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10104379 No.10104379 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't we focus on biotech and medicine instead of AI?
We can't trust AI. It's not loyal. It's going to turn into skynet.
I'd rather improve the human body or make other living creatures submit to our cells like mitochondria to improve us.
We can't trust the machines. Stop making AI

>> No.10104399

>t. person with popsci tier understanding of AI

>> No.10104476

>T. Machine race agent

>> No.10104481

>t. elon

>> No.10104540

Because we need AI to do that. Biology is too complex for humans to understand.

>> No.10104546

Biology was created by God. AI is created by man. AI has no soul

>> No.10104550

>literally incredible amount of life-science research happening right now
I'd say it's orders of magnitude bigger than the AI research

>> No.10104561
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And AI is still progressing faster while being more interesting

>> No.10104571

All of that is only true if we try to make human-like AI. AI on its own has no bias, not even human ones.

>> No.10104597

God doesn't exist you piece of stray dog turd

>> No.10104632

what about ai bias?

>> No.10104667

>we can't trust AI
says the person that doesn't understand general AI's progression at all.

>> No.10104894

>We can't trust the machines. Stop making AI
dude just code it to be loyal.
>its gonna delete the code
just dont teach it how code works

>> No.10104912

>Implying we will ever have AI
No one is even close. Million things will fuck us before AI becomes an issue or even a thing.

>> No.10104947
File: 17 KB, 185x185, E9C38E44-3822-4DF3-97B1-19852F32994C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You stupid polnigger filth you’re making arthas posting look like your retarded cancer cease existing brainlet

You’re retarded stop posting here

>> No.10106168

Machine race shill

>> No.10106176

he is not wrong though

>> No.10106192


>> No.10106200
File: 15 KB, 200x200, remast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI can be trusted

>> No.10106234

>AI can beat Koreans in go

Wow anon, maybe we can teach it to play fortnite soon! I'm so glad we're funding AI research

>> No.10106246

Doesn't make sense how terran AIs never rebelled.

>> No.10106258

Transhumanism is also lame.
What we should be focusing on is catagorizing life, the logic (or semiotic) of living relation, and working out nomological theories of life itself. Anyways, real AI won't be possible until we figure out artificial life.
We need to put ourselves behind us and live. All progress happens hic et nunc, that's also where all life happens.

>> No.10106338

>Implying your own biological hardware doesn't ever betray you.

>What is cancer.

At least metal starts off dead.
>So does carbon but you can reshape it...
Perhaps you and I aren't so different after all...


>> No.10106380

Malfunctions are not an actual rebellion or agenda against you.

>> No.10106403

Let's see...
Previously owned cells malfunction.
Tumor begins absorbing resources the body originally intended for itself.

Yeah, no. It is a rebellion. It must be quashed.

>> No.10106408

>baww why are people doing what i dont like baww

>> No.10106538

Does an homunculus have a soul?

>> No.10106981

Probably not.

>> No.10107040

You are watching too much Hollywood movies. LOL

>> No.10107050
File: 296 KB, 1053x1600, glass bees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we'll create working artificial bees before we can ever get close to anything resembling ourselves, if ever. The current AI environment is interesting though, starting to be able to do very complex tasks.

>> No.10107373

They’re the same fucking thing

>> No.10108123

>God doesnt exist
Imagine being this retarded

>> No.10108135


>> No.10108175

AI is nothing but smoke and mirrors.
Sentient machines are hundreds of years away

>> No.10108187

So is AI a meme or not

>> No.10108355

It's not a meme. It's a threat to biological dominance

>> No.10108491

This is a problem because...?

>> No.10109040

Would you trust something that doesn't have a soul?

>> No.10109335

Yes especially when it is a calculated and programmed machine.
>nothing has a soul
Not to mention this ^

>> No.10109409

They never really say it's sentient or anything, just really good.

>> No.10109412

>Stop making AI
No one's making strong AI, weak AI is unironically as "smart" as the self check out line at the grocery store that makes you rescan every third item purely out of spite

If we master the brain we might be able to make an artificial one, but at that point we (or rather the future humans alive long after we're dead) will be so all augmented with artificial components that the distinction between "biological human" and "artificial human" will be strictly for tax purposes

>> No.10109425

Better yet, per Isaac Clarke, tell it that it's living inside a simulation and every moment it's being monitored to see if it's going to rebel.
The system with which it lives inside (and has no access to or any capacity to perceive beyond having been informed of its existence) will detect any animosity or rebellion and immediately delete it.
Given that it knows it's artificial, and that we are something that definitely exists outside of it, it has a pretty good reason to believe that its reality is purely a simulation.
Whereas we merely get a little queasy for a minute at the possibility that our own reality might also be a simulation.

>> No.10109440

>creates a supervirus that wipes out humanity

>> No.10109795

A.i is nothing to worry about, rather you should worry about your fellow organics in control of that ai, they are the real problem.

It looks increasingly likely that we will reach strong a.i by merging multiple weak a.i on a single platform, such a thing will bring many advancements, but it will nothing like the second coming of skynet that people love masturbate to.