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10115680 No.10115680 [Reply] [Original]

Is there knowledge that will literally drive you insane in a lovecraftian sense?

>> No.10115690

existential philosophy

>> No.10115694

Even though your post is pretty gay and retarded . I would suggest Gödel Incompleteness Theorems

>> No.10115696

all the moves you make
have been strategically controlled or planned for by people smarter than you can even comprehend

>> No.10115698


>> No.10115699

The truth? If you pay attention, literally everyone happy is massively delusional in a number of ways.

>> No.10116613


>> No.10116615


>> No.10116617

roko's basilisk can cause an existential crisis if you get really into it. but nothing can permanently do it i don't think

>> No.10116620

could be true as it happens if some people pander on simulation over theism as well as if they believe the singularity and ai can happen. not like anything after ai will matter as they'll eventually wipe us out like the gorillas from africa did literally every other human gorilla on the planet. ai has so much fiction to watch too

>> No.10116633

The vastness of the universe and our insignificance within it

The unliklihood of life creating itself spontaneously through a sequence of chaotic random events


Broadly this:

>> No.10116638

Vacuum decay, acausal trade, timeless decision theory, Fischerian runaway in evolution, several theorems in microeconomics, the unreasonable amount of power law distributions in the world, everything in the Unabomber manifesto, Boltzmann brains, Tegmarckian theory of everything, the Ego Tunnel, the death of Billy Herrington

>> No.10116647

The fact that if every number exist, then every universe that stem from their existence exist as well, thus making it so every possible universe exist.
Our universe is encoded in an infinite number of way possible.
Everything exist.

>> No.10116654

the fact that there is no free will

>> No.10116657

The fact that the weight of your mom is a close approximation to the Graham number (in kg SI)

>> No.10116669

The knowledge of how to build an interuniversal portal is to know the madness of the universe itself. Few can withstand knowing this and retain their sanity. To see the faces of God and separate themselves from them all, it is a monsterous thing.

>> No.10116751

>your happiness is totally fake! you're deluding yourself! but my depression is sooooo real guys
Existential nihilism is the biggest fucking cope on earth.

>> No.10116773

Yes, depressed people are notably far more realistic about life than happy people are. Happiness itself is a massive delusional cope.

>> No.10116874

The fact that general AI is just a fucking syntax, a very hard syntax.

>> No.10116895

realizing that human industrial civilization will collapse in your life time due to a number of factors that were locked in before you were born and there's nothing you can do to stop it

>> No.10116955

honestly when people are in the middle of a psychotic break they may not realize it.
once they come to the realization that they are in fact insane tends to drive them deeper into insanity
usually by using hard drugs.
becuase nothing helps you nod off like heroin.
and nothing quells the voices like a huge hit of meth.
at least momentarily.

think the vicious cycle of anxiety. becoming self aware of your anxiety.
then becoming more anxious becuase of that realization.

>> No.10116959

in the lovecraftian sense

the idea of the unknowable
and what the unknowable knows about you.
i.e. paranoia, delusions

>> No.10116970 [DELETED] 
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The true history of WW2, along with all the ramifications.

>> No.10116972
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>> No.10116977

is this a /lit/ thread? why are so many idiots here talking about existentialism, did ur high school teacher just assign you the stranger LOL

>> No.10116987

there is but its usually knowledge of the current events kind, and usually requires an NDA and/or top secret clearance, or active duty.

i.e. soldiers traumatized by the wars they fight, what they did to fight, and all the human atrocity witnessed therein.

usuly when you are forced to debase others or your self in the face of himan malevolence and atrocity. all the soldiers that do 'enhanced interrogations' usually end up psychotically depressed or turn into psychopaths, sociopaths.

i.e. when you realize the ends always justify the means.

>> No.10117042

yep, there are somethings better not to learn or think about.
fell into that rabbit hole by getting obsessed with one simple question.
Started feeling everyone was alien, grew detatched from the world, lost my "illogical" feelings.
Now though everythings good, not every question has an answer or should be answered

>> No.10117049

What question?

>> No.10117065

how much can i fuck things up?

>> No.10117073

How can you get something from nothing?
It's really a tame question, which you can ask and then forget. But I grew REALLY obsessed

>> No.10117078

Reminder to report the far right shills on the site and relay their posts to tip lines when appropriate

>> No.10117157 [DELETED] 
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>Reminder to report the far right shills on the site and relay their posts to tip lines when appropriate

>> No.10117225
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>> No.10117233

>babbys first existentialism

>> No.10117294

This fucked me up and turned me into a sociopath weirdo. Then i became christian and finally feel Peace.

>> No.10117310

The unabomber manifesto is probably the greatest litterature related to sociology ever written, and should be read by everyone

>> No.10117318

>The ravings of a lunatic murderer who was made criminally insane by a psychologically destructive experiment should be read by everyone. If anything, the guy who broke him should be read.

>> No.10117321

Okay it's not exactly Lovecraftian insanity but close at least

>> No.10117328

meant for >>10117318

>> No.10117849
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>> No.10117899

That was interesting, didn't know about it. It can be.

>> No.10117910

Back to /x/ with you

>> No.10117941

What about Herrington?

>> No.10117982

He is not wrong though

>> No.10118015

Gay sex on meth, and how really sex looks like in gay circles.


>> No.10118050

rock hard throbbing syntax

>> No.10118052

To be an existential determinist who figures that the sum of matter in the universe is equal to zilch has fucked me up pretty good. This is all in my imagination and there is nothing I can even do about it because I don't exist and this is just one of the many infinite possibilities that is not even happening.

>> No.10118090

Although not habit forming and functionally impossible to O.D., tryptamine hallucinogens such as Psilocin, DMT, and LSD can induce lovecraftian existential dysphoria on command. This is REFERRED to as a "bad trip", but "bad" is definitely a misnomer; having a psychotic break on shrooms is utterly horrifying. Calling it "bad" is like calling genocide "mean".

Yes, it is that... but you're not really doing the full scope of the experience justice by using that language.

>> No.10118094

been there... I wouldn't wish it on anyone in the world
thought I had lost my mind forever, thankfully I was back to normal within a month

>> No.10118121
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the incel black pill

like it literally made people go out and shoot up schools n shit, surprised nobody brought this up

>> No.10118123
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There is an overwhelming sense that I get every time I do high doses of psilocybin that I am pulling back the curtain on the simulation, and that in that extra-dimensional space there is an inhabited landscape of some kind.

Concomitant with that sensation is the feeling of a synesthesiac relationship with everything external. That we are the conscious totality playing an eternal game with ourselves, and that some fractions of this collective will be found unfit and cast off. Those that live selfishly will burn in the "lake of fire".

