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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10144239 No.10144239 [Reply] [Original]

>1200 pound bear hibernates in winter
>800 pound bear wakes up in spring
>hibernating bears do not eat, drink, urinate or defecate

>> No.10144242

Its called fasting

>> No.10144252

>fasting causes mass to magically disappear
so, bears have mastered tota conversion of matter to energy?

when can we expect a bear-energy based infrastructure?

>> No.10144258


>> No.10144262

it's called hibernation, NOT COMA
They poop then go back to sleep

>> No.10144263

Fat is metabolised to carbon dioxide and water, and the CO2 is exhaled.

>> No.10144264

Bear is the perfect machine.

>> No.10144267

i propose an experiment:
a sealed container that holds 1 hibernating bear and all the equipmemt necessary to recycle the air for the bear to breathe.
place this container on a scale
does the container get lighter?
if so, how do we harness this phenomenon?

>> No.10144268

Bear went to Jenny Craig before the onset of winter

>> No.10144272

Most mass lost is through breathing

>> No.10144273
File: 115 KB, 1280x544, Ash's_Sympathies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A survivor... Unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality. I can't lie to you about your chances, but you have my sympathies :)

>> No.10144282

The water vapor is also exhaled.

>> No.10144380


>> No.10144385

Do you think hibernation is as comfy as it looks?

>> No.10144394

It's just going into turpor you see the same shit in other animals like bats. It slows down its metabolic process, it's not magic it's just not relatable to you as a human. It's like how you're not constantly eating but you continue to survive whereas an insect has to eat a lot more often because of its body size. It's just different types of metabolism.

>> No.10144399

>It's like how you're not constantly eating
Speak for yourself.

>> No.10144557


>> No.10144665

Cyberbullying is against the law.

>> No.10144840 [DELETED] 


I just came here to laugh at how bad american education is. I had high hopes and they've all been surpassed.

>> No.10144884

did I say something wrong? also, im not american

>> No.10144915
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>hibernating bears as closed systems

>> No.10144929

Bears don't hibernate, everyone in this thread is stupid.

>> No.10144943 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 820x802, 1536801721922.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad the Europoor education system doesn't teach you anything about the value basic rights and national sovereignty.

>> No.10144987

They dont poop. Their body make this wierd shit plug to hold it in.

Their spring shits are fierce.


>> No.10145072

It still inhales and exhales. The vapor from its breath and the lungs mechanical pull, draws energy from the fat reserves.

Contrary to popular belief, it does not pull off a full frozen frog hibernation, if a mammal freezes, the cells don't spring back to life unless electric shock is applied.

>> No.10145075

>4 milligram seed turns into 22 metric ton tree
>Doesn't eat anything.

>> No.10145389

Leviathan was on my high schools reading list, speak for your own shitty school.

>> No.10145444

they breathe

>> No.10145449

>value basic rights
Go pay 1000 usd for an ambulance, ameritard

>> No.10145480

Ours doesn't either, you fucktard. I also imagine you didn't vote and you don't know what kind of municipal government your local community runs under.

>> No.10145543

Sugars, fats etc. get ultimately metabolized into CO2 and water, which you breathe out. Yes, most of that weight turns into literal air.

>> No.10145579

At least we have ambulances and not some medieval trolleys you poor fag

>> No.10145580

that's a big beautiful animal

>> No.10145584

Speak for yourself as the Muslims take over your country and destroy your heritage

>> No.10145589

This gif is perfect

>> No.10145640
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>muh rights to free stuff

>> No.10145687

You're assuming the air you breath out isn't comprised of mass taken from your body. Air doesn't just go in and out of your lungs; it's a complex process.

>> No.10145694
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Get on my level.

>> No.10145742
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Wait. They don't shit?

>> No.10145777

why would they you triple brainlet, they arent eating anything

CO2 and H2O

>> No.10145780 [DELETED] 

>categorizing the whole of europe into one group
americans really are ignorant

>> No.10145811 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 429x474, US-Europe-size-comparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean the whole of Europe that gave up it's sovereignty to a bureaucratic superstate? The whole of Europe that's smaller than the whole of the USA? The whole of Europe where it will soon be illegal to post memes or speak ill of Muslims? Gee, sorry for grouping you all together.

>> No.10145817 [DELETED] 

my country isn't even part of EU and is in europe.
also that's not how EU works dumbass

>> No.10145820

Tell me how the EU works then.

