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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10137979 No.10137979 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any known scientific basis as to why men are far more likely to commit Sudoku than women?

>> No.10137983


It's seppuku, ritual Japanese suicide, you fucking idiot. Sudoku is a puzzle game.

>> No.10137984

It’s harder for men to live delusional lives because we are smarter on average

>> No.10137985

Are women even allowed to commit sudoku? Isn't it just culturally a samurai male thing?

>> No.10137986

You are dumb and should add yourself to the sudoku statistics.

>> No.10137987

imagine being this new

>> No.10137990

You fucked up, OP. Now shut the fuck up and stop digging the hole you're in any deeper

>> No.10137997

Women statistically have more nonfatal suicide attempts while men are more likely to actually go through with it

>> No.10138004

1. Expectations for men are far higher. We're expected to be strong, tough, smart, rich, successful, to take initiative, etc.
2. Because of the previous point, it makes life more stressful for men. Those that fail to meet expectations can feel worthless and send them spiraling out of control.
3. Expectations for women are far easier to obtain. All but the ugliest women can get a man to latch onto and provide support.

>> No.10138009


Women have a better chance at finding jobs and scholarships. It's socially acceptable for women to be virgins and NEETs. Everybody feels sympathy for troubled women, while they tell troubled men to go fuck themselves.

>> No.10138011
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Not OP

>> No.10138016

Men are more intense. They operate on higher levels.

>> No.10138019

life never gets boring when you always get free things, can shit on everyone without repercussions and there is a horde of people willing to make sex with you

>> No.10138023

>All but the ugliest women can get a man to latch onto and provide support.

Nah, even the ugliest women can find a man to themselves. You'd be amazed how desperate men are.

>> No.10138025

Am I the only one who legit wishes they were born a girl because life would be so much easier? My sister flunked out of college her freshman year, got a retail job, a customer started chatting with her, asked her out, and he turned out to be a doctor who ditched his current wife for her. Now they're married and she doesn't have to work while he makes good money to support her.

>> No.10138030

I'd want to be a woman just to tease guys. There's something about making someone think they're going to get some then crushing their hopes that just seems so satisfying

>> No.10138039

I'd like to be a 2d girl, but in 3d guy>girl. You can be that doctor, kick the whores out and use money to support yourself.

>> No.10138044

>You can be that doctor

Not being fat and dressing slutty is a lot easier than going to med school and being charming

>> No.10138053

Less support for guys if they fail. Just look at the homelessness stats. Women are able to find someone who will take care of them in need while men aren't.

>> No.10138342

it's actually samurakis you uncouth swine

>> No.10138349

>ask for scientific explanation
>replies are all /pol/tier "wemenz dumb" "grug stonk but hard expectashon"
the state of this board

>> No.10138350

Men have better spatial reasoning and number sense than women do, thus Sudoku is easier for them.

>> No.10138366

Imagine if you were born a girl and was that doctors first wife kek

Men are better because we can make what we want happen while women have to choose from only what is offered

>> No.10138396
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>> No.10138404

Holy hell, the tabs, that download. Incel confirmed.

>> No.10138407

If you don't know what's to appreciate about being a man in this world you basically are a woman.

>> No.10138409
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>> No.10138417

>no text
Double confirmed incel.

>> No.10138419
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>> No.10138422

Triple confirmation. When will we achieve alef-null confirmation?

>> No.10138425
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>> No.10138427

>brainlet wojacks collection
>actually believes himself not to be a brainlet
Nice play, but it isn't working.

>> No.10138429


For women throughout history (and prehistory), the odds of reproducing have been pretty good. Later in this talk we will ponder things like, why was it so rare for a hundred women to get together and build a ship and sail off to explore unknown regions, whereas men have fairly regularly done such things? But taking chances like that would be stupid, from the perspective of a biological organism seeking to reproduce. They might drown or be killed by savages or catch a disease. For women, the optimal thing to do is go along with the crowd, be nice, play it safe. The odds are good that men will come along and offer sex and you’ll be able to have babies. All that matters is choosing the best offer. We’re descended from women who played it safe.

Tradeoffs again: perhaps nature designed women to seek to be lovable, whereas men were designed to strive, mostly unsuccessfully, for greatness.

