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10105556 No.10105556[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why am I noticeably getting worse at everything, /sci/???
Like seriously, in everything I do right now, I feel like I've done it before A LOT better. Why are my skills suddenly downgrading all by itself? What is happening to my brain and body?

It seems like yesterday I was good at this thing, and now I'm a tiny bit, but noticeably worse at it. Is there some kind of scientific explanation for this? And how do I stop this from happening?

The thing is I'm still young as hell. I'm not even 30+ yet. But my skills are just rapidly deteriorating by the day and I hate it.

>> No.10105580

Maybe you're just getting more honest with yourself about your abilities

>> No.10105587

Microwave exposure. Where do you live? If they've deployed 5G or a 4G LTE "smart pole" system, you could be rapidly declining because of it.

I don't know exactly what it is, but I'm feeling it too. The last year particularly, and ramping up almost exponentially. I need to get some melatonin next, though I remember it made me feel hung over the next day. It's performance rivals synthetic spin trap compounds, so might have to do whatcha gotta do.

I made another post here.

This is a past thread I participated in. It's not the best overview to convince, but it's an accurate overall review. The old military etc documents in mediafire link particularly.


Also refer to this:

Real sick of this shit. I'm really feeling it. Where are you located? I'm in the Northeast US.

>> No.10105589
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Just last week, when I was playing osu, I could 95% any 4-star songs. And now I can only barely get a 93%.
Then also last week, I could play U.N. Owen Was Her on my guitar flawlessly, and NOW I fuck up in almost every note.
Then just 2-3 weeks ago, I could do 20 minutes of intense cardio and still feel a bit energized. And now I get horribly tired and fatigued at 15 minutes.
My memory is also getting a lot worse. I made a thread here on /sci/ before about me forgetting stuff I did 10-20 seconds ago, and NOW i'm forget stuff that I just did a second ago!


>> No.10105590

You're beginning to suffer from microwave sickness.

>> No.10105591

What the fuck are you serious? Or is this some tinfoil hat shit. I'm a newfag here on /sci/ so I don't know if this is a meme or not.
I mean I do have a microwave, but I only use it like once a week

I'm located somewhere in Asia.

>> No.10105595

I'm quite serious. I've been studying this for several years and seem to have been a canary in the coal mine for a lot of my life. There are several people with hardcore credentials that could tell you the same.

It's time for the world to wake up. This isn't progress, this is a dream of a world that could not and will not ever be.

>> No.10105596

Also if it's Korea or the Phillipines, it's likely microwave sickness. China it's possible, but less likely.

>> No.10105599

Dammit. I meant to say also this isn't about microwave ovens. Wireless devices use microwave frequency radiation to communicate.

>> No.10105601

yep ur getting old bro

>> No.10105604

Well that makes much more sense. I was weirded out when you said "microwave exposure", like you're basically saying "microwaves are evil".

I do have a lot of wireless device in my house.
God I really hope I don't get worse than I am right now.

Well as I said I'm still in my early 20s. I'm definitely not getting old.

>> No.10105610

Brains aren't perfect. They degrade over time. And skills are a use-or-loose type of thing. At least in part. Unless it's riding a bicycle, that hardly counts as a skill. It's more akin to being able to walk.

>> No.10105615
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I understand this, but I'm literally in my 20s. Brains aren't supposed to degrade in their 20s... right?
I just don't want to be stupid and unskilled at everything I was good at before.

>> No.10105619

Stop trying to rationalize and normalize shit that isn't naturally. It's not natural to be sick. It's not naturally to be disoriented. It's not natural to have tachycardia and inability to remember a goddamn thing. This is not the way it should be.

>> No.10105620

I could fc 5 star maps and now I cant even get an A at 4 stars
Wtf is happening

>> No.10105625

Maybe they changed the hit accuracy in the latest halloween update and made it harder?
Fucking weebs man.

>> No.10105668

Quite possibly brain fog. Any ENT issues? Are you getting quality sleep? Any recent changes in diet? Any other symptoms? Depression, mood swings, fatigue, etc.

>> No.10105670

Not OP, but I have an absolute shitload of brainfog the past year. Past two weeks or so have been getting crazy panic episodes, depression, arms and hands have been very cold. Got diagnosed with mono back in July, if that has anything to do with it. Diagnose me, doc.

