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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10087296 No.10087296 [Reply] [Original]

>It is believed the monkeys had armed themselves with bricks they had collected earlier from a run down building nearby
>Villagers have repeatedly complained that aggressive monkeys in the area have made their lives hell, but the animals are a protected species so little can be done.
>Mr Singh's family has lodged a formal complaint and named monkeys as the accused but police insisted they cannot prosecute monkeys and have declared Mr Singh’s death was an accident.
>Deadly attacks by monkeys have been on rise throughout the country
>Back in 2007 the deputy mayor of India's capital of Delhi died after being attacked by a horde of wild monkeys.

Would you support genociding an emerging intelligent species that despises humans and uses tools with murderous intent?

Cavemen probably wouldn't fuck around and would kill such animals. What if most monkeys were on the evolutionary path of creating and using tools, but the dominant intelligent species (humans) just won't let them?

>> No.10087299

I'd be ok with killing most of them and keeping the rest in captivity to study.

>> No.10087303

I saw a video once of one of these monkeys leaping along and it leapt right off a cliff. It was hilarious. Anyone got any more like that?

>> No.10087310

If there were no other solution I would support genocide. Would it be possible to just relocate most of them somewhere remote and let them continue to develop on their own?

>> No.10087317

>Would it be possible to just relocate most of them somewhere remote and let them continue to develop on their own?
It would be interesting to study, but it would put humanity at risk. Imagine the future where you walk around a forest and a macaque 360noscopes you with a bow

>> No.10087320

I'd be ok with that, it would make life more interesting. Like having random encounters with a band of Kobolds wielding their shitty weapons.

>> No.10087328
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>Kidnap baby
>Throw it in the fucking well

What if monkeys plan on replacing Pajeets in India

>> No.10087329

didn't mean to quote >>10087320 but we should probably breed monkeys for wooden weapon wielding and making real life RPGs possible.

>> No.10087363

Anything that can be a proper threat should definitely be exterminated

>> No.10087365

We have the same problem here in America too. Our very own breed of apes the Africanus-Americanus nigger is also a protected species an they're responsible for the death of many American citizens every year amongst other offences.
Whenever particularly aggressive members of this species are put down in self defense, mass protests ensues.

>> No.10087401

>macaques start inventing boats and try to leave their island
>nuclear carpet bomb them
>macaques can no longer start inventing bombs and try to leave their island
You really underappreciate how huge our technological advantage is. Fuck, we could capture some and experiment with biological anti macaque weapons, it takes millennia to catch up to the human race

>> No.10087402

Nothing would change.

>> No.10087403

It would be a significant improvement in Indian programming ability

>> No.10087451

What if they find a smartphone and connect to the internet? It took us millenia to research shit, but the macaques would be spoonfed in a matter of years.

>> No.10087471

This. I expected the idiots on /sci/ to mostly be treehuggers that wish no harm on a single monkey no matter how many humans get brutally killed.

>> No.10087496

And they learned human language, how?

>> No.10087551

watching youtube

>> No.10087633

shitposting on /sci/

>> No.10087672
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>cavemen probably wouldn't fuck around
well why do you think we're the only representatives of the homo genus

>> No.10087680

No, monkeys/any other lifeform have more of a right to live than any small subset of humanity.
Genocide is only a justifiable response in retaliation to genocide. A few monkeys killing some random people every year is completely fine.

>> No.10087698
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>t. moncuck

>> No.10087706 [DELETED] 

They blew it when they didn't kill all of the villagers.

The future we need.

>> No.10087812
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What if there's a macaque reading this right now?

>> No.10087938
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That might be difficult.

>> No.10087941

>Cavemen probably wouldn't fuck around and would kill such animals
>well why do you think we're the only representatives of the homo genus
Good points. This is like getting rid of capital punishment, which every civilization through history has basically had until recently. Capital punishment tamed a civilized population; anybody who was too wildly out there and aggressive and competitive was GENETICALLY SELECTED AGAINST. Things might get dangerously barbaric in the next centuries if we want to keep believing in human rights and rehabilitating criminals; there's gonna be a tipping point one way or the other, total barbarism or total transhumanism.

>> No.10087943

I agree. We should kill all humans. They’re so dangerous.

>> No.10087950

you're just not allowed kill them, no-one said anything about not fighting back
I'd show those monkeys who's boss with my bare hands (just enough to scare them)

>> No.10088002

I support the monkey genocide of pajeets

>> No.10088035

based and redpilled

>> No.10088319

India is overpopulated anyway.

>> No.10088326

Black people can end up in jail so why not monkeys?

>> No.10088347

Black people commit more crime than monkeys

>> No.10088349 [DELETED] 

This, it's witty and cool to consider people of recent African descent to be essentially monkeys, so we should put literal monkeys in jail with them so they can return to their natural environment and build up a real good jungle ruckus.

>> No.10088367

Like niggers and muslimsk

>> No.10088377

>Having this much trouble killing a monkey.

>> No.10088391

Search "monkey dying" on Youtube. There's a whole community dedicated to those videos.

>> No.10088392
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What if the macaques are the ones shitposting and lowering the board quality

>> No.10088401 [DELETED] 

It just brought up police shootings for me.

>> No.10089085

Capital punishment was never utilized at a rate nearly high enough or a method effective enough to be a selection pressure on a population you fucking idiot
Stop trying to draw such wild conclusions when you clearly don't have any idea what the fuck you're talking about

>> No.10089137
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Macaque here. He's right. You're all fucked.

>> No.10089232

Sopa de macaco guy was right all along and did nothing wrong.