The Disposable Male
A second thing that makes men useful to culture is what I call male expendability. This goes back to what I said at the outset, that cultures tend to use men for the high-risk, high-payoff undertakings, where a significant portion of those will suffer bad outcomes ranging from having their time wasted, all the way to being killed.

Thus, men create the kind of social networks where individuals are replaceable and expendable. Women favor the kind of relationships in which each person is precious and cannot truly be replaced.

These demands also contribute to various male behavior patterns. The ambition, competition, and striving for greatness may well be linked to this requirement to fight for respect. All-male groups tend to be marked by putdowns and other practices that remind everybody that there is not enough respect to go around, because this awareness motivates each man to try harder to earn respect.

>> No.10138430
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>on 4chan
>no reaction image collection
>doesn't get a browser tab joke
Yep, it's reddit.

>> No.10138433

>it's a joke
>actually responding to a weak troll bait
/r/eddit-tier brainlet ultra-conf'd

>> No.10138436
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>n-no you're reddit

>> No.10138439

>claiming others are /r/eddit without evidence
Holy hell, the incel is achieving levels of incel never before thought possible.

>> No.10138441
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>how could he possibly have found me out

>> No.10138442

>claiming a non-confirming response is evidence of confirmation
You do realize this is a direct refutation of your specious post, right?

>> No.10138445

As much as you might be enjoying yourself, ignore these wojack incels. It makes /sci/ look retarded.

>> No.10138447


>> No.10138448

if i were a girls i'd love to be the biggest slut imaginable. i'd be fucking dudes left and right flash my pussy and whore boobs everywhere. i'd make all you guys in this thread cum and i'd be the biggest cum dumpster you could conceive

>> No.10138449

Same fags detected.

>> No.10138450

>smarter on average
No, men and women have equal average IQs.
Mens IQ distribution is simply wider, meaning there are more intelligent men than women, but at the same time, more dumb men than women.

>> No.10138451

>i-i was just joking guys
kys incel

>> No.10138454

>tfw you'll never make cum dumpster anon into a pure girl with your love
Why even live.

>> No.10138477

Stop incel baiting.

>> No.10138482

How can it be samefag if they're posted less than 1 minute apart, retard?

>> No.10138493

>using "retard" to get a response
Whoa... you're a real bad ass. Loser.

>> No.10138495

>doesn't know about VPN-poosters and meatpuppets

>> No.10138503

Because men are so privileged that they commit die in order to escape the guilt of oppressing stronk independent whamnes.

>> No.10138509
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>i'd be the biggest cum dumpster you could conceive
Fucking lmaoing at this shit.

>> No.10138515

>using "Whoa... you're a real bad ass. Loser." to get a response
Whoa... you're a real bad ass. Loser.

>> No.10138530

>using recursion
That's just pathetic.

>> No.10138537
File: 36 KB, 612x408, 12CED24F-7BB6-4F5F-B807-7EAE0835E4EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

men commit suicide more while women attempt suicide more. this means women simply survive more often, mostly because they choose less directly lethal methods than men. drug overdose vs gun to head etc.
so just like in about everything men are better than women once again

women have higher rates of depression btw so you „buhu men have it so hard“ faggots can stfu please

>> No.10138544

top kek

>> No.10138549

>No, men and women have equal average IQs.
Not true. Men have higher average IQs.

>> No.10138558


>> No.10138579

Men are more likely to give up on life since they and society value it less. Expendability of men is beneficially for a society since you dont need that many men to make the next generation as you need women. Men takes alot of resources, so its better if as few as possible grow old. If during hardships, as for example a drought, it would lessen the strain on the rest of the tribe if excess men would perish.

>> No.10138593


>> No.10138599

It's why there are more bigbrain and brainlet males supposedly

>> No.10138622

i struggle to believe there are more brainlet men than women given how many women love watching retarded lowest tier trash/reality tv

>> No.10138623

Suicide attempts can also be a cry for help and not with the main intention to be really suicide.
Lindybeige does a good video talking about this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4E9cU28rr_o
Its a sort of long video, but its quite nice.
In a summary, women are more likely to be helped than men, because biologically men are more expendable and loser men are very easily ignored. Like in most species the females are the selectors so women cry for help, they are more easily heard and helped. Its in our core biology.

>> No.10138635

Dont forget that the average blue collar low working class male also doesnt do shit that diferent. Instead of reality tv they are consumed by football and sports for example. Reality tv is literally aimed at women.

