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10106116 No.10106116 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible for one to work in a stem field if they have a mental illness?

>> No.10106119
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yes, just make sure to have your mental health improve.

>> No.10106126

I really hope so, OP.

>t. Physics student with schizoaffective disorder

>> No.10106130 [DELETED] 


it depends, can the medication/therapy/self control allows you to follow schedules and have normal social relationships with your collegues?

if yes, you're good.

>> No.10106136
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Have you even seen Good Will Hunting? Helooo. I guess that was trauma rather than mental illness.

>> No.10106138
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>> No.10106143
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>> No.10106155


tell us more

>> No.10106589

Yes, unless they waste time and healthy with close-to-useless drugs: >>/sci/thread/10100823

>> No.10107491

Is it possible for one to work in a stem field without a mental illness?

Fixed your post op

>> No.10107500

Nope. It literally doesn't matter how hard you try. You are competing for limited positions against healthy people. There isn't a place on this earth that would consider you over someone equally qualified and healthy. Unless you think you are really the best, then guess again.

If your "mental illness" somehow doesn't hinder progress or reduce the quality of your work then it isn't really an illness.

>> No.10107503

Nah, I'd hire the mentally ill applicant because of how much harder they have it. Especially over someone good looking, since attractive looks are the equivalent of affirmative action on steroids in all aspects of life. Being schizo and still qualifying for a position is the equivalent of vastly outperforming "equally qualified" healthy competitors.

>> No.10107506

What if its a mentally ill brad pitt look alike?

>> No.10108346

Yes. I am on a nice does of risperdone and I'm doing well in grad school and my internship.

>> No.10108360

I bet someone working in STEM can show that all illnesses are physical and if there's something you don't like about someone's attitude which does come from a biological problem in their brain then it's not an illness.

>> No.10108361

Im a student in enegineering and I can bet at least a few of the professors/researches on my uni (one of the gighest ranked in my country) have some type of mental illness like Aspberges for example.

In general I think it depends, being antisocial might even be a benefit if it helps you really focus in your field. But im sure some mental illnes might not be of benefit (those that are associated with low IQ for example).

Anyway, im not an expert on mental health but if you have motivation it can take you a long way and you are probably more than your mental illness. Make sure to get help for it(therapy maybe) and maybe even meds if needed and try your best :)

>> No.10108362

*does not*

>> No.10108373

it's almost required to have a mental illness to work in stem

>> No.10109038

This is highly dependent on motivation and sociability.

If your motivation is diminished even slightly or temporarily at times, it's probably not possible.

Low sociability (Aspreger's, anxiety) is no problem, if personal contacts are superficial, your supervisor lets you work pretty much on your own and doesn't demand travelling or presenting stuff. Otherwise, it basically stops you from doing STEM.

>> No.10109144

I'm bipolar and I do freelance webdev on an intermittent basis

I dunno honestly, I guess you can do it but if you have a legitimate severe mental illness the sad truth is you'll probably do nothing that well

Good luck op

>> No.10109175

Not if you're going to ignore all criticism and never revise any work. Otherwise you're fine.