>r-real Communism just hasn't been tried yet!

>> No.10164178

5 annual classes in math? I’ve never heard such a thing from my peers, and I didn’t have to do that for my degree. I minored in physics. The physics major version of EM theory is really tough while the EE version goes into more information theoretic stuff for RF later.

Dude, I don’t know what you think math is. All math past basics like vector calculus and ode’s is nothing but “thinking” very differently. These people don’t spend their time packing in dense amounts of information; they work hard on actually solving fucking hard problems. I did 9-10 annual classes and research on top of that. If you think math is “homogenous and relaxed,” then I don’t know what your math program was like; mine is within the top 15. Doing EE work is tough if you do design. As a major vs math? You’re in over your head if you think it’s a harder degree to get. You won’t know until you take a senior continuing topology class with a professor who has a hard-on for weird surfaces in physics

>> No.10164184

The way it works here is that 1st year you take major and minor
Major is your subject with the bulk modules, minor for me I could do it in CS or another subject.
That module isn't intended to support the other one
We are doing architecture in a different module as I stated anyways, Operating Systems and all the rest is next year with an *Actual* HCI module.
I think after this year we don't really touch signals and such until my masters (Its an integrated masters course). Could be wrong though

UK by the way, this is one of the top unis in the country so I was interested to get an overall rating on first year

>> No.10164190

Well I almost got a math degree as well (didn't finish it because i got an internship to get a EE master in France).

Here is the EE program i did:
Yes, you read it right, it takes 6 (six!!) years to complete. You can finish it in 5 if you take extra classes per year (like i did).
And this is the math degree:
http://cms.dm.uba.ar/academico/carreras/cronograma (Sorry, couldnt find it translated).

>> No.10164198

Lol this is literally just analysis and algebra and nothing else. People shit on American programs all the time, but there isn’t even any pde’s, topology, combinatorics, etc. The list goes on. I think your school’s math program is pretty lacking. Your EE program looks good though.

>> No.10164200

Whoops there is a topology class, but there’s only one offered. Regardless, this is really barebones

>> No.10164206

You are cherry picking coursework from the worst CS programs and contrasting them with coursework from good CE programs.

>> No.10164210

Chemistry is important to ECE you retard

>> No.10164246

That's every CS program in America though. The only good "CS programs" here are either EECS or CSE.

>> No.10164265

Are you blind or stupid? Do you need me to translate it for you?

>> No.10164268

>pde’s, topology, combinatorics
All these are there, i don't know what you are talking about.

>> No.10165626

>political science is science

>> No.10165635


Please tell me this would actually work

>The physicist in me says the logic is flawless

>> No.10165637

Why do social sciences and humanities have higher mathematical levels than verbal levels. Actually everyone seems so except the arts. How can this be?

>> No.10165655

you should teach that physicist in you how to greentext properly

>> No.10165669

>ODE and Dynamical Systems, Operating Systems, GPU programming and Numerical Analysis in one semester
I'd fucking crash and burn (atleast if they teach them with the rigour and pace that they do at my school

>> No.10166210

This is complete fantasy cooked up by some salty Physics nerds that couldn't get a job out of school.
All these schools give the same exact math and computing classes for all majors. If you take calculus II as a CS major, it's the same fuckin' calculus II as a math major or a physic major. Also you show me a school where the EE / CE students take Compilers but not the CS students.

>> No.10166235
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>""intro"" to OO and programming (says intro on name description said to have experience)
>systems programming
>discrete math
for freshman cs courses?

>> No.10166243

I think it depends on the institution. I've always known there to be parity for the most part between majors/specializations especially in the first couple of years of a degree, but my experience has mostly been at top tier unis/colleges.

I did meet a few people that are in software dev and took a computer engineering/science degree at lower tier places, and their academic knowledge and portfolio reflected pretty poor knowledge focused on just making stuff with code. Which isn't great. There is erosion of those sorts of qualifications in the workplace.

The rough division between CE and CS if anyone is interested: CE is similar to EE, CS is more maths and even philosophy related as well as the older and "more academic" subject at a lot of institutions.

>> No.10166261

>show me a school where the EE / CE students take Compilers but not the CS students.


>> No.10166263

Take a look at the syllabus and see what textbooks or projects you're doing. They just sound like early courses you might do in CS, but what level they're at and whether it's right for you nobody here will know for sure.

