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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10121932 No.10121932[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post interesting characters at your uni
>7 foot tall Indian TA that moggs everyone
>group of Chinese students that never shut up during lecture
>qt wholesome stem gril that dresses modestly with long skirts
>that guy with resting bitch face that sits in the back and doesn't talk to anyone

>> No.10121955

>>waffle man who brings a waffle iron to lecture everyday and makes fresh waffles for the whole class. The prof partakes too
>>fluorine boy, who accidentally vented fluorine gas into the building. Has hands made of teflon now.
>>Dog. The campus dog, sits in on various classes and takes notes. Not officially enrolled, but still aces the tests
>>Steam tunnel rats, a former biology experiment, now morlock like creatures that live in the steam tunnels. Actually pretty cool dudes.
>>Steve. You don't fuck with Steve.

>> No.10121967

>>that guy with resting bitch face that sits in the back and doesn't talk to anyone
That's me. And probably you too (if not then go to Reddit)

>> No.10121977

>me who accidentally walked into class test forgetting I picked up weed the night before so I give off the aroma of loud while I try to find my seat 2 minutes before the exam starts and realize the numbers are every other so my seat is on the other side of the room.

>> No.10121981

>that guy with resting bitch face that sits in the back
That's me.
>and doesn't talk to anyone
That isn't.

>> No.10121987

>that one kid in the upper division stem classes that isn't fluent in mandarin

must suck not being able to talk to your classmates

>> No.10122016


>> No.10122264

>waffle man
I know your post is bullshit but I'd like to believe this is real

>> No.10122285

>50 year old southern white woman in grad classes who obsesses over Korean culture. She has male KPop group keychains and came to class dressed as a Korean halloween mascot.

>> No.10122310

>That guy who would act uncomfortably close to people in the dining hall and talked to trees before jumping off a building
>That guy who spoke unintelligible gibberish and had really bad teeth
>That guy who talks to himself in the bathroom
>The crazy bird lady
>The cult recruiters who pressure people into joining their bible study group
>That guy who uploaded pics of him sucking his own dick to wikipedia
>The balding fat guy who wore an antifa T-shirt everywhere for a few months
>The well dressed guy
>The guy with the nice dog
>The blind woman with the nice dog
>The guy who wears rhodesian camo literally everywhere
>The guy who's always snorting really loudly in the dining hall
>The middle aged guy who sits in the dining hall all day talking to himself and vigorously waving his arms around

>> No.10122311

>>that guy with resting bitch face that sits in the back and doesn't talk to anyone
literally me before i stopped attending

>> No.10122322

>uses resting bitch face to describe another man who is dissatisfied with being feminized by education and his sick culture

>> No.10122336

>That guy who uploaded pics of him sucking his own dick to wikipedia
I lost

>> No.10122344

An engineer, of course

>> No.10122628

>>that guy with resting bitch face that sits in the back and doesn't talk to anyone
I just don't like people. Because white genocide and stuff.

>> No.10122636

>that moody homo that just uses sharingan to cheat

>> No.10122661

That guy in a trench coat

>> No.10122666

>that guy in a trench coat
Literally me

>> No.10122690

the last guy is me. how do i stop this. I also have a qt stem girl and i want to talk to her.

>> No.10122700

>me that guy in the long black trench coat


>> No.10122760

>that guy who suffered a lab accident and is now the only host to an exotic and fragile bacteria, but the accident destroyed the other colonies and new attempts have failed so the school is threatening to sue him if he tries taking antibiotics

>> No.10122770

>the brainlet girl with severe anger issues (once i told her i found her dad on grindr and she stormed out of classroom after flipping a table kek)
>the girl who casually eats soap in between classes
>the guy who never shows up to class and really wants to be a soundcloud rapper
>furry faggot who always feels the need to talk about his cringey fanfiction and constantly changes his gender identity
>autistic guy who’s obsessed with trains

>> No.10122817


me approve

>> No.10122835

>that guy on campus that always posts threads on /sci/ about topics irrelevant to math or science

>> No.10122940

>all the chinks who are pulling out cooking gear out of nowhere and start stinking up the place.
>all the pajeets creeping out woman
>all the white chicks going for the same 3 majors
>all the white dudes looking around with a face that can only mean "what the fuck is going on here"

>> No.10122949
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>Trying to get my homework done
>Campus micspammer is playing loud nigra AGAIN

>> No.10122951

>that guy with resting bitch face that sits in the back and doesn't talk to anyone
Thats me sorry anon Im actually very friendly