>> No.10105678

Get a grip. Life isn't fair. Life doesn't owe you shit. So you were born missing half your body and an increased cancer risk? You died at only age 60? You were born as a slave in a third world nation? Too fucking bad. It's life.

>> No.10105693


Yep, they do. Welcome to adulthood. The „fun“ begins once you notice obvious wrong, irreversible decisions you've done.

t. 27

>> No.10105700

Stop doing drugs
Stop masturbating
Get 8 hours of sleep
Observe the shabbat

>> No.10105706

>Stop masturbating
I don't get this nofap meme. Why does everyone on this site seem to believe there are benefits in not masturbating? It's obviously fucking bullshit.

>> No.10105708

I do masturbate and don't get enough sleep, but I don't do drugs. Maybe it's the sleep thing, but I can't help it.

That can't be true.

>> No.10105721

"Abuse me more. I can take it."
It's all you know how to do. What an absolute asinine stream of attempted placation. I seriously hope you don't think that's insightful or a revelation.

Don't give up. It's hard, but you have to be brave.

>> No.10105722

I've also been getting extreme waves of deja vu and jamais vu. Not constantly, but consistently.

>> No.10105725

>I've also been getting extreme waves of deja vu
This has been happening to me the past 5 years. I don't know how to explain it.

>> No.10105735
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I actually want to try not masturbating but I feel like it might just waste my time.

>> No.10105738

Now say something that isn't sanctimonious and addled drivel.

>> No.10105744

You're exhausted you fucking retard, jesus. You might not know it, but you're showing early signs of burning yourself out. The solution is to take a break and come back in a week or two.

>> No.10105754

So yeah, had it too but now(year of semihardwork) im in my peak form. I also kinda belive in biorythm charts, and it works for me but i am way less hormonaly stable than many of u so maybe thats why

>> No.10105761

>it's literally impossible to have self control
>self control is worthless
>t. NPC

>> No.10105767

Maybe. I have been trying to improve myself (in every aspect possible) in the past few weeks.
I just wasn't satisfied with myself.. So I started practicing and trying to become the best in almost every skill possible.
It seemed to have worked which is why I kept doing it, but now it's literally all "downgrading", which is why I made this thread.

>biorythm charts
Sounds like pseudoscience to me.

>> No.10105771

Degradation starts between age 23-26, most people don't notice until early 30s

>> No.10105774

What you're describing seems not that though it is a slow process

>> No.10105796

I'm telling you what you need to hear.

Now you listen to me. I've got trigeminal neuralgia and a digestive system that barely works, and it's been that way for the last 10 years. Every bit of functionality I have in a given day, and even a given moment, is something I've had to work for. It's something that requires conscious overhead, and there are no free rides. I know how life is, and I know how things work. You're talking a bunch of half way nonsense. Words aren't enough to live on.

Either you're severely beat down but somewhat taken care of by the machine, or you're some dumb kid, which is alright. Regardless you should probably get out and ask yourself why you're choosing to use your time this way.

>> No.10105802

>I do masturbate and don't get enough sleep, but I don't do drugs. Maybe it's the sleep thing, but I can't help it.
There's your problem. Fix it and you'll see an improvement, guaranteed. As for masturbation, how often? Once a day is fine, but if you're going on porn binges and spending an hour+ every day on pornography and masturbation, you're fucking yourself up.

Not a doctor. Brain fog is just a symptom of chronic health issues (nutrient deficiencies, hormonal issues, sleep apnea, etc). It seems to be related to depression and problems that interfere with quality sleep. Whatever you have sounds pretty serious to me and I'd suggest that you find a good doctor. Takes time, but you can do it.

>> No.10105810

Oh shit, guys is this anon speaking truth?

>> No.10105811


Your brain, like everything else, will degrade over time, even all mighty elon musk has said his brain isn't what it was like.

https://www.apoe4.info/wiki/Bredesen_Protocol Start following this protocol.

>> No.10105814

nah, microwave schizo is just the resident /sci/ pseud, along with parapsychology schizo and soil degradation schizo

best just to ignore them

fact is that there is no evidence for non-ionizing radiation being harmful in any way

>> No.10105820

I think that anon should look at the data and decide for themselves.

