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10090607 No.10090607 [Reply] [Original]

Do you go to office hours?

>> No.10090621

if one more of you undergrad shitheads email me telling me you're coming to my office hours and then fucking dont, im going to fucking flip. 2nd week in a mother fucking row, i could be taking a fucking nap but noooo, "i was too nervous to email you saying i wasnt coming" like what the fuck.

>> No.10090622
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but grad students and professors are intimidating

>> No.10090624

What the fuck are office hours. I have two degrees and never once did i attend anything but lectures.

>> No.10090627

One time when I discussed something about an exam.

>> No.10090628

>Willingly interacting with people
Whoah buddy slow down.

>> No.10090632
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>that guy who goes to office hours because he's lonely
haha what a loser right

>> No.10090654

just email saying you're not coming! ill never understand this weird fear about emailing professors or grad students, we see tons of emails a day

>> No.10090946

at my old uni b4 i graduated we had an enineering lounge for undergrads to go study if they wanted. It was babysat by TAs on rotating schedules so you could show up basically whenever and have someone to ask questions to. I went sometimes and it helped, i did graduate.

>> No.10091047

I used to yes. In order to get anything out of office hours, you need to have defined questions to problems you are having. Showing up to office hours just to show up can be less than beneficial.

>> No.10091051

Yes, even though I rarely need help outside of the lectures and self studying. I pretend to be dumber than I am or come up with questions so that I can "learn" and engage with the professor. Aside from doing research / helping run a lower level section it's really the only way to get a letter of recommendation at a large university.

>> No.10091284

No. It's been worse than useless ime.

>> No.10091305

The only time I ever went to office hours was when I took a course with a completely incompetent pajeet TA and received a 60% on an exam because he was marking a 300-level theory course by a rubric and you got 0 on any question that deviated from the official solution.
I left the prof's office with a 100.

>> No.10091317

I don't think I understand the concept of office hours. Whenever I had questions about course material, I always either just asked about it immediately after a lecture, or knocked on a door whenever it seemed the relevant professor wasn't busy.

>> No.10091333

Office hours are more valuable in non-STEM courses because in soft areas or humanities your professor's opinions are significantly more relevant and less easily replaced by a search engine.
For STEM courses office hours is for either extremely lazy brainlets or that one turbo-stacy who sits at the front of every class and can't understand anything without having a 30 minute chat about it.

>> No.10091334

Do your fucking work you lazy nigger

>> No.10091342

Even in those non-STEM areas though, what is the purpose of the scheduled hours? Why not just talk to the professor whenever is vaguely convenient at the water cooler?

>> No.10091351

>what is the purpose of the scheduled hours?
Because the professor is very busy and many of the students are also busy so they can't walk by his office every hour to see if he's available.
It makes in-person meeting with the professor vastly less of a logistical headache for everybody if he just blocks off two or three hours a week as designated question hours.

>> No.10091354

Hm, I can't say I've had this problem, but I can see it being practical in some cases.

>> No.10091372

>once per week office hours
>don't smoke weed from 4-6 before office hours
>go to office hours
>don't smoke weed from 6-7 for office hours
>nobody comes
fuck undergrads

>> No.10091377

>being a TA
just RA bro

>> No.10091471

I mean when you work through some problems, you can usually see what part you are stuck on. Once I've developed a bit of a relationship with a prof, I'll go into office hours and quietly work on hw until I get stuck or come up with a question. I also like to drop in if I see my classmates in the office, just to see what their questions are. Even if it's something I already know, it never hurts to see my prof explain it again.

>> No.10091619

I don't think I've ever asked a question during office hours. I just drop to my favourite professor's office whenever I feel like chatting. He's a nice guy. Always gives me coffee and he bought me lunch and a beer once. Stays in school until 9 o'clock because he hates his wife.

>> No.10091626
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>> No.10091693

first time i attended one was sophomore year to ask for the answer to a worked example in class of a problem type the textbook only mentioned once

it was on the exam and i got it wrong on account of the textbook not having it and having to rely on solely the professor

only now do i regularly attend because my and my friend will spend time in office hours conversing with the pchem prof

>> No.10091726

I genuinely don't know what you're trying to convey, friend.

>> No.10091771

But my professors office is empty what do I do?

>> No.10091784

I wish I was friends with my profs

>> No.10092123

>I could be taking a nap

Bad grad student alert. You should be overwhelmed with the amount of work you have to do that you couldn't possibly have time for a break


>> No.10092126

> not smoking weird during office hours
Let me guess, 3rd year grad student?

>> No.10092134

Have you tried talking to him?

>> No.10092191

>Gatwick express
enjoy getting raped by mudslimes

>> No.10092230
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Word is bond you double nigger
if you say you will do something, then by hell or high fucking water, you shall do it

>> No.10092235

This so much
If you know you can't make it, just fucking tell the other person like a human fucking being

>> No.10092499

Claim the office.

>> No.10092511

nah i skip labs and office hours then i contact my TA and tell him i need to meet for help

>> No.10092541

Last few times I tried, they were taken up by people basically making hour long small talk, I just did some homework while waiting.
Eventually left when there was just like 5 minutes left since I wouldn't get anything productive done with them.
In my experience, office hours are for people who don't need them. Just set up something by email.

>> No.10092555


>> No.10092559

Last time I showed up I got the campus security called on me.

>> No.10092560

>go to office hour
>prof isn't there
>wait the entire hour
>he doesn't show up
>email him
This is normal right?

>> No.10092578

yeah and then if he tells me to find him in lab and office hours (which he chose partially based on my input of when i'd be free) then i complain to the professor that he's not being helpful to me and insinuate that it might be racism and sexism against white males

>> No.10092606

>taking courses with tenured profs
brain bulls seek out the lowliest adjuncts you can find so they will suck your dick and inflate your grades for a good teaching review

>> No.10092620


>> No.10092643

>we see tons of emails a day
I had a professor who flipped out on the whole class because she received 70 emails in a 24 hours period.

>> No.10092669

now I do, and boy do I pester the profs/TAs, earn your money, cunts

>> No.10092676


>> No.10092703

>ok so you guys sent me so many emails over the weekend so I stopped reading them
>if you guys send me too many emails im not gonna read any of them