>> No.10145823

no fuck you, go find your own info. Im not wasting time educating ameridumbs

>> No.10145825

lmao you don't know shit

>> No.10145826

>Forgetting about the EU trying to do this exact thing
Europeans really are peasants

>> No.10145851 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 310x310, 1536796151141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a Europeasant expects me to know all about his special snowflake country but can't even identify the US states that are twice its size

>> No.10145866 [DELETED] 
File: 180 KB, 1655x433, nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can definitely see that you've thoroughly fact-checked all of that

>> No.10145881

Lmao that's still kind of pathetic.

>> No.10145887

Ukraine belongs to Russia.

>> No.10145984

it turns into co2 the same way a tree turns c02 into it's mass.

>> No.10146282 [DELETED] 

The delightfully ironic thing is that americans thinking they're the greatest country on earth is one of their biggest barriers to actually being the best at anything. (besides school shootings and prisoners per capita)

The sad thing is that americans legit think they're not living in a joke of a country, they honestly don't get how getting reamed relentlessly in the ass by their upperclass, financial and educational systems maybe means they're not the greatest country on earth.

They like it. It's like a meme that newfags think is true.

>> No.10146302 [DELETED] 

>The problem with America is muh trendy left-wing talking points
you're pointless

>> No.10146320

>He believes in basic rights

>> No.10146338

>everyone mentioning breathing
>no one mentions heat loss
Heh... Fucking idiots.

>> No.10146352

>/sci/ multiple times a day demonsrates lack of understanding of thermodynamics, biology and chemistry

>> No.10146421

>Meanwhile his government is busy stripping his rights away under the guise of anti terrorism with NDAA, Patriot Act, etc....
>None of the freedom loving patriots seem to give a fuck


>> No.10146432

Don't you think banning memes while also have an epidemic of rapes and acid attacks might be a tad worse, buddy?

>> No.10146434

At least we've preserved white tradition by uniting all whites under one flag in USA while you hate each other Ahmed.
It's sad how Europeans have no culture, money, or education.
We're whiter than you've ever been.

>> No.10146436

Europoors think dying to acid attacks and rapes is better than being shot by a gun.
They don't even know that dying by guns is painless. Such idiots.

>> No.10146447

>mfw not even European

Nice try Amerifats, might as well wipe your fat asses with that constitution because that's pretty much all it's worth at this point. Enjoy your indefinite detention without trial or representation along with "enhanced interrogation" techniques applied to you fucking domestic terrorists.

>> No.10146448

Perhaps they actually do understand, but they believe being raped and prostituted for months on end by a muslim gang is enjoyable and a privilege?

>> No.10146452

>not even a European
Oof, I dread to think what kind of shithole you could be from then.

>> No.10146474

that is one of my main concerns when i send my kids to europe school. i'm afraid they're going to be raped, sprayed with acid, then killed

>> No.10146480

Your kids don't taste freedom the way American kids do. You're cucked.

>> No.10146975

When the best thing you can say about your country is that it's "white" you set the bar pretty low pal.

As for culture, money and education? Err, i don't wanna cause any cognitive bias here but, most european countries have the usa beat in terms of living standards, median income and education stats. Im not even gonna talk about culture, are you really insisting on making the point that america have more "culture" than europe?

>> No.10146982

Lol, i didn't even mention politics, but good of you to remind me that your political system is a stupid attempt at representation and scrapes the bottom of the barrel when it comes to how to run a democracy.

I can't think of any country in the world which isn't strongly theologist who abide by such a shitty representative democracy.

>> No.10148046
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Just like my japanese mangas

>> No.10148095
File: 347 KB, 750x523, 1505643087373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>respect for sovereignty
One of the defining features of American foreign policy is your utter disregard for foreign sovereignty on a level that is bordering comedic. Obamas administration was famous for drone strike people all over the place.
You mean like the right to healthcare? Or about the right to not be imprisoned indefinitely without trial? And dont forget the holy grail, gitmo.

>> No.10148104

I think one thing being hypocritical and retarded doesnt make another thing not. You cant be the land of the free if its legally possible to be imprisoned indefinitely, in secret, with no trial.

>> No.10148110

Nuke this fucking thread

>> No.10148112

>my rights to other peoples money
This is why your countries are in decay.

>> No.10148121

>my rights to other peoples money
You're right. As all money comes from the respective government, all nongovernmental workers need to return any and all money to their proper owners; their government.
Also explains why the US is in decline. Cancerous fat cats taking money away from the government owners.

>> No.10148127

>all money becomes worthless and we finally have bitcoin-backed ancap utopia
sure let's do that

>> No.10148132

That you 1) Ignore all but one demonstrable hypocrisy and 2) are trying to reduce a point about rights and freedoms down to cost is a better argument for how much of a disaster american civil culture is than I could ever make.