>> No.10089290

Rather they'd just kill the violent ones until that recent tendency is bred out of them. Also get the Indian government to stop fucking feeding them. They have a bizarre cultural hangup with monkeys specifically. All this didn't just happen naturally.

>> No.10089297

fuck off back to >>>/pol/

>> No.10089302

>Villagers have repeatedly complained that aggressive monkeys in the area have made their lives hell, but the animals are a protected species so little can be done.

At that point ... fuck the law. This calls for war. We’ve intentionally exterminated species for less.

>> No.10089304

thing is, they win most of the arguments too

>> No.10089339

>/pol/ and /r9k/ are macaque boards
It fucking makes sense if you think about it.

>> No.10089341

If it were a chimp it would've just torn off his limbs and ate his face.

>> No.10089589

Why not play god with these monkeys, and try to deliberately evolve them into some a species that could challenge humanity within the shortest possible time frame ?


>> No.10089600

Why would we want to challenge ourselves though? Nothing good could come of that.

>> No.10089628

> cave men would have killed them

Ok but early humans were on par with other animals. Even if they were better/stronger/more advanced, they were on a fairly relatable technology level, not too far from raccoons washing food.

Killing them in our current state would be equivalent to a malevolent god eradicating the dissident for fun.

At the risk of being a libtardian eco-cuck, I think we should avoid killing endangered wild animals whenever there is another option. We're kind of fucking them hard enough already.

>> No.10089633

I don't know. In my country I'd have no problem killing the whole group if they killed my family. They should probably think about some response. I'd think putting them in a zoo or reservation may be reasonable enough. Murdering creatures shouldn't be allowed to roam free in close proximity to villagers.
It is an oversight if they don't respond.

>> No.10089635

>anon doesn't believe in challenging themselves.
>this is why anon probably hasn't finished grad school.

>> No.10089642

I agree, I'm an avid /out/ist and I mean, the shoot on sight policy regarding curious bears seems unreasonable until faced with such a bear.
But from my understanding, the man was elderly, not really prime defensive capability, and walking alone. I don't think this would have happened if at least one of these things were different.

If we kill everything that interferes with human convenience, we've going to end up with a barren planet. If they have aggressive monkey's, they should give them a reasonable breadth and only take action if they start expanding.

>> No.10089645

You think a brick falling from the height of a tree branch isn't more than enough to kill a 7 feet tall Chad?

>> No.10089648

I think a 7 foot Chad might have noticed the monkey positioning himself to drop the brick.

>> No.10089650

Are you saying the monkeys selected a weak target to send a message? I am more inclined to kill them all now.
I am guessing the monkeys are becoming aggressive because of environmental factors and it is likely they actually need a new space. They are following a behavior that can't go unchecked. Move the town or move the monkeys or the only outcome will be the villagers killing the monkeys at some point.

>> No.10089675

You're making some good points, I concede

>> No.10089685

>Villagers have repeatedly complained that aggressive monkeys in the area have made their lives hell, but the animals are a protected species so little can be done.
so basically these monkeys are women

>> No.10089692

They need to give these stormnigger NPCs a bit more variety in their dialogue, shit gets so samey after 2-3 encounters.

>> No.10089699

What's worse, being the apex hominid that just got 420 Brickscoped by a weak-tier monkey that your Chadpanzee cousins would literally eat for breakfast or being the son who has to find a way to cope with losing his father to a literal primate drive-by?

>> No.10089706
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Losing my Dad in such a senseless way would make me lose my fucking mind. Before his body has even been put in the ground I'd be carrying out a rage-fueled Goblin Slayer LARP against macaquekind.

>> No.10089709

Only edgelords put animals before their own species.

>> No.10089721


of course I support killing an animal who has killed a human, why should let them go away with it?

>> No.10089779
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It's called Africa m8

>> No.10089923

XD epic joke

>> No.10091467


>> No.10091495

I'd expect libertarian faggots like you to laud the monkeys for doing gods work by removing any retard retarded enough to be killed my monkeys from the human gene pool.

>> No.10091498

I agree. monkeys doing gods work removing poo

>> No.10091505

I put fucking opossums above you, but you are above rats/mice

>> No.10091553

niBBa the fuck are you talking about? In Continental Europe from the Renaissance onwards sure capital punishment was uncommon but in the pre-Roman Fertile Crescent punishments that effectively enfeebled (and therefore damned to a life of poverty/nonbreeding) those convicted were the absolute norm. Basically if you stole something you couldn't pay ten times over for and got caught you were fucked to a life of beggary, let alone if you were generally violent. Especially if irrational violence is already uncommon due to selections during our tribal period, the irrationally violent were absolutely fucked from basically the development of civilization to the invention of the insane asylum.

>> No.10091571


>> No.10091918

>dog kills someone
>gets put down
>monkey kills someone
>lives to kill another day

>> No.10092038

the virgin elderly Pajeet vs the perceptive Chad

Dogs don't plan ahead, they act on impulse. The monkey obviously planned that shit some time ahead, since bricks don't grow on trees. One day it literally looked at Pajeets face and thought "God damn I'd love to smash that dirty human's face with a fucking brick". It deserves capital punishment.

>> No.10092044

>deputy mayor of India's capital of Delhi died after being attacked by a horde of wild monkeys

Good Lord I'd shoot every monkey I saw from that day on.

>> No.10092482

let get a little smarter first. we could use the competition.

>> No.10092485

That's why we should domesticate them instead. Create a population of placid and tamed monkeys to be more favorably selected over the wild and societically unacceptable monkeys.

BTW, pet trade is a super underrated conservation strategy.

>> No.10092487

you'll kill the slow ones or the ones that throw rocks