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10109105 No.10109105 [Reply] [Original]

Is global warming even real?

>> No.10109114


>> No.10109119

Global warming, global cooling: we've heard it all. The truth is we're even close to understand a complex system like the climate (we can't predict the weather one week from now let alone 50 years into the future)

>> No.10109124
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>> No.10109130
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>> No.10109134
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>> No.10109137
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>> No.10109141
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>> No.10109143
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>> No.10109149
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>> No.10109150
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Communism is based. The Internet is built on the only communist operating system: GNU+Linux

>> No.10109184 [DELETED] 

Why do retards think that phenomena which have different names and are used in different contexts like "weather" and "climate", mean the thing?

>> No.10109189

Why do retards think that phenomena which have different names and are used in different contexts like "weather" and "climate", mean the same thing?

>> No.10109194


>> No.10109195


>> No.10109213

Yes of course, there have as your own OP image indicates been multiple significant periods of global average temperature rise and climatic shift, and equally severe periods of temperature drop and climatic shift. The only part I don't buy is the part that's patently and objectively false, that climate shift as a phenomena is exclusively man-made and exclusively driven by human action, and can only be altered or stopped or reversed by human action. Real world physical evidence of climate shifts which existed before human beings completely obliterates this extremely weak conjecture. It's only purpose is to be used as a tool by governments to appropriate more resources in the form of expanded taxation.

>> No.10109288

Why are you on the science board if you don't care about science at all and are only spreading disinfo?

>> No.10109299


exellente, amigo. mas por favor.

>> No.10109302

>The Truth About Climate Change

The change in the political climate comes from people thinking she is a nice Jewish girl but she is totally evil and likes the fuck things up just to soothe the chip she has on her shoulder about having a vagine.

>> No.10109305

...speaking of...
The recently re-edited the Godfather movies so that all the scenes are in chronological order. Right before Sonny gets whacked, the sister is pitching a fit smashing all the vases. That's Helene irl and the nice things men have built are the vases. She is totally evil.

>> No.10109306

or how about "primarily" or even just "significantly"

but leave it to a denialtard to use the least qualifying language to then dismiss the argument and evidence entirely, because logical fallacies are fine as long as you don't like the conclusion

>> No.10109311

and I tell you what else. I am going to cull her organization (that means put them all to death and the children too who would grow up bitter about how I killed their parents). We are going to get rid of her gay faggot protocols and instead we will have a military organization with a chain of command and plain speaking.

>> No.10109790

...bcoz cognitive dissonance?

>> No.10109793

"We only have 10 years" -t people that have been parroting that line since 1983

>> No.10109797

Do you guys know how to read a graph? That boxed section ends about 2 THOUSAND YEARS AGO. Learn to read the scale of an axis.

>> No.10109799
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>> No.10109860

It's definitely changing but it has never been static.
The argument is whether human activity is driving it.
Of course it is to some degree.
Rather than turning into tree hugging faggots we should be working on decreasing populations rather than causing them to explode like we are. All to prop up some economic ponzi scheme that relies on never ending growth

>> No.10109907

uh oh


>> No.10109955

It's too late so who gives a fuck

>> No.10109960

>weather is warmer than usual in some parts of the world.
>weather is cooler on average on an entire continent

that's like saying chemistry isnt just applied physics. You are actually mentally retarded if you think a double standard like that isnt a classic left wing jew trick.

>> No.10109961

>I can't into statistics

>> No.10109967
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>uses a graph of historical average temperatures
>picks an immense scale that dates back half a million years
>marks the era of human civilization "for our convenience"
>one pixel covers almost 600 years and the entirety of the industrial revolution will simply disappear in less than half a pixel
Global warming denial 101.

>> No.10110092

they're right though, outcomes get locked in pretty quickly even if the consequences of the outcome don't hit until 50 years down the line

>> No.10110095

Sad disadvantaged brainlet

>> No.10110155
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>Is global warming even real?
Yes. See image.

