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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10142269 No.10142269[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone help me find the flaws in the structure of my theory? I want to win a nobel prize lol. nah, just wish people can use this to make cheaper better affordable stuff lol

>> No.10142273

Are you literally retarded?

>> No.10142284

kinda, but if you tell me why, i can help solve what ailes ya. like, what was I wrong about?

>> No.10142302

this looks like what a 7 year old who decided to play pretend as a scientist would draw

>> No.10142312

Let's see, is this exactly what your theory states? (using latex notation)

&& && +\infty &&&&P = Density \; is \\
&& +-+ Density && \big\uparrow && ++-P &&\; energy
& && \searrow && \swarrow &&&approaching
& & -+\infty \longleftarrow&&
&&\longrightarrow +-\infty&&
& &&
\nearrow && \nwarrow
&& --+P &&\big\downarrow &&
-+-P \\
&& && -\infty
} [/math]

so that means

[math] \frac{\infty}{0} = nothing \; (nun)[/math]

[math] \frac{0}{\infty} = ALL \; (yon)[/math]

[math] \frac{\infty}{0} \pm \frac{0}{\infty} = Everything [/math]

[math] \mathbf{Karl \; II's \; Theory \; of} [/math]
[math] ^{Ki\hat{m}ble} \; \mathbf{Everything} [/math]

[math] \bigg\lVert{\biggl(\frac{+}{-}/\frac{-}{+}\biggl)}\bigg\rVert = quantum [/math]

[math] \div = complexity [/math]

>> No.10142313

Is this what schizophrenia looks like?

>> No.10142319

can you tell me what this means? what does that diagram symbolize?
because mathematically inf/0 = 0 doesn't make sense

>> No.10142321

Oh I know, I think this is why you're angry.
I didn't include absolutes into the equation.
so if it's everything, it should include every absolute and non-absolutes at the same time.

>> No.10142323

I think you guys are making things too complicated, it's everything so it needs a broad generalized idea. A basic formula. And I am aware to do that you need a formula that states something in it's opposites infinitely. Which my graph shows but not my formula.

>> No.10142325

>makes theory of everything
>wants to use it to make stuff cheaper
i believe in you, OP. unlike the greedy cunts in academia jerking each other off with handfuls of grant money, you want to make a difference.

>> No.10142332

so it must be something like,
|(+/-)/(-/+)|=idk what combination of the two goes here and it's opposites = (+/-)/(-/+)
I just need a symbol for this if it's not already made?

>> No.10142339
File: 13 KB, 371x517, 371px-Quaternion_2.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just check the formalization of the [math] \mathbb{R} [/math] on Proofwiki
This defines the continuum.

Then check the [math] \mathbb{Z} [/math] for numbers in the complex plane.

Then check the definition of quaternions:

Now the first three equations just restate the number line.
Quantum mechanics is defined in complex numbers therefore it follows that you can use twice the amount of [math] \pm [/math]. (And it's also reminiscent of bra-ket notation)
But now the complexity definition is just ridiculous (does it mean multiplication over multiplication? or dot over dot?)

>> No.10142709
File: 51 KB, 960x651, 46502251_5209976926142145_22067821139722240_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you want vectors and line and points huh?

>> No.10142714

sorry, it's the opposite, points are density, vectors are mass lol sry

>> No.10142716

guys how can you see latex? do I have to install an extension or something? I have 4chanx. Is there a setting on there?

>> No.10142718

I laughed way too hard.

>> No.10142722

had previous one incorrect

>> No.10142727

i love /sci/

>> No.10142752
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>> No.10143020
File: 176 KB, 1740x718, copy paste.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried getting peoples input on technology today, but I guess it wasn't replied too enough
I was going for application. But oh well, maybe you guys can help.


>> No.10143029
File: 64 KB, 835x773, 1542243318440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jfc the dedication

>> No.10143140

yeah, i know right :D, I want more people to help with specifics, if it doesn't work with any programming language or format then it's incorrect. and then it'll need to be adjusted accordingly.

>> No.10143150

Just in case you aren't joking, i want you to realize that you are genuinely mentally ill and NOTHING in the OP is physically meaningful.

>> No.10143170

just explain exactly what I'm missing or got wrong, it's a very general theory, just go into specifics on how it doesn't apply. Is it inf/0?
i think infinity or any number really is the perfect counter to zero. which is why it's unquantifiably simple. do i need to adjust for that? explain how not or any other problem and then we go from there. please i know it seems weird but i think it's in the right direction. just check the whole thread then decide.

>> No.10143177

i used divide by 0 because you can never reach zero but always get closer division wise. just check the whole thing. idk what i did wrong but i hope you can help.

>> No.10143180

It's meaningless. It does't predict any physical phenomena. It's just a bunch of notation that YOU made up. It's "not even wrong"

>> No.10143203

How would this be usable/applicable in any way?

>> No.10143208

dude, all theories are made up firstly. secondly taking a step back and being more general with a subject or goal can help understand what's wrong with an overall concept. So a very generalized idea of everything can help with pinpointing what you want to work correctly and change in any formula. Much like a work of art, stand back and/or flip the page and see if the overall symmetry looks like shit and stop doing guess work. That's what I want in my formula.

>> No.10143214

All theories are made up, but they have to have predictive power to be a theory. Yours does not have any power (and the last two lines are straight up gibberish, at that).

>> No.10143287

What do you mean, is it just because i'm not using punctuation correctly. Like no proper syntax? I just typed like I talk sometimes. Like in run on sentences. Are you trollin me bro ;3 do yoou like me?

>> No.10143294

Okay, division is like an ultimate modifier when it comes to complexity. Enough of it can multiply and divide to decimals/remainders which is something x - + can't even do combined.

>> No.10143306

the line above my idea of complexity is possibly quantum, or possibly the complexity that goes into approaching absolute quantum or absolute quantum. Of which I have no idea what symbol it represents, if there even is one.

>> No.10143322

and + is the complete opposite of division as a modifier. It's answers are always so impossibly finite and simple that it almost feels just like approaching 0 when it comes to it's answers :T

>> No.10143331

But is division really the ultimate modifier when it comes to complexity? Look: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Division_algorithm#Newton%E2%80%93Raphson_division
A division can be calculated in this way only using multiplication and subtraction to the extent that the computational complexity of multiplication is equivalent to that of division up to a multiplicative constant.

>> No.10143364

sorry about the earlier "do you like me" crap, it taints the conversation. but rather than me reading up specifics on specific types of complexity. Tell me what you learned about it and how it goes against mine. Cuz by the looks of it, it doesn't seem to go against mine. he uses it...alot. Just give me a complexity formula without the use of division or what goes into it. then tell me

>> No.10143369

I wish all schizophrenics would leave this board

>> No.10143404

eh, having somewhat of a hive mind ain't bad. The multiple voices in ur head can help give you a lot of alternative perspectives ;D <3 xoxo ...yeah i just like flirting, and I still want to do this but I'm a bit bored.