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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10129282 No.10129282 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the most overrated scientist of the 21st century and why is it this fool?

>> No.10129350

What a dick. Why u gotta f with a dead guy in a wheel chair?

>> No.10129525

here's why:
1) he wrote a crappy popsci book that was confusing enough to most readers that they were like "woah what the fuck, this guy is too smart for me to understand!"

2) he was in a wheelchair, so "life-affirming story!"

3) he was a typical sciama-group english meme physicist. the brits never had the benefit of the manhattan project that started the frenzy of wartime and postwar physics, and they were initially against joining CERN with france and italy and west germany, so they basically had no experimental science going on by comparison. so naturally they decided to focus only on things where "fuck data" like general relativity and cosmology. which led the entire circle-jerk of the sciama students to just do pure conjecture about black holes and the big bang and stuff where it's completely speculative with no real implications on experimentally relevant physics.

4) he started worrying about the black hole information paradox, which is extremely useless and got string-king Susskind all butthurt, so it led to the GR/cosmology memephysics brits get into a multi-decade debate with the string theory community, which of course left them even further from reality but gave them a lot more of that "oooh string theory" publicity

>> No.10129612

I see your point. But there is something to be said for popsi icons bringing the collective idiots up a couple points. The next generations are a bit smarter for growing up tripping over Tyson, Hawking, Einstein. This is some kind of accomplishment. A big one.

>> No.10129670

Einstein is waaaay more overrated. huge cult around him. it's absolutely crazy

>> No.10129682
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Same guy or replaced?

>> No.10129683

no, einstein revolutionized physics in several different ways
>special relativity
>photoelectric effect
>brownian motion
>general relativity

fuck bro, ever heard of "mass-energy equivalence" or "atomic theory" or "wave-particle duality" or "light bends"? in the top two with newton.

i hope you're not the same /pol/tard who is shitting antisemite stuff in other threads. einstein haters don't fly around here.

>> No.10129717

looks the same to me

nah, nothing pol related. just tired of the "OMG GENIUS" numale hype around him. there's several scientists with equal capabilities, he's not just some lone genius

>> No.10129731

Yup, I used to love NOVA with Tyson and anything with Hawking as a kid. Now I'm a smart boi.

>> No.10129739

Hey mang he cheated on his wife he be the dick

>> No.10129743

Based and true. Most of /sci/ is retarded but every once in a while I see a good post like this

>> No.10129752

>looks the same to me
Was it the teeth that convinced you?

>> No.10129753

I agree but Einstein is not a 21st century dude.

Yeah no. Einstein was a plagiarizing arrogant fuck who stole from the work of others and claimed it as his own. Even the energy-mass equivalency is not his own. The height of his career was his mathematical analysis of brownian motion.

>> No.10129768

>Einstein was a plagiarizing arrogant fuck who stole from the work of others and claimed it as his own
/pol/tier cope. no he didn't. there were other equations of the form E=k*m*c^2 but he was the first to get a real derivation for k. also GR was his own idea, and the explanation of the photoelectric effect was even recognized by the Nobel committee. glad you agree about him confirming atomic theory in his analysis of brownian motion, tho

if you wanted to criticize Einstein, it's easy:
>introduces cosmological constant
>he says "oops this is my biggest mistake"
>removes cosmological constant
>wait, cosmological constant is a thing
>wait, it's not a constant, it varies, we call it dark energy now
>i reject quantum theory
>even though i invented it basically by giving a physical picture to the photoelectric effect, which Planck basically wrote off as "just math"
>i spend years arguing about the EPR paradox
>after i'm dead, my opponents in the EPR debate get proved right
> i reject quantum theory
> i spend the latter half of my life looking for a ToE that never materializes, because that's the only way, fuck this quantum stuff
> in my spare time from that, i sign my name on anti-nuclear weapons things even though i am totally irrelevant in the field of nuclear physics, and i write about politics and israel because i guess i have that much spare time away from my ToE that will never work out

einstein wasn't perfect, but if you just simply snapshot the year of 1905, he _completely_ revolutionized physics down to its core. that's why he's top-two with Newton

>> No.10129772
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That's a man, baby.