>> No.10138642

Well there are more brainlet men that make more retarded decisions that land them in the pound yard. It's more about the extremes. It's why there are more male autists and why they tend to less likely be of the functional.

>> No.10138648
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In addition to sex differences in societal expectations and care (men are more likely to be socially excluded), there are also psychological and physiological differences:

Women have a higher pain threshold (so they more likely stop when it hurts) and are generally less emotionally stable (so they more likely stop and cry when it seems too scary), e.g. adult crying is four times as frequent in females. Women are like 60 times as likely to cry in frightening situations.

The data on the picture is for Europe. Females are 2.87x as likely to poison themselves by drugs (because that's not so scary, but often ineffective) and only .66x as likely to hang themselves because that's kinda scary (but also more effective).

In the US in particular, using firearms is by far the most popular suicide method (50.9%). Women, however, are much less likely to own a gun (22% vs 62%).

Source of image: https://jech.bmj.com/content/jech/62/6/545.full.pdf

>> No.10138660

They aren't actually trying because they don't actually want to die. They're literally pretending for attention, because they know they'll get attention. Men don't have the same levels of support and aren't willing to sink to the level of pretending to commit suicide for attention, so they just do it outright.

>> No.10138671

football and sports are genius material compared to the other crap

>> No.10138696

Just to add, the perceived lack of support is also powerful motivator

>> No.10138705
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>your garbage post
>historic paintings that say otherwise

pick one

>> No.10138706

In case OP did actually mean sudoku, numbers are more of a guys thing currently and historically

>> No.10138709

They really arent that much. I would argue it depends on the sport but its generally the same.
The business of sports uses group morality, crowd manipulation and drama to stimulate the fans. The same way reality TV exploits in similar ways.
Its a primal and irational instinct to want to be part of a club, a select group of people. People are more easily manipulated when in crowds and get more easily exalted and emotional, when the brain is in states like these they are also more easily influenced, hence why companies love to put their ads on everything sports related.
Football fans are the epitome of animalistic and primal behaviour, its no fact that every time a football game happens there are riots and vandalism on the streets near the stadium.

>> No.10138710

Men commit suicide by blowing their head off with a shotgun. Women "commit suicide" by taking 3 tylenol pills and calling 911.

>> No.10138748

Society's view of them is different. People are stricter on men than women.

>> No.10139024

you're mixing up violence and vain stupidity

>> No.10139057


>> No.10139060

you're already a girl anon :)

>> No.10139066

lol @ that nhentai tab, fampai

>> No.10139646

>Implying it isnt what sports like football support and influence people to do
Your reply doesnt really make much sense, i explained to you the psicology and philisophy behind sport clubs to show you that it isnt much diferent from reality TV shows women love to see.
Books like Brave New World Revisited or Nietzche talk a lot about methods of manipulation and how group morality is anti-freedom. Popular sports like football, basket and hockey use this a lot, claiming they are genius material compared to other stuff is straight up wrong. They promote stupidity at best.

>> No.10139651

Women just do it for attention

>> No.10139661

i feel there's a massive difference between watching an athlete perform his craft and watching whores bitching and cheating on their partners, regardless of the fact that they're both dumb and means of controlling the plebs

>> No.10139958


>> No.10139963

7/10 tab game

>> No.10139964

>Women have a higher pain threshold (so they more likely stop when it hurts)
Explain how you think this makes any sense.

Women are less likely to own a gun.

>> No.10139965

>crazy ENGLISH man records sexist manifesto after brutal massacre of french teens in the Pyrenees

>> No.10139974

Women are more valuable biologically and hence are safer genetically. Men are less valuable biologically and hence it is where all the extreme genetic variations occur. It would explain why most of the best and worst of humanity is found in man far more frequently than women.

>> No.10139990

This. Back in high school I knew several girls who would down a ton of Tylenol to make their ex boyfriend feel bad for breaking up with them, or sometimes because their parents "were ruining their life". Once the intended result has been gotten, off to the ER to get activated charcoal/their stomach pumped or whatever it is they do.

>> No.10140000

>It makes /sci/ look retarded.

>> No.10140037

Because men are expendable.
Like those sperm you shoot out. Only one of them makes it.

>> No.10141974

Women ain't got the balls.

>> No.10141993

> uses Windows and Google Chrome, instead of Linux and Firefox