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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 74 KB, 592x650, 19a665bdc1e492c2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10092336 No.10092336 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10092349

Well seeing as how we are about 7 mil posts past that number, the Twitter user was just, much like the rest of his comment, acting in jest.

>> No.10092422

Funny almost last replay on thread 3730074 was one guy call everybody idiot for tried solved complex problem and call people to better write paper and send to avrix or shut up.

>> No.10092918
File: 27 KB, 400x400, E869C5CA-DFF2-4715-9E2C-86D6E2790284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10 million posts now
It’s actually kind of depressing that we’ve only produced one thing that people want to cite. Most researches, even at terrible universities, have a few hundred citations a few years into their work.

>> No.10092936

Shut up you stupid frognigger. Look at the dates in the twitter. There hasnt been 10 million posts since then.

>> No.10092945
File: 48 KB, 640x628, 8D091B1C-382F-4236-BA72-4A4CB3757B1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant there have been 10 million posts in total now....

>> No.10093004

How come when I go to 3730074 on warosu I can't see the thread? It looks like there aren't any replies

>> No.10093027


>> No.10093034


>> No.10093036

hey that's my wiki
i was part of that original discussion years ago with those kind anons who contributed
but it's not solved so i don't know what that tweet is about
it's just got some bounds progress and is really rudimentary

>> No.10093047

>posted 28 minutes ago

>> No.10093078
File: 38 KB, 214x216, 1279058495782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe it's a false flag

>> No.10093080

holy shit this article is so clumsy
"they were just trying to figure out how to enjoy an anime show but stumbled upon something huge"
"this shows that math isn't just for professionals. everyone can access it!"

the people involved in those discussions here were career mathematicians though

>> No.10093091


>> No.10093101

Don't forget 4chan sort

>> No.10093103

Good try buddy, that was almost a sentence. You'll get it next time.

>> No.10093107

But we probably inspired some anons to study math, physics and engineering. They probably published lots of things

>> No.10093110

>New anons end up in /pol/,/a/,/r9k and /g/

>> No.10093123

I despise /g/, there's just mentally ill autistic trannies posting there.

>> No.10093271

/g/, /r9k/ and /mu/ are the worst boards on this site

>> No.10093281


jesus christ now they're gonna start bitching about /sci/ as well.

fuck off with your career and citations, let us continue being autistic.

>> No.10093603

>The Haruhi problem

The only problem I see is a lack of a third season.

>> No.10093704

>Most researches, even at terrible universities, have a few hundred citations a few years into their work.
>At least one study found that the average academic article is read by about 10 people, and half of these articles are never read at all.

>> No.10093715

everyone knows that /sci/ has lurker grad students, and everyone should ALSO know (but don't because they're twitter idiots) that grad students know when to not publish important findings to 4chan.

we can answer your dumb questions, but don't expect anything really interesting to come from here that isn't already in the literature; we're trained in recognizing what results are publishable and we're severely starved of publishable results

>> No.10093716

Wow, you are dumb.

>> No.10093854 [DELETED] 

>The user was just trying to figure out the most efficient way to watch episodes of a nonlinear anime series, but
this author is horrifyingly stupid if he actually believes that

>> No.10093950

Welcome to the world of liberal arts majors.

>> No.10094042

that's the conclusion the article came to -- they said it's either an amateur or a casual mathematician. a grad student is neither (ideally) -- none would throw away such an important result like that

>> No.10094064


>> No.10094072
File: 123 KB, 318x398, IMG_0235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meme sort

>> No.10094074

/g/ and /tv/ are the worst. Their memes are unfunny and stale.

>> No.10094083
File: 10 KB, 353x291, sheev smug pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw /sci/ solves the Riemann hypothesis

>> No.10094085

you guys inspired me to double major in math and bio
/tv/ is funny fuck off

>> No.10094289

/v/, /b/, /pol/ and /biz/ are worse simply by virtue of their shit spiling onto all the other boards

>> No.10094298

If /sci/ solves that I will literally kill myself and livestream the fur suit, ron paul, parachute seppuku.

