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10093382 No.10093382[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm having a weekly bible study with a Jehovah's Witness, how can I prove to him the bible is bullshit?

>> No.10093398

You can prove it, but not to him.

>> No.10093409

Give him the arguments that convinced you.

>> No.10093420
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you can't
don't even try

>> No.10093421


I'm not really convinced, I'm just a brainlet agnostic. I did bring up the theory of evolution and natural selection today, and while he believes animals can change over time, he doesn't believe that they can evolve much farther beyond their base creation. He also mentioned the enormous difference in intelligence and self awareness between man and other animals as evidence that we are truly unique as a species, and that if man evolved from the ape, where are the species that bridge that gap.

>> No.10093422

Humans are not rational creatures and it only takes convincing someone for them to hold on to that belief for their entire life. This is the reason why governments commit genocide. However, you are in no position of power nor is he so literally just ignore him and go about your day.

>> No.10093423

just make him admit jesus didn't walk on water, that shit is fiction

>> No.10093428

>I hold opinions out of habit but want to defend them either way spoonfeed me arguments
These are the worst fucking threads on this board.

>> No.10093429

>where are the species that bridge that gap.
this is where you redpill him on racial iq genetics

>> No.10093430


If it were truly possible to prove the bible is bullshit, do you think the religion based around it would still be the biggest in the world?

>> No.10093432
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One anon that takes a redpill out of free will is worth 99 anons that are forcefed it.

For extra points: Is this reply a red pill itself? Am I forcefeeding it to you?

>> No.10093456


Well that's why I've been studying the bible and evolution lately, I need to fill the gaps in my understanding so I can come to a more accurate conclusion, I just need some ammo to trip him up in the meantime.

>> No.10093478
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From on top of my head, Jesus said:

-My Father is greater than I
-My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all
-By myself I can do nothing
-But he who sends is greater than he who is sent
(Jesus was sent by the Father)
-But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father
-MY god MY god why have you forsaken me?/To MY God and your God/The LORD OUR God is one Lord
(Jesus can’t be the son of god if he called the Father his god, see Luke 20:44)

There are still plenty of verses. Keep in mind that these are Jesus’s words. Oh, and make sure to google the verse. These are all implying the Trinity is false.

>> No.10093480


How do any of these at all imply the Trinity is false?

>> No.10093481

>where are the species that bridge that gap.
we fucking killed them lmao, we exploited that niche better than our competitors.

>> No.10093488
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>Mention in passing that I can't go out with friends on Sunday because I have to go to Mass
>Athiest friend suddenly won't stop trying to debate me on religion

Why are they like this?

>> No.10093489

>I'm having a weekly bible study with a Jehovah's Witness
Bullshit, they don't have bible studies with outsiders.
>how can I prove to him the bible is bullshit
You have to be over the age of 18 to post here.

>> No.10093496

He is being a dick for pushing it but if you are a close friend then he is probably just worried about his friend being an NPC with outdated programming (it seems you have not updated for at least 2000 years). I won't tell you to give in, however, the newest patch available comes with atheism, reddit memes and social justice as a replacement for jesus. I'm sure you will enjoy it very much.

>> No.10093503

Trinity implies Jesus is equal to the father and the holy spirit, the verse I quoted implies this is not the case.

>> No.10093507

Imagine if your friend mentioned in passing that he's going to his unironic flat earther meetup or mentioned in passing that the government installed spy cameras in your neighbors teeth and the russian maffia is going to kill him. Wouldn't you try to talk them out of it? From the perspective of your friends, you have an insane and irrational belief. From your own perspective it's reasonable, from the outside it's no different than any other kind of delusion.

>> No.10093516


Perhaps, but I wouldn't try to debate him on it unless it was causing active harm to himself or others.

>> No.10093517

Things can be equal in a sense and simultaneously different in another sense. You learn this in like basic set theory. Please update your NPC OS to include these basic patches introduced in the 19th century.

>> No.10093518


Well Jehovah witnesses don't believe in the holy Trinity anyway.

>> No.10093526

All those beliefs are held despite visible disproving evidence.