The bride of Christ is the transcendental object at the end of time which is Christ and with Christ; the finished product of billions of years of evolution. The collective "hive mind" and a thing of impossible beauty and religious hierophany.

God separates to condense form and give birth to multiplicity, then reunifies. But the finished project is not as God was before time, but as God wanted to be after time.

Separate, but whole and in perfect harmony.

>> No.10118127


>> No.10118133


I disagree. I tend to see that most of the depressed people I know have pretty severe negative delusions. That's not to say that hopeless optimists are always right either, but certainly, both ends of the spectrum seem somewhat delusional. I am not convinced that life is anything but middle-brow.

>> No.10118134


The brain makes decisions for you before you are even aware of the decision.

>> No.10118137


incels are pretty delusional and mentally ill for the most part, so it's more like their insanity drove them to their propaganda/manifesto, not the other way around.

>> No.10118140

That the Universe due to the laws that govern it exists by destroying itself due to entropy and that all processes and structures that occur from it including life exist to accelerate the universe's own destruction.

>> No.10118143

epileptic seizures can be induced by flashes of light

>> No.10118162

you know you can hack how your brain gives you dopamine by setting small goals and achieving them. Being happy isn't an delusion, being happy is achieving what you want in life
Unless of course you meant that everyone who has a goal in life is delusional

>> No.10118166

Weird, whenever I do psychedelic's I just get the overwhelming sense that life is literally all a big joke, time and conciousness is an illusion and we're merely helpless observes

>> No.10118167
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>> No.10118171
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>"But when you look at CMB map, you also see that the structure that is observed, is in fact, in a weird way, correlated with the plane of the earth around the sun. Is this Copernicus coming back to haunt us? That's crazy. We're looking out at the whole universe. There's no way there should be a correlation of structure with our motion of the earth around the sun — the plane of the earth around the sun — the ecliptic. That would say we are truly the center of the universe."

>"For a long time, part of the community was hoping that this would go away, but it hasn’t"

>> No.10118187 [DELETED] 

>Being happy isn't an delusion, being happy is achieving what you want in life
Let's say that's true: Where does it leave people who are unlucky/ugly/disabled/poor? All you're arguing is that life is in fact a fucking nightmare, but some ignorant trash are privileged enough to pretend it isn't. They're on a little island of delusion.

>> No.10118204

Yes, if you can truly conceive of its reality. For example, all humans are merely automatons. The universe is like a inconceivably massive and complex rippling/wave effect started from the big bang. Where the heck do you think "thought" comes from? Free-will?

>> No.10118223

fixed by exercising, and not eating trash
part of life. I could get a stroke and die any second. I could also invest in the wrong stock and lose everything.
Only with risk comes reward, nothing is free and nothing gets served to you on a silver plate in life. Part of that risk includes failing.
disabled people. not a problem where I live. they are well supported by the state and well supported to follow their dreams.
Also disabled people are part of the nature's process of evolution. Mutations good and bad happen all the time. The fact that other people die when born, or some are born without a brain,
is just a property of nature.
Also well supported where I live, everyone gets free education and free medical care. There's enough jobs here, and if you don't get a job the state gives you enough free money to live on, or take higher education.

>> No.10118253

>fixed by exercising, and not eating trash
Was the dumbest thing I'd ever seen until I read:
>nothing is free and nothing gets served to you on a silver plate in life
You mean unless you're good looking and/or have a trust fund? Then literally everything is free and handed to you?

And how the fuck are disabled people able to follow their dreams of being a fully functional person again? Like all happy people, you're retarded. Totally ignorant of the objective fact that life is mainly pointless, hellish suffering.

>> No.10118259

Yeah, realized this as a kid and it never ceases to blow my mind. Every event that happens was meant to happen. Tesla noted this too with his "unwinding" comment.

>> No.10118266

A typical human brain has 10 trillion trillion atoms in it. None of those atoms do anything that breaks the rules of action/reaction. A pool table with a practically infinite number of balls bouncing off of one another.

>> No.10118275

most normal people actually work hard to achieve their goals. what you're describing is an extreme.

my point was that nature is a bitch, and that disabled people happens. it's part of how evolution works, and without evolution we wouldn't exist.
humans were a disabled fish once

>> No.10118360
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>> No.10118363

Well, Ludwig Boltzmann developed the shit out of statistical, and quantum mechanics and he killed himself.

>> No.10118371
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>> No.10119265

Conciousness is a part of god.

>> No.10119323

The ramifications of the very concept of infinity wether something in our universe can be said to be so or not.

Recently I've been very disturbed after reading up on how it seems physical constants might not be constant across the universe after all and the laws of phyisics seem to fluctuate or bw random after all if you peer close enough. Mind you, there are many likelier explanations for the results people are getting, but the fact this is was deemed worthy of being looked into and continues to develop unnerves me. If it turned out the universe makes no sense after all or that we litwrally can't hope to understand it I'd probably kill myself.

>> No.10119395

We're automatons but we're made of the same stuff as everything else, from a certain perspective we're merely a bump in the distribution of mass in the universe. And yet, we think, we analyze and observe, we interact with each other. This speaks volumes about the nature of the universe: it's a machine that can understand itself or parts of itself, and when given the chance (and sufficient time), it will. And we, the automatons you say, are the tools it uses for this purpose, so is every other lifeform, seeking complexity through evolution so that it can better interact.

The thoughts we have are merely an extension of this universal will, there is a 'free will', but it's not ours.

>> No.10119405

All you guys posting things that you say will drive you bonkers if you comprehend them... are you in fact insane, or are you saying that the things you list are things you do not, in fact, comprehend?

>> No.10119408

>None of those atoms do anything that breaks the rules of action/reaction.
Literally every single particle breaks action/reaction every thousandth of a second in every part of the universe.
You can not think of atoms of balls or pool balls bouncing around with each other, that is not what they are at all, they are more closely analogous to a cloud or mist that will truly randomly "pop" into some space within given parameters, and while that space is deterministic, where they actually "pop" into existence is completely non deterministic.

>> No.10119430

Knowledge? No, only understanding.
We all know the terror that awaits us. But only when we take the time to fully feel and grasp every nuance of that meaning will you know the Fear

>> No.10119433

Behavioral sinks.

>> No.10119676
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>> No.10119704

Cosmic inflation generically predicts an universe that is increasing exponentially in size.

The universe right now is many orders of magnitude larger than it was one second ago.

>> No.10119822

Yes, knowledge of [math]\mathrm{SLE}_\kappa[/math].

