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10151181 No.10151181 [Reply] [Original]

What's the worst that can happen with climate change, /sci/? Isn't it all just a natural process that has been going on since forever

>> No.10151190
File: 131 KB, 1021x633, 6d7g98sd7fg96s8d79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute worst that could happen is ocean acidification starts a cascading collapse of ocean biosphere including phytoplankton, which produce 70% of global oxygen.

>> No.10151207

What is with people and their goddamn wishful thinking? Fucking shut up and get to work

>> No.10151212

>humans get wiped out
>animals with efficient respiratory systems are selected for
>few species survive
>forests grow back
>climate and atmosphere re-regulates
>humans are long dead OR hyper intelligent offspring exist

Doesn’t sound half bad

>> No.10151215

>hyper intelligent offspring exist
You figure they would be more attached to nature?

>> No.10151220

It would be a return to the nomadic lifestyle I assume, but with greater mastery of technology. I assume there would be some zones of nuclear radiation. If world leaders see humanity vanishing they might just launch their nuclear arsenals as a final fuck you to their own insignificance

>> No.10151226

the loss of humns

>> No.10151229
File: 3 KB, 123x125, 1511140436583s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't sound bad at all

>> No.10151240

like, absolute worst possible outcome?

>Earth becomes Venus 2.0

>> No.10151250


>> No.10151269

>more advanced life is watching us
>we fuck ourselves over and end up turning earth into venus
>they begin adopting neuvoliberal agendas to cease planetary operations that may yield the same result
>the angst propagtes to leadership
>they end up doing the same things as humans
>their planet becomes a wasteland
Kek memes are viruses

>> No.10151614

>What's the worst that can happen with climate change, /sci/?
People believing in it.

>> No.10151761









The worst possible thing is already occurring as we speak: The loss of arctic sea ice leading to catastrophic releases of methane into the atmosphere. The parallels between the events of the worst mass extinction in life's history and today are eerie and striking.

>> No.10151804

why does it take so long for these threads to get deleted? doesn't 4chan have mods? this pseudoscientific garbage belongs on /x/

>> No.10151806

>US just fires its nukes straight up, and just waits for them to fall back down.

>> No.10151807

unironically based

>> No.10151809

I see you just read my post in the other thread. It propagates quick, you see.

>> No.10151815


>> No.10151828


>> No.10151839

>I see you just read my post in the other thread.
What do you mean?

>> No.10151897

English is the one of the few western European languages that does not derive its verb for "to read" from Latin legere. Compare, for example, leggere in Italian, lire in French, and lesen in German. (Equally surprising is the fact that English is the only western European language not to derive its verb for "to write" from Latin scrībere.) Read comes from the Old English verb rǣdan, "to advise, interpret (something difficult), interpret (something written), read." Rǣdan is related to the German verb raten, "to advise" (as in Rathaus, "town hall"). The Old English noun rǣd, "counsel," survives in the rare noun rede, "counsel, advice" and in the name of the unfortunate King Ethelred the Unready, whose epithet is often misunderstood. Unready here does not have its current sense "unprepared"; it is a late 16th-century spelling of an earlier unredy, "ill-advised, rash, foolish," from rede.

>> No.10151919


>> No.10151931
File: 53 KB, 484x484, 6010-heathered_black-z1-t-party-like-it-s-the-permian-triassic-extinction-event.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here are my thoughts:

1) We have to begin migrating to northern and southern latitudes. Currently inhospitably cold climates will be the temperate zones of the future.

2) We have to genetically modify our crops to keep up with rising temperatures and more arid conditions.

3) There's no need for us to go to Mars: A 6c world is a very different world. Perfect indoor, hydroponic farming and artificial climate control on an industrial scale. That way, if we survive the great filter, and if we eventually make it to colonizing the solar system, we will be well versed in self-sustaining colonies and geoengineering from having faced the crisis here on our own world and successfully managed it.

4) We need to go underground. All of the creatures that successfully navigated the end-permian were either burrowers or cold blooded animals who actually benefited from the rise in temperatures.

>> No.10151936

>denialtards attempt to meme away science they don't like
it's because you don't have any arguments

>> No.10151941

>>denialtards attempt to meme away science they don't like
There's no science in this thread, only pseudoscience.

>> No.10151945

>if I don't read any of the evidence, it doesn't exist
this is why you're a denialtard

>> No.10151946










>> No.10151948

>>if I don't read any of the evidence, it doesn't exist
Who are you quoting?

>> No.10151964

I'm throwing the literature in your face and you aren't responding. If you wont be convinced by the raw data from legitimate publications I'm not sure what's to be done with you.

>> No.10151966
File: 61 KB, 900x900, 1529130118743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not reading all that dude

>> No.10151971


Are you serious? So then how do you know climate change is psuedoscientific?

>> No.10151976

first put the u and the e round the right way in pseudoscientific

>> No.10151977


Psuedoscientific. Now you read or at least skim the 9 studies I linked.

>> No.10151982


>> No.10151983


I'm not the guy who called it pseudoscience. Seems real to me.
But I don't care about it enough to read research and facts about it. When people dispute climate change online or irl, I just keep my mouth shut because I don't know enough about it to debate them.

>> No.10152008


>> No.10152010


>> No.10152031

>I wasn't implying evidence I don't like is bogus because I haven't bothered to learn about it
okay denialtard

>> No.10152055

Climate change to warmer climate will happen. The science is settl...Oh wait


>> No.10152066

>>I wasn't implying evidence I don't like is bogus because I haven't bothered to learn about it
Did you mean to quote a different post? I don't see that text anywhere.