Visible disproving evidence does not yet exist to disprove god.

>> No.10093528

>Jehovah's Witness
Pick exactly one.
The argument of online atheists is that they found church boring as kids and are butthurt over being forced to go.
>lel old testament law strawman
>Humans are not rational creatures and it only takes convincing someone for them to hold on to that belief for their entire life
Exactly, just look at online atheists thinking their atheism has anything to do with science like OP.
>just make him admit jesus didn't walk on water, that shit is fiction
That's just your opinion dude.

>> No.10093529

Honestly, you can’t get a more blatant, simpler and clearer statement about Jesus being inferior to the Father than “My Father is greater than I”.

Ok Anon, this is simple, point to me where Jesus said something along “I’m equal to the Father”?

Shit, you’re right.

>> No.10093534
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>Ok Anon, this is simple, point to me where Jesus said something along “I’m equal to the Father”?


>> No.10093535
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>No "religion vs. science" threads.


>> No.10093547

>Exactly, just look at online atheists thinking their atheism has anything to do with science like OP.
Precisely. I don't know why you are stating the obvious but I don't mind. Just be safe and check to see if there are no alerts in your operating system's control panel.

>> No.10093554
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>copying and pasting from rationalwiki
>smug weeaboo avatar


>> No.10093568

Flat Earthers and paranoid schizophrenics will also claim that there's no counter-evidence for their beliefs, or they'll nitpick and justify around any counterpoints brought up or will simply refuse to talk to somebody who disagrees with them. Religious people do the same thing.
Even if you are religious yourself, you should have enough self-awareness to consider how your beliefs would appear to a third party observer who doesn't share your faith. Most religious are frankly so far-fetched that it's almost mind boggling that normal people will follow them, which also encourages militant atheists to try to debate the subject, since they think "this is so absurd and obviously false, and my friend is smart. Surely, he will understand if he just thinks about it for a moment. I just need to give him a push"

>> No.10093569

>I’m having a weekly bible study

>how can I prove to him the bible is bullshit?
People retarded enough to believe it aren't very likely to change their minds. Even above-the-average-retardation-level people are myopic and immovable in their paradigms.

>> No.10093571


You have actual evidence that disproves god?

>> No.10093573

>just look at online atheists thinking their atheism has anything to do with science like OP.

Well this isn't entirely false. My disbelief in the bible isn't the result of science as much as it is the simple fact that it all sounds too good to be true. This guy studying with me is under the false impression that I'm just some prideful fornicator who loaths the idea of someone telling me what to do, when in reality I would love for the bible to be true, it just sounds like the sort of thing man would concoct to make themselves feel better about the harshness of reality.

>> No.10093574

When I was little I did my first communion and then I was told that God would listen to me when I prayed. I prayed each and every night asking God to bless humanity with knowledge and intelligence. Every single day I woke up to the surprising realization that despite what I had asked, Christians still existed.

Proof enough for you?

>> No.10093576

>That's just your opinion dude.
nah, humans can't walk on water, that's fact. jesus never flew, and if he could DUH HE WOULD HAVE, so obviously the J.K. Rowlings of the Augustan era added that in for flavor

>> No.10093578

Ha, you sound like a riot, my brother. I wish you well.

>> No.10093585
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>> No.10093590

You have actual evidence that disproves flath earth?
Just so you know, I will change definitions and move the goal post wildly so that I can claim any evidence you submit doesn't apply to my specific beliefs.

My point here is that trying to disprove "God" is a waste of time because people will just justify and come up with excuses for any delusion. It's like trying to talk sense to a 9/11 truther. Everything just runs off like water, and in the end no matter what words are exchange, it doesn't matter. Beliefs that aren't based on facts can't be changed with facts.

>> No.10093595

>you have to disprove something for it to not be real

You kind of bring up a good point. People believe what they do because those are the things they WANT to be true. Not because such things are the most likely case. Think of a peasant who’s lived an entirely shitty life and is about to get murdered by brutish germanics. Of course he’s going to convince himself there’s an afterlife or else he’ll lose his sanity. This goes just as much for matters other than religion too.