>> No.10129778
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>everyone that disagrees with me is /pol/
>“Einstein recolutionized physics” meme

>> No.10129782 [DELETED] 
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Witten is more overrated than Hawking. Hawking at least had some good and original ideas. Witten has done nothing but catalog other people's ideas while contributing not even one thing. He contributed not even one thing in physics and he contributed not even one thing in math, and he only got the Fields medal so he could be the CIA guy known as the only physicist ever to win a fields medal. Hawking is a very, very good physicist and his ideas and papers were good an original. Witten never had an original idea in his life.

The sordid history of Lewis Amselem, Deputy U.S. Permanent Representative to the OAS

>> No.10129783

fine, maybe you're not pol, you just know jack shit about physics. either way

>> No.10129786

jon, what the fuck are you on about now. i encourage you to make a new thread to elaborate on this (quite entertaining) argument, it will definitely get tons of (You)s for sure

>> No.10129790

Hawking had original ideas he pulled out of his ass that can’t be confirmed through eperimentation or observation.

>> No.10129800

Can any Hawking fappers explain this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DD9i9sKzTuY

>> No.10129895

>"Einstein revolutionized physics" meme
He did, you just don't understand Differential Geometry and Tensor Calculus to even begin to see his genius at work.

>> No.10129907

>Einstein was a genius
>but i wont give credit to Riemann for differential geometry which was the tough part
>i also wont recognize that none of his ideas were original and he stol from others and claimed it as his own, then acted like an arrogant prick

>> No.10129914

what he did, explained to the layman

>> No.10129913
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>> No.10129924

Well I don't really need to point out Riemann everyone knows how fucking based he is.

Also what work did he exactly steal? I'm not familiar with most of his life background as i don't care but I haven't heard of anyone coming forth on the idea of space-time and the geometry of gravity.

>> No.10129928
File: 69 KB, 680x723, 409A64B5-33B5-42E0-8855-6AE0DBBB6332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says 3D space is like a fabric that is distorted by mass which causes gravity
>*looks at space, sees no fabric*

>> No.10129931

>i look at space and expect to see some "fabric"
>i have about 43 functioning brain cells

>> No.10129934

Thanks for admitting Einstein was full of shit

>> No.10129946
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Fabric is an analogy to describe geometric structure. It's not a physical thing you can observe. At this point you might as well join the flat earthers if you plan to go to this extent of belief.

>> No.10129953


>> No.10129978

>that's why he's top two with Newton
Nah. Newton invented the mathematics necessary to describe his theories. Einstein literally begged Hilbert to create it

>> No.10129979

People really like the spectacle of Stephen Hawking, the wheelchair and robot voice. Kind of a perverse thing.

>> No.10129986

imo, maxwell (maybe faraday as well), boltzmann, and planck are all at least as worthy as einstein.

>> No.10129989

>using a 2 dimensional object to describe 3 dimensional space
What did he mean by this

>> No.10129992

>better than Einstein

>> No.10129994

good choices. i will not argue this. maxwell, boltzmann, and planck were all titans. maybe if we expand the list, i would add wigner. but for sure there is a definite gap between maxwell/einstein/newton tier guys and hawking/whoever you consider to be on his tier guys

>> No.10130000
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>he thinks Einstein and Hawking aren’t in the same tier

>> No.10130010

>he thinks Einstein and Hawking are in the same tier
Clinically brain dead.

>> No.10130018

how did this get quads? Einstein and Hawking on different tier if you define several tiers of notable physicists

>> No.10130021
File: 26 KB, 238x212, 421D4FBD-A9FE-47E4-B75B-948971C94EBD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesnt even post his scientist rankings online and get unironically upset at differences of opinion

>> No.10130091

Einstein wasn't top dog, i just think his work on relativity shouldn't be known as a meme. I always look up to the mathematicians. Laplace, Riemann, Fourier, Cauchy, Euler, Weierstrass, Gauss etc. the list goes on.

>> No.10130093

I think you're talking about Euclidean Space. Where a plane dimension 2 is represented in dimension 3.