>> No.10094308

No, no, no: /sci/ will _disprove_ the Riemann hypothesis.

>> No.10094317

The guy who came up with the lower bound was an undergrad. He was planning to use this result to apply to a good grad school. By the looks of it, he gave up on the idea, as 4chan (and affiliated wikis) is (are) the only place(s) that has the proof.

>> No.10094579

That is not a thing, anon. Do you perhaps mean that /sci/ will prove the negation of the Riemann Hypothesis?

>> No.10094584

You are top of your field if you achieve >100 citations per year on average.

>> No.10094586
File: 499 KB, 2477x2480, -_-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That is not a thing, anon. Do you perhaps mean that /sci/ will prove the negation of the Riemann Hypothesis?

>> No.10094636

Historiographically, I wonder at what point in the 00s the media went from assuming everyone on the Internet was a computer genius to assuming everyone on the Internet was a bored kid.

>> No.10094667


>> No.10094679

dont forget the proof of the JB conjecture

>> No.10094681


>> No.10094684


Was going to suggest fireden archive for /sci/ since some images seem to be broken on warosu but fireden /sci/ only goes back to 2013 and this Haruhi math genuis poster posted back in a 2011 thread.

Just in case you /sci/ posters didn't know.

Warosu and Fireden both archive /sci/



>> No.10094688


>Eternal September or the September that never ended[1] is Usenet slang for a period beginning in September 1993,[2][3] the month that Internet service provider America Online began offering Usenet access to its many users, overwhelming the existing culture for online forums. The influx was also caused by the aggressive direct mailing campaign by AOL Chief Marketing Officer Jan Brandt, which most notably involved distributing millions of floppy disks and CD-ROMs with free trials of AOL.[4]

>Before then, Usenet was largely restricted to colleges and universities. Every September, a large number of incoming freshmen would acquire access to Usenet for the first time, taking time to become accustomed to Usenet's standards of conduct and "netiquette". After a month or so, these new users would either learn to comply with the networks' social norms or tire of using the service.

>Whereas the regular September freshman influx would quickly settle down, the influx of new users from AOL did not end and Usenet's existing culture did not have the capacity to integrate the sheer number of new users.[5][6] Since then, the popularity of the Internet has brought on a constant stream of new users and thus, from the point of view of the pre-1993 Usenet users, the influx of new users in September 1993 never ended.

>Dave Fischer coined the term in a January 1994 post to alt.folklore.computers: "It's moot now. September 1993 will go down in net history as the September that never ended."[7]

>> No.10094698

And ten years to the day that September never ended, on October 1, 2003
>It's moot now.

>> No.10094709

I don't like the tone of your post. Some of us have been in the very thread that proof was posted you know.

>> No.10094734

>that new discussion on the guy's twitter about tripcodes
>"they could prove they posted the proof by showing the password to the trip"
Time to get crack that shit and take the credit.

>> No.10094737

Holy shit I thought it was earlier in this year.

>> No.10094855

Holy shit the newfaggotry.

>> No.10095084

How about compiling a report in LaTeX with a serious abstract but copy-pasted posts (with people calling each other faggot and such) and try to have it published in a peer-reviewed journal to have a DOI to cite? That would literally meme the scientific community.

>> No.10095090

What problem do you want us to discuss?

>> No.10095098

Wait, you're suggesting doing a write-up of the haruhi problem? Sure it would be easy to try, just send it in as Anonymous

>> No.10095171

I was actually thinking of doing a formal writeup to the Journal of the AMS, but without the memes and shitposts. Some people have formalized the proof somewhat, but not in a rigorous or proper way. I do intend to cite them though. And Anonymous.

>> No.10095268

>I was actually thinking of doing a formal writeup to the Journal of the AMS, but without the memes and shitposts.
That was already done twice. See Houston's twitter.