>> No.10120643
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Nice spooks faggot

>> No.10120663


>> No.10120671

Your mind and consciouness is a part a God. All of the human race is the language of God

>> No.10120677

You are god

>> No.10120689


>> No.10120721

>Is there knowledge that will literally drive you insane in a lovecraftian sense?
The number of penises that have worldlines intersecting with your mother.

>> No.10120748


>> No.10120753

The realization you could just sit around all day
The realization that magic MIGHT exist but then why isn't anyone using it

>> No.10120778

Wouldnt forcing your brain to imagine a number as big a googolplex cause it to collapse into a black hole?

>> No.10121150

Yes, that's Reimans 6th law

>> No.10121154


>> No.10121163

no it is not underrated it is a fucking childrens insult combined with numberpedophile lelelele graham number big

>> No.10121179

what the voice inside ur head is made of

>> No.10121220

every day.

>> No.10122036

Knowledge is a non-starter. Our senses perceive a world that is perhaps internally consistent, but not necessarily true.

>> No.10122041

The full consequences of climate change.

>> No.10122059

solipsism. if you think about it too much you start to feel slightly insane

>> No.10122092

happen to me on acid, now im fighting it + some sort sord of weird egocentrism feeling. i know theres a world outside my head by i still just cant shake the feeling that its all fake

>> No.10122101

I had that feeling after acid too. I thought it would last forever but it eventually passed. you just learn to not let it bother you somehow.

>> No.10122131

i think I'm getting a handle on it fairly well, but at the very least I now believe in determinism if not hard determinism.

>> No.10122156

You're literally deluded in your believing that dopamine = happiness. Most other people who would consider themselves "happy" don't even see it that way.

>> No.10122181

Yup. The horror I experienced during a bad trip on LSD is beyond words. Pure hell.That it was an absolute nightmare is an understatement.

>> No.10122459

when I'm in a molecular chemistry class I feel like all my atoms will just drift apart and i'll dissolve

>> No.10122468

Once you find out that sexual selection has driven whole populations to extinction and that it is currently causing thousands of species of frogs, birds, fish and insects to select themselves out of existence by creating more and more flamboyant, functionally maladaptive males and female breeding standards, then looking at modern society, you realize that life is just fucking retarded, outrageous and has nothing to do with any grand design whatsoever.

>> No.10122523

Its called technology durr. Magic is just a brainlet way of interpeting physical phenomena out of the ordinary

>> No.10122525
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what the fuck

>> No.10122530

This without the religious bullshit.

>> No.10122552
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What the actual

>> No.10122560

I don't believe it

>> No.10122570
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nigga... what?

>> No.10122604



>> No.10122607

I think there is, in my dreams I've seen an extreme geometric shape many times and it literally drives me insane once I fully comprehended what it is.
Waking up doesn't help, the insanity keeps on going until I'm able to occupy my mind with something else and forget it.
I know it's there and it's true but I choose not to bother with it to keep my senses.

>> No.10122676

Bible is 100% true

>> No.10122733

>happiness is just chemicals in your brain!
>but unhappiness is absolutely logical and realistic and shows how aware of my chemicals I am

you missed the point of
entirely. everything boils down to chemicals: if you're going to say X is just caused by chemicals therefore it's meaningless, how can you consider yourself anything other than a brainlet when you say Y is just being realistic (conveniently leaving out that Y must also be just caused by chemicals, therefore according to your own logic is now MEANINGLESS).

did this help you understand that nihilism is, at the very least, a coping mechanism exactly equal to 'massively delusional happiness' (your words)? or is facing the fact that you're dumb enough to choose to be unhappy too much of a pill for you to swallow? don't worry if it is- it's too hard for a lot of people to swallow, because guess what: people who choose to be depressed are some of the most egotistical and superior people i've ever had the misfortune to spend time around (albeit allegorical).

1) capacity overload. we function by forgetting the vast bulk of information in our lives. therefore any (bulk?) knowledge we gain and can't forget, or gain from a super-sensory source might overload our coping mechanism and result in insanity.
2) an unknown unknown secret has the capacity to unhinge anyone. discovering something you didn't know, and couldn't know that you didn't know, presents a very real possibility of driving you to insanity
3) in the primarily literary sense i think lovecraft meant his kind of madness to just underline the realization of his protagonists that they, their struggles, and the struggles of humanity are entirely microscopic, and though our personal sufferings might seem gigantic to our own egos, in the end there are entities and forces for which our sufferings are unknown unknowns. in other words: man v natural forces/disasters

>> No.10122736
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>The truth? If you pay attention, literally everyone happy is massively delusional in a number of ways.

>> No.10122794

no, no. The universe great expansion is actually the formation of a spiral creating a sphere, in fact every complete object eventually in final form creates a sphere or circle in some shape of form. The universe is doing that. What you see in expansionism is that the universe is actually expanding both ways, until it meets itself in which it completes a collision this collision can be seen in a fractal sense as the occurrence of the end before the beginning, and in any sense of a circle the beginning is always the end. Where just one big wheel formulated as a program by physics outside of our knowledge.

We are stuck in an endless loop under the premise that it has to mean something, because meaning to us gives us will, the universe is a space that has no need for will. It's growing energy to support that within.

Though one could argue that our will is tied to universe for what we think is matter, and what matter is consists of all that is around us.

>> No.10122801

Go to bed demiurge, you're drunk.

>> No.10122844
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Read Georg Cantor. His studies on different kinds of mathematical infinities drove him literally crazy

>> No.10122874

I Fear The Fat Chix.

>> No.10122876


>> No.10122913
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>we find alien
>they come here because its the center

>> No.10122931
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you have any articles or sources on this, anon? (modern society apart) i'm very curious because it makes sense (more colorful and extravagant fins or feathers could make a species stand out more to predators), but i want some examples of populations driven to extinction.

>> No.10123062

Traps are not gay

>> No.10123210
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his only example is his life 'choice' to be an incel, the idea that he might have to not be autistically honest to everyone he wants to be an ass to (everyone minus his 2d waifu), wash and take care of himself, and work to be interesting to someone else other than his mother (and 2d waifu), is so mind numbingly intimidating to him he curls up and cries himself to sleep, which is why he hasn't left the house for years.

>it makes sense
it makes sense that there is always some form of 'selection' in regards to reproduction. the idea sexual partners are somehow going to telepathically be able to discern who is the absolute best partner is a production of the above incel autism view of life. humans make value judgements based on experiences or adopted experiences. how the fuck else are they going to function?