You seem to be a little wary of the OO course, but a lot of people think they understand how to do OO when they clearly don't. Might be good, especially if it gets you thinking about how to design code and software rationally.

>> No.10166276

Wow, I stand corrected. Even my shit state school taught the CS kids Databases and Compilers.
What kind of joke is this?

>> No.10166284

I'm surprised. At least ime, most peeps even from CS or CE backgrounds know dick about compilers and I thought weren't required to take a course in designing/optimizing one.

Not that other dude.

>> No.10166370


>> No.10166436

im mid-OO course, it feels like an extension of my post-AP CS track in highschool so it really hasnt introduced me to much of anything new but it's good practice I think.

>> No.10166438

I am a professional programmer and I rarely use any of the math shit that I was forced to learn in college.

>> No.10166509

It was to teach you how to think

>> No.10166574
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There's a reason we've been saying this for literally years.

>> No.10166577
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>muh compilers
I mean you guys realize that a vast majority of tech workers are webdev/database tards and have no need for any of this compiler bullshit? It's not 1994 anymore. This is why China and Russia rape most western countries when it comes to CS.

>> No.10166589

Webdev and basic databases aren’t CS

>> No.10166610

You gave an example of a bad curriculum. CS and CE are two different things my dude. People who are in CS either get into codemonkeying, or if they do a good program, get into grad school. CS isn’t the study of how to make a computer tick or even how to build one. Basically, what >>10155482 is saying. CS, unlike engineering, isn’t a set of skills you learn to get something made. At non meme schools it’s just another academic study.

>> No.10166627

>I am a professional programmer

so you are not a computer scientist.

>> No.10166795

>if they do a good program, get into grad school.
There are no good CS programs.

>> No.10168472

Eh, the hard part about theory is originality. Coming up with a nontrivial algorithm on the spot is tough, and proving it works can be an assload of work. Once you get past the basic trivial algorithms like comparison, strassen’s, etc. it’s a fun topic, especially in specific topics. Algorithms in signals was a personal favorite. Concentration bounds for randomized real time problems was a time sink

>> No.10168600
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pic related from the parallel algorithms textbook written by grama and gupta.
in case 1, the sequence first monotonically increases, then monotonically decreases.
in case 2 the sequence decreases then increases.
but because they describe (2) as an autistic "cyclic shift" they're forced to provide an example so the reader can understand what the fuck they just said.
why not just use plain english and the simplest possible description?

>> No.10168622

Academics like to flex. This is especially true in math and physics

>> No.10168627

>trying to get a serious answer from memelord /pol/acks larping as smart people
You are wasting your time, m8. Just saying.

>> No.10168643

>implying math textbooks don't have a better sense of humor than any other field

>> No.10168782

That doesn’t contradict what I said

>> No.10168808

Because <1,2,3,4> doesn't fit your definition, but you can shift it to <2,3,4,1>, so it is bitonic

>> No.10169499


>> No.10169596

Goddamn, are CS fags really this retarded?
DiffEq is probably the easiest math class any STEM major can take.

>> No.10169599

>not discreet math

>> No.10169708

i found diffeq easier than discrete math

>> No.10169729
File: 45 KB, 535x720, Archimedes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me

>In mathematics department

>Suddenly this CS major ditzily waltzes around our campus lugging around his obviously inferior brain.

>"M-Muh forefront of technology." He clumsily asserts as he tries to "make friends."

>I gag a little.

>Gathering the rest of my chad erudite department, we corner him as he turns the hall, pin him go the ground and take out protractors and measuring equipment.

>He starts panicking and blathering on about how CS is a "super set" of math.

>He cries out a little as we beginning measuring the circumference of his head and deriving 4th and even 5th dimensional manifolds from his inferior existence.

>Establish with mathematical axioms that he is in fact a brainlet with a below average PHENOTYPE.

>Take our time etching out a complicated thesis, laughing as we peer review it on the spot noting exactly why he is the lowest IQ in the group and laugh as we staple it to his back.

>Begin paring our pencils over him.

>Call him a beta IQ-let and tie him to a statue of Archimedes looking down on him dissapointedly. A reminder of how much of a failure he truly is.

>Snicker as we permanently marker his forehead with "BRAINLET" in a cursive function graph.

>As he lays there, sobbing, throw him a handkerchief with Sigma-Alpha-Phi written on it to remind him of mathematics true chad status.

>Tell him to clean himself up.