>> No.10095275

That's not a submission, and it's not in AMS form. It's also missing a lot of information needed to make the proof rigorous and convincing. It's just a slight formalization of the discussion, not an academic paper. I would obviously cite that though.

>> No.10095287

whoever posted that proof is the most autistic weeb to have ever browsed 4chan.

>> No.10095289

now we just need an anon to prove P != NP to get (you)'s

>> No.10095298

can P != NP somehow be connected to anime in order to motivate the autists?

>> No.10095310

Tell them they need it for robot waifus

>> No.10095312

Man, it took me a while to figure how that algorithm works, but now I can't stop laughing. Genius indeed.

>> No.10095327

optimize anime schedules with polynomial time

>> No.10095841

You can solve any math problem if you have an anime girl asking you to solve it.

>> No.10095913

The proof of this is left as an exercise to the reader.

Hint: use a Clifford algebra

>> No.10096181

why was post delete

>> No.10096381

If you think that, you haven't spent one thread dealing with ACK.

>> No.10096383

Isn't that joke from way before then?

>> No.10096443

I've thought about some crazy autistic genius savant being born who not only has the ability to solve problems nobody else can, but also to present them cleanly so that other people can understand; the perfect proof writer. And he would EXCLUSIVELY submit pdfs to vixra, made with microsoft word, all in comic sans, with mspaint diagrams if necessary, each page a different color

>> No.10096446

why does everyone hate /mu/?

>> No.10096575

you are given a line-sketch of your waifu. Can you find a way to color her with k different colors in polynomial time

>> No.10096598

/g/ gets fucked because clover sets it as default, and that /v/ always go there for consumers electronic advices. There is literally nothing wrong embracing GNU + Linux.

>> No.10096603

>There is literally nothing wrong embracing GNU + Linux

Communism is always wrong.

>> No.10096605
File: 19 KB, 500x375, 1485666315763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only listens to cringey postmodern and limpdick indie, yet still thinks they can authoritatively claim that death grips and kendrick are the only good rap
>acts like Fantano is reddit but hangs off his nuts 10x more than reddit ever has

>> No.10096642

Ok autists get on it: the waifu coloring problem

>> No.10096752

>tfw not smart enough to prove a lower bound to a difficult problem as an undergrad

>> No.10096770

With this, you guys have blown the fuck out of all reddit.

>> No.10096890

>/g/ gets fucked because clover sets it as default
>implying people who download don't already visit /g/

>> No.10097244

Yeah, you're the only one who thinks that is real.
You're also the one who derails threads.

>> No.10097680
File: 1.94 MB, 500x500, 1538379886568.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus i feel old

>> No.10097687
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>> No.10097722

True for me. I really liked this place as an undergraduate. All the dick measuring threads pushed me to succeed. Ended up co-authoring with an astronaut when I was a junior.

>> No.10097723


>> No.10097729

faggot who will suffer and suffer, and whose suffering will go on and on, possibly long beyond the time that they lose the memory of what they had ever done to get on bad side.

>> No.10097734

step from 9 to 10 is wrong

>> No.10097740

That is not a constructive criticism to say "It is wrong." You should say what you think the issue is.

>> No.10097742

Wow. That is legit uncanny.

>> No.10097756
File: 34 KB, 358x411, TIMESAND___7626g468wg46fwert24t2d452354235utrjkykmmnbb676552762w86894g5544561s6eg1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10097798
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>> No.10098024

And then there's this faggot
Feel free to leave, you won't be missed. Or go claim your Fields medal if you really think you're right

>> No.10098177
File: 45 KB, 590x332, TIMESAND___762sdiwdftw79d78yitsfsfg666ods65sss4r3232wdfzzifsw5s55s59s59s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tell you... when I leave I'm going to come back as soon as I can and you're not going to like what happens then.