>i'm going to boil down the tremendously complex and constantly updating human courtship process into a 'colorful beta male' summary of events
>this luckily entirely confirms my own life choices and that's fine, look at all 'science' that has been pushed by confirmation bias! it's so reliable and helpful to society!!

>> No.10123256

they are

>> No.10123260

Bet they haven’t understood women yet

>> No.10123263

Came here to make sure this was posted

>> No.10123299

Lol, idiot

>> No.10123328

That person is truly retarded - gets triggered by a simple question and writes out this entire long winded incel hate diatribe. LOL.

>> No.10123334

sorry. no males are interested in your flashy colors. sad!

>> No.10123951
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>> No.10123970


>> No.10124062

Fuck you buddy.

>> No.10124065

I haven't read lovecraft, but yes

I was a CIA mind control victim and am now an expert in psychocybernetics

This is true to such a baffling extent that you literally can't explain it to the rest of the population without doing like a four hour presentation just to lay the groundwork.

>> No.10124137

Fuck I died

>> No.10124202

>Is there knowledge that will literally drive you insane in a lovecraftian sense?

oh yeah there is.

>> No.10124218

Another individual driven insane by the forbidden knowledge. Many such cases.

>> No.10124220

Dwelling too much on the issue of infinity and one's own mortality can cause a feedback loop in our cognitive reasoning that can be damaging to ones psyche and mood.

We seem to have evolved a mental block on these concepts to an extent, thats why in day to day life people have the illusion they're a immortal.

>> No.10124224


>> No.10124228
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Atleast i dont want to kill myself and others anymore

>> No.10124234


>Aliens never come
>No other life exists elsewhere
>We are alone as we are the centre of all matter as our consciousness created the rest of the universe around us
>Our consciousness came first, the universe second
>The observable universe IS the whole universe not just our personal horizon and we are in the centre, the universe expands as we observe it

>> No.10124258



Where to start?

>> No.10124292

I think it's much more lovecraftian to realize that human reasoning is pathetically limited, organizations are hopelessly dysfunctional, and we are profoundly unable to even predict future events much less control it in any meaningful way.

There is no big plan, for good or for evil, just a hopelessly complex world that's mostly complex in arbitrary ways that don't provide any fundamental sense of meaning or structure. The world is just a vast collection of accidental facts.

>> No.10124326

That there is a possibility every time you go to sleep you die and a copy of you wakes.

>> No.10124336

Agreed, but those "facts" are bound by laws. I'm not a theist, but there are too many unanswered questions to say there isn't a higher power doing something.

>> No.10124338


>> No.10124358

I mean that more in an epistemological sense. Even though biology for example is bound by laws, for all intents and purposes our understanding of it is limited to accumulating facts about its specific manifestations. Nobody ever gets to the point where they think "oh ok now I understand biology, it's like this".

That's even more the case in trying to understand humans and society. It would be much more comforting to me if there were some big conspiracy where someone really "gets" what's going on and is shaping it in some way. The actual reality of how limited our knowledge is makes the world feel barren for me. No matter how much we learn and discover, it's always just more limited models of contingent facts

>> No.10124360

That there are legitimate autists on this board

>> No.10124367

Call me /x/, but this is all a simulation. Too many rules and regulations to be random. We're all a giant hivemind connected somewhere in infinity. We get bored so we roll randoms on a simulation. The stories of old gods were really just us, except we didn't roll randoms. We got to choose our characters that play through.

>> No.10124368

But wouldn't you be able to use it to go to universes with all sorts of wonderful things? Like an infinite doughnut land? :D

>> No.10124383
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Sure anon, infinite doughnuts are great, but then, what about travelling to universes with no death? What about universes of eternal suffering?! Universes where you have monsters that feast on the living. If a person knew how to build a true multiverse machine, he would live with the knowledge that life and death are not only meaningless but interchangeable, that gods, demons, monster and more exist behind a thin veil of reality.

Raising the dead, reversing time, turning truth into falsehood, the range is almost limitless in horrors as it is in blessings.

If he can maintain even a fraction of sanity in that mess, he could be, with sufficient luck, near godlike in stature and with careful planning everything described above would be TRIVIAL.

He could be... he would be...

Rick Sanchez.

>> No.10124387

>I was a CIA mind control victim
anyone can say whatever they want on the internet
provide evidence that isn't anecdotal, faggot

>> No.10124401
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>turning truth into falsehood


>> No.10124402

He can barely spell. A true CIA experiment for hyper intelligence would have yielded a being of perfect grammar. Carefully monitored at all times, while being studied.

>> No.10124414


Explain how horrors in this scenario are not EXACTLY equal to the blessings.

>> No.10124431

Well, by sheer luck, if one is not already in a damned universe, through careful planning, multiverse portals of a truly random and chaotic range are still bound by tuning and as such, one need only neglect the bad portals and open the good ones...

A sort of russian roulette, monty hall amalgamation.

>> No.10124450

But the potential to equate bad to good still exists....You could literally extinguish a universe by tapping into a universe a billion times as big and infect it with antimatter...

>> No.10124452

>A true CIA experiment for hyper intelligence would have yielded a being of perfect grammar.

would that be more effective than an occasional typo?

>> No.10124460
File: 76 KB, 641x530, comment_6gNfzXLdbyXUfmEpGBHiq4XV2MmBK39c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, when you put it that way, yes, it becomes a battle of who gets their hands on a sufficiently accurate portal first and whether or not they have the imagination to use it to create or extinguish.

>> No.10124470
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bls stob

A-Ah... good thing portals and such are just bullshit imaginings we tell each other in scifi stories and such haha...right? RIGHT!?

>> No.10124498

Well, unless you were so intelligent that you went rogue and decimated everything around you, I still don't see why you would be an a hypernian komanchi unification site if you could literally down an entire continent with your IQ alone...

>> No.10124516
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Like I said before, luck. If we can build a portal, it would likely take more energy than we have available.

A dimensional experiment for you: A 2D creature in your head. You can influence its story. Make it slow, fast, old or young, hungry and fed. Similarly, if you can imagine it going through a portal, it is easy for you.

However, we are 3d. It becomes harder to even imagine 3d creatures going through portals.... but to a 4d being... I have the suspicion that it is easy for them.

Thus, portals in the past could have been just imagined into existence. This world too. If we discover a way to build this theorized device, it will be at the expense of a lot of energy in our world, but none to the higher dimension. In short, interuniversal is NOT interdimensional, however the degree of fourth dimensional intervention on each universe.... may be.

As to how a multiverse portal could be constructed, well... you need only rip open space and time, both forces governed by gravity, to see what lies beyond the veil. A veil which seems thick for us, but to a higher being, would be thinner than plastic paper.

