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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 241 KB, 932x944, Retards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10132854 No.10132854 [Reply] [Original]

I am tired of these idiots, and they have been doing this sense NASA was formed. Expose these morons here!

>> No.10133276

>expose those people here
You do realize 1/4 of these morons actually post here, right? They are also the ones usually shitting up the board with climate science conspiracies and other stupidity.

>> No.10133282

inb4 "space is CGI!" /x/tards show up

>> No.10133306

stupid vane man wanted to go to the moon and now mars to discover who knows what and now all this bizarre weather is happening and radioactivity in crops and in the water is at ludicrous levels,
you're destroyed the world with your hubris

>> No.10133335
File: 358 KB, 640x368, moon pulled up.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10133372
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>> No.10133373

back to >>>/x/

>> No.10133393
File: 829 KB, 720x404, moonfall.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One puncture = death

>> No.10133437

LOL no. The suit was designed both to be very durable and to minimize damage if punctures did occur, by limiting the ability of tears to travel. More worrying than the suit tearing from contact with the ground were micrometeorites that could travel through the astronaut like a bullet. The suits were essentially bullet proof. The only time a puncture happened on an EVA (due to manufacturing error on a glove) the astronaut didn't even notice it since his skin was sucked up against the hole. The only effect was a red mark on his hand.

Stop making shit up with baseless speculation and naive conceptions and try formulating a rigorous argument.

>> No.10133460

The suits did everything, didn't they? Almost like they're out of a science fiction movie.

>> No.10133470
File: 321 KB, 546x697, 1479822591311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost like they were designed for what they were used for... Spooky.

Now fuck off.

>> No.10133479

How did the astronauts eat?

>> No.10133482

By putting food in their mouths.

>> No.10133483

And how did they excrete?

>> No.10133489
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>> No.10133491

During moon walks? Diapers.

>> No.10133496
File: 81 KB, 419x480, 1520699993258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks we landed on the moon

>> No.10133497

i hope this post isnt serious

>> No.10133501

I hope all of your posts are not serious.

>> No.10133505

> thinks it was a conspiracy
what else do you believe? 911 was an inside job, the magic bullet killed kennedy by making turns mid-flight, CERN is summoning demons because they're satanists, pizzagate, earth is flat? come on give me your thoughts on all these

>> No.10133507

Is this serious? https://www.vox.com/2015/5/26/8646675/apollo-10-turd-poop

>> No.10133510

Don't deflect brainlet. This is about the Apollo missions. Why were they called "Apollo" anyway?

>> No.10133512

no come on, please, what other conspiracies do you believe in? surely if the government was engaged in hoaxing the moon landings then they're up to other nefarious things right? who are the elites managing this epic conspiracy?

>> No.10133513

Yes. Is there an argument here or do you post random articles and videos?

>> No.10133516

Obviously they were called Apollo so that you could figure out they were fake.

>> No.10133518

Go to >>>/x/ brainlet, this is about the moon missions.

>> No.10133524

Of course you believe it, they're talking about shit.

>> No.10133525

okay conspiracy theorist. you're a weakling conspiracy theorist because you won't even elaborate on your moon conspiracy theory. all you do is say "look, there was a conspiracy based on my (=zero) evidence, but i won't tell you who or why!"

>> No.10133527

Who is Apollo?

>> No.10133532

Why was Apollo 10 called a "dress rehearsal"?

>> No.10133534

why do you have no argument and keep asking retard questions that presumably you already know the answer to? how about you actually state what you believe instead of asking rhetorical questions?


>> No.10133544
File: 108 KB, 751x799, Apollo+11+Logo+Freemasonry[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it forces you to do your own research brainlet.

NASA are an occult organisation, which is why they use names of ancient deities.

>> No.10133545

ah okay, nasa are an occult organization. i know a few people who work for nasa, one even did analysis of moon rocks. so they’re in on it?

>> No.10133549

So no argument, that's what I thought.

>> No.10133552

Do you think they'd tell you if they were?

>> No.10133554

If you want a real goldmine of cringe, go to CERN's Facebook and look at the comments on any of their posts

>> No.10133556

no. but tell me, are they in on it? or only select people working for nasa know this?

>> No.10133557

It's an olive branch you delusional retard. But thanks for finally admitting your shitposts categorically belong in /x/.

>> No.10133558
File: 37 KB, 634x367, cern_2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's going on here?

>> No.10133560

hoax by summer students. real funny too. you can tell it was staged if you watch the video

>> No.10133561

I don't know if they are or not, but not everyone would need to be.

>> No.10133562

what about the guy i knew who analyzed moon rocks? he said for sure they did not come from earth

>> No.10133570

wtf happens in this video? this looks iffy af

>> No.10133573

keep in mind that gravity is very weak on the moon; he pushed himself up with his hand on the other astronaut and a little push with his hand on the ground

>> No.10133578

Why is there a statue of Lord Shiva at CERN?

