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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 303 KB, 1276x1244, patch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10142030 No.10142030 [Reply] [Original]

LC-39A has new cladding edition

WHEN: Window is 3:46 p.m. EST / 20:46 UTC to 5:29 p.m. EST / 22:29 UTC
STREAM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhTbzc-BqKs
PRESS KIT: https://www.spacex.com/sites/spacex/files/eshail-2_mission_press_kit_11_14_2018.pdf
Probability of weather delay: 40% (Thick Cloud Layers Rule, Cumulus Cloud Rule)
Backup launch window: 3:48 p.m. EST / 20:48 UTC to 5:29 p.m. EST / 22:29 UTC on Friday, November 16

~ Primary Mission ~
Launch site: LC-39A, Kennedy Space Center, Florida (East Coast)
Booster core number & previous missions: B1047.2; Telstar 19 (July 2018)
Payload: "Es’hail-2" communication satellite built by Mitsubishi Electric for Qatar Satellite Company
Payload mass & destination orbit: 3000kg; 26° (GEO)
Payload information:
>Es’hail-2 will have Ku-band and Ka-band capabilities and support TV distribution, telecoms and government services to strategic stakeholders and commercial customers who value broadcasting independence, interference resilience, quality of service and wide geographical coverage. The satellite will also provide greater capability for anti-jamming protection and redundancy and back-up for Es’hail-1. Es’hail-2 will also provide the first Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT) geostationary communication capability that connects users across the visible globe in one single hop and in real-time. It will allow also the AMSAT community to validate and demonstrate their DVB standard.

~ Secondary Missions ~
First stage landing?: YES, on droneship Of Course I Still Love You
Fairing catch attempt?: No

Stay in the loop:

This will be the 31st landed first stage, the 17th re-flown 1st stage, and the 63rd Falcon 9 launch.

>> No.10142036
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>> No.10142040
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>> No.10142082

Webcast starts in 13 bongs. First daytime Florida launch in 6 months!

>> No.10142094

is it ok to skip class to catch this even if i really should go

>> No.10142102

Just bring it up on your phone. The exciting part of the launch only lasts 9min

Or do you mean skip class to see it in person? Totally dude, do it

>> No.10142106

no not the latter lol

>> No.10142119

>a quarter of F9 launches have now been with previously flown cores
Jeez, where did the time go

Seems like the first reflight was yesterday

>> No.10142230

Fucking finally, last launch feels like forever. When is the midget BFR 2nd stage thing supposed to fly? Sounds fun desu.

Also, when are we going to start seeing 3rd and 4th reuses?

>> No.10142241

Russia already said they are developing next generation atomic rocket and that spacex' work is technologically outdated dead end.

Enjoy it while you can, muskrats.

>> No.10142256

Nuclear rockets lack the TWR to get to orbit, show me sources otherwise and I will eat my hat. Otherwise you are full of shit and regardless, even Russia won't let a nuclear rocket take off within it's borders nor will any other country.

>> No.10142259


>> No.10142262

>Nuclear powered plasma thrusters

Still not enough TWR to get off earth. Article specifically says reuse from Martian surface, which at 0.38g is probably borderline doable. Great idea for pretty much anywhere else in the solar system except you know, Earth, the planet that really fucking matters.

>> No.10142327

Lmao fucking ROASTED

>> No.10142336

>taking anything the collapsing Russian space agency says seriously...

>> No.10142343

I trust actual scientists a lot more than some random american millionaire who says he'll send people on mars in 2 years :)

>> No.10142360

Still no TWR rebuttal

>> No.10142458


You realize NASA is working on VASIMR engine for years now? Typical Russian propaganda that will go nowhere.

>> No.10142459

That guy is building new rockets that are doing ship people thought to be Sci-fi 10 years ago.

Meanwhile Russians still fly 50 years old rockets.

>> No.10142627

50 year old rockets superior to everything america has

>> No.10142664


>> No.10142724
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F9 is vertical

>> No.10142733
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>> No.10142736
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>> No.10142738
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>> No.10142743
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>> No.10142746
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4 bongs to go!
I can't wait for the cheesy Qatari promo video that they're probably going to play before the launch.

>> No.10142883

Daytime droneship landing footage for once, should be nice

>> No.10142937
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Have they improved their CGI from last time? We will see...

>> No.10142959

The Electron launch had some nice CGI for reals

>> No.10142963

Cool let's hope they use the same artists.

>> No.10142970

>Mission patches for a commercial launch company.