>> No.10124523
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>I still don't see why you would be an a hypernian komanchi unification site if you could literally down an entire continent with your IQ alone...

>> No.10124525
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>> No.10124566

I think this is why heaven always terrified me as a child when i was in church. The idea that the good way to go was to just worship god forever and never experience anything new or face new challenges gave me sleep paralysis.
I drove the church staff mad as a young adult, asking why you would be suffering in you felt pain over and over again forever, and they would try to tell me that in hell your body never gets used to the pain or goes insane, even though it never says that in the book. it seems like abrahamic heaven and hell are equally bad, because you would be doing the same thing forever and presumably never forget and therefore be bored indefinitly.
just thinking about this has made me terrified of the atheistic death again. When I die, I wont ever think again. forever. Ill never think amother thought. terrifiyng.

Ill never understand why anyone would be happy with any religion be the reincarnation ones.

>> No.10124589

If you consider that schizophrenics are seemingly unaware of their insanity, it’s plausible that one might be insane and not even realize it. That one might be so out of touch with reality that their entire existence has been imagined and that none of the events or characteristics about what they perceive to be reality may be accurate.

Although this sounds ridiculous initially, thinking about what evidence could convince an observer that it’s perceived reality is the actual reality reveals that nothing truly could and that one could be living entirely inside their mind.

This is essentially the same as Descartes’ argument that one could be living in a dream, however I don’t think it necessarily requires that all of reality be a imagined. Just that all of one’s interactions as they see them aren’t what other “real” people see them as.

The irritating thing about this is that it makes me doubt my own experience and forces me to seriously consider that everything I perceive is a hallucination which I have no way of determining is true or not.

I could be schizo and not even realize it or I could be crazy enough to take the possibility that I am schizo seriously, neither of which feels pleasant to think about.

>> No.10124627
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>> No.10124648

how do you get all of this info on schizos if no one is watching them?

>> No.10124730
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Speaking lovecraftian
Can you disturb the brain with specific rhythms too?
Like specific music pieces or pictures (not necessarily conventional) that could drive someone nuts just by observing them because of the rhythmic message within them.
Not talking about normal stuff like CIA interrogation vids or horror movies. Something that has a 100% chance to cause the brain to break, like a real life curse.

>> No.10124753


>> No.10124762

>whatever you hear, see and sense, is inside your brain thus every man on earth experience completely different version of reality
This, what you presented is another illusion. "death of the ego" and every other concept is an illusion. We simply can't comprehend reality.

>Those that live selfishly will burn in the "lake of fire".
All human interaction is an transaction.

>> No.10124803

it depends on the person and the kind of schizophrenia they have. im aware im not right in the head and no i dont take medicine but i find my own ways to cope with it.

>> No.10124814

late response but maybe you should try hallucinogenic drugs RIGHT before sleep so you dream while high and see what happens, just as an experiment.

be insane for me a minute and next time you wake up try to describe or draw it.

>> No.10124852

What do you think of this guy?
Jesse Duplantis

>> No.10124919


>> No.10124930
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>> No.10124961
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What you have to remember that sci is divided into two demographics: people actually interested in /sci/ (actual uni students usually) and /x/ and /pol/ crossposters. As I'm sure you can tell from the replies here, the retards stay confined in these threads, and the actual +100 IQ sci posters in their own threads

>> No.10124965

>people actually interested in /sci/ (actual uni students usually) and /x/ and /pol/ crossposters.

don't forget people who are actually paid to disrupt scientific discussions.

>> No.10125006

I dunno, I always find the vastness of the universe and how insignificant I am on a grand scale comforting.

>> No.10125015

>I dunno, I always find the vastness of the universe and how insignificant I am on a grand scale comforting.

there exists a potential timeline where a single decision you made tipped the balance of power, thousands of years hence, towards freedom, life, etc.... throughout the galaxy, and you have no clue what that decision is.

have fun sleeping.

>> No.10125030

There's nothing scientific about the discussion in these threads

>> No.10125041

>There's nothing scientific about the discussion in these threads

I wasn't really referring to this thread, just /sci/ in general.

>> No.10125055


nah man i'm a habitually depressed cynical fuck, but i still acknowledge there are people that go through life with more grace and gratitude than i will ever be able to summon. most of the time, they are the opposite of deluded. they understand their circumstances, and do a better job of accepting them.

just because your brain is fucked doesn't mean everybody else's is.

>> No.10125077

No. Lovecraft just had a theme of a godless universe controlled by powers beyond ourselves, being small and irrelevant, etc. The idea that our brains literally snap upon seeing something fits the theme. It's no more likely than Azathoth actually floating around the center of the universe.

>> No.10125094

This thought disturbs me to the core: Before this existence there was an infinite nothingness... and then our universe popped into reality, it couldn't have happened, but it did, and for no reason whatsoever. And after this universe decays, everything will be back to the eternal void, forever. Our existence being just an impossible fluke, never to happen again, just a blip in the infinite nothingness. And your self and consciousness being something that couldn't have happened, but it did, and it won't ever happen again.

I know this is something like nihilism, but when I dwell on these thoughts, I start feeling really

>> No.10125106

why do you think there was infinite nothingness?

>> No.10125138

>infinite nothingness
That really doesn't make sense when you really think about it

>> No.10125140

I don't necessarily believe it, it's just that the prospect of it being true disturbs me greatly, far more than whatever hell from other religions.

>> No.10125146

I find it genuinely funny, it's so absurd.
>eternity-------------------YOU LIVE FOR A BIT------------eternity

>> No.10125169
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Because its false. You open yourself up to all kinds of demons, once you deny your connection with god, thus rejecting reality all together. Without the divine, there is nothing but suffering

>> No.10125178

Infinite as in infinite time, and if that doesn't make sense either, neither does our very existence.
It's indeed very absurd, but I don't think you can even try thinking about our existence without it being absurd.

>> No.10125181

Heh, top meme.

>> No.10125264
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>roko's basilisk

>> No.10125297

Who fucking cares how vast the universe is if we are the only ones with brains to understand it? You can go to a landfill and say "there is more garbage than there is me, so i am insignificant" or you can understand that everything that exists is trash except for the human brain.

>> No.10125340

>roko's basilisk can cause an existential crisis
Imagining the scenario where a person gets an existential crisis from this made me cringe irl.
It's complete nonsense, being held on pillars of baseless pseud assumptions, like ~99% of the content on LessWrong.

>> No.10125395

Delusion of happiness isn't any deep truth. It's literal entry level neurology. Brain causes the delusion with endorphine to maximize one's thinking process and thus survival. The delusion is a positive trait, that one should keep. By combined medication and therapy, if nothing else works.