I'm uploading more documents to the mediafire link at the moment also.

>> No.10105824

Your loss of ability is not due to you degrading, I've met a lot of 20 year olds suffering from what you described. It's a simple case of mental exhaustion and prolonged stress with few breaks. I assure you that you'll be up to par again if you take a break and do something else for a while.

>> No.10105826

>I'm uploading more documents to the mediafire link at the moment also.

Anon here, thank you schizo, will look at data myself, in the mean time, what can one do? It's not like I can walk around with a faraday cage.

>> No.10105827

Maybe I should try watching porn. Thanks anon.

>> No.10105830

This shit right here, I'm getting JUSTed this semester because I didn't get much of a spring break because all my professors scheduled a difficult exam the first or second day back, and then I had to take courses over the summer, so I've essentially been studying without a break for a year now. You have no idea how much I'm looking forward to winter break, I'm just hoping I can pass everything. My GPA is decent so I can afford a hit, and I'll be done with the last of the major specific weeder courses, but god damn do I need a break.

>> No.10105838

I think I posted about that in the archived thread I linked. Unfortunately the only real solution is to eliminate exposure. With the advent of digital over the air television, this becomes near impossible.

Damage control involves supporting endogenous antioxidant systems (glutathione and associated enzymes), and diet. For the former I'd recommend N-acetylcysteine and acetyl-L-carnitine, with decent vitamin C and E intake. Magnesium and zinc are important. You can try to use calcium channel blockers like those that occur in panax ginseng, or phenibut. The former was shown to greatly attenuate hippocampal damage in mice. However it contains a lot of phytoestrogens and is not feasible for long term or acute usage in men.
Other herbs include
-Gotu Kola (centella asiatica)
-Ginkgo Biloba
-Ashwagandha (withania somnifera)
-Bacopa Monnierri
-Celastrus paniculatus
-Indian sarsaparilla (hemidesmus indicus)
And others. The idea is to reduce the load on the glutathione system by introducing free radical scavengers, particularly of NO and superoxide, and antioxidants. Remember that NO combines with superoxide to form peroxynitrite something like 5x faster than superoxide dismutase can neutralize it. Getting rid of superoxide creates hydrogen peroxide, which must be dealt with as well. Etc.

Blocking low level mechanisms is difficult. Read the papers by Henry Lai describing how the long observed cholinergic changes actually occur way downstream of an initial activation of corticotropin releasing factor. Naturally you can target many points in that pathway, but never cleanly. eg they found naloxone blocked the cholinergic changes, but I doubt you'd want to take naloxone every day. Normalizing calcium flux with mild channel blockers is the only way I can think of.

-High quality diet
-Good sleep
-Maybe herbs
-Maybe pharmaceuticals if you know you're going to be irradiated a lot

>> No.10105841

Character limit.

This paper details pathological NO synthesis and peroxynitrite.

>> No.10105986

Good luck, don't burn yourself out!

>> No.10105996

Thanks bro, I already supplement some of these and follow a good diet, will read more, cheers.

>> No.10106366

You actually are getting older, just exercise if you don't want to deteriorate further.

>> No.10106442


this guy's gonna have a hard time

>> No.10106445


>> No.10106447

lol microwave schizo is here. I hated this dumbass in the CT and MRI threads spamming random bullshit every day

>> No.10106457

And I suppose that's why you make your view known in every thread I may potentially exist in. I have seen a few false positives from you.

>> No.10106688

That a girl's name?

>> No.10106735

Start lifting and running

You know how this works

>> No.10106738

>video game reflexes slowing
its okay anon...
you werent doing anything important anyway....

>> No.10106744

>stop having fun!
t. 60 year old boomer

>> No.10106758

Why don’t you try finding proof for this for real? Or at least publishing a few papers? This could be huge, anon

>> No.10106773

and then what? what about it would be huge?