>> No.10148143

>stealing from other people is just the cost of rights
>give up your rights so that others have the "right" not to deal with the consequences of their choices

>> No.10148152

What the fuck, can you faggots stop arguing already? What's the answer to the OP question? Do bears poop during hibernation?

>> No.10148160

>What the fuck, can you faggots stop arguing already?
Not until the Euros stop being so uppity.
>What's the answer to the OP question? Do bears poop during hibernation?
No, they lose mass in the form of water vapor and carbon dioxide.

>> No.10148185

>Implying taxation is theft.
>implying all possible medical needs are the product of someones choices
>Still ignoring all other points
Look I can greentext too!
Stop being a lemming. America, like every other nation, has plenty of flaws. Ignoring, downplaying, or resorting to whataboutism makes you an idiot. Particularly when your counter points arent even valid.

>> No.10148216 [DELETED] 

Uh sweetie, taxation IS theft. Most medical problems are the result of personal choices. And most medical costs are either due to poor choices or vainly trying to extend your life a couple extra months in your old age. Socialized healthcare may not exclusively mean taking from the healthy to give to the unhealthy, but in practice, that's most of what it is.

Yes the patriot act was a mistake. But because Americans in large part still understand what freedom is, there is hope to eventually overturn it. When the EU eventually implements the same policies, there will be little hope for Euros to do the same.

>> No.10148496

If taxation is theft, so is salary.

>> No.10148502

That's retarded.

>> No.10148559

And now you understand how people think of "taxation is theft".

>> No.10148564

Stealing money from people is theft, offering people money is not theft. Simple.

>> No.10148634

>post yfw bears are the cause of global warming

>> No.10148652

Aah yes the rich and long history if the state of Wyoming, my favourite subject

>> No.10148660

>hibernating bears do not eat, drink, urinate or defecate
Ya that's why they lose weight. Their bodies burn fat because they have no food. They basically starve, so the body consumes the fat.

>> No.10148661

You're offering the government money.
Just like the company offers you money.
Simple, right?

>> No.10148662

Give me one good reason why your country is more important than Wyoming!

>> No.10148693

yeah where does the mass go?
it turns into water and carbon dioxide and is expelled through the breath

>> No.10148696

I am not offering the government money, they are taking my money

>> No.10148721

>ctrl + f "heat"
>this many posts down

haha what the fuck

>> No.10148722

Really? So you're not wanting to live on their land, be protected by their military, support your debts with their power?
You don't want their services?
Or do you want their labor, just not their price?

>> No.10148723

It's turned into thermal energy.
You know how living bodies radiate warmth?
That's mass that was converted into energy.

I know I'm getting baited, but holy shit I can't help it.

>> No.10148724

>their land
fuck off
>their military
fuck off
>your debts
their debts

>> No.10148730

bears confirmed for containing mini-nuclear reactors I guess. This post is so dumb only a Euro could have made posted it

>> No.10148751

Its not a conspiracy devised by the gvment unlike Wyoming or Finland

>> No.10148753

Yeah, they are called "mitochondria"

>> No.10148772
File: 27 KB, 488x463, clapjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, I didn't know mitochondria could split the atom!

>> No.10148785

>it would require a nuclear reactor to convert 400 lbs of fuel into slight warmth over the course of several months

>> No.10148790
File: 14 KB, 645x619, glojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks that chemical reactions convert mass into energy

>> No.10148973 [DELETED] 

so socialized healthcare for things like surgery for people who live healthy lives is okay then?

>> No.10148978

How do bears work???

>> No.10149011

They do. Potential energy is stored in the mass of the system. The change in mass will always be exactly equal to the energy released and can be calculated by \Delta m=E/c^2.

>> No.10149050

Ahahaha what a retard. Tell me, what kind of particle is that "potential energy" stored as?

>> No.10149377

Ok, wtf?


>> No.10149401

They obviously poop and pee through their breath

>> No.10149417

In the mass of the constituents. If youre going to troll, troll something other than basic chem that a literal grade schooler knows.

>> No.10149421


>> No.10149436

Typical 4chan. We start off with hibernating bears, and end up with angry politics.

>> No.10149444

Sci didn't used to be like this before, I don't know if /Pol/ has migrated here to feel smart about themselves or people here are simply becoming more politically inclined rather than discussing science.

>> No.10149606

Most weight is lost through breathing, that's why you get out of breath when you are running, but ok.

>> No.10149638

They fly south for the winter, right?

>> No.10149699

>be me
>be bear
>hibernate all winter
>literally exhale CO2
>wake up lighter

>> No.10149705

iq and autism are going down, schizophrenia and sociopathy are rising on all sites in this general milieu.