>> No.10093596


You're being intellectually dishonest. You're comparing a mental illness with faith-based beliefs.

>But religion is a mental illness!


>> No.10093601

I'm equating irrational beliefs with irrational beliefs. Religion isn't a mental illness but it's certainly not rational.

>> No.10093602

I've always wondered, why do people (Athiest and Religious alike) believe the best way to persuade people is to insult them?

>> No.10093609

You can should a flat-earther physical evidence. If they conti

>> No.10093610

Nobody is going to change their mind anyway based on internet posts so we might as well just vent our frustration

>> No.10093611

anon was assassinated by NASA before he could finish this post

>> No.10093614

>I've always wondered, why do people (Athiest and Religious alike) believe the best way to persuade people is to insult them?

You are right. You know, back in the good old days we just beheaded the people who disagreed with us. Maybe that's some ancient wisdom we ought to bring back.

>> No.10093620

My dad used the same argument for why it was okay for him to beat me, because at least he didn't do it as hard as his grandfather did it to him.

>> No.10093627

How can I tell that you've have never read the bible and only look up quotes from skeptic websites?

>-MY god MY god why have you forsaken me?/To MY God and your God/The LORD OUR God is one Lord

Psalms Chapter 22 תְּהִלִּים
א לַמְנַצֵּחַ, עַל-אַיֶּלֶת הַשַּׁחַר; מִזְמוֹר לְדָוִד. 1 For the Leader; upon Aijeleth ha-Shahar. A Psalm of David.
ב אֵלִי אֵלִי, לָמָה עֲזַבְתָּנִי; רָחוֹק מִישׁוּעָתִי, דִּבְרֵי שַׁאֲגָתִי. 2 My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me, and art far from my help at the words of my cry?


>(Jesus can’t be the son of god if he called the Father his god, see Luke 20:44)

41 Then Jesus said to them, “Why is it said that the Messiah is the son of David? 42 David himself declares in the Book of Psalms:[Psalm 110]

“‘The Lord said to my Lord:
“Sit at my right hand
43 until I make your enemies
a footstool for your feet.”’

44 David calls him ‘Lord.’ How then can he be his son?”

Psalm 110
1 The LORD says to my lord:

“Sit at my right hand
until I make your enemies
a footstool for your feet.”

2 The LORD will extend your mighty scepter from Zion, saying,
“Rule in the midst of your enemies!”
3 Your troops will be willing
on your day of battle.
Arrayed in holy splendor,
your young men will come to you
like dew from the morning’s womb.

4 The LORD has sworn
and will not change his mind:
“You are a priest forever,
in the order of Melchizedek.”

5 My lord is at your right hand, LORD;
he will crush kings on the day of his wrath.
6 He will judge the nations, heaping up the dead
and crushing the rulers of the whole earth.

It's obviously referring to the preexistence and incarnation of Jesus and drawing attention to how this is special.

>> No.10093628

Fuck man why you gotta make this so real I just come here for the memes and shitposting. I'm not even religious nor atheist. Just play along. None of this is real life and we are all NPCs anyway.

>> No.10093632


>> No.10093634


>> No.10093637

Yeah that's better my man.

>> No.10093638

>it just sounds like the sort of thing man would concoct to make themselves feel better about the harshness of reality.

Except there are many things you could remove to make it better.

>> No.10093639

Because all knowledge can only be derived from axioms who are held to be true without proof. This makes it in theory impossible to truly change anyone's mind as long as they don't accept the axioms that lead you to your conclusion. That said, experimentally abuse of mental or physical kinds always seems to work if you use enough.

>> No.10093646

>Because all knowledge can only be derived from axioms who are held to be true without proof.

Greece was a mistake and should have been burned by the Persians.

>> No.10093654

You are autistic. Axioms are just the placeholder for absolute truth mathematicians use. In the real world, you can literally just get facts and use those as your axioms. For example, you don't have to assume that if you are trans you have 10 times the chance of killing yourself. That is just a measurable fact. And then from those facts you can deduce a political theory.

