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10119857 No.10119857 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder base 10 is retarded and should be replaced with base 12

>> No.10119859

>base 12
>not base 16

are you braindamaged

>> No.10119866

You are like little baby, watch this:
base pi.

>> No.10119894

Being divisible by 3 is a lot more important than 8 (which doesn't matter since 12 covers 4) or 7

>> No.10119901
File: 48 KB, 800x450, 18lq9aj54ii6ejpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. has deformity of one extra finger on each hand

>> No.10119902

You don't count in your fingers like a literal child, do you, anon?

>> No.10119903


>> No.10119906

when i was a literal child learning numbers, yes, i did, and so did everybody else without deformities

>> No.10119910

>counting the entire finger instead of each digit with your thumb
lmfao, he doesn't know he can count to three on each finger!!!11!!!

>implying we shouldn't just use finger binary
You can get into the billions of you use your toes.

>> No.10119916

>not base infinity with infinite numerals

>> No.10119921

Base 9 ftw

>> No.10119923
File: 127 KB, 807x935, deep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

snaaapp mang dats fukin dope n sheeeit homeboi

>> No.10119955
File: 43 KB, 610x589, k60hgNVIGORXWIUK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

base pi, base infinity, base zero, base i

what is the best meme? maybe more suggestions?

>> No.10119991

>not base 60
Look at this pleb.

>> No.10119998

based base wojak bogdanov Opitimized pepe *dabs*

>> No.10120012

Based 12 triggers most
They dont know what to do when presented with any form of measurement that doesn't subscribe to moving a decimal place around, so they mock it and upboat their praises of the metric system.

...except for time. No one has any trouble working off of base 12 for time. No one makes a big fuss about leap days. Most dont even know that there was an overtly French metric time format.

Show them the freezing and boiling points of water in F and their minds explode because it isnt condensed into a 0-100 range.

>> No.10120074


Do all his fingers work? If so it would seem to be an evolutionary advantage.

>> No.10120099

Nice dubs just for that im gonns be gentle when I say this, shut the fuck up

>> No.10120114

>>They dont know what to do when presented with any form of measurement that doesn't subscribe to moving a decimal place around
Base 12 does though. To multiply by 12 you shift the decimal. Just like in base 10 to multiply by 10 you shift, and in base 2 to multiply by 2 you shift by 2.

A common retort of tenists is that multiplying by 10 is common but multiplying by 12 is uncommon, but that's only because we use a base 10 system currently. If we used base 12 then we'd frequently multiply by 12 and infrequently multiply by 10.

He's the product of an incredibly polluted environment.

>> No.10120129

>using whole-number bases
>using rational bases

>> No.10120236

Base pi

>> No.10120257

>If so it would seem to be an evolutionary advantage.
Not really anon. What do you ever do with your pinky besides stick it up your ass?
At least it's better than the pinky toe, which exists only to get smashed on furniture when you're going to pee in the middle of the night.

>> No.10120263
File: 16 KB, 297x255, base 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10120265

Based square root of negative imaginary pi. Over zero.

>> No.10120273
File: 43 KB, 500x328, my nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's it

>> No.10120279

>not knowing a transcendental number besides pi and e
>not using that base

>> No.10120349
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He's not wrong you know ... It will work.

>> No.10120354

Base pi

>> No.10120799

>i have no argument

>> No.10120820

I'll agree if you ban irrational numbers.

>> No.10122248

>He's the product of an incredibly polluted environment.

Does it matter? Evolution is brought on by mutations to organisms over generations and Darwinism selecting the better fitted for survival. Now that Humans have the comfy life, there will be no more evolution if people refuse to breed with mutated beings.

>> No.10122291

More digits => stronger grip => hand to hand combat advantage?

>> No.10123273

>finger binary
I thought I was the only one.