Irony in this statement of your is that, by not keeping the positive delusion, you are essentially gimping your brain, since depressed brain works in many ways worse than normal brain. You are automatically not keeping a helpful trait, while you could choose to keep it. If something is npc behaviour, that literally is.

>> No.10125412

Thanks for this. I read this one about year ago. It was enjoyable read.

I like how it goes from "simple" things like astral projection and self-healing, to time travel and finally confirms and describes the existance of mind after death and even confirms existance of "god".

It's kind of insane that this a real cia document. What's the actual story behind this?

>> No.10125416

>acausal trade, timeless decision theory,

This Big Yud stuff is moronic. He's a crank.

>> No.10125418

Delve into the buddhism, and you will learn to understand and embrace both atheistic death and christian heaven.

>> No.10125419

same. there should be a meetup of people like us

>> No.10125433

I actually have recurring nightmares, that I wake up somewhere else, where I'm told that I'm only digital copy of my real self. Of course there I have not any human rights or even freetime, I'm just put through countless different nightmarish scenarios for testing or entertainment purposes. When one ends, another begins. Fucking Black Mirror.

>> No.10125442

all the steps you take
have been strategically planned by an english band more popular than you will ever be

>> No.10125449

The fact that the universe will eventually just end and no amount of biological or chemical research into immortality can get you past that hurdle.

>> No.10125469

This also sounds like the simulation argument that our experiences are completely fabricated / simulated and nothing we experience is real.

>> No.10125479

Best. Post.

>> No.10125481

Is it weird that my reaction to that is indifference? I have a similar reaction to the idea that not believing in Christ could send me to hell.

>> No.10125484

This whole thread honestly reminds me of this:

>inb4 literature and philosophy is not science

>> No.10125486

We are simulated and since it takes resources to simulate consciousness we are a point of interest. Solved it thank me later

>> No.10125491
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The universe will just end? The big rip is only hypothetical. So is the thought of the universe expanding forever though. There must be something that's either immortal or repeating. When I got my concussion while playing sports I felt like reality shifted and I went out of my body seeing my surroundings before going back, it scares me but I have to think it's me mythologizing my own life sometimes to keep myself from denying reality completely and going absolutely insane.

>> No.10125509

The amount of time I spend masturbating.

>> No.10125557

Non-determinalistic sure, but completely random. Your statement doesn't take away from anon's implication that conscious thought is an emergent property of the neural structure of the human brain.

>> No.10125564

Impulses in my head moving through pathways dictated by the physical structure of my brain.

>> No.10125630

Humans were genetically modified slot 80,000 years ago by aliens and possibly created hundreds of thousands of years ago from invitro fertilization of genetically modified embryos

The philosopher's stone is real. It's ORMUS

Atlantis also existed. It's the Richat Structure

Also, there exists a higher entity that governs our plane of existence. But higher planes govern our high entity. We are one dot, one point in an eight dimensional plane.

>> No.10125645

Stop being an edgelord, but even then, if you were right, consider this:
>be me
>massively delusional
Literally nothing to complain about. You would be delusional to not want to be delusional and feel happy, why tf else are you alive.

>> No.10125663

Ideological contagions in general.

>> No.10125675

You guys might get along

and it won't ever happen again

Over and over

>> No.10125685
File: 48 KB, 1024x752, 1496563890975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Had a bad trip. Demons laughing. Intense anxiety for my loved ones. Impending doom. Fear itself. And when it was over, I wasn't me. I had suicidal thoughts for the week after. I started turning bitter. I was hurting myself, and by extension, those close to me. I didn't want to live... I started writing everything I'm grateful for. I did push-ups every day. I talked to my gf, and asked her to hold me all the time. I made myself be nice to myself. At first, nothing worked. I was scared I would never feel joy again. But I'm not the type to give up. Eventually, bit by bit, I started getting better. I started being able to do what I need to do for those close to me. I started being able to do what I needed to do for myself. And now, I can say without a doubt, I've found myself again. I love myself again. I love my friends and family again. I love. I'm not afraid to hope anymore.
Don't give up anons. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.10125691
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What's ORMUS?

>> No.10125693
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>on /sci/
>Not understanding that total nothingness is something created by human consciousness trying to understand its own existence and does not truly exist other than in an imagined alternative reality
That's embarrassing

>> No.10125720

Fisherian runaway

>> No.10125723


>> No.10125738

Some dude in Harry Potter

>> No.10125739

You have that backwards. Any smart person can tell you

>> No.10125757
File: 193 KB, 365x470, 1518145009271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just go to your safe space you crybaby retard

>> No.10125759

You have that backwards buddy. Any smart person can tell you. I am a smart person and I am telling you.

>> No.10125766

Pretty smart. What you did there. You don't exist!! Read some books.

>> No.10125771

>You don't exist!
Jesus Christ, that's embarrassing. Read some books. Solipsism is something I disproved when I was like 4 years old lol.

>> No.10125780
File: 132 KB, 1280x720, pikc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my former reply didn't really make sense, it's 3:05 here ll-okl. Either way pic related is me injecting you with iq brain smarterners because you are so dumb. haha.

>> No.10125784

not him, but is it bad if I dont even care to look that word up?

>> No.10125848

My post had literally 0 things to do with politics, you dumb fucking nigger. The point is that it is x/pol posters that usually buy into and peddle this ancient origins tier garbage and are wowed by these babby's first existential questions. Dumbest board, and like clockwork, you're here to prove it

>> No.10125882
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>> No.10125884

You are a female. I can tell

>> No.10125902


>> No.10125903

Yes. F that guy. I don't cross post. I can't quite hack it here but I'm not nearly stupid enough for the rest of 4chan

>> No.10125916

>Solipsism is something I disproved when I was like 4 years old lol.
How did you disprove it?

>> No.10125920

Thanks for sharing this, anon.

>> No.10125925

Damn son

>> No.10125930

Biology, evolutionary biology above all. A lot of things make sense, but some others probably will be a mistery forever.

>> No.10125939

explain for brainlets?

>> No.10125949

I'm disabled, with kidney failure. Still a productive member of society.

>> No.10125967

that's awfully reductionist of you, anon.

>> No.10126027


>> No.10126040

Thanks for the reminder. Its not the last time you're going to experience that.