>> No.10130097

Well christ

>> No.10130108

You guys do realize, I hope, that Einstein didn't get his noble prize for special relativity? He actually got it for his work on the photoelectric effect, which later lead to quantum physics. He made not one, but 4 major discoveries which forever changed the field of physics. Einstein is one of the greats of science. Hawking is too. Neither are over-rated, though the equation E=MC^2 is certainly overused. If anything, that's what is over rated. Honestly, this whole thread is kind of boring. What would be more interesting is what scientists are most under-rated?

>> No.10130120

Speaking of Christ, you young bucks may not realize this but Hawking put his crippled ass in the spotlight and in the line of fire back in the dark ages (like the 80's) when most people were religious and believed in magic. The seeds he planted have grown into accomplishments. And he did it with grace and respect.

>> No.10130130
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>when most people were religious and believed in magic
What an embarrassing time in history - Hawking shattered such false realities with things like black holes and Hawking radiation. It doesn't get more real than that.

>> No.10130134

I know right guys? His multiverse bullshit is like so smart and totally not pulled out of his ass or anything.

>> No.10130140

>hawking is too
no he's not. he's not even close to einstein. also, there are way more underrated scientists than overrated. because science is boring and tedious, most people just like the stories.

>> No.10130153

Hawking already had a bias toward god because he didn’t want to believe someone made him to be in a wheelchair

>> No.10130159

His brain was so powerful that he managed to attract a multiverse where he lived to 76 years old with ALS (same age as Einstein). Amazing.

>> No.10130247


>> No.10130263

einstein smoked like a chimney and payed the price

>> No.10130277

The big bang did it, right?

>> No.10130290

If I had to choose between developing ALS or smoking a pipe for decades, I'd without a doubt choose ALS because it's healthier and I'd live longer. Einstein should have died much younger.

>> No.10130300

Cursed grannies

>> No.10130379

normal ALS kills you in 2y max
Hawking's slow variation of the disease was extremely rare

>> No.10130423

Roger that.
>Hawking's slow variation of the disease was extremely rare
Yes, it was very slow. Remind me, how long did it take for him to be wheelchair bound after his initial diagnosis? Was about 30/40 years I think?

>> No.10130469

Showed God, didn't he

>> No.10130474

I see what you did there. Touché

>> No.10130871

how brave it is to make fun of a man cursed by a horrible disease

>> No.10131842


>> No.10134077

That's not Dawkins

>> No.10134277

Why the ableism?

>> No.10134423
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>brownian motion

>> No.10134427
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I'd argue Hawking helped make Physics more "glamorous" and available to the public. The reason he is so great is that he was championed as a celebrity; even if his actual work wasn't miles above his peers.

Same as Tyson, Sagan etc. All should be respected for that at least.

>> No.10134434


>> No.10134907

This is interesting. Didn't realize Hilbert was so based.

>> No.10135114

This is a good post

>> No.10136121

>Most overrated scientist of our century
>Not black science man

>> No.10137011
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Good Christ! This place is exactly as bad /pol/.

>4chan science.

>> No.10137019

Dude his wife allegedly abused him physically but he always refused to complain.

>> No.10137039
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>the brits never had the benefit of the manhattan project that started the frenzy of wartime and postwar physics

What is Tube Alloys?

>> No.10137701
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>all these brainlets calling smart people brainlets to feel superior

The only correct answer is Bill Nye.

>> No.10137706

Not a scientist.

>> No.10137819

Lol, i know watchu mean

>> No.10137919

Hawking would rather believe that he just rolled snake eyes

>> No.10138383

Damn how can one fuck up so badly that even Reddit scientists go after you

>> No.10138390

I agree. Even if Hawking is meme tier as people say, he is still leagues ahead of the likes of Tyson, Nye or Dawkins. So in terms of being a popsci icon for the general populace, I'd say he was pretty good

>> No.10140049
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Hawking radiation?

>> No.10140053

t. christcuck

>> No.10140185

why do you call him a scientist? I am not aware of any science he has ever done

>> No.10140250


>> No.10142161