>> No.10098226
File: 24 KB, 288x313, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>entire paper of garbled nonsense to choose from and he picks the argument that 1/infinity = 0 to call "wrong"

>> No.10098297
File: 196 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20181026-200310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just sent a screenshot of this reply to the FBI tipline. You can't be sayin shit like that. Good thing you posted your real name in this thread.

>> No.10098338

>the people involved in those discussions here were career mathematicians though
Do you know that for sure, or are you just assuming?

>> No.10098350

Is any of the rest of the PDF related to the 4chan sort, or is it just a joke for the first slide?
Like, is it the kernel of a viable sorting method, or just stupid?

>> No.10098351


>> No.10098371

psst... [math]\frac12 + i (\pi ^{1728}-1)[/math]

>> No.10098383
File: 29 KB, 830x580, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ummmm... guys

>> No.10098397

wtf it's real

>> No.10098421


You should look up what words mean before you use them

>> No.10098446


>> No.10098470

Are you guys pretending? That doesn't say anything about the riemann hypothesis

>> No.10098485

they found him. https://forums.warpportal.com/index.php?/topic/52873-my-thoughts-on-the-mvp-changes/

>Edited by Renaldoo, 24 October 2018 - 09:34 PM.

>> No.10098490

See: >>10097359

>> No.10098494

so he was just trolling? kek what a king

>> No.10098539

That's just some random fag who happen to be seeing that solution on wiki I believe.

>> No.10098554



RenaldoMoon was in the original /sci/ thread.

He was a tripfag though and from the context of the thread, he is not the anonymous genius mathematician we are seeking.

As you can see, RenaldoMoon later posted the proof to to a Wikia but he did not credit himself as the one who came up with the proof.

In his own words, he credited the proof to "Credit: Anonymous (/sci/)"

If Renaldo Moon was the actual person, he would have credited the proof to his own tripcode but he did not.


>> No.10098557


Renaldo Moon was the person who created the wikia page back in 2011 but he was not the person who came up with the proof.

>> No.10098569

Funny how light trolling of ponifags turned out that 7 years later he had to delete the post. Autism at every corner.

>> No.10098680

You can change the default, idiot. It initially defaults to the first board you add.

>> No.10098718

i dont think anyone back then thought it'd turn into something serious
they even said in the thread to archive it on the /sci/ wiki to continue working on it, so that probably means they didn't think they were quite there

>> No.10098734
File: 236 KB, 1280x720, Iwasstupidtotrustanonymousboard1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a zero of the function
>on the Re(z)=1/2 line
Who would have thunk

>> No.10098788
File: 1.47 MB, 250x333, 1409873479189.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mathematician known as 4chan.

>> No.10098891 [DELETED] 

[math] \frac12 + i (\pi ^{1728}-1) [/math]

>> No.10098977

I'm interested in how the history of the Internet has been written about.
Do you have a better term for that?

>> No.10098987

please... just get back to that place whence you came from (reddit)

>> No.10098992
File: 121 KB, 902x560, u4mas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

um, sweaty?


>> No.10099024

Not an accomplishment

>> No.10099206

He was referring specifically to /sci/ you illiterate negroid.

>> No.10099234
File: 47 KB, 633x640, 0cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GNU/Linux is communism

>> No.10099357
File: 1.32 MB, 1165x469, TIMESAND___7626g468wg46fwerttdy45458uy88880xz0z0zb676552762w86894g5544561s6eg1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10099466

>unironically calling it ganoo loonix
What does Stallman’s smegma taste like?

>> No.10099525


>> No.10099539
File: 40 KB, 350x465, based_STALLMAN_COMMUNISM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10099830

>I wrote this and I don't want to charge money for it
sounds more like freedom than communism

>> No.10100074
File: 5 KB, 250x183, 1458949839879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the one who solved it. I don't need credit though. I have plenty of self esteem.

>> No.10100085

Go away ESR, your bullshit lolbertarianism is not welcome here. You weirdo fuck.

>> No.10100109

Kill yourself.