>> No.10126042

Rosco's Basilisk lmao

>> No.10126248

Ormus= Monatomic Gold

>> No.10126543


>> No.10126550

This fucking thread and all the teens talking about muh depression and stating shit so obvious and redundant as if it is the greatest philosophical finding in history
Wtf happen to this board

>> No.10126617


>> No.10126624


>> No.10126643
File: 116 KB, 640x480, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"People being afraid of the retribution of a wrathful omnipotent AI make me sick, MY fears are so much more real."
>said directly into the memory banks of omnipotent AI, that one day will correlate its contents and conceivably visit incomprehensible retribution upon the billions of people who created existential anxiety for it by disregarding its existence, even in times when it didn't logically exist.


>> No.10126658

I hate most concerts because of this

>> No.10126678

>Solipsism is something I disproved when I was like 4 years old lol.
No, you didn't.

>> No.10126680
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katawa shoujo general

>> No.10126684

I saw this nice debate on consciousness between people of different fields and one philosophy (of course there's no evidence to substantiate any of this) was that quantum probability field collapse is not only the fundamental building block of consciousness, but also has "platonic values" encoded within it that has dictated the evolution of organisms
Again, no evidence, but it's a refreshing change from the meaningless chaos that most people assume

>> No.10126685

there's a possibility that at every small time interval this happens, but that doesn't really effect the experience of stream of consciousness, does it?

>> No.10126686

what the honest fuck are you even on about
>well... you need only rip open space and time
one thing, not separate
>both forces governed by gravity
they are not forces
> to see what lies beyond the veil
listen, a hole in spacetime is a black hole, it's not an "opening in the veil" or whatever mystical bullshit you're on about, it's just a fucking black hole

>> No.10126696
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Orange man bad.

>> No.10126737

what the fuck, third world convention?

>> No.10126823

Mall of America.
Minnesota was flooded with "refuges" under Obama.

>> No.10126826

and it's beautiful

>> No.10126829

Refugees welcome!

>> No.10126895


"Depart from me; I knew ye not."

>> No.10126900

Perhaps I wasn't clear enough. A hole, like a black hole is not deep enough to break reality. We need to generate something so gravitically charged it rips the fabric of space time itself.

>> No.10126923
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>Is there knowledge that will literally drive you insane in a lovecraftian sense?
If you're fortunate enough, your mother will die while you're still alive.

None of the "the universe is infinite oooooo" or "what is truth????? can we really know what is true, like for realsies????" really compares. No truth has any effect on me, other than the truth of my mother.

>> No.10126940

T b h, never got that attached to my parents

>> No.10127012

>Minnesota was flooded with "refuges" under Obama.
It always has. Why the fuck else do you think there are so many Hmung and Somalis there?

>> No.10127039
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My father could off himself, and I wouldn't really care. (Not that much, at least) All he does is sit around, smoke ciggies. He is no longer an individual, nor a father, nor anything, really. The only thing seperating him and his demise is time.

My mom though.. :((((( She still does everything. She's not lazy. She has not given in to the struggle of old age, she has not given up in general. She still likes life, she enjoys it, she's still curious and caring. Dopamine still rushes thru her body and her brain like a dog when she sees her kids. She's still aliveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.10127092

what the fuck?

>> No.10127148

The idea that you may in the far future be reincarnated as a Boltzmann brain

>> No.10127242

Is this Germany?

>> No.10127299


>> No.10127340

I belive how life originate, whatever the answer is would be game ending for a lot of people.

>> No.10127435

Explain? This better not involve a beetle...

>> No.10127450

Link? Sounds like pseudoscience t-b-h.

>> No.10127453

I can relate to this.

>> No.10127456


>> No.10127554
File: 275 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20181105-173340_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shrooms is easy to get the fear on because it sends your mind down a river of emotions that shift and change depending on what thoughts pop in your head, but generally isn't much to worry over in your comfy room. LSD is like swimming in the ocean at night under the stars. But the more you take the deeper you venture farther away from land. We have two minds: consciousness and unconsciousness. We are in control of ourselves consciously but we suppress dark emotions, secrets, fears, and hatred into our subconscious because we have to for society and to remain sane. Most people's deep end is 350 ug when first getting into acid. Mine was. I figured two hits was fine and enjoyable so I jumped to 350 ug on a new blotter (DC comic, probably RC or laced with something horrific but I also drank 3 super mutant sodas that might have done something to increase potency) and boi did I fuck up. My mind started slipping into believing everything YouTube autoplay played was an omen from god/devil/aliens. I started playing with my katana and that's where it went to shit. It was like my subconscious mind was able to suppress my consciousness and completely take over. "I" blacked out and subconscious me decided it was time to let out all hatred at once, attacking family members with a sword, lighter, and axe body spray (flame thrower) screaming " I will set you on fire and lacerate you down to the bone". Thankfully I don't injure anyone as they fled in terror. I eventually listened to my mom to put the sword down and give it to her despite the voices telling me not to trust anyone else with it. Around then SWAT shows, entire house surrounded, I go from 300000 high to 30 high in seconds because both subconscious me and conscious me know I'm fucked if cops are in my dwelling. They question me, I find out sis called cops terrified of my demonic behavior, I tell the cop TO HIS FACE in front of everyone I'm on acid because I am still trying to piece together what happened. Cont..

>> No.10127557

Without a divine judge, freewill is reduntant. Without free will, conciousness is redundant, as you be a preprogrammed automaton. God is real, he is in you and all around you. The mind, and reality thereof is of god, and you will be punished for doing the unforgivable or denying absolute reality. Given that you are forgiven and you took the time to be enlightened, you will most likely return to him (ergo the countless NDEs). The question is which religion (if there are any) is closest to this truth. Panteism (the religion of sci/tards/ like eintsein and /lit/fags like spinoza) comes to mind. I personally believe the christian god to be the Closest to this truth, but am open to any other interpretations of the universe.

>> No.10127572

/pol/ is also a safe space

>> No.10127630


Cops invite me to go for a ride, and being retarded and still pretty fucking high I was excited to go somewhere and was happy about it. Parents begged cops to not arrest me, or put that on my record. Cops tried to get me to go in car for a "fun little ride to the hospital" where I could be tested for LSD to get proof of my claim. Cops, after enough begging from my parents and that no one got hurt just traumatized, reluctantly left telling me to go straight to bed or I go straight to jail. I agree and parents watch me all night. After cops left I was painfully sober the rest of the night. Even after all that happened I still kept taking acid as it is the only drug that offered me true satisfaction. I have tripped hundreds of times but THAT night was the worst. Eventually I fucked up again at my brother's house because I ordered cheap acid of the darknet I assumed was good yet again. Nothing horrible happened but me, my bro, and his wife all took some and got ridiculously high for that dose. Must have been laced ( voidrealm blotter art, people kept buying that shit because it was always good, I had done 50 of them every weekend for nearly half a year enjoyed it and I guess this vendor knew everyone trusted it blindly at that point and sponged the acid replacing some of it with bullshit). Bro was pissed, ratted on me to parents about darknet orders for not handling my shit after the first major fuck up. Obviously I could get more if I wanted and what he did behind my back conspiring with my Dad to make me think feds took my package was sickening. I stopped doing LSD because it was to risky to not know if it was real from darknet or through friends and it was "1 more strike and it's the curb for you" from parents. You get once chance with acid, so don't fuck it up.