>> No.10122956

>howdy doody grill math TA with the thickest southern accent you've ever heard
>autistic kid who interrupts the prof every 15 minutes to make a joke
>guy who walks around shirtless with the bluetooth speaker in his backpack so everyone can listen to what he is listening to
>sorority girls that wont shut up about how much they love coffee during the lecture
>pretentious engineer students who think they are better than business majors for no reason at all
>sociology prof that makes it a point to let everyone know just how gay he is
>math prof that hasn't changed clothes since september

wish I was making these up

>> No.10122961
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>>guy who walks around shirtless with the bluetooth speaker in his backpack so everyone can listen to what he is listening to
The worst, literal subhumans barely a step above people who eat with their mouth open

>> No.10122965

>asian kid thats in upper level physics courses as a CS major
>walks into class 3 minutes late every
>has legitimately the most pained "god i need to shit right now" expression at all times
>that guy in lecture that answers every question the professor asks and usually gets it wrong
>the asians that cook hotpot in the first floor staff kitchen every day

>> No.10122978

>pretentious engineer students who think they are better than business majors for no reason at all
The reason is it's true and both sides know it.

>> No.10122982

>he thinks engineers aren't superior to business sociopaths

>> No.10123019

>the guy that wears sunglasses to class and smokes from tobacco on a pipe
>the german math lecturer that goes out of his way to mention that nazis were bad
>the group of guys that sit at the back and chug beers and make noise
>the guy that feels entitled to talk loudly to his neighbour because it is relevant to the lecture
>the girl that asks questions so retarded that it makes you question how they got there
>the guy that obnoxiously corrects the lecturer on stupid typos even though you don't need half a brain to see it's a typo

>the autistic kid that sits at the back
>the lecturer that points at anyone to answer his questions
>that same autistic kid running out of the lecture room when questioned

>the freshmen that do slug races on the tables of the library
>the sports team that hold drinking games in the library

I could keep going

>> No.10123026

>the girl that asks questions so retarded that it makes you question how they got there
>the guy that obnoxiously corrects the lecturer on stupid typos even though you don't need half a brain to see it's a typo

these irritated me to no end. I really want to strangle these people

>> No.10123055

When I was in calc II my first semester at uni, there was this girl that was pretty boastful about knowing answers in the kind of show-offy way you'd see in high school and stuff, but we're in uni. Class of like 15 or 20 students, so pretty small and personalized a bit.

One day we're going over new material and she's reading some fantasy novel in the front row and not paying attention. the prof was just like, "hey this is pretty important you might wanna pay attention" and she ignores him and keeps reading. Like five minutes later he goes, "Why dont you put the book down and pay attention okay?"

I thought this was kind of awkward because this isn't high school. Profs don't care, if you dont wanna pay attention that's your own fault. Why is he making a fuss about it? And all of a sudden this girl who's reading the book just lets out this grunting/whining sound of irritation and has some sort of autistic temper tantrum of moaning and whining without saying any actual words, and the professor asks her to leave and she storms out of the class and slams the door.

she was studying mechanical engineering if i remember right, but man was it awkward

>> No.10123190

> That somewhat /fit/ guy that mogs everyone in his fluid mechanics lecture because he’s the only guy who lifts and practises good hygeine
Oh wait that’s me

>> No.10123214

>autistic kid who mouth breathes, plays ds, and browses serebii.net during topology

I know you're here

>> No.10123377

Bruh that's a good quarter of any engineering department, you gotta be a bit more specific

>> No.10123379
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>once i told her i found her dad on grindr and she stormed out of classroom after flipping a table kek
Kek, why the fuck would you tell her something like that?

>> No.10123386

>math prof that hasn't changed clothes since september
Shit ma, we've been found out

>> No.10123452

>that middle aged homeless man who loudly plays pc games and eats cheetoes in the library 24/7
>his young, overweight apprentice who plays with him
>that asian guy who pulls his pants down to piss
>that guy who jumped off a seven story building
>that long haired asian man who picks his toes in the library

>> No.10123481

>cripple who has one arm (no other limbs)
>french exchange student who doesn't believe in deodorant
>300 pound dude neckbeard with long hair who sits cross-legged outside one of the buildings and plays his DS every day
>old dude who spends every waking minute at the same terminal in the library giggling and muttering to himself, doesn't even go to the university
>normal-looking guy who constantly has absolutely rancid gas for some reason
>15 year old jewish kid here because his mom squawked at the school board until they fast-tracked him through public school

