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10114695 No.10114695[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Globalization has pretty much ensured that migration and demographic changes are inevitable. Ethnostates will be a thing of the distant past..Look at the happiness of the family in the pic.You know in your heart and soul that that is happiness that you want to experience one day. So why would you strip that away from someone lucky enough to have found it? What kind of monster are you?

>> No.10114701

I doubt baits like this work on /sci/. But you can always try, though.

>> No.10114733

>Ethnostates will be a thing of the distant past
Israel isn't going anywhere buddy. If anything, it's about to expand big time.

>> No.10114740

>You know in your heart and soul that that is happiness that you want to experience one day

>> No.10114747


>> No.10114748

this thread is shit. should be 404’d

>> No.10114756

That child is pretty though. Mulattas can be fucking beautiful, it's worth the sacrifice.

>> No.10114764

>That child is pretty though.
Police!!! This man is a pervert.

>> No.10114765

There is a higher amount of activity in the amygdala when viewing different-race faces than when viewing same-race faces. But the frontal lobe controls for this discrepancy, so people who have low IQ and impulse control are generally more racist.

>> No.10114769

this this this. don't ever underestimate how damaged a person' s brain can become. racism is just a symptom of some level of brain damage

>> No.10114772

Why is fearing a race that commits so much violent crime a sign of low IQ?

>> No.10114774

other thing I forgot to mention is how prominent natural selection is. even without racism people tend to lash out at people them deem to be defective. your brain is always scanning others for genetic compatibility

>> No.10114780

Jewish is an ethnicity.
It not easy for someone to simply convert to Judaism

>> No.10114784

Higher quality of life negatively correlates with violent crime.

>> No.10114796

So what? Black people commit the most crime. Why should one not be afraid of black people more than people of other skin color, given that black skin correlates highly with crime?

>> No.10114805

I agree

But I also have literally have no problem with this. If a black man is a good goy with a good job and takes care of his family then it doesn't matter what the other partner's race is

>> No.10114809

When you live in a country that kills 60k+ people per year, and the main source of this extreme violence are niggers, you will probably be a bit racist.

>> No.10114811

Can one acknowledge that blacks may have a lower IQ on average maybe caused by genetics but still "like" good black people and have black friends whilst not being a racist?

>> No.10114812

Also, fuck off OP, your pic is disgusting.

>> No.10114814

Not all black people are criminals, but a lot of them are

>> No.10114839

Jewish is an ethnicity, and actually Israel just recently declared their country as an ethnostate
for the Jews only


>> No.10114850


>> No.10114858

>be north african egyptian
>go into wilderness
'>see these things that look like you but are very dark
>approach them
>one tries to attack you
>you get away
>2000 years later someone goes into the desert and finds blacks still in a paleolithic state of existence
>deem blacks are subhuman who should be the slaves of egyptians

>be arab
>enter african desert
>see niggers living in the stone age
>think hmmm these things are definitely not people at all

>Be Greek
>Enter african desert
>See niggers in their savagery
>See they are not human

And finally
>Be West European
>Reach coast of West Africa
>Enter the wilderness
>See feral niggers living in the stone age
>You cant believe what you are seeing right now they barely have any clothing
>No books no philosophy nothing close to science its hard to even think people this stupid are real
>People? No people can be this horrible they are obviously subhumans.

>> No.10114860

Is that Big Shaq?

>> No.10114866
File: 963 KB, 3000x2000, ATL_108_0027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there a scientific explanation for racism?
it's a medical condition called xenophobia, meanwhile it can be cured with therapy and medication, unfortunately the US got shit healthcare

>> No.10114873


>Ethnostates will be a thing of the distant past.

The concept of a nation-state in general will be a thing of the past. Most of the economic power in the world is held in large cities. Cities are becoming more dominant than the nation states they reside in. Earth will one day become a global confederation of interconnected cities

>> No.10114885

>natural and normal state of being across the human race
>a medical condition
xenophobia is as natural to human beings as fight or flight response
person of higher rate of crime no mater where your ethnicity finds it's self

>> No.10114912

The girl on the right is german and donald glover has european blood in him a purebred african isnt a human being we're just mixing with them

>> No.10114944

Of course there is a scientific explanation for everything. Racism and the lack of it. IMHO, when breeding has diluted the races and spawned new ones. People will continue to shove things into categories and find new ways to be racist. It is about forming alliances and excluding others and that makes perfect sense to give your people an advantage. Life intends to live.

>> No.10114962 [DELETED] 

>have a lower IQ on average maybe caused by genetics but still "like" good black people and have black friends whilst not being a racist?


>> No.10114969
File: 29 KB, 1004x876, UCScreenshot20180621151447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a purebred african isnt a human being

Correction, non-Africans are subhuman.

>> No.10114973


>> No.10114977

you're not getting three serious responses lol, dumb faggot

>> No.10114982
File: 40 KB, 443x455, EDD218F25031413F89C10D8E913B3251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Good thing we'll have helicopter snipers next year.

>> No.10114988

Every single brazilian i’ve met has said they wished the police killed more people.

>> No.10115036
File: 440 KB, 750x864, 1540086648278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is our future.

>> No.10115057

Source? Also blacks have the lowest IQ, so being prejudiced against them is rational.

>> No.10115065

Chinks have the highest IQ and many of them are poor. They probably have low crime but they still kill themselves and have a low quality of life.

>> No.10115074

It's highly dubitable that chinks across the board have the highest IQs. You can count on them not using representative samples in tests, cheating like they are known to do. I have no problem acknowledging koreans or japanese as smarter, but many chinese live in the iron age.

>> No.10115089

IQ is a meme.

>> No.10115094

But only when someone is talking about black IQ.

>> No.10115095
File: 6 KB, 301x167, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was always a meme.

>> No.10115101

That quote seems to miss the point in this context. No one was boasting.

>> No.10115113

the word racist is used as weapon to socially subdue clear and honest recognition of racial differences. I am racially aware and equality does not exist on any scale

>> No.10115116

also niggers will rob you if you leave money around and they will fuck your women and darken humanity if you do not make clear lines for which they can not cross

>> No.10115127

That disregards and undermines the proportion whom you would consider as exceptions. It’s really shitty for persons of good character that fall under a stigmatized demographic to be dealt such civil injustice.

>inb4 nigger

>> No.10115132

Facing prejudice is "civil injustice"? I'd say it's a part of life everybody needs to deal with.

>> No.10115222


Non-Africans have evolved, africans are dinosaurus.

>> No.10115241

>No one was boasting.

You are a rare one then.

>> No.10115248
File: 140 KB, 1095x730, 1540689470746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." This has been my guiding motto since the first day I read it. However, with the inability of whites to maintain even a population at replacement levels and the influx of immigrants into white countries a very terrifying thought occured to me; Though raising them and teaching them properly I may ensure my children and even grandchildren will help to perpetuate the existence of the white race, but after I have departed my mortal coil, how can I be sure that one of my female descendants won't lay on her back ,legs spread wide moaning in delight as Tyrone empties his African jungle milk into her womb, his nigger tadpoles racing for her Aryan egg.

What is going to be the future of our race? I am afraid. Look at the beauty in pic related. Pic related is a bred coalburner. This could be the fate of your descendants. You have no way of knowing.

>> No.10115250

That's what people in a good position always say to people in the worse position.

>> No.10115253

That's not how evolution works.

>> No.10115254

>Ethnostates will be a thing of the distant past

>> No.10115257

Israel is a rogue shithole that deserves to be sanctioned to hell like South Africa was during the apartheid years.