>> No.10093655
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>atheism is an intellectual achievement

>> No.10093658


>> No.10093660

To start with, Greeks are not white so it's not like we would lose anything of value by just nuking them all.

>> No.10093667
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Hey, I have autistic cartoons too!

>> No.10093669

>literally just get facts
From where? Accepting that your senses will get you accurate information is also an axiom.

>> No.10093672

>humans can't walk on water
Why not? That's a common cheat for vidya

>> No.10093675

You are right, my senses are telling me that migrants are raping children nonstop but who knows if I can trust that.

>> No.10093677
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>> No.10093682

if(detects.(oppositeopinion)) {

>> No.10093685

You say that but we have actual schizos on this board who believe everything being told to them is a lie concocted by the government or something.

>> No.10093688

That wouldn't be the case if we could just genocide all those types of people but you know, 'political correctness' at it again.

>> No.10093697

We also have philosophers trolling this board all the time because they are too autistic or dumb to accept empiricism and the wealth of results it has obtained.

>> No.10093698

>/pol/ responding to criticisms of /pol/tards

wow brah. please leave /sci/

>> No.10093702

Nothing that a bullet to the back of the head can't fix.

>> No.10093748

>Jehovah's Witness
Waste of time either way. They obey the law and they're discouraged from participating in politics. They believe that government is inherently Satan's territory until Jesus literally comes back and personally takes control. They're practically good guys, or at least neutral guys.

>> No.10093752

carbon dating

>> No.10093777

>posting an edit of a translation of a censored story somebody heard from somebody else who heard it from somebody else before writing it down
but yeah lets focus on technicalities of specific wordings

>> No.10093787

Pretty much all the "bad" aspects of all the modern major religions are just either excuses for why evil exists in the world OR bad things which will happen to people you aren't supposed to like, which makes the believers feel schadenfreuden

>> No.10093794


>> No.10093795


Examples, because I honestly don't understand what you're trying to say?

>> No.10093798

jesus fucking christ on the cross, go back to >>>/his/

>> No.10093801

>Biblical Study isn't allowed when used against my argument!

>> No.10093802

>jesus fucking christ
Why would jesus fuck christ?

>> No.10093824

Punishment in the afterlife is often a feature of religion which you may think wouldn't be part of a wishful thinking world view because it's sort of a negative thing, however it's still there because the believer is supposed to hate sinners, and thus they would feel like it's justice for them to be tormented. Some other bad things might be evil deities like Satan or evil spirits. Why do these things exist in a wishful thinking fantasy about what the would should be like? Because otherwise people would bring up issue with why things like disease and hunger and injustice and bad weather exist in the world. You can use evil beings as a reason for why those things happen, even when there's a good God that's supposed to be watching your back.

Religions are well oiled machines designed specifically to make you feel good when you believe it. Every aspect is a tool to manipulate people into buying in.

>> No.10093830
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>the believer is supposed to hate sinners,

>> No.10093856

based and redpilled

>> No.10093859

>it's sort of a negative thing, however it's still there because the believer is supposed to hate sinners, and thus they would feel like it's justice for them to be tormented

That's only valid for the degenerate NPC religions. Read about Judaism, the thinking man's religion, and you'll see that the afterlife and the "punishment" you get for doing bad things is nothing like torture. It is completely reasonable and basically just a consequence of our conscience.

>> No.10093864

Why the fuck would you even bother? Is it to stroke your ego?

A thread died for this

>> No.10093867

Sure they may not hate sinners in general, but a person will feel resentment if they are personally wronged. Somebody rapes their wife, steals their wallet, or kills their brother? They're going to be mad as fuck. The way they can get over it is thinking "well, they'll get their justice from the Lord!" Afterlife punishment for people who cause resentment is a pretty common feature of many religions.

>> No.10093869

>wah, why aren't they circle jerking me for being an enlightened atheist like reddette does?

>> No.10093876

if(detects.(oppositeopinion)) {

>> No.10093878

>Religions are well oiled machines designed specifically to make you feel good when you believe it. Every aspect is a tool to manipulate people into buying in.