>> No.10106777

my dick, inside your mom LOL

>> No.10106778
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>> No.10106782
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>> No.10106791

what the fuck

>> No.10106796

joke's on you, my mom is a man and that makes you a faggot

>> No.10106800

Its not necessarily a slow process if you have bad genes, a bad social life, bad sex life, unstimulating job and are already at risk for mental disorders, dementia, alzheimers, psychosis and depression. You’re just dealing with statistics anon, nothing is promised. Your parents didn’t mention it because they didn’t notice it till it was already in full effect. Get over it now and try to save as much as you can. Don’t make faggot panicking threads like this for starters. If you have a roof over your head, freedom, food and clean water you are lucky. Others are facing starvation, homelessness, terminal illness, disability, mental illness and imprisonment or death. Don’t be a fucking retard

>> No.10106814

It's already been researched, unless you mean a paper specifically about "how not to die in the modern world" / "Methods of attenuating all known RF effects". That's an idea.

As far as the herbs go, I know of a paper on ginseng and there's a paper on ginkgo. Some is just logical or indirectly evidenced. I'd like to better understand exactly how phenibut interacts, but most of the literature is in Russian and its interaction with a calcium channel subunit is fairly recent.

I'd strongly recommend reading the papers linked. People also often forget about the ELF field emitted from cell phone battery packs, which is also active. For that I recommend the book on EMFs and circadian rhythmicity for an older but solid overall review.

>> No.10106828

hey if you do write a paper and get big, don't forget us.
mention /sci/ on the news and then wear a wojak mask

>> No.10106838

Your reflexes don't deteriorate that rapidly unless you made a change to your lifestyle or you have a terminal illness.

>> No.10106841

how the fuck do people still misuse this word, fuck.

>> No.10106846

Your mom's boobs are loose LOPL

>> No.10106847

You guys are actually freaking me out, I thought reflexes only began to slow down in your mid-late thirties.

>> No.10106851


probably you're tired, stressed and/or you've reached a high enough competence level and you're getting diminishing returns.
also if you're very good at something even slight decrements in performance will appear bigger than they actually are, you will stress about it, start overthinking, this will decrease performance even more, repeat, etc

>> No.10106867

>you've reached a high enough competence level and you're getting diminishing returns.
So I've reached my peak then? My current skill level is not enough, at least for me. I want to literally become God. I don't want this to be my limit, I want to be better, so much better than what I am right now. I want to be one of the greatest osumania player, greatest guitar player, greatest game developer and programmer, and be fit enough for girls to be attracted to me. Goddammit that's all I want.

>> No.10106869


well, good luck with that.

>> No.10106886

Maybe it's your diet, cut out shitty food and eat more salmon and spinach. Coffee helps too, also start working out and make sure you're getting at least 7 hours of sleep.

>> No.10106898

Maybe. I do drink coffee, but that's because I don't get enough sleep.
Maybe I'll try eating some salmon and spinach, hopefully that works.

>> No.10106921

Yeah "because it's obvious" is not a good argument.

>> No.10107149


>> No.10107530

To be more explicit about some of the key moments of our history and the genesis of this matter, one of the clearest lines ever written was in a 1976 document titled "BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION (RADIOWAVES AND MICROWAVES) EURASIAN COMMUNIST COUNTRIES" by the Defense Intelligence Agency, distributed widely to all other Western governments. On page VII it states simply:
"If the more advanced nations of the West are strict in the enforcement of stringent exposure standards, there could be unfavorable effects on industrial output and military functions."

Whether or not concerns that the Soviet standard wasn't uniformly enforced, here we are to this day lacking any limits on peak power (we time average over 6 minutes) and still with a safety standard 100x higher than the USSR's standard introduced in the 50's. It used to be 1000x until a short time ago. And even at their levels Russia's RNCNIRP is having great concerns over children with cell phones and use of wifi.

That document is in the mediafire link Microwave News' historical print archives are also interesting, but high signal to noise and sometimes quite dense.

>> No.10107611

Just take time off and rest, pick a day just for osu, I've felt worst on maps and found out i was just tired or sick and not in the 'zone'. Also thats like a bad way to mesure deterioration based on osu performance lol

>> No.10108242

Why didn't the theme change for /sci/ but it did for other boards?
Is /sci/ not important enough?

>> No.10108249
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How the fuck can NOT doing something that is completely unnecessary and gives absolutely no tangible benefit to your life be "a waste of time"? This is high level addictspeak. Repulsive.

>> No.10108483


>> No.10109067

But it did change.

>> No.10109071

It just did. It didn't a while ago.