>> No.10123495

>that guy who asks questions every 2 minutes but is actually interested in letting everyone know he's reading ahead of the class
>that girl who complains how hard the class is (even told the professor he isn't great at teaching) and stops coming
>the guy who always asks you questions and tries to get you to give him the answer

>> No.10123517

>that ag major who married his cousin

>> No.10123533
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>>that middle aged homeless man who loudly plays pc games and eats cheetoes in the library 24/7
>>old dude who spends every waking minute at the same terminal in the library giggling and muttering to himself, doesn't even go to the university

>> No.10123629

>old man telling us how evil Jews are in the dinning area.
Not even memeing.

>> No.10123631

>skinnyfat unkempt guy who only shows up to half the classes and walks too fast and knows literally nobody on campus and can go weeks without opening his mouth and is probably going to drop out because of le social anxiety meme
LOL would sure suck to be THAT guy haha

>> No.10123649

>that faggot who comes into a fun humour thread and starts whining about himself
gee I wonder why no one likes you

>> No.10123672

nigger or white nigger trash

>> No.10123721

>that old math prof who shits on political correctness almost every lecture

>> No.10123724

>that old math prof who "retired" because he said something racist to a black girl
>that math prof who lurks /pol/

>> No.10123733

>Kid that tears through campus on a rip stick
>Some dude that sits at the stairs by the library where the most school traffic is and blows bubbles and shouts positive messages. Also carries a pinata
>One of those super-seniors with a huge social media presence but nobody actually really knows or cares about him.

>> No.10123745

>the girls loudly talking about cocaine and sex on their way to their comm classes
>the guy who is baked out of his mind riding a skateboard at breakneck speed through a crowd of retards w/out any fear
>the mongoloid diversity pack that stumbles past you usually smashing thermas's, book bags and coffee into your shoulder
>the high iq black chick with a huge ass who is always on the phone with her mom because she is uncomfortable among so many whites and without the company of any of her kinfolk
>the neurotic sperg faggot in your GUR phil class who uses petty logical quibbles to constantly interrupt the teacher while he's still explaining an idea he obviously does not agree with
>the nigger minded frat faggot in micro econ who constantly flirts with whores and asks people to share notes with him all the while subtlety promoting neo-liberal socipathy with every answer; any opportunity to talk about growth or jobs he is up for with a glowing smile
>the extremely bright dyke basketball player in your math class who never speaks and sits in the front with her one sort of closeted ugly friend and shares her notes with the people around her despite doing all the work by herself and not needing any assistance from the teacher
>the smelly fat retard in front of you who you know is going to drop by week 6 because they never write anything down during class exercises or lectures but also don't seem to smugly or stoically be capable of premonitioning what the teacher is elaborating on or what the solution to the problem being presented might be
>the obviously depressed, anguished looking middling attractiveness white kid who smells like cigs and wears his hoody inside at all times and never opens his book, sighs constantly when the female teacher mentions diversity or women's struggles
I don't see as many of these people after switching to a STEM major but they mostly just made me feel more empathy for the public. I hate them, but I understand why they make me hate them now

>> No.10123766

>That pretty cool bro in lab that is only taking it for pre-reqs and requires you to spoonfeed him how to do the shit
>TA starts to get suspicious and asks more probing questions to see if they know what they are doing
>I give the kid next to me the exact reasoning behind his steps and what questions to expect
>Had to hide my smile when he just repeated what I said word for word despite not even knowing what he was saying. Kind of impressive honestly.

Had this in both my labs, it could get annoying but I didn't mind getting kids A's for some pre-req they are never going to use. When we weren't allowed to work with our partner I typically just mouthed under my breath everything they had to do for their experiment.

>> No.10123791

>that guy with resting bitch face that sits in the back and doesn't talk to anyone

This is why you guys are not getting into grad school

>> No.10123800

that was my CS prof. he kept shitting on how women can't into computers or math (factually correct) and no girl to this day ever surprised him or proved him wrong

>> No.10123801
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I work in a library and there are swaths of these disgusting old man retard NEETS who talk so loud the whole room can hear them cause they're deaf and retarded and are always talking to the staff and we have to engage cause we're publicly employed cucks. These people have nothing better to do than go to the library literally whenever it's open to fucking drive around on google fucking maps. Fuck I hate old people

>> No.10123826

because it’s so easy and fun to take the piss out of her, she’ll always pull shit like this