Tell me they don't really do this.

>> No.10142975

Do they intentionally leave it dirty so it looks more re-used? I'd think getting the weight of those deposits off of there would be worth doing.

>> No.10142989
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patches for space launches have been a thing since the dawn of time, commercial or otherwise.

>> No.10142996

it's just a thin layer of soot; it's a rounding error of additional weight. Ships taking off of mars will be pretty dusty as well so why not start practicing now?

>> No.10143006
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stream goes live in 115 minutes

>> No.10143134

t - 1 hour

>> No.10143220
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Go falcon 9!

>> No.10143221

SpaceX FM is live

>> No.10143222

Stream started

>> No.10143229
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>> No.10143236
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Sent a SPARC fusion reactor to space next.

I dare ya.

>> No.10143241
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Qatari nationals are watching the launch today

>> No.10143245



>> No.10143247

oooh choppy sea

>> No.10143250

both the Qatari Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State for defense are present for the launch

>> No.10143252
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cool big data monitor in the back. Can see the engine info readout section

>> No.10143253

Cool, I want trucking companies to do patches every time they send a load of potatoes to New Jersey.

>> No.10143256
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>> No.10143257

>Qatar please go.

>> No.10143258

the idea is that the moment we stop making custom patches for random launches, we've finally reached the future age of space travel. Meaning, it is routine enough that they are not interesting any more.

>> No.10143264
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>> No.10143265

Boldly going to Mars or something yeah, get a patch. Routine satellite launch patches are somewhat try-hard and pretty cringe inducing.

Routine launches are in fact routine now. That's a good thing -- the coming of more routine access to space is sort of the whole point of this. LARPing as Apollo is pretty lame

>> No.10143267


>> No.10143272

launches wont really be routine until there are multiple ones every day

>> No.10143274

They may be routine to SpaceX but to the customer they may be important occasions.

>> No.10143276


>> No.10143277

>Not a twilight launch

Gey, they should do every launch at dusk for max kino.

>> No.10143281

GEO launches have very specific windows. Can't launch whenever you want

>> No.10143282

God I wish they would turn the livechat on these streams.

>> No.10143285
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>> No.10143286

We have lift off!

>> No.10143291

Did anyone else see the mach cone?

>> No.10143293

oh no, stage one is lagging

>> No.10143300

Two Qatari ministers are watching this launch, so not a routine launch.

>> No.10143301


>> No.10143303

>Qatari ministers
literally whom?

>> No.10143304

Do you think that once Starlink is up, they'll use it to stream their telemetry?

>> No.10143308


>> No.10143311
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Easy landing

>> No.10143313
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Explain this, globalists.

>> No.10143314
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, eshail2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

explain to a brainlet why does earth look like that on the right

>> No.10143317

>implying its not intentional
Anon. No matter what the communists and the chinked communists might say they watch the footage until their eyes bleed and then some more. Compare how open the early launches were, even the cameras were less blurry. Then landing boosters was proven and fishing boats and shit happened.

>> No.10143318

see >>10143250 >>10143241

>> No.10143327

fish eye lens to capture the biggest surface area possible

>> No.10143330

different cameras obviously

>> No.10143337

>what are lenses

>> No.10143340

magic ?

>> No.10143341

how does lenses work?

>> No.10143343
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>> No.10143345
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>> No.10143347

idk enlighten me

>> No.10143349

not rare at all anymore, thank you based elon

>> No.10143352

Thank you based Elon

>> No.10143353
File: 15 KB, 546x307, 9a2daecd646597696e9c26e8df970182bf0355dc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit that is literally taught in elementary school

>> No.10143363


>> No.10143381

thank based EloN

>> No.10143435


>> No.10143454

dude you're late, everything went fine

>> No.10143499

Next launch is in four days, yeet

>> No.10143543

Wide angle lenses.
The shape of the Earth is getting distorted (bent) around the center point of the image with the curve being accentuated in the left image and being reduced in the right.
As you should know, wide angle lenses aren't the best to use to show how straight something is, but the cameras are not there to prove the shape of the Earth, but rather to provide a visual feed of the engine burn and they need a wide angle lens to place it so close to the engine and actually see around it.

>> No.10143554

it's gonna be fun when Blue Origin has to struggle through figuring out the landing for New Glenn as well

>> No.10143572

I wonder how many times they're going to land it on land to try and perfect it before risking one on a barge.