>> No.10093879

Responding to an infantile shitpost with an equally infantile shitpost doesn't really accomplish anything except degrade the quality of the board. Everybody knows that guy is retarded without you having to point it out.

>> No.10093886

Get him to read it

>> No.10093908

You can't because it isn't. Ask Isaac Newton and Nikola Tesla, both of whom were and are smarter than you

>> No.10093909

You completely missed the point of the post. If it was wish fulfillment, they could have done a much better job of making it less burdensome and off putting like most animism religions.

>Punishment in the afterlife is often a feature of religion which you may think wouldn't be part of a wishful thinking world view

No, I was referring to inconvenient theology and practices. The JWs and Mormons for example are constantly changing their when it gets in their way. Others don't and suffer.

>however it's still there because the believer is supposed to hate sinners, and thus they would feel like it's justice for them to be tormented

No, that's just normal social justice attitudes. Are you some-sort of prison abolition activist?

>Because otherwise people would bring up issue with why things like disease and hunger and injustice and bad weather exist in the world

No, most of the wish fulfillment is in the afterlife.

>> No.10093926
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>> No.10093932

That Psalm doesn’t refer to Jesus:
1)Bulls are nowhere to be seen during Jesus’s cruxifixion
2)That person’s clothes is decent enough that people want it. Jesus was brutally whipped by the Roman and Roman’s method of whipping often leads to bleeding and tearing of the clothes.

>It's obviously referring to the preexistence and incarnation of Jesus and drawing attention to how this is special.

>> No.10093962

>>lel old testament law strawman
How is it a strawman? Jesus himself said that he didn't come to abolish the law.

>> No.10093972

There's no evidence that disproves a god. There is evidence that the Jewish/Christian God is bullshit, though.
Check the alleged flood and the timeframes required for repopulation. How did animals native to places like Australia and New Zealand make it back there without leaving any populations in other places? You telling me a pair of Kiwi walked from the middle east to South East Asia and then swam? Kangaroos and Tuatara too?
How did human populations in Japan survive the flood with no records? Why doesn't the flood appear in strata layers when they can find evidence of tsunami from similar times (that don't cover all the land)?

The Biblical flood doesn't work. It gets even worse when YEC shoehorn dinosaurs in with it.

>> No.10093983

>That Psalm doesn’t refer to Jesus:
It's literally referring to the messiah
>1)Bulls are nowhere to be seen during Jesus’s cruxifixion
Nothing to do with that psalm
2)That person’s clothes is decent enough that people want it. Jesus was brutally whipped by the Roman and Roman’s method of whipping often leads to bleeding and tearing of the clothes.
Again, absolutely nothing to do that psalm. Also he was striped beforehand.

>> No.10094001

>Jesus himself said that he didn't come to abolish the law

>"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
>"Don't misunderstand why I have come. I did not come to abolish the law of Moses or the writings of the prophets. No, I came to accomplish their purpose.
>Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
>Don't suppose I came to do away with the Law and the Prophets. I did not come to do away with them, but to give them their full meaning.
>"Do not think that I have come to do away with the Law of Moses and the teachings of the prophets. I have not come to do away with them, but to make their teachings come true.

He finished them.

>> No.10094003


That's like arguing global warming isn't real because one fringe model said we would be dead by now.

>> No.10094014

Jehova's witnesses don't even believe Jesus is God, they call him a god, but not their monotheistic God. Also, they mispronounce Jehovah, since it's Yahweh (which they will say is an alternative pronunciation), but the original Hebrew didn't even have a J sound. Watch out, they also make a distinction between mighty and almighty, which is unfounded as Yahweh is called mighty and in revelations Jesus is called almighty (of you actually take the context of revelations 1:1 which states who's revelation it is about, to whom, and by whom it was given. Lastly, look up the founder. It was in 1872 (super late to call themselves Christians and have such strong deviations) when he disagreed with the trinity and didn't understand it so he demoted Jesus to a demigod or archangel to fit with his understanding better.

That's Jehovah's witnesses in a nutshell, go show them they're following a cult.