>Never hear or see another CS major again.

mfw true chad mathematics wins again

>> No.10169748
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Jesus Christ

>> No.10169755

I'm saving this, if it weren't for lereddit spacing.

>> No.10169757
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This is why I'm never leaving my house again.

>> No.10169763
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, red_data_girl-01-izumiko-red_glasses-headset-helicopter-worried-scared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I never asked for this...
What the hell is wrong with you?

>> No.10169770
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>> No.10169788
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shh ssshhh
no tears. only brutal now.

>> No.10170100

If somebody having less tendency to enjoy his job and doing it well thanks to your interaction, you don't understand basic concepts and should kill yourself. Not much of a win scenario.

>> No.10170257
File: 208 KB, 327x316, SXF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is legit my nightmare. 11/10

>> No.10170262

>laughing as we peer review it on the spot

>> No.10170281
File: 8 KB, 247x204, Wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, hope this is a joke. Otherwise this is a literal super villain origin story.

>> No.10170287

Mostly the smell.

>> No.10170290
File: 419 KB, 500x288, tfwbulli.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this entire post

>> No.10170923

18 year old newfag here. I'm going into college in one month (January 7th) and I want to be a CS major. Should I minor in math or is just CS enough? Will it improve my hireability to have a math major?

>> No.10170940

A good CS program should give you tough math courses to compliment it. Otherwise go out of you way to take them for your elective credit hours; this likely makes it work having the minor.

Option B: self-teach because you'll have to do a lot of it in your cs courses anyway

>> No.10170943

before any turbonerds point it out

>> No.10170973

A resume check will only really care if you have the major and a minor in math. I personally felt naked without double majoring and taking as many hard classes from both majors as I could (ended up getting into graduate mathematical analysis and graduate complexity theory by the time I was a senior), but I went on to do grad school so it’s up to you. I personally think that engineering majors do more than a CS or math major do individually (especially if you skirt away from hard courses), if mostly only in workload. However, I think double majoring (in these or really any science + math) and choosing to go ham in your course rigor/load + research matches, if not surpasses, an engineering workload. It’s all up to how hard you want to go, and personally, I think it’s more meaningful to push myself to take the hard stuff because I wanted to rather than being forced to do so.

>> No.10170982
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>> No.10171089

>Should I minor in math or is just CS enough?
Get a minor in math, CS programs are well known for having piss easy math requirements. Another choice could be majoring in CpE and taking as many CS classes as you can.

>> No.10171601

>Computer scientist looks wise and respectable
Lmao. Does anyone here know a CS major that isn’t either a huge dork or utterly impassionate about their work?

>> No.10171607

Hasn't CS been dead since the 80s? Seems like all the major algorithms have already been discovered. That was one reason why I switched to chemistry.

>> No.10171611

No because nobody who isn't like that would ever associate with the kinds of fags that click on these threads.

>> No.10171802

Unironically this

>> No.10171912

I was considering switching to CE but listening to people who actually majored in CE most just end up in software engineering jobs. I'm interested in embedded software development but from the sounds of it most companies don't give a shit whether you're CE or CS and in some instances companies will go for CS majors over CE for higher level software engineering jobs. I just can't rationalize the additional workload and studying facets of computing I'm not really passionate about.

>> No.10172200

>all the major algorithms have been covered

Lmao what? Now that’s an uninformed statement. Just because basic sorting and string matching problems have been solved since the 70s doesn’t mean algorithms are even closed to being solved. That’s like saying math is solved because we have analysis and algebra

>> No.10172201

You are retarded. The sequence given by them on that very page does not fit your definition: 8, 9, 2, 1, 0, 4

>> No.10172225

What about majoring in math and self-teach cs? A double degree in math/cs means an additional year of study. Wouldn't it be better to spend the time for a masters?

>> No.10172477

mathematics and computer science are isomorphic under the Curry-Howard correspondence get the fuck over it
if your math or computer science degree isnt basically a double major in pure mathematics and computer science you are neither a mathematician or a computer scientist.