>> No.10109240

changed for me right away, but you have to actually refresh the page through the browser instead of using the plugin's refresh feature.

>> No.10109252

>I mean I do have a microwave, but I only use it like once a week
This may be one of the funniest unintentionally funny things that I've ever read. There are actually people that actively choose to browse /sci/ but that can't distinguish between the concept of microwave oven and microwave frequency.

>> No.10109259

>I actually want to try not smoking but I feel like it might just waste my time.
>I actually want to try not drinking but I feel like it might just waste my time.

>> No.10109261

I don't actively browse /sci/, but there are no other boards that fit the topic of my thread.
I do feel stupid but the concept of microwave frequencies isn't taught in my country.

>> No.10109321

What's your drug use

>> No.10109347

>reflex decline
>course of days
If you haven't been injecting methylmercury into your eyes, you're just fatigued. Eat some pork, fermented tofu or a bunch of sunflower seeds, I guarantee the thiamine will perk you up. Especially since you live in asia vitamin deficiency is very high on the list of probable causes.
FYI, getting older wont make your brain dissolve overnight you muppet, I'm pushing 28 and my reflexes are still fine.

>> No.10109360

I don't do drugs. They're extremely illegal in my country. Like, I will literally get killed by the police if I get caught with drugs.

I probably am just fatigued yeah. College is really fucking up my sleep schedule. I do take vitamin supplements though, hopefully that's helping.

>> No.10109386

Too much b12 and b6 can have a negative, paradoxical effect if you aren't eating enough fiber/slow digesting carbs to use them up or drinking sufficient water to flush them out. You may be taxing your kidneys more than necessary.
Thiamine is the only b-vitamin you'd ever need to supplement if you aren't vegan - thiamine, or b1, is depleted by alcohol - and it can't make you irritable, as b12 may. Take into due consideration; whole foods beat supps 100% of the time, when judiciously chosen.

>> No.10109398


This makes it look like you can only get this from serious exposure like transmitter tower work. If you could get it from wifi wouldn't everyone be sick? 5g towers? If that's true everybody is FUCKED.

>> No.10109402

Might be fatigue, stress, poor nutrition, hormone I'm balance, or something worse. Go to a doctor.

>> No.10109414

can you provide any studies that could corroborate any of this? It seems pretty believable that this could be an issue but the only thing I've seen about this was that one guy in court who was freaking out about it and the people on the bench were just laughing at him because he's a longtime conspiracy theorist who's been wrong about some of his main arguments in the past.

Also what are the solutions aside from making a faraday cage suit and converting my house into a faraday cage? Kill myself?

It seems like companies like verizon and AT&T who are at the forefront of this could literally see people next to their towers developing tumors across their bodies and having their brains leak out of their ears (if the levels of exposure you're suggesting are realistic) and still not give a fuck, and be able to actively ignore the problem so I'm at least intrigued to see if this is real.

Last question, is there any sort of maps showing where the towers are? I don't feel particularly retarded recently but maybe it's just because they haven't flipped the switch near me yet

>> No.10109420

is this why the 27 club is the meme that it is? People who have done huge tolls to their bodies and only notice once development tapers off and degradation kicks in?

>> No.10109448

Entropy remains undefeated. And un-tied.

>> No.10109452

>some tinfoil hat shit


>> No.10109459

This thread got pretty /x/ pretty fast. maybe it should be moved there.

>> No.10109929

>95% on a 4 star
Lmao you were never good, anon

>> No.10109968

I was never pro level yeah, but I would at least be in the top 500s in 7-key songs. Now I can barely get in the top 1000s. The reason I kept practicing and pracitcing is because I wanted to be at least in the top 100s in 7-key songs.

>> No.10110462

OP I'm the same way. I'm in uni, 20 yo, and I feel like I'm only getting dumber

>> No.10110478

>i used to think i was smart when i was taking easy classes
>now i'm taking hard classes and its making me feel stupid


>> No.10110684
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Because the media, the politicians (Republicans) and all those who sell anxiety, fear and depression seriously affect your mental health (and it's not a meme)

>> No.10110698

Do you have any objective evidence of you getting worse or is your competition getting more selective or you just have too high of an opinion of yourself and so you must be getting worse if putting in the same effort doesn't get the same results?