>> No.10094020

None of those passages suggest that law is any less valid.

>> No.10094022

I wasn't bringing YEC into it as the main support, they're just there as extra.

>> No.10094053

>believer is supposed to hate sinners
In whose religion?

>> No.10094055

>For extra points: Is this reply a red pill itself? Am I forcefeeding it to you?

>> No.10094294

Here is an answer. You heard it here first. Matthew page one: shows the blood line to prove that Jesus is the king of the Jews (on his father's side.)

>> No.10094296

Tha book of second kings uses faulty math while describing a bath tub. This shut is stronger than most of the nice tries here. Google it for chapter and verse.

>> No.10094303

Jesus is okay with gay. Mathew 28 or 18. Google some eunuchs are born out to their mothers whomb.

>> No.10094304

Somewhere in exodus or Leviticus. God says "I am the creator of good and evil." They don't much like that.

>> No.10094306

You can't argue with people who literally believe in magic because they will just say that wizard did it

>> No.10094310

God "hardened the Pharo's heart" when Moses asked him to let his people go. Indicating he was being a dick

>> No.10094311

Outsourced morality leads to psychopathy.

>> No.10094312

The book of Job is a "bet" between god and the devil that they can sway Job to one side or the other. God lets Satan do al kinds of fucked up shit and kills his family. God and Satan are Just hanging out together and having some fun.

>> No.10094313

dumbest meme ever

>> No.10094314

God tells Abraham to sacrifice his son. Then was just fucking with Abraham in the end.. ask what they would do if they heard a voice telling them to kill their children.

>> No.10094315

>i can't read

>> No.10094318

JWs are heretics that do not believe the truth and have their own version of the bible and it's teachings. You will not convince this person of anything.

>> No.10094319

Isaac was the second son of Abraham and did not have birthright to the whole shibang that is Jew and Christian now. Score 1 for the stupid Islamist.
That same type of birthright theft happened with Jacob and Esau.

>> No.10094320

You need not study either, both are works of man. You need only go out into nature and see if the creator speaks to you in a way only you will understand. Deism is the true redpill.

>> No.10094322

play by their rule book. The Bible is only bullcrap in the hands of retards. Do you think they believed in talking snakes when they wrote that shit? It is a parable. And the ancients knew it.

>> No.10094326

Ten Commandments ripped from more Ancient Egyptian book of the dead.

>> No.10094332

You are aware that Christians in the US currently vote based on beliefs held in the bible, and some (not all) of those beliefs are despicable and immoral? If you are the friend, then your atheist friend is trying to convince you that believing in a religion is harmful to you and certainly others and chances are higher that he'll convince you of that rather than other people he doesn't know.
Also, you said "Mass", so if you happen to be Catholic, there's a huge reason he would try to convince you that at least your faith in the Catholic church needs to be erased immediately, and he may not really care about whether you believe in some higher power.

>> No.10094335

The Sumerian "Epic of Gilgamesh" is more ancient than biblical mathematicians can account for and has a flood story that is an earlier version of the same thing with parallels in numbers and types of birds and shit.

>> No.10094348

After Jesus dies. He goes to "Hades" and kicks down the gates. It's in the part after Jesus dies. Hades is referring to a person.(not a place.) a Greek god that has no business in the Bible, but there it is. My god can beat up your god.

>> No.10094365

Same dude that posted like thirteen legit things here. Vote? Common dude! Let's be fair. Everyone is a dumbass in one way or another. They might be right and you might be wrong. We are never going to know that. Live and let live. We have to find common ground to be an influence.

>> No.10094378

Allegorical garden of Eden: god allow eternal life so long as they do not eat of the tree of knowledge. God wants us to be stupid slaves? Snake brings knowledge. This is a stretch but all over the place in the Bible: god is love, knowledge, light. In the beginning god said let there be light. The name "Lucifer" means "the bringer of light" god is the bad guy (who is Satan) the great deceiver who makes people believe that he is god. God loves you and wants you to think for yourself. The book of Isaiah prophesy about the coming messiah and mentions Lucifer. Google bible concordance. There are very few mentions of the name.