>> No.10172487

Yeah, that’s a valid route if you want to do straight grad school. It really depends on what you want to do. I felt at home with theory, but I wasn’t sure if I wanted to work in parts of engineering research/R&D down the line (think control theory, signals, etc) so I wanted to keep my options open. Double majoring let me stay close to theory, gave me job options out of undergrad if I needed it, and kept my foot in the door toward other routes. Really basic stuff like data structures is easy. OS design is hard because systems implementation/design is where nothing is abstracted and you have to make decisions on policy for busses, ram, etc., that all have to play nicely with each other, but it’s not too mathematically taxing. Classes like advanced algorithms (one that comes after required courses) are mathematically taxing since you have to come up with original and efficient solutions, and the problems are finally nontrivial. Finding any solution can be a bitch. Proving it works can be tricky. I would double major rather than doing a double degree, since the two programs complement each other nicely.

I should mentioned that I skipped through a bunch of physics classes to take some of the hard ones. I chose to self study the rest, and eventually I ended up in mathematical physics, but my work is eligible for both theory CS conferences and math/physics conferences

>> No.10172488

Alternatively just do the double major yourself and de memeify your program

>> No.10172492

Everything is isomorphic to mathematics if you aren't a brainlet.

>> No.10172504

No, what curry Howard shows is specifically that algorithms and proofs are isomorphic to each other. The foundations of computer science are close to the foundations to mathematics, and a lot of work in CS research has yielded results that are interesting in traditional mathematics departments.

>> No.10172508

spotted the brainlet

>> No.10172513

Change computer engineer to electrical engineer and it becomes accurate.

>> No.10172516

Don't forget CCNA lol

>> No.10172523

Reply in one post hot damn. Also, what >>10172504 is true. Flajolet’s work is one such example

>> No.10172580


Spotted the Java developer

>> No.10172609

>surface level
just stop

>> No.10172633
File: 120 KB, 1242x808, 1543381206572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking same here too

>> No.10172645

>thinks ethics is a waste of time
confirmed dunning-krugerlet

>> No.10172661

I think he was claiming that the test materials the blog claimed to pass wasn’t the same as actually doing the course. I’ve done some OCW courses, and it seems like some of the finals stress the last third of content more than the previous, so you can just study the bare basics of the beginning, focus on the last 4-5 lectures, and then “take” the test (if he actually did it). MIT CS isn’t surface level, but that doesn’t mean this guy’s understanding is concrete since he basically hopped over a good amount of class material (to his admission; he said that this wasn’t near any replacement to an actual undergrad program)

>> No.10172684

>MBAs have equal mathematical skill to math/cs undergrads but slightly less verbal and spatial.

>> No.10174132

Why the fuck would a C.S. major need Real Analysis II? At my uni, that's what they call the stupid-hard measure theory course.

Actually, why the fuck would they need Analysis at all?

>> No.10174205

>first thread i see on /sci/
>comp sci MS student

>> No.10174822

>4 year CS degree from local university
>land 75K starting entry level programming job in Midwest
>typical 9-5, not much stress
>good benefits, etc

feels good.jpeg

How’s grad work going /sci/?
Still enjoying those ramens and shit living arrangements?

>> No.10174838

my uni is one bus away from my parents house so I'm flexing on all these pajeets living in hovels
looking forward to making fat stacks of dosh friend, but it's only my first year

>> No.10174845

>via 9gag
>thinking you get to hate anything
kill yourself

>> No.10174903

Shows up in some fields of research While not immediately useful, it’s invaluable when it comes to randomization/concentration bounds/complexity theory, etc. It depends on whether or not you want to go into industry or grad school. Industry cares about what’s immediately applicable, so purely discrete math is probably your best bet, while analysis rears its head in any mathematical research field eventually, so you ought to learn it. Plus, on an academic note, it’s a good thing to know. Lots of neat tricks. On that note, type-two effectivity/computable analysis is an interesting body of work.

What about a CS PhD student? It’s pretty stressful but I enjoy it. I can avoid ramen by cooking on the dime. Never underestimate the amount of good hummus you can make with a dollar can of chick peas and ground cayenne pepper