>> No.10133579

You can find them in Antarctica.

>> No.10133584

the indian government gave it to CERN as a gift

>> No.10133585

Sure kid, when Eagles are known to land and nest in Acacia trees, that's why it's in both talons. The Eagle has landed.

>> No.10133586

nope, not the lunar soil samples he worked with

>> No.10133596

Nothing weird about that.

>> No.10133600

>eagles have been known to land in acacia trees
>therefore this drawing must be an acacia branch even though its design is well documented as an olive branch
Jesus Christ, talk about grasping at straws

>> No.10133602

I thought you said moon rocks?

>> No.10133604

He used his hand to push himself up

>> No.10133608


>> No.10133611

he did work on small moon rocks and lunar soil

>> No.10133617

It's about the eagle landing, brainlet.

>> No.10133620

When did they do this?

>> No.10133622

he worked on that in the late 90s iirc

>> No.10133623

For what purpose?

>> No.10133630

i think he was just working on doing chemical and physical characterization of them, i think electron tomography? something like that

>> No.10133636

Did he sign any NDAs?

>> No.10133638
File: 764 KB, 1280x720, Pulled up.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10133640

how would i know? i didn't ask him. i think he had security clearance though and when he transported the samples he had to handcuff them to his wrist (since they're considered super valuable)

>> No.10133647

Yeah, the eagle landing on the moon with an olive branch symbolizing peace you utter moron. Take your Illuminati mental illness back to >>>/x/.

>> No.10133650

Where can I find their work?

>> No.10133653

Very clearly used the tripod, do you fags not understand it's low G

>> No.10133657

i bet you could look it up using google scholar or maybe in the arxiv (though when he did his work it was before arxiv was a thing)

i'd rather not post a paper by this exact guy since i'd prefer not to doxx him/myself but here's a paper along the lines of what he was doing

>> No.10133659
File: 386 KB, 666x590, Buzz-Aldrin-2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10133663

I just found some secret footage they don't want you to see

>> No.10133665

Meaningless jargon.

>> No.10133669

>I don't understand it so it's meaningless
How's the view on mount stupid?

>> No.10133673

>t. Deepak Chopra

>> No.10133675

>it's low G whenever it's convenient

>> No.10133691

>muh Freemasobs
The reason you won't make an argument and instead just make these idiotic shitposts is because even you know how retarded it would sound of you tried to put it into words.

>> No.10133713
File: 21 KB, 300x230, 0_AC7RqhDj2ahFQcOp[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't see how a secret society's involvement in the Apollo missions is a little odd brainlet? Or are you just going keep putting your head in the sand?

Buzz was a 33rd degree mason. How much money did he claim for travel expenses to the moon?

>> No.10133715

Literally holding hands.
It's not magic, it's a pressure differential.
Reminder that the moon has less gravity

>> No.10133718

so was George Washington. so what? it's a drinking buddies club that has some weird fraternity-style hazing/initiation rituals. no more occult than your typical greek letter fraternity on college campuses

(and no, the only reason they do occult shit is for fun and tradition, not because they're trying to do alchemy or summon spirits)

>> No.10133721

If their society is so secret why do we know what every single degree of masonry means, their rites, and why would they post meeting times in papers and signs with their logo outside of their buildings? Oh, and we also know who a lot of historical masons were because again they never really hid themselves very hard.

Next you'll be telling me that college frats and Mormons are secret societies.

>> No.10133723

Are you a freemason?

>> No.10133725

it's funny seeing all these nasa shills trying to earn their pay

>> No.10133731

no, but i was in a frat in college, same shit

>> No.10133737

>why do we know what every single degree of masonry means, their rites
How do you know you do?
>why would they post meeting times in papers and signs with their logo outside of their buildings?
Because they're the meme lodges, they're not the ones orchestrating moon missions.
>Oh, and we also know who a lot of historical masons were because again they never really hid themselves very hard.
Just because you know someone is a member of a secret society, doesn't mean you know what goes on in the society. That's the point.

>> No.10133742

Did your fraternity's flag get taken to the moon?

>> No.10133743
File: 1.20 MB, 360x279, 817.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because they're the meme lodges, they're not the ones orchestrating moon missions.

>> No.10133766

Imagine having a life so boring you have to believe in this shit just to get through your slog office monkey life. These people either have very little excitement in their lives or feel so overlooked that they latch onto anything to differentiate themselves

>> No.10133784

Kenneth S. Kleinknecht was the manager of the Apollo missions and a freemason, his brother C. Fred Kleinknecht was Sovereign Grand Commander, head of all Scottish Rite Masons throughout the world.

>> No.10133785

Not an argument.

>> No.10133794

you didnt have an argument in the first place you retard

>> No.10133850

Do you believe NASA is a legitimate organisation, with nothing fishy about them?

