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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10103101 No.10103101 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone who really believes that the whole universe, our planet, even the little bee that pollinates the flower, the perfectly functioning ecosystems etc. simply came out of nowhere and by pure conincidence, must be really crazy.

>> No.10103109
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Why the fuck is this on /sci/? >>>/reddit/atheism is that way

>> No.10103118

Well it's already proven that orderly structures like proteins can assemble by themselves out of chaos due to sheer atomic forces (see folding@home videos on YT), that accounts for all of life. Planets are easily explained. Also be careful saying :perfectly, everything is far from perfect. Merely order out of chaos. Good enough but no more. You're not perfect. You get a reaction from being bitten by a mosquito.

There was a big bang according to cosmic measurements, why the universe is shaped as it is, laws and whatnot, is left to interpretation, but its workings after the initial launch do not require any godly intervention, unless quantum randomness is godly to you or something.

>> No.10103122

>the perfectly functioning ecosystems

It may seem nice now, but the planet has been extremely hostile to life in the past and will be in the future

>> No.10103123
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or if youre me

>> No.10103124

>, that accounts for all of life
lel non sequitur turbo hand waving

>> No.10103231

When you have trillions of attempts to get it right, coincidences will happen.
Those who don't grasp the scale of the possibility are bound to feel special about being the one that won the lottery.

>> No.10103232

not an argument

>> No.10103335

>Anyone who really believes
...is a faith-based faggot.

>> No.10103402

Even betting in lottery is crazy until you win it. It's not out of nowhere, it's out of simple laws from which more complexities emerge.

>> No.10103408

Yes, they're fucking crazy. In reality the universe was created by an old dude that popped into existence out of nowhere

>> No.10103411

I figured out how to win. It's mostly based on how this is all a simulation.

>> No.10103416

hes implying theres a god fucktard

>> No.10103517

Nonsensical prior to the existence of the universe, still nonsensical beyond its bounds.

>> No.10103541

At first, there were fundamental laws and axiomatic structures with a tendency to trend towards increasing order, complexity, and interconnections. For simplicity's sake, we can call this nuance. Humanity, culture, language, and art are merely vessels for nuance to transcend the physical, and become data, yet data must be physically coded. Whether this is god's plan or not, can never be known. It could be a simulation or there could be no higher powers at all. Maybe we can all transcend the physical one day, and live as or among gods.