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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10113954 No.10113954[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." This has been my guiding motto since the first day I read it. However, with the inability of whites to maintain even a population at replacement levels and the influx of immigrants into white countries a very terrifying thought occurred to me; Though raising them and teaching them properly I may ensure my children and even grandchildren will help to perpetuate the existence of the white race, but after I have departed my mortal coil, how can I be sure that one of my female descendants won't lay on her back ,legs spread wide moaning in delight as Tyrone empties his African jungle milk into her womb, his nigger tadpoles racing for her Aryan egg.

What is going to be the future of our race? I am afraid. Look at the beauty of the woman in Pic related.She is a bred coalburner. This could be the fate of your descendants. You have no way of knowing.

>> No.10113956
File: 761 KB, 1280x2096, wedonotbreed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>However, with the inability of whites to maintain even a population at replacement levels
That's where you're wrong kiddo


>> No.10113957

Chinese genetics are measurably better by your own standards, so why defend whites and not slants? The only answer is white romanticism.

>> No.10113958
File: 1.16 MB, 1957x1296, futureofwomen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artificial wombs will likely significantly increase fertility rates. Women are the limiting factor of reproduction, but this will no longer be an issue of they are no longer needed to reproduce. Artificial wombs will likely also increase average IQs, due to the fact that autists would have an easier time reproducing due to not needing to attract a mate, and the potential increased cranial capacity that could arise from no longer needing to fit through a small hole.

>> No.10114061

Sluts are more likely to reproduce.

Humanity will be all sluts in 2100,

>> No.10114104

God just STFU

>> No.10114138

this, artificial wombs is something that could reverse dysgenic trends

>> No.10114164

We white folk are the results of breed mixing somewhere along the line. It will be sad to lose the beauty of the white woman. But that's just how it is. If the KKK would modernize and quit acting like a bunch of niggers, maybe there could be some positive promotion of the agenda and an increase in education on the subject. We want to save pandas and shit. I'm cool if you want to save whites. My kid is an Asian hybrid but I just tell him he's white and not to act like a minority because everybody should just shut up and act like a fucking human. Is this /sci/?

>> No.10114230
File: 398 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20181103-113524_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>barely at replacement (an estimate)
>the only group at replacement are a minority
>more immigrants coming in oer year than conservative babies being made
>not counting the 5+ kids each will have often with white women

Dont convince yourself things are better than they seem, assume the worst (probable reality) and act accordingly.

>> No.10114244


>> No.10114391
File: 83 KB, 800x600, 1538948432901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It will be sad to lose the beauty of the white woman

>> No.10114399

Whites don't need to breed. It's that other races need to be contained until they're also below replacement.
If that happens fast enough we can avoid the crisis of the millennium.

>> No.10114400

The family unit is up to the family to decide. Thats a human right so we shouldn't be deciding for people. There's way way more white people than is necessary to maintain enough genetic diversity to keep reproducing indefinitely. So my prediction is there will be more mixing than there was is the past going forward but it'll never get completely mixed and homogenous, even by pure chance without consciously doing anything. There will always be pure whites and pure blacks and pure whatevers.

>> No.10114620

>one of my female descendants won't lay on her back ,legs spread wide moaning in delight as Tyrone empties his African jungle milk into her womb, his nigger tadpoles racing for her Aryan egg.


>> No.10114971

The future is black.

>> No.10115020

Then you better start thinking about wireless devices, because they're sterilizing all races.

>> No.10115024

>muh white genocide
Please leave and kys

>> No.10115034

Why do you hate white people?

>> No.10115037

Fuck off back to /pol/.

Mulattos are more attractive to me than white Women anymore, so don’t give a fuck aesthetically.

>> No.10115038

This, why the racism?

Do you support genocide?

>> No.10115039

No one claimed to “hate white people”. Try again to lie.

>> No.10115040

I find Russian women quite attractive and since "Russia is for Russians" I don't see sexy ruskayas disappearing anytime soon.

>> No.10115041

Demographic shifts caused by intermixing are not genocide.

>> No.10115043

Russians don’t breed anymore so they’re dying out.

>> No.10115071

>Extreme conservatives are barely above replacement levels

>> No.10115082

Why? How are we gonna colonize the seas and the planets of the solar system without growing the birthrate?
Who is gonna die in war if the birthrates are kept low.