>Global warming, global cooling: we've heard it all.
Maybe stop getting your knowledge of science from poorly-researched tabloids. Global cooling was never a dominant view among climatologists.

>The truth is we're even close to understand a complex system like the climate
The basics of how greenhouses gasses work is fairly simple.

>The only part I don't buy is the part that's patently and objectively false, that climate shift as a phenomena is exclusively man-made
We can directly measure the contribution of human activity to CO2 levels (isotope balance), and it's contribution to the greenhouse effect (downward IR spectrum).

>Real world physical evidence of climate shifts which existed before human beings completely obliterates this extremely weak conjecture
Past climate shifts didn't happen for no reason. Climatologists have a decent understanding of the effects such as Milankovitch cycles which caused them. The current climate change is vastly faster, and has a very obvious "smoking gun". No known natural cause could come close to driving the observed rate of warming.

>It's too late so who gives a fuck
Global warming isn't a single, fixed-size event. The longer we put off dealing with it the worse the consequences will get.

>> No.10110309

>Global warming isn't a single, fixed-size event. The longer we put off dealing with it the worse the consequences will get.
I want a proper apocalypse, not some half assed shit

>> No.10110321

It will probably end up in WWIII.

>> No.10110337

>Global cooling was never a dominant view among climatologists
This is wrong. Climate change is the sum of both global warming effects, such as CO2 increasing the greenhouse effect, and global cooling effects, such as dimming from particulate pollution, and there is a net warming effect.

>> No.10110341

>we should be working on decreasing populations
Good luck convincing anyone of that.

>> No.10110344

>frequent weekly gains in weight due to overeating

>every so often weight goes down between two weeks

How does it feel to be exactly the same as an SJW complaining about being fatshamed?

>> No.10110352
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>Climate change is the sum of both global warming effects, such as CO2 increasing the greenhouse effect, and global cooling effects, such as dimming from particulate pollution, and there is a net warming effect.
I'm aware of that, but >>10109119 was pretty obviously referring to the "coming ice age!" news headlines from the 70's, not the existence of negative forcings.

>> No.10110359

It doesn't even show modern temperatures. Who knows whether it's even based on real data.

>> No.10110366

and they were correct. We cannot do anything to prevent it now because morons are scientifically illiterate. We were basically fucked by the late 1990s.

>> No.10110369

As long as it's over quickly. I don't look good with a mohawk

>> No.10110381

>Intel Hardware Security

>> No.10110390

I've heard thatanother ice age "should've already been here" but what's keeping it?

>> No.10110804


>> No.10111281

It's a fact that whenever says weather doesnt git the climate change narrative, shills get butthurt like in this thread but if there's a hurricane or some other weather event, it's irrevocably climate change.

You cant have it both ways.

>> No.10111284
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>> No.10111289
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watching less tv and listening to less radio. The more you involve the mind the more it looks to involve the body and that means that it involves more of the cortex and eventually capitualtes to include that all matter may not be enough yet. TV and radio circulate frequencies between a very tight cage system. It doesnt regard space time just a linear notion, and so it cannot properly adjust to vary our states of being into modular states over the course of a lapse in memory if it cannot even function to regulate gestures and even facets of personality or simple organ function. Its a mental state versus mentally stated kind of thing amd most people only care about themselves anyway so its not like these things come up out of weird talks with weird people and tgose weird people usually only respond after youve given them sonething. Fish helps reduce regulation and chicken makes it softer and more tender to let you bring up more water as it realizes new advents of the cleanliness we regard our health to.

>> No.10111291
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>> No.10111351

>everyone i disagree with is one person
Anon... we are worried about you

>> No.10111459

Do you understand the difference between an anecdote and an average? Do you understand the difference between a random anomaly and a pattern due to a known cause?

>> No.10112805

Jokes on you I just convinced my gf to have an abortion.