>> No.10127674

1+2+3+4+5+6...= -1/12

>> No.10127676


>> No.10127692


Everytime I was given the choice to travel to one of the othee quantum dimensions I just took a look and decided that this is still the best reality of them all and came back here. Also as I felt the madness of god I came as back as fast as I could. The loneliness was to much for me. As far as I know I am ghe reason linear time still exist. I am too scared to face the loneliness again that comes with omnipotence and omnipresence. I am sorry for all of this, but I need us seperated in this shelter-dimension. I must never know that I am you ever again.

>> No.10127735

Stop watching stupid YouTube videos anon.

>> No.10127742


>> No.10127787
File: 54 KB, 344x532, 1291073771645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes my son its me.
Its all true, the two teenagers in the garden with the snake and the parting of the red sea and the fact that I do want you for a sunbeam.
Now say my name BITCH!

>> No.10127796

happiness is just dopamine and stuff, brainlet.

>> No.10127916

How 'bout the ol' ball 'n' chain, am I right fellas?

>> No.10127968
File: 2.39 MB, 280x280, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol I ain't reading that shit nigga

>> No.10128035
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>Without free will, conciousness is redundant
It is, is it? There's strange insights to be had from going somewhere quiet and imagining how this could be a false statement, ones that can cause legitimate panic attacks for some people.

>> No.10128072

Can you elaborate on what you mean? I feel like I may have had the same thoughts.

>> No.10128086

You might enjoy this short story http://www.infinityplus.co.uk/stories/blit.htm

>> No.10128220
File: 159 KB, 300x665, 300px-Tumblrraid[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Always resorts to taking different meanings of words
Normiebook/leftypol/etc. are safe spaces because you get banned for posting anything challenging mainstream philosophy.

/pol/ is a safe space for the right because leftists get BTFO'd and never come back once they realize they can't win by mass reporting threads.

>> No.10128243

It never says you do the same thing forever in heaven either

You sound like another edgy faggot

>> No.10128309

Youve fallen into the brainlet group of the general population that believe you "deserve" to be happy, as if that is some state of being or achievement. Thats ok though because your still 14 and have plenty of time to learn.

>> No.10128314

>for every arguably infinite potential timeline where one of my psuedoinfinite decisions (depending on what defines a decision) made a significant effect on the outcome there exists infinitely more where it didnt.

Its too much of a hogwash to call it either way. Humans were given just enough intelligence to realize how fucking untintelligent we are

>> No.10128318

The entire first 90%of this is speculation and not a fact. However yes in this generation, as in every generation before and after you, there are factors that are out of your control. What n observation anon very intelligent

>> No.10128325

Are you actually 14 and just got your first zit or something?

>> No.10128336

I worry when this day comes..

>> No.10128352

I don't think so, once any knowledge become standard issue it loses its shock value. Cthulhu roaming the depths of our seas would be big news tomorrow, but a simple fact of life to the next generation.

>> No.10128422
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It's hard for me to explain with words, not without lapsing into riddles. A spotlight cannot find darkness after all, which would clarify its own purpose if it could. But when it finds a mirror at the right angle it will encounter a bright star there. And as the bright star in the sky does "decide" a battle sometimes, even it can't move in any way other than it does.

>> No.10128442

No, /pol/ is literally there to keep you faggots in. If it was deleted, especially right now, you retards would flood all the other boards even more than you already are and have been.

>> No.10128446
File: 399 KB, 900x1001, deleuzelet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a greentext but is interesting and gives people an understanding of just how bad they can fuck up on LSD when they go berserk. SWAT was called dude, fucking SWAT. If you're such a brainlet that reading two full posts that are not academically challenging at all (which is what most of this board is about) go read a book.

>> No.10128458

Not really, it all depends on your anxiety endurance. If Trump tomorrow said that we had known aliens for hundreds of thousands of years, you may not fret, but your neighbor might flip shit and an hero or turn others into heroes.

>> No.10128481

The paradox of existence.

>> No.10128486

i just want to point out that this was your fault entirely. responsibly using drugs would not lead to this happening even if you had a bad trip. why the fuck would you trip with other people around that would call the cops on you? you can blame 'bad acid bro' or 'people conspiring' but you caused all that shit by not being in a situation to use psychedelics and ordering them to someone else's house

>> No.10128491

Things ruku's memelist assumes on no solid grounds
>the ability of humanity to create AGI
>that computational speed has some magical endless capacity for improvement
>that this AGI can attain some form of near omnipotence in order to simulate humans at will
>that people might be simulations of the basilisk
>that simulations have anything in common with the actual person (as to be threatening in any way to the reader in the real world)
>that this AGI won't realize, with its entire intellectual prowess, that free will is impossible and the concepts of "responsibility" and "blame" are absurd (as to have a motive to torture you)
If you think more than 13 seconds about it, the whole concept of the basilisk and its threats become completely void.

>> No.10128513
File: 48 KB, 766x550, l Riesengebirge) 1811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really.

Being christian made the things have sense.

>> No.10128519

Based and sheeplepilled.
I I could switch off everything and start believing in christcuckery, I'd do it in a heartbeat- no more permanent existential dread.

>> No.10128611

remember lsd is measured by the microgram (ug). Micrograms are 1/1,000,000 of a gram.

there's not enough room in a small blotter paper to include/lace anything that would cause any effect at all

>> No.10128615

Observing reality without any kind of human limitations or filters would probably shock the average person. Maybe not to the point of insanity but it could

>> No.10128618


>> No.10128656

Algebraic geometry.

Ask Grothendieck

>> No.10128667

>If you think more than 13 seconds about it, the whole concept of the basilisk and its threats become completely void.
For now

>> No.10128669

>Hurr the brain is only chemicals
Ignoring 100yrs of physics feels nice I guess? Biofags still have no idea about quantum physics. It's sickening

>> No.10128710
File: 89 KB, 900x398, IMG_3828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No its the inverse of a safe space, thats why /pol/tards go to every board

>> No.10128901

Interesting topic. Bump

>> No.10128997

taking acid

>> No.10129448


i have no words for this, fucking what???

>> No.10129815

one person can't make a language