>> No.10152168

>now I'm pretending not to know what implications are as a defense that I didn't imply science I don't like is made up because I didn't bother learning about it

>> No.10152185

>>now I'm pretending not to know what implications are as a defense that I didn't imply science I don't like is made up because I didn't bother learning about it
Please refrain from misquoting me.

>> No.10152219

We starve because we can't grow food or the meat that eats the food we can't grow. People tend to think of direct environmental effects when the real danger is the hard to see ecological relationships dying. So many more species are dying each day, and things will only get worse and spiral out of our hands.

>> No.10152228

>What's the worst that can happen with climate change, /sci/?
Mass migrations of poor countries into less poor countries as their agriculture prospects dwindle and they lose the ability to produce enough food and don't have the GDP from other resources to pay for importing it.
Kinda like what we are already seeing from Africa into Europe, but worse.

>> No.10152253 [DELETED] 

moron, cold isn't coming
get your science from something isn't tabloid trash


>> No.10152254

moron, cold isn't coming
get your science from something that isn't tabloid trash


>> No.10152262
File: 122 KB, 1100x690, Thermohaline_Circulation_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oceans could become a death zone if circulation stops

>> No.10152268

once golfstrom stops, europe will cease to be as warm as north america, despite being so much further north. it will all become a tundra and no crops will grow.

>> No.10152273

global cooling is the worst that could happen.
Or rather, what you're gonna get is extremely cold winters and temperate summers w/ drought

>> No.10152307


>> No.10152410

other models predict almost no rain in Europe, cold dry winters end extremely hot dry summers

>> No.10152418

Once the ozone layer has been completely destroyed, the respiratory systems in animals and the photo/chemosynthesizing capabilities in plants -- amongst other things -- will need to make an evolutionary u-turn. But the adaptations will most likely be slower than climate change itself. That's just what I think anyways.

>> No.10152425

Not entirely sure what you think the ozone layer is and does.

>> No.10153030

please refrain from making stupid implications that contradict well-established evidence, then denying the whole thing when called out

>> No.10153108

Problem is that humans stopped seeing themselves as part of nature, since then all we've got is tendency to have war with something really useful.

>> No.10153206

human activity is already causing mass extinction, climate change just makes it worse

>> No.10153252

>Mass extinctions throughout the history of the Earth have been well documented.

Yeah I remember watching those videos and reading all the old news reports of the Permian Extinction Event that happened 250 million years ago.

>> No.10154258

and what we did so far is already causing a mass extinction

>> No.10155152
File: 21 KB, 800x800, 1534118750279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10156590

everybody will die

>> No.10156686

Unless we cut all fossil fuel usage and all industry the planet is bound to experience what Venus did and turn into the same hell.

We might even be approaching the point of no return.

>> No.10156824

Turning Earth in a second Venus is unlikely because we are not this close to the sun.

>> No.10157629

Why the fuck don't these kinds of posts ever get replies? Isn't it valuable to I don't know, actually talk about the sources and the science that comes out behind it?

I'll start out. The first link (by itself, ignoring all other material- and considering only the abstract) is a really good study of factors that correlate with extinction, or in this case one specific mass extinction. It has a lot of bearing on what we know to be the case now regarding atmospheric CO2 equilibrium and ocean acidification. However, it only shows correlation, rather than causation (which is difficult or impossible to establish absolutely anyways), and there's even an implicit other explanation provided by way of it mentioning volcanism.


This is the link they provide to explain volcanism, which indicates that there could be other causes for this extinction, where CO2 levels and global warming were secondary to the other effects of an increase in volcanism, with perhaps sulfide emission being more important to the ecological disaster. That's not to say that we, as humans, don't also pollute by way of sulfide emission, or that there isn't evidence that overwhelmingly indicates that the CO2 atmospheric equilibrium shifts and oceanic carbonate equilibrium shifts played a very large role in the extinction itself- but that on its face, there's a lot of argumentation that can happen surrounding some of the evidence provided. Do I think it's wrong that they aired on the side of tying their evidence to modern greenhouse gas emission problems? No, absolutely not, contemporary analogues are incredibly valuable for understanding historical geological events and vice-versa.

I'm just saying that these limp-dick faggots who claim that science doesn't back up the notion of anthropogenic climate change never fucking engage with the evidence in any meaningful fashion. Thanks for the sources, btw.

>> No.10157633

Please stop responding to these threads you retards

>> No.10158217

>just a natural process
See numbers 1, 29, 56

>> No.10158242
File: 97 KB, 480x480, Europe has 'Cold' 'Harsh' 'Winters'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>once golfstrom stops, europe will cease to be as warm as north america, despite being so much further north. it will all become a tundra and no crops will grow.

>> No.10158255

Yet venus is farther away from the sun than mercury and is hotter retard

>> No.10158261

>I don't like these threads, they scare me, therefore you should stop.
I'm sorry anon, anything I can get you? Tea? Coffee? Perhaps you'd like a foot massage with that.

>> No.10159077
File: 77 KB, 960x720, Venus,+Earth,+Mars+with+no+greenhouse+effect+(&+same+pressure):.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because Mercury got no atmosphere and Venus got an atmosphere with greenhouse effect and runaway warming