>> No.10143589
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You've got it mixed up; pic related is the ship they're going to be using for the ocean landing platform. So, they'll be testing on dumb barges similar to SpaceX's ASDS's before sending one down to the deck of Stena Freighter. I don't believe that BO has any plans to do RTLS missions with New Glenn.

>> No.10143593
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>> No.10143600

Holy shit, RIP everyone on that ship when it goes wrong.

>> No.10143604
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I think they'll all get off and go on a different ship for the landing itself.
The supposed reason for the ship instead of an ASDS clone is that they stick hydrodynamic control surfaces on the underside of the hull; this provides good stability, but also means that the ship has to be moving laterally as the booster lands.

>> No.10143662

Can't SpaceX's barges do that kind of shit anyway?
I mean, rather that it needs to maintain a fixed position anyway. If anything the ship would allow for landings in rougher seas, I guess?

>> No.10143664


I'm still trying to get my head around BO's decision to use a big, expensive ship for their landing platform. Firstly the danger for the crew during landing will be enormous, as you can't remotely control such a large vessel. Secondly, the maintenance and crew costs for such a large vessel will be astronomical; SpaceX's armada on the other hand is made up of a few small tugs and 2 barges which are manned by a skeleton crew, it's almost like Bezos wants to make recovering boosters expensive... Finally, the whole landing the booster on a moving ship is just really dumb, all it accomplishes is making landings more complicated, by adding two new sets of variables to the landing equation (speed and location of the boat) which also prevents BO from using GPS to land like SpaceX. Apparently the purpose of the moving boat is to provide better stability for the booster during landing (by not staying still...) but SpaceX has never really had a stability issue either, with only one droneship landing ever being cancelled due to bad weather and several F9 boosters landing during hurricanes...

>> No.10143670
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it is pretty odd. SpaceX has shown that the ASDS route is perfectly doable... I don't see the advantages of using Stena Freighter at all. Then again, this is Blue "let's patent landing rockets on ships" Origin we're talking about

>> No.10143676

>but SpaceX has never really had a stability issue either,
insert dancing F9 core webm

>> No.10143682

thus the octagrabber thing

>> No.10143683

Yeah, they solved a stability issue.
That's different from never having one.

>> No.10143763

>both the Qatari Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State for defense are present for the launch

>MBS send cordial invitation at saudi consulate for party

>> No.10143957

next launch is the first 3rd flight of a falcon 9 booster, awesome

>> No.10143993

>B-but muh reusability will never work

>> No.10144049

I love how mundane Falcon 9 launches and recoveries have become.

>> No.10144233

just wait until they start flying starlink sats twice a week or whatever

>> No.10144349

SSO-A static fire should be happening within the next couple hours

>> No.10144440

When will COPVs testing begin?

>> No.10144458

Why do they launch from California and go west? They lose performance going against the earth's rotation.

>> No.10144473
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They went east.

Current block 5's are already flying the new COPV I believe. They need to after all, to get the human cert.

>> No.10144486

static fire complete:

I'll make the launch thread in a day or so. The first third flight of a booster is a big deal and calls for an extra fat launch thread

>> No.10144523

>Current block 5's are already flying the new COPV I believe. They need to after all, to get the human cert.
No, they're not.
The first COPV2.0 will probably be the first Crew Dragon demo launch. Then they'll probably launch a bunch with it before the first manned launch.

>> No.10144532

>Why do they launch from California and go west?
It's all about what kind of orbit you want to get into.
From California they don't go for equatorial orbits, so they're not looking to gain any performance from Earth's rotation anyway. I think slightly westward launches are required for sun-synchronous orbits, where your goal is to pass over places on the planet at the same time each day.

>> No.10144546














>> No.10144550

Second reflight, third flight.

>> No.10144572

Where are the shitposters now?

>> No.10144573

Earth is flat

>> No.10144583

hmmm, do you have a source for that? I recall hearing that they were already using new COPV's, but I might be mistaken.

plus it'll be kino payload deploy. Over 60 different satellites! some are weird, like the cremated remains of the first black astronaut.

>> No.10144585

Well their claims keep getting shifted.

>SpaceX will never reach orbit
>SpaceX will never land a first stage
>SpaceX will never re-use a first stage
>SpaceX will never re-re-use a first stage
[present time]
>SpaceX will never.....

>> No.10144587

SpaceX will never re-re-re-use a first stage!

>> No.10144588
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so this is the power of Grimes gf

>> No.10144594
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mars-queen Grimes

>> No.10144611

>I recall hearing that they were already using new COPV's, but I might be mistaken.
Wasn't on initial Block5 launch.
As of July, still not on launches.
I haven't heard any news yet of it being used in any launches, so it's fair to said they're still not using it or else they would have announced it (it's a big deal towards human rating the F9 after all).

