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10148142 No.10148142 [Reply] [Original]

Can we all agree that tesla was a talentless hack and that he probably stole the concept of Alternating current, the only real invention that he apparently made and claimed his own?

>> No.10148162

>discoveries are inventions

0/10 at least you tried. At least he didn't have hoodlums gather stray dogs and cats around the country to electrocute in order to promote his discovery.

>> No.10148166

Irrelevant. Tesla was a nobody and never invented anything meaningful, his discovery of AC was most likely stolen.

>> No.10148196
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>Einstein was a nobody and never invented anything meaningful.
FTFY because it actually is more true of a statement. Also the first "discoverer" and inventor of the AC motor was Hippolyte Pixii, but unfortunately he had absolutely no clue what the fuck he was dealing with. Tesla's inventions include (but not limited to):
Tesla coil
Violet ray
Remote controls
three phase electric power
Induction motor
Telsa valve
Tesla Turbine
Wireless telegraphy
Vacuum variable capacitor

>> No.10148217

All useless inventions of which most weren't even invented by tesla

>> No.10148224
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>All useless inventions

I don't even know what this thread is anymore. What are you doing man?

>> No.10148636

>his discovery of AC was most likely stolen.
nice claim. have any evidence or you just expect us to take your word as gospel.
he invested a device to safely utilize xrays, he brought the world RC technology he did more than you will ever do.
stay buthurt brainlet.

>> No.10148659

He didn't claim to have discovered AC (though you'll find no shortage of retards crediting him with it). It was well-known before he was even on the scene.

>> No.10148673

he did insanely much for the imagination of others after him, though
the big question is why aren't people exposing einstein for the fraud he was?

>> No.10148932
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>he thinks Tesla wasn’t one of the greatest scientists and engineers of the 20th century
Yeah no. Tesla was a genius and was far more productive than that arrogant plagiarizer Einstein. Tesla deserves the credit he is given because he actually was a genius.

>> No.10148938

>the big question is why aren't people exposing einstein for the fraud he was?
I want to know the answer to this too. Einstein wasn’t a bad scientist but he is by far the most overrated. Almost none of his ideas were original yet he took credit for them anyway. There were many others in his generation that were far smarter and contributed far more than he did.

>> No.10148940

He still contributed more to humanity than you and your whole family could.

>> No.10148958
File: 111 KB, 921x640, E03A0962-4E40-46FD-968D-3DE1FAB6A9C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can we all agree that tesla was a talentless hack and that he probably stole the concept of Alternating current

>> No.10149163

>contributing to humanity
It was just autism you normie

>> No.10149192

dont know dont care, go away

>> No.10149402

>Tesla was a genius

Tesla told reporters that, after thirty-five years of work, he was on the verge of producing proof of a new form of energy. He claimed it was a theory of energy that was "violently opposed" to Einsteinian physics, and could be tapped with an apparatus that would be cheap to run and last 500 years.

He told reporters that a version of his oscillator had caused an earthquake in downtown New York City in 1898.

He went on to tell reporters his oscillator could destroy the Empire State Building with 5 lbs of air pressure.

"I loved that pigeon as a man loves a woman, and she loved me. As long as I had her, there was a purpose to my life." - Nikola Tesla

>> No.10149404

Sorry, I believe your thinking of edison

>> No.10149411

>Einsteinian physics
Yup, indeed this

>> No.10149419

Well, he was obviously better than you can ever hope to be.

>> No.10149431

Back when fucking pigeons wasn't taboo

>> No.10149441

t. Edison

>> No.10149652

It could have been.

>> No.10149862

I was Tesla when Tesla wasn't cool.