>> No.10133857

"manager" doesn't mean even mean he was in charge. the guys in charge were the NASA Administrator and Deputy Administrator

>> No.10133886

Masonry was very popular in the era and location that these astronauts lived in.
How can you prove that they weren't just members of a popular men's club?
Masonry draws from many different, often religious themes. Showing one of their members displaying a symbol of an organization they are proud to be apart of during one of the most important moments of their life, or that they have been known to fraternize with other members of their fraternity isn't a very convincing argument that they are behind some big moon landing conspiracy.

>> No.10133915
File: 137 KB, 1024x768, Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget about Pepe Silvia, he's the key to all this.

>> No.10133926

Just another coincidence, right?

>> No.10133953
File: 83 KB, 600x434, 132ec0e9[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were tax payers paying for astronauts, or for freemasons to do their weird occult rituals? Also, the masonic flag Buzz had (pic related) of the double headed eagle is the same symbol that the Russian coat of arms uses - interesting since the the moon landings supposedly ended the Cold War and begun the collapse of the Soviet Union.

>> No.10133956
File: 1.74 MB, 245x170, 62089EF7-B546-4323-A14E-CAD3E24D9ED5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.10133959
File: 1.18 MB, 1400x788, Rasul-Allah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck guys, i just listened to this podcast; this guy really knows his stuff, now i'm convinced it was the masons and pepe silvia and aliens

>> No.10133963

There's nothing fishy about NASA?

>> No.10133975

No. It's all in your defective mind.

>> No.10133986

They were paying those men to do a job, and their hobbies obviously did not interfere with the completion of their mission. The double headed eagle symbolism has been around since the time of the Eastern/Western Roman split.
This is terrible evidence.

>> No.10133994

Why did they fake Apollo 13 again?

>> No.10133995

>t. Naive space autist

>> No.10133998

t. schizo

>> No.10134006

>t. reptilian overlord

>> No.10134010

Just another coincidence isn't it? Also, how much did Buzz Aldrin claim for travel expenses to the moon?

>> No.10134032

If only there was some well known explanation for those weird movements...

>> No.10134038
File: 19 KB, 528x359, timecubeflierimg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

explain this then?

>> No.10134061

Not going to answer? What time did NASA plan to launch their solar probe?

>> No.10134074
File: 345 KB, 1600x956, image863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not going to answer? How many horsemen are there of the apocalypse? How many classical elements are there in the universe? Coincidence?

>> No.10134110
File: 315 KB, 402x617, C4342CF9-C4CC-4260-82AB-409D1918FB24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gib gibs we need money fo dem programz

>> No.10134116

Please explain what information these images are trying to convey.

>> No.10134133

The Time Cube.
1-Midday to midday is a 24 hour rotation.
2-Sundown to sundown is a 24 hour rotation.
3-Midnight to midnight is a 24 hour rotation.
4-Sunup to sunup is a 24 hour rotation.

4 Earth corners rotate 4 Time corners -
for 4 simultaneous day rotation of Earth -
equating the principle of a 4 pole motor.

>> No.10134158

alright, i'm done messing with you. time cube is a super old meme about a crazy guy who kept shilling nonsense and couldn't be convinced otherwise; that's why i'm trolling you with it (since you're just shilling your hoax moon landing stuff and can't be convinced), plus once you get into silly numerology, nobody can beat time cube's silliness.

anyhow, you need to rethink your worldview bro. if you took timecube seriously, you're retarded. and for sure you need to rethink your "masons are staging the moon landings!" insanity

>> No.10134350

>masons are secret society
You guys are perfect usefull idiots for any hipotetical secret society and world controling conspiracy, spreading red herrings for them.

>> No.10134356

>hurr durr lets destroy the planet and environment because some soi boys on the internet watched too much star wars

>> No.10134486

>that fat black bitches fat fucking arms
Maybe there would be food left for the hungry if you didn't eat it all.

>> No.10134487

I'll never understand why /pol/trad Denied the moon landing when a nazi is the reason we got there in the first place.

>> No.10134853

I never understood this. Post the other ones. People need to know!

>> No.10134870

How can you be so retarded?

>> No.10134873

Kill yourself retard

>> No.10135415

I'm honestly not seeing whatever this video is trying to disprove. The astronaut is working on something on the moon? alright

>> No.10136674

Flouride is actually bad though.

>> No.10136675

What do you think they ate?

>> No.10136734

Military anon here. Dress rehearsal is when you rehearse a mission with full uniform. So they probably rehearsed boarding and deboarding the spacecraft. In the military we constantly do fake missions to prepare for the real thing. You might have heard of them as wargames.

>> No.10136753

In what dose?

>> No.10136789
File: 125 KB, 672x480, 1538713702608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>911 was an inside job
Perhaps, at least LIHOP (Let it happen on purpose) is plausible to me. Like Pearl Harbor, where they were warned and perhaps let it happen to use it as a cause for war.

>the magic bullet killed kennedy by making turns mid-flight
Don't know about that.

>CERN is summoning demons because they're satanists


>earth is flat
Probably not.