>> No.10094381

You can't. They believe it on faith and no amount of proof will change their mind.

>> No.10094385

The Old Testament books were readily available to Jesus and when he rode a donkey into town, patting his head and rubbing his stomach, smoking a cigar. Or whatever the messiah prophets said was going to happen. He did it knowing full well what he was supposed to do in order to fulfill prophesy. If you were there, you could have done it first. I guess he hat some balls. Probably the right man for the job. Not his fault. Spanish Inquisition and witch hunts and all.

>> No.10094392

My mind was changed. The more I read, the more I smelled bullcrap. Most of them do not read cover to cover. If they did there would be more like me. I try to fit religion into a scientific view. Not the other way around. They are not idiots, any more than than the rest.

>> No.10094403

This is an important one. I'm like half of the last 25 posts. Have I found my calling to deprogram bible thumpers? Should I fuck off? Any church people want to take me on?>>10093382
Hope this helped OP. You can't win by fighting.

>> No.10094408

>liking science as a believer

>> No.10094413

They'll just say that religion =/= bible

Bible isn't internally consistent. Done.
The bible has claims X, Y, and Z, that conflict even with each other. You are forced to either cherry pick, or repudiate it all.


>> No.10094426

Science and religion are both looking for the same thing. No reason that cannot coexist. I do not think that any god that may exist is magic. Magic should not be used to answer unexplained questions. We are capable of thought.

>> No.10094428

And that makes them change?

>> No.10094433

No, really. JWs claim they're the only ones who believe in the whole bible (their special translation of it anyway) and that it's the final authority on everything. I'm pretty sure for one of them to say their religion was separate from the bible would be major heresy.

>> No.10094436 [DELETED] 

>The more I read

Of what? You post reeks of a 13 year trying to appear smarter than he really is.

>> No.10094437

If "science" was a book: it would have conflicting data. And it would be a big motherfucking book. It is amusing that even the christians think that Jehovah's Witnesses. Are bat shit. They have a magic Jew that walks on water and wakes the dead. But that's just crazy if the same magician visits the Native American.

>> No.10094439
File: 71 KB, 960x866, 1c69f102eda04fc12066669f595bb4a9a69276f7b74b6cf5d6d3791f66aeec16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are a dishonest faggot.
>an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason.
unfavorable to whom? the verse is saying: if the guys are faggots, therefore they should be put to death. no prejudice there.

>hate crimes
the would imply a lack of love, so being completely indifferent towards the other is a crime now? wow, so much for freedoms.

>to treat badly or abusively.

>to act or behave toward (a person) in some specified way:

>in a wicked, evil, or morally or legally wrong way.

>morally wrong or bad; immoral; wicked:
cutting yourself isn't bad/evil either, or cutting others for that matter.

>> No.10094440

>The more I read

Of what? Your post reeks like that of a 13 year old trying to appear smarter than he really is.

>> No.10094441

>Bible isn't internally consistent. Done.
>The bible has claims X, Y, and Z, that conflict even with each other. You are forced to either cherry pick, or repudiate it all.

You can say the same thing about history in general.

>> No.10094442

Oh. The Bible. "Read was past tense " fuck that word. I have read hawking, einstein, Descartes, William James. Quantum shit. Didn't understand most but I get the gist.

>> No.10094447

>I have read hawking, einstein, Descartes, William James. Quantum shit. Didn't understand most but I get the gist.

Why the fuck are you here if you're a brainlet that doesn't even know basic science?

>> No.10094453
File: 39 KB, 1920x1200, 1431549554616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have read hawking, einstein, Descartes, William James. Quantum shit. Didn't understand most but I get the gist.

>>>/g/et >>>/out/

>> No.10094455

yeah but no one pretended that history was the word of god

>> No.10094461

Only Muslims believe their book came down from heaven (to an illiterate man).

>> No.10094463

Maybe I know enough and I'm not arrogant enough to pass your test. The OP wants to convince some religious person that they are wrong. I can do that with one eye closed. You ain't got the market cornered on science.