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1008831 No.1008831 [Reply] [Original]

Atheists: where you get your morality from? A rock?

If society deemed child rape and murder to be acceptable, would you be out there joining the ranks of Dahmer?

>> No.1008836

If the bible deemed child rape and murder to be acceptable, would you be out there joining the ranks of Dahmer?

>> No.1008833

>sage and reported.

>> No.1008837

If society deemed child rape and murder to be not acceptable, would you be out there joining the ranks of Dahmer?

>> No.1008849

If society deemed herp and derp to be durr, would you like to be out there or most like to be joining?

>> No.1008851
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ITT: What /b/tards think they create with this shitflood
You guys have no class or cleverness, just brute force and numbers. The barbarian class of trolls, if you will

>> No.1008854

No! Murder is wrong!

>> No.1008857

golden rule.

>> No.1008863
File: 120 KB, 600x431, atheism.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1008879

atheists are desperate and commit suicide very often

Funny how the path of rationalism and objective thinking leads to destruction really

>> No.1008885

>implying I can' feel empathy

>> No.1008887
File: 70 KB, 768x952, 1272856139567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>commit suicide very often

Source or gtfo.

Did you know that religious men are many times more likely to commit violent crimes than atheists? Particularly Christians and Muslims. Unlike you, though, I'm actually providing a source.

>> No.1008888

Christians are desperate and trolls commit suicide very often

Funny how the paths of trollism and clouded thinking equally leads to FUCKING IGNORING A REALLY SUFFICIENT ANSWER ( >>1008857 ) AND KEEP TROLLING FOR IT.

3/10 would give you a 4/10 if you wouldn't spent so much effort while being saged to death.

>> No.1008886

Oh yes, I forget sometimes, christians have absolutely no self control or willpower.

>> No.1008891

>>1008879 atheists are desperate and commit suicide very often

Provide supporting evidence or GTFO of my /sci/

>> No.1008896

Hey, hey, I may live in an amoral godless universe, but i'm still gonna be good anyways.

>> No.1008910
File: 171 KB, 936x1128, 1272984526156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Christian Morals

> Troll Harder OP

>> No.1008912

We athiests generally get our morailty according to judeo-christian morality OP, we just don't beleive your religious crap anymore than we do the beliefs of your average sub-saharan witch doctor.

>> No.1008938
File: 15 KB, 281x400, socrates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1008912 We athiests generally get our morailty according to judeo-christian morality

All the judeo christian morality which isn't complete bullshit (don't murder, steel, rape) existed long before either of these religions. Don't encourage christfags into thinking they invented morality.

>> No.1008941

animals dont believe in god, dont go to church.
animals also dont kill each other without a reason.

so, christians need god thretening them, else they would go crazy and rape/murder everything in sight? ... says a lot about those people.

>> No.1008942

Yet but we Christians....evolved it

>> No.1008946

>animals also dont kill each other without a reason.

Yes they do you hippy. Dolphins kill for fun.

>> No.1008949

To my knowledge, most atheists were born under some religion, but eventually decided to stop following it. Which isn't necessarily bad. I assume this is where they get their morals, & others get their morals from society.

Either way, even though tabletop games often have their made-up gods & whatnot, I'm pretty sure this isn't /tg/ related, since it's just a flat-out "Atheists vs Theists" thread.

Thusly, sage.

>> No.1008961


>> No.1008966


Goddamnit, I'm seriously not thinking right tonight, am I? Sorry, thought this was /tg/. Nonetheless, I stand by the points I made, excluding saying this being irrelevant to the board.

Sage because I don't think I'm contributing anything other than a self-correction with this post.

>> No.1008972

your mom.

>> No.1008985

>implying fun isn't a good reason to kill

>> No.1008986

I get my morality from my upbringing and parents, leading a life essentially lacking in any religious family figure except for an aunt who was a nun. I've been taught what is right and wrong, circumstances and reactions, and there's been no God involved at all.

So, that's me.

>> No.1008991

The golden rule + empathy.

The bible doesn't stop catholic priests or fundamentalist christians from sinning anyway.

>> No.1009005

golden rule is enough for anything.

>> No.1009012

As much as /sci/ may hate the social sciences, it's well known that family is plays the most vital role in the development of morals. Religion is pretty irrelevant seeing as two christian families can have completely different morals and this is demonstrable.

>> No.1009014

dont do to others what you wouldnt like beeing done to you. you dont need god for that one.

also, catholics - childmolestation, moslems - terrorism, hinduism - crazy yogis, anglo. protestants - king making religion to fuck another wife lol, american fundies - bomb abortionclinic.

theres dirt on everyone.

>> No.1009017

Sad but true. And you just know they're giggling to themselves like autistic rhesuses, too.

>> No.1009021

Obvious troll thread so the sage is well deserved. No wait this shit isn't /sci/ related at all even if OP was serious

>> No.1009025

Sure I would, if a good enough argument came up for it.

>> No.1009045

oh whats that bible?
slavery is ok?
nice onnnne

>> No.1009053

>theres dirt on everyone.
You're doing atheists a disservice by leaving them out, then.
I have to assume you're a thinly veiled troll.

>> No.1009062

everyone includes, .....wait for it.... everyone!

>> No.1009102
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>> No.1009122

If child rape and murder were imperative for the survival of the species, then sure.

Morality is always subjective.