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10137261 No.10137261 [Reply] [Original]

I fatigue after about an hour after of intense studying but I have a large physics test in a few days so I can't build up my stamina. What to do? I haven't attended any lectures so everything is new.

>> No.10137385


>> No.10137399

fap for fifty minutes, study for ten, fap for fifty minutes, study for ten, fap for fifty minutes, study for ten

>> No.10137420

take a break every hour, and study at the library so that you don't get distracted by things at home

>> No.10137427
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This OP. You Will be more concentrated here

>> No.10137438

Train it just like one would train running, you study and you rest, repeat. Set a timer eg: 20 min study, 5 -10 min break, repeat this 2 or 3 times, rest 30 min. Fully concentrate during the 'on' time, dont do shit during the off time. Decrease break time or increase concentrate time as you get used to concentrating more. Eventually you're autistic brain will manage OP

>> No.10137442

unironically something like this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomodoro_Technique
i usually use the breaks for fast shitposting

>> No.10137448

I'm pulling an all-nighter for a chem exam tomorrow (it's 4 am as of now). Any tips to stay awake and study efficiently?

>> No.10137450

you need sleep

>> No.10137454

for me it was drugs mainly because my brain was fucked by 12 years spent lurking 4chan 4-11 hours a day

>> No.10137456

this this this
defcon1, sleep now
your brain actually wont be able to function

>> No.10137457

>my brain is fucked
>so clearly only way to study is to fuck my brain up even more
you are genius anon

>> No.10137483

>my brain is fucked
>ironically deducing that anon is a genius, despite anon explicitly saying he's a moron

>> No.10137516

>doing a test with your brain full of cerebral poop
Never gonna make it.

>> No.10137517
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>he has still has neuro inflammation

>> No.10137540

>he has still has
So do you.

>> No.10137552

>not sleeping before an important exam

One simple advice: NEVER stop sleeping to study for a test the next day, the only you will achive is a bad grade, even if you study everyhing.

If you have to be awake at 7am for axample the top is 1am TOP, that way you will learn, if you study you will reatin almost everythign for a long time, and most important you will not be fucked up for other exams.

>> No.10137735

How long? Studied for two hours yesterday and was not able to study further until maybe 4 hours.

I did this yesterday but still maxed out at 2 hours

Are you implying studying gives neuroinflammation?

>> No.10137775


Lmaoing at your life brainlet

>> No.10138490

this never worked for me in the past but I'll try again

>> No.10138742
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>all nighter
worst meme brainlets delude themselves into thinking works

>> No.10138757

>Doesnt study or refer to notes
Massive kek at the stupidity of this lad. Have fun forgetting crucial information on your exam brainlet

>> No.10139639


Okay I've been studying for 4 hours now and I don't feel like I can get in more concepts. What do? Time is of essence

>> No.10139642


>> No.10139747

You need to sleep.

>> No.10139819

Go to bed

>> No.10139830

Studying more than 4 hours a day is literally useless.

>> No.10140125

Don't "study" a topic. "Do" a topic.

Imagine studying a programming language. It's a complete waste of time. You learn to program by doing programming. Same with math or physics. Solve problems slightly above your comfort zone. You will naturally figure out and learn the techniques you need to solve those problems.