>> No.10175354
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>>10169729 Fixed
>>10152227 (OP)
>Be me
>In mathematics department
>Suddenly this CS major ditzily waltzes around our campus lugging around his obviously inferior brain.
>"M-Muh forefront of technology." He clumsily asserts as he tries to "make friends."
>I gag a little.
>Gathering the rest of my chad erudite department, we corner him as he turns the hall, pin him go the ground and take out protractors and measuring equipment.
>He starts panicking and blathering on about how CS is a "super set" of math.
>He cries out a little as we beginning measuring the circumference of his head and deriving 4th and even 5th dimensional manifolds from his inferior existence.
>Establish with mathematical axioms that he is in fact a brainlet with a below average PHENOTYPE.
>Take our time etching out a complicated thesis, laughing as we peer review it on the spot noting exactly why he is the lowest IQ in the group and laugh as we staple it to his back.
>Begin paring our pencils over him.
>Call him a beta IQ-let and tie him to a statue of Archimedes looking down on him dissapointedly. A reminder of how much of a failure he truly is.
>Snicker as we permanently marker his forehead with "BRAINLET" in a cursive function graph.
>As he lays there, sobbing, throw him a handkerchief with Sigma-Alpha-Phi written on it to remind him of mathematics true chad status.
>Tell him to clean himself up.
>Never hear or see another CS major again.
mfw true chad mathematics wins again

>> No.10175503

Speaking as someone actually in the industry, employers generally don't give a shit about a math minor. Most assume you only had to take a couple extra classes to get it because CS already covers a fair amount of maths. You'd be better served getting a business minor as it'd help you move up into management or at the very least improve your soft skills so you're not the stereotypical autistic technical guy. Unless you plan on going into a part of the industry that is math heavy, you'll forget what you don't use so it'd likely end up being a waste.

>> No.10175561

But /sci/ keeps telling me that CS is not math heavy.

>> No.10175571
File: 206 KB, 836x1136, &gt;implying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CS hate thread
Hate all you want, you all know pic related is the sad reality

>> No.10175572

Thank you

>> No.10175574
File: 96 KB, 650x369, CS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because CS already covers a fair amount of maths

kek, you brainlets seriously think this.

>> No.10175615

Depends on the school, like >>10155895 said, you can get a CS degree without knowing basic math which is kinda stupid as even they acknowledge baby linear algebra is useful for graphics and analysis of graph algorithms.

>> No.10175673

CS programs lower the entry bar on purpose to get more students. On consequence, those programs produce mostly code monkeys and shitty webdevs, not true Computer Scientists.

>> No.10175695

Depends on the degree program. If I wanted to get a math minor I only had to take three more maths classes. Regardless, that doesn't change the fact that most software engineering jobs rarely use maths outside of discrete mathematics and linear algebra if they even use either of those. But again it depends on the industry. If you're going into computer graphics definitely consider a math minor.

/sci/ is far from the best source to get advice. Most of the people on here are still in school and are overestimating their retention of the things they are learning now. Just think back to all the shit you forgot from high school. Now imagine working for decades in the industry. You're only going to remember what you use, and what you don't learn in school you can pick up in the industry assuming you can land the job in the first place. After you've gotten your first job employers look more at your work experience than your major. If you're confident about going into a facet of software engineering that isn't math heavy, don't bother with a math minor.

A business minor will be useful wherever you end up. Whether you work in a large corporate environment or at a startup, understanding the inner workings of the company you work for, the improved communication skills, and the freedom to move into management if you wanted to are invaluable.

>> No.10175707

Not necessarily true. At my uni the CSE program is so impacted that the people doing CE/CS on average have better stats/admit profiles than the people outside of the program simply due to how competitive it is to get in.

>> No.10175787

Imagine believing this is realistic

>> No.10176194

Nah getting doom to work would require basic computer skills

>> No.10176241

>listening to sci

>> No.10176300

>dating a guy
>finds out he did a bachelors in CS and pretty much has no other hobby than to play vidya and fap to twitch ethots

dropped without even going to 3rd base.

>> No.10176315

>letting a neckbeard get to 2nd base

>> No.10176525

he had a pretty cute disguise not gonna lie but eventually his autism came through

>> No.10176732

Not American but at imperial college London the computing course is very maths heavy relative to what people on here's courses are like

>> No.10176733

I get the impression that UK unis just are better than the American ones
Everything I've heard about imperial makes it seem like /sci/ heaven

>> No.10176754

never let a ho know what you do in your free time. they're supposed to think you're always either working or socializing

>> No.10177510

It’s because CS research groups found out they can get a fuckton of money if they can get undergrads to flock to the major in the thousands. So you get proper CS courses mixed in with development shit at less than excellent schools. You can de memeify this by double majoring and doing research, but it’s unimaginably frustrating for people who want to do real CS.

>> No.10177525
File: 206 KB, 653x482, 1540567652832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bachelors in CS who faps to twitch thots

>> No.10177550

Nobody wins. We all lose.

>> No.10177616