>> No.10144767

So now that this reusability thing seems to be pretty much in the bag, my concerns are around the rapid part, more specifically the BFS heatshield, there still appear to be only two options, one being a ceramic tile of some kind which will likely be a fucking nightmare to maintain and keep flightworthy, the other being an ablative like PICA X, however there is no way they could reapply ablative coating on the BFS over such a short period. Is there any updates on this?

>> No.10144800

The idea behind BFS is to use a large number of identical panels so they don't run into the same problem that the Shuttle had.

>> No.10144983

I don't see how they can do that though given all the uniquely shaped surfaces on the new BFS, yeah like 60-70% could be common but still just asking for trouble and still also has a lot of unique panels. A better heatshield solution is really needed.

>> No.10145000

>I don't see how they can do that though given all the uniquely shaped surfaces on the new BFS
There isn't even a final design for the new BFS yet.

>> No.10145005

>yeah like 60-70% could be common but still just asking for trouble
Even then, taking the Shuttle for comparison again, every single tile on the Shuttle was unique and they were tiny. If you make 60-70% identical and larger (and assuming you can use them for more than one flight, which is the plan) and easier to replace individual tiles you're still kicking the Shuttle's ass in terms of turnaround capability.

>> No.10145078

Your slavic inferiority complex is leaking.

>> No.10145195

SpaceX has actually requested help from NASA regarding BFR heat shielding: https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/atoms/files/ntaa_60-day_active_agreement_report_as_of_9_30_18_domestic.pdf

>> No.10145347

Which 50 year old cccp shitrocket could return and land on its own and then fly again 3 times?
You can’t even launch an unmanned rocket without a drunk engineer putting in a sensor upside down or drilling into the crew cabin because he was too lazy and drunk to bring the piece out to work on. Meanwhile a IS financial advisor builds a rocket system that is bringing humanity into arms reach to landing on Mars and launches his car into space just for fun.

>> No.10145415

>the year is 2140
>the human Mars settlement is wildly successful, gigantic BBBBFR rockets land daily
>meanwhile on Earth, a lonely R7 derivative takes off out of Russia with a GLONASS replacement satellite

>> No.10145908

It’ll be interesting to see how they handle the shielding around the actuating system of the leg >>10144983

>> No.10146111

That's hardly surprising.

>> No.10146186
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>> No.10146272

>the year is 2140
>the human Mars settlement is wildly successful, gigantic BBBBFR rockets land daily
>SLS project on track for 2150 completion
>Only requires another 10 billion dollars in taxpayer funding
>Expendable rockets, the only tried and tested way to get valuable American military assets into space!

>> No.10146298
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>> No.10146303

>shuttle tiles were hygroscopic and maybe capable of GTO reentry
>"bfr will use shuttle tiles!"
/sci/... please.

>> No.10146304
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here you go

>> No.10146310

>inb4 extension to the OST strictly prohibiting private entities without government or even international approval from doing anything in space outside of paying sat and kessler taxes
You know it's coming.

>> No.10146315

Fuck the '67 treaty, but I wouldn't mind a powerful NGO with legal protection regulating orbits/stationkeeping/etc in the spacefaring future.

>> No.10146319

>Kessler tax

Might as well blow my fucking brains out.

Get fucked, that will be abused to no end.

>> No.10146323

better than the alternative. If anything, we'll need software equivalents of maritime pilots for Mars and other areas, where your orbit and destination etc is all shared with a central computer, and bad maneuvers are flagged before they happen.

>> No.10146327

>not paying your kessler tax
>explaining to little children why they won't be able see stars in the sky "from all the human junk obscuring them!"

>> No.10146333

>>"bfr will use shuttle tiles!"
Not sure anyone said that.
Sure, people said they'll use tiles LIKE the Shuttle did, but it was never claimed they would be the same materials.

>> No.10146337

I'm sure they'll figure it out either way. The testing on Earth with miniBFR will sort it all out in time. This is Space "let's build the world's best PICA factory in 6 months" X we're talking about.

>> No.10147157

should I put the SSO-A launch thread up? Still have over two days till t-0.

>> No.10147177
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Are they launching another car into space?

>> No.10147182

you missed it dude. and no, just a Qatari communications satellite

>> No.10148427

that dirty fucking rocket up there on the pad really speaks to me