>> No.10110862

Just take a nap, you fucking drama queen.

>> No.10110885

Dude, i saw this while lurking on mobile but i just reminded me so much about what happened to me 3-4 years ago that i just had to sit down at the pc and give you a reply. so when i was 15 i was working out alot and was pretty ripped and also had no memory issues. Then i started playing osu. I played alot and after like 3 months i started getting weaker and also had like brainfog issues. I dont think i had any memory issues yet, but i started losing gains without any change in how i worked out. I also felt like like i became slightly autistic or socially akward which i hadnt been before. This never really got better until i stopped playing osu. It actually got a little worse over time. I realized it was osu when once after a break played the entire weekend and then afterward i actually had a gap in my memory and didnt remember the last 2 weeks at all. After that i only played osu as a party trick at like lan sleepovers and stuff. idk why osu causes this but it might fuck up ur sleep or something. one time a friend told me my finger were spazzing out like i was playing osu wheen i slept. anyways since i stopped playing osu i had no memory issues anymore. there was one guy from highschool which i dont really know that well but i know he played osu and he said he has been diagnosed with memory issues. He told me his mom would get angry at him and stuff when she told him to do stuff and he didnt because he forgot. btw that same friend who said my fingers were spazzing out actually said i changed since i started playing osu. of course i was much better than you and mainy played dt. if you still want to play osu u will get better again if you take a break and let ur brain rest. i often did my best plays like the first or second day of starting osu after a break

>> No.10110904
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Lol LITERALLY what the fuck dude. Is osu cursed?????

>> No.10110914

It actually might be. Idk i remeber searching the osu forums to find out if people had experienced anything similar but didnt find anything. But from personal experience id think osu is cursed.

>> No.10110932

Fuck we should have osu banned from the internet then. Or maybe we can use it as a weapon against the jews. Have every single one of them play osu for at least 6 hours a day.

>> No.10111586

WTF is osu?

>> No.10111731

it's a shitty weeb game played by weeaboos
only literal faggots play it

>> No.10111978

This is actually a true statement. It seems playing osu will slowly change ur body and mind into that of a literal faggot.

>> No.10112014


>> No.10112043
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Thanks anon, I'm past the drop date now so I've ante'd up, its balls to the wall time now. Only a month and a half left to go.

>> No.10112128

are you literally a fgay???

>> No.10112137

Arent we constantly exposed to radiotion in the microhertz scale from sunlight? I have some doubts about the danger of this.

>> No.10112434
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Man, I'd wish there was a pill for us brainlets, that would allow us to dive into the world of the mentally gifted ones even for a few days only.
I don't mind the side effects even if it's costing a few decades of my life.

I want to know how it feels if your brain is working well, when you grasp concepts, when your brain is making links between all sorts of stuff and come up with original solutions to problems.

Hm, maybe next life, if there is reincarnation will I be reborn as someone with a bigger mental capacity.

>> No.10112455

Several orders of magnitude weaker and non-polarized.

>> No.10112518

Lol are you a NIGGER?

>> No.10112810

>Man, I'd wish there was a pill for us brainlets
Adderall/Vyvanse my dude. That being said I take adderall daily and it's not a fix-all, if you overwork yourself and start experiencing burnout there isn't much that'll help except taking a break for a week or two, which unfortunately isn't always possible.

t. dealing with burnout

>> No.10112821

I have tried some RCs that should be similar to your mentioned drugs, but they didn't do anything for my mental clarity, cognition and whatever else.

Only in death lies my salvation.

>> No.10112822

based judaism poster
also masturbating every other day is fine, only on your own fantasies though, no porn.

>> No.10112825

which mediafire link?

>> No.10112827

holy shit i see it now
this is an obvious asian psyop
This is just some Indian intelligence attempt at selling more herbs indigenous to Asia and more specifically India. The 5G thing might actually be damaging, but herbs will not fix this, a good diet only mitigates some of the continuous damage.

>> No.10112831

Are Henry Lai's papers in the link? Also, can anyone paste the link here?

>> No.10112945

get your fucking sleep you fucking idiot

>> No.10112947

how is this shit thread still alive

>> No.10112974

What do you mean? It's the greatest and the ONLY